Chapter 2549

"No, I plan to go back tomorrow. Although I really want to learn more about Hollywood's shooting modes and techniques, but the things over there are also very important and cannot be left behind for a long time." As the executive director, Director Zhang still knows which one is better. Which is more important.

Chen Kangjie couldn't leave him alone, and if such an important task was entrusted to him, he would not be able to live up to Chen Kangjie's expectations and high hopes.

"Combine work and rest, don't put too much pressure on yourself, there are still three years, relatively speaking, time is sufficient. At that time, I will give you a copy of my shooting highlights. There is no difference between us, just absorb each other Let's improve each other." Chen Kangjie tapped on the table lightly, as a kind of thanks to the staff who served the tea.

"Even so, the workload is still huge, and you're not here. I'm not going to keep an eye on it. I'm afraid it won't work. By the way, Director Chen, please give us some feedback. Our funds are currently short. Can you ask the higher-ups to allocate 5000 to us first?" Wan’s funds. Related costumes and props should be designed and produced now.”

If you want to do all the work well, you can't do it without money.

"No problem, I'll make a call later, no matter what problems or difficulties you encounter, you can tell me at any time, and I will help you solve it as soon as possible...Luo Fuman, what's the matter? "As soon as Chen Kangjie looked up, he saw the assistant director Luo Fuman, who was wearing a cowboy hat, walking over unhappy.

"Long, I suggest that Song Xuebing be replaced, she is not suitable." Luo Fuman threw the script on a table next to him, pulled it up and sat down next to Chen Kangjie and said.

Song Xuebing is the second female lead in Chen Kangjie's movie. In China, she is considered a first-line artist, and her acting skills are good, so Chen Kangjie asked her to play the second female lead.

For some reason, Roffman expressed dissatisfaction with the actress.

"You asked us to prepare for the scene where they slide down the hill, but that Song Xuebing told me to find him a substitute. You know that scene, there is no danger at all... .”

"Well, I know that actresses are afraid of danger and damage to their appearance, so they want to find a substitute to share the risk... It makes sense, why bother?" Chen Kangjie said this, but it didn't mean that he He has no objection to Song Xuebing, but Luo Fuman is an American, and Chen Kangjie has to say a few words for his compatriots no matter what.

Today's celebrities, whether they are male or female, like to find a substitute. If they move a little more or show off a little, they simply use the substitute to do it for them.And there are many types of substitutes, such as waist substitutes, hand substitutes, chest substitutes, face substitutes and so on.

Before being reborn, Chen Kangjie had heard of exaggerated opinions. A famous actress in China actually had six doubles in one scene.

This kind of person is not to mention whether the play is good or not, whether it is in place or not, but with that kind of professionalism, Chen Kangjie looks down on him.An actor, whether it's physical performance or verbal expression, is originally the content of the actor's work. If everything is done by a double, what value and significance does the actor have?

Chen Kangjie didn't act much by himself, but even for some dangerous actions, he didn't find a substitute, but completed it by himself.

To put it bluntly, even Chen Kangjie didn't use a double, and the rest of them really didn't have the qualifications to use a double.In terms of value, any part of Chen Kangjie's body is worth more than them.

"Long, if it's just like this, then it's okay, but you can't think of it, she can't even complete the lines, she actually told me to find her a voice to complete it, what is this like? There is no way to use actors at all." Luo Fuman said with righteous indignation.

Luo Fuman is the kind of American character, he will not be tactful and roundabout, nor does he "do not let the family ugliness be publicized" because of the presence of director Zhang, on the contrary, he is very straightforward and says something.

It has not been a day or two since everyone has known and cooperated. Chen Kangjie understands this kind of personality of Americans, so he doesn't care.

In fact, Director Zhang was confused about the dialogue between Chen Kangjie and Luo Fuman. The two of them communicated completely in English, and Director Zhang just had a very good level of expression in foreign languages, so he basically couldn't understand.

"Hehe, it's really interesting. My crew has come to play tricks." Chen Kangjie said with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

Chen Kangjie said this sentence in Chinese, so Director Zhang could understand it.

"Director Chen, what's going on, someone dares to play tricks on you? Who is it?" Director Zhang asked in surprise.

Chen Kangjie is not only the No. [-] brand in China, but also the No. [-] brand in the world, but now there are people playing big names under him. How can this not surprise Director Zhang, who is so short-sighted.

"Song Xuebing, not only did he act as a stand-in, hehe, he even asked us to prepare the dubbing. He can't even remember his lines. This kind of person..." Chen Kangjie explained.

At the end, Chen Kangjie just shook his head and didn't complete the sentence.

"Song Xuebing? I know her. She has been very popular in the country for the past two years. She belongs to the first-line actors, but even if it is her, it is really rare that you can give her a role. How can she not be interested?" Director Zhang said unfairly .

"Roffman, you tell Whitney that this matter will be handled by Whitney. The actress has been fired and told her to pack up and leave."

After Liu Deyi went to the Huatang Foundation, many times Chen Kangjie's assistant became Whitney who stayed by his side.

Fortunately, Whitney has made rapid progress, and she is already able to take over Liu Deyi's work.

Although Whitney has a great family behind her, she also gave Chen Kangjie a big gift, but Chen Kangjie did not give him special treatment.What should have been in the past, and what is still the case now, if you want to be an assistant, you have to do your duty.

Whitney gave Chen Kangjie the blueprint of the Raptor fighter jet. Chen Kangjie had already asked experts from Guohao Aircraft Company to study it. It should be true. In addition, the state-owned Tianfu Aircraft Company also sent relevant fighter aircraft research experts. They also affirmed the positive significance of the information.

With those design drawings as a reference, the design and development of domestic stealth fighters can be accelerated, and, on the basis of the Raptor fighter, improvements and enhancements have been made.

If there is no design drawing of the Raptor fighter, although the country has already begun to design and develop a new stealth fighter suitable for the 21st century, due to our lack of experience in the aviation industry, the time will be delayed, and the final performance of the aircraft will be delayed. , it may also be difficult to reach the world's most advanced level.

For this matter, Guohao Aircraft Company and Tianfu Aircraft Company are now engaged in some kind of competition.

Prior to this, Guohao Aircraft Company had never thought of developing fighter jets, at least it had never thought of investing in the field of fighter jets so soon.

But after having the drawings and materials of the Raptor fighter jet, Guohao Aircraft Company felt that it could not let go of this piece of fat.

Tianfu Aircraft Company is an important domestic fighter development enterprise, and they are responsible for the development of a new generation of stealth fighters.

Tianfu Company felt that Guohao Aircraft Company should hand over the design drawings to them, and let them lead the completion of the project.Guohao Aircraft Company also felt that it should not suffer too much. If they gave them the design drawings, it would be tantamount to making wedding dresses for them, and there would be no benefit for them.

Guohao Aircraft Co., Ltd. has a cooperative relationship with domestic aviation companies on the whole, but this does not mean that they have no competition.For example, Guohao Aircraft Company is developing a large aircraft. Once they are the first to succeed and meet the standards, they will inevitably seize orders from state-owned aircraft manufacturing companies.

For their cooperative and competitive relationship, Chen Kangjie didn't care about it, and left it to Long Depei and Situ Qiansen to take care of it all.

According to economic theory, maintaining a certain competitive relationship is actually a good thing for everyone, and mutual efficiency must be improved. Guohao Aircraft Company is like a wolf released on the grassland. Only this wolf exists, and those lambs will become faster and stronger.

Of course, in the end, it is best to disperse the power, and the dispersal of power is not good for anyone, but what kind of cooperative relationship they want to reach is up to them to negotiate and resolve it.Chen Kangjie will not exert any external force.

Chen Kangjie and Director Zhang just had a cup of tea when the actress named Song Xuebing angrily brought her assistant and manager to Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie's bodyguards were going to block them, but Chen Kangjie waved his hand and refused to let them go.He also wanted to see what Song Xuebing would say when he came to him.

"Director Chen, your assistant told me that I was fired. What's going on? Didn't we cooperate well? I gave up several plays for your play. I really don't understand. Where did I not act, okay?" Song Xuebing stood in front of Chen Kangjie, saying she was acting like a spoiled child rather than provoking a teacher.

To be honest, there is no artist in the entertainment industry who can question Chen Kangjie.It's impossible for Song Xuebing not to know Chen Kangjie's fame and status. If she had the face and tone of asking questions, she would be the one who would be more uncomfortable.

"Miss Song, did my assistant not explain it clearly to you, or did you really not understand?" Chen Kangjie looked up at the vase-like woman and asked.

"I...I really don't understand." Song Xuebing didn't speak smoothly, which meant that she didn't really understand.

"If you really don't understand, then you don't need to stay here, at least it means that your understanding and wisdom are very limited. You can go, I will find another actor to replace your role." Chen Kangjie waved his hand , said impatiently.

"Didn't I just want a substitute? As for that? Who in the country doesn't need a substitute? That action itself is very dangerous. Long, why can't you be more compassionate?"

"Are you proficient in your lines?"

"I... I can memorize it proficiently. You believe in my strength."

"I believe in your strength, but I don't believe in your character. Let's go. Go find them to shoot as many movies as you need. Don't waste your time, and don't waste my time." Chen Kangjie said nothing. You're welcome.

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