Chapter 2548 Intense struggle

"Director Chen, why do you have to deal with it like this?" At the shooting scene of "Salvation", Director Zhang stood behind Chen Kangjie and asked everything on the scene.

"This is to be more realistic. Although Hollywood attaches great importance to special effects, special effects are not omnipotent. Some parts still need to be presented realistically." Chen Kangjie looked back at Director Zhang and replied.

Director Zhang came from Beijing to Xichuan to report to Chen Kangjie on the progress of preparations for the Olympic opening ceremony.At the same time, let's learn how they shoot such a big-budget movie.

There is still a big gap between domestic films and Hollywood. On the one hand, of course, there is a technical gap. On the other hand, it is thinking.

Of course, funds are a big limitation. Many grand scenes must be built with funds. None of the props, sets, personnel, costumes, etc. can be separated from the support of funds.

"Oh, so that's it, Director Chen, how to control the way and direction of the collapse of this house, it's not easy."

"Of course, this requires precise calculations, and this requires a professional team. Why do we have so many people on the crew? In fact, we have to respect professionalism. Although the cost will be higher, it still exists. It's worth it. How is it? Are you planning to stay for two more days?" Chen Kangjie stood up and walked towards the rest area of ​​the studio.

The set of "Rescue" is like a big camp. Not only are there more than a dozen RVs specially provided for the use of the main actors, but also some simple board houses are built, and the basic necessities of the staff can be solved here.Even the rest area on the set looks simple, but it provides quite a lot of services. There are various drinks and snacks provided to the crew for free.

These are not Chen Kangjie's intentional ostentation, but the movies that have invested heavily in Hollywood are basically equipped like this.

Military operations pay attention to food and grass first, and this is not the case in filming movies. The full guarantee of logistics can allow all staff to devote themselves to work without any worries.

Director Zhang has been here for two days. During these two days, he stayed here to observe carefully. In addition to communicating with Chen Kangjie, he also communicated with other actors and staff.

Although the time is free for two days, Director Zhang feels that he has learned a lot, even some that he has never been exposed to before.

If allowed, Director Zhang would like to stay here as a director's assistant for a long time, but that is obviously not practical, and he also has a lot of important work to do.

When Chen Kangjie went to the capital to make a statement, it is reasonable to talk to the director and discuss the content of the Olympic opening ceremony, but his own time is also very tight, hundreds of people on the production team are waiting for him, so He didn't stay too long in the capital. After meeting Zhao Zhibang, Chen Kangjie came back.

Chen Kangjie personally came forward to express his feelings, did it have any effect?Of course there is, but whether it has played a fundamental role in promoting it has become a question.

In his busy schedule, Zhao Zhibang took an hour to have an in-depth discussion with Chen Kangjie. In that hour, Chen Kangjie convinced Zhao Zhibang that Zhao Zhibang supported Chen Kangjie's views to a certain extent. However, after the incident, there was no special document from the central government to say Encourage such a thing.

Later, Chen Kangjie heard that during the discussion, many central leaders did not agree to take any obvious measures. Their reason was that it would affect the good situation of development and cause panic among the people.

The most critical point is that so far, no one can say with [-]% certainty when and where a major earthquake will occur, and scientists lack corresponding data support.

And there is another reason for those who oppose it, that is, if such an earthquake does happen, the affected area will make it difficult for the neighboring provinces to survive. Don't develop in the past few years?Should all major investment projects be temporarily frozen, otherwise who will be responsible for the losses?

In a word, those people do not support paying a big order for a prediction that is not known to happen until the Year of the Monkey.That is simply making fun of the country's stable development.

In this situation, although Zhao Zhibang has a tendency, he can't force it.

This matter also reflected a subtle fact, that is, although Zhao Zhibang had ascended to the position of supreme leader, his power was greatly constrained, and his prestige was not strong enough to a certain extent.Otherwise, such a thing that benefits the country and the people should not have such a big resistance.

Of course, this incident also shows that Chen Kangjie is not mature enough. He thinks things are a bit simple, thinking that as long as Zhao Zhibang is persuaded, Zhao Zhibang can integrate his forces and promote it from top to bottom.

Chen Kangjie did not expect that such a seemingly simple matter would involve such a complicated game. There are old and new powers, factions, and between various provinces. Not only political power, but also many Economic power is involved.

In the final analysis, everyone's considerations and choices have their own reasons. It is difficult to say who is completely right and who is completely wrong. The real core part is that that thing has not happened yet. Currently, only some people say that he may Happened, no one stood up to vouch for it.

So far, with a population of 13 billion in the country, the only one who can guarantee it is Chen Kangjie, but Chen Kangjie can't jump out and guarantee that what will happen.Can Chen Kangjie say that I came from time travel, have I experienced that era?Can't.But if you can't say that, how much persuasiveness does Chen Kangjie have?

Chen Kangjie persuaded He Baoguo, which attracted Zhao Zhibang's attention. Among them, he cut in more from the perspective of family and country feelings and political pursuits. The real scientific arguments, like Chen Kangjie, are very pale.

Yes, academician Yang Hongyuan is on Chen Kangjie's side to a certain extent, but what about the others?The National Geophysical Research Center and Academician Yang Hongyuan are not the only ones who study geology and geophysics in China.

Chen Kangjie can't jump out and convince the thousands of researchers who are doing related research across the country. If that's the case, he might as well directly point out that he came from time travel.

If the central government has not reached a unified opinion, it is impossible to give Xichuan Province a unified and positive policy.

However, facing so much resistance, Zhao Zhibang still adopted a roundabout way to express his attitude.

Not long after Chen Kangjie went to him to make a statement, Zhao Zhibang came to Xichuan for a work inspection. During the inspection, economic and social development was of course the focus, but he also specially reported to the Xichuan Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government at the report meeting. It is emphasized that it is necessary to do a good job in the prevention and protection of geological disasters and related natural disasters.The lives and property of the people are above all else. Xichuan Province, as an area prone to geological disasters, must attach great importance to this aspect of work, and special measures must be taken to implement it.

What Zhao Zhibang said is universally applicable, but he didn't say it when he inspected other provinces and departments, so it has a special meaning.For the rest, it depends on how Xichuan Province implements the spirit of the leader's speech. You can implement it to the letter, or you can be sloppy. Anyway, smart people already know his attitude.

If it hadn't been blocked by the central government, Zhao Zhibang might not have done this.To be honest, his behavior will bring some kind of controversy.

But as the supreme leader, what would Zhao Zhibang feel if his intentions were not implemented?He went to Xichuan to say such a thing, and it has actually become not a question of whether to support Chen Kangjie, but an important part of his behavior to consolidate his own authority.

In other words, the central government did not explicitly support it, but your province can do it yourself, because no one jumped out to oppose it.

Zhao Zhibang's inspection this time was meant to encourage him.

The consolidation of power can be done from the top down or from the bottom up.If Xichuan Province responded and implemented it, it could be regarded as Zhao Zhibang's victory to a certain extent, and his rights would be further consolidated.

Zhao Zhibang left Xichuan on the front foot, but Xichuan was blown up on the back foot.

Any fool could see that Zhao Zhibang was here to give He Baoguo a platform.Zhou Yongfu in the province is not from Zhao Zhibang, but He Baoguo is, and he is the kind with a deep impression.

Ever since, the struggle between Zhou Yongfu and He Baoguo became intense.

It was impossible for Zhao Zhibang to explicitly encourage He Baoguo to fight, but he certainly didn't want He Baoguo to be too meek and cowardly.

With Zhao Zhibang's support, He Baoguo and Zhou Yongfu had a back-and-forth confrontation at the provincial committee meeting, but of course neither of them succumbed to the other.Zhou Yongfu did not suppress He Baoguo, nor did He Baoguo gain an obvious advantage.

Zhou Yongfu is about to retire. He obviously doesn't dare to offend Zhao Zhibang, but that doesn't mean he will be sincere.What's more, in order to stop this matter, he also asked the leaders above, how could he turn around at this time?

Therefore, even if Zhao Zhibang came to inspect and said some cryptic words, Zhou Yongfu still argued hard, as long as he didn't give up his position, he could only resist stubbornly.

As a result, there was a scene of weird moves. The provincial party committee did not reach a consensus, and the provincial government simply did it by itself.

With Zhao Zhibang's support, He Baoguo has already attracted a group of people, especially in the provincial government. In addition to the executive deputy governor who slickly expressed his neutrality, the deputy governor of the Standing Committee and the other three deputy governors also stood on the sidelines. his side.

One of He Baoguo's most obvious actions was to set up a leading group for disaster prevention and control in the provincial government, and he himself served as the group leader.

Why didn't He Baoguo add the word "earthquake" to the name of the group?This is also where he has some concerns.He Baoguo had to reserve a way out for himself.The disaster prevention and control leading group is aimed at various disasters. The provincial government attaches great importance to this work, which is justified in the world.

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