Chapter 2550

If Chen Kangjie was facing an actor instead of an actress, what he said might not be "go", but "get out".No matter how uncomfortable Chen Kangjie is with this woman, he must have the basic demeanor of a man.

Chen Kangjie has already talked to this point, does Song Xuebing have any other choice?No matter how reluctant she was to give up this hard-won role, it would be difficult for him to stay on the set after being scolded by Chen Kangjie for a while.

But there is one thing, if it is to others, Song Xuebing can make a big fuss, or say some cruel words, but she can't say those words when facing Chen Kangjie.If this matter goes too far, it will not benefit her at all, and it will even make her an enemy of the entire entertainment circle, and more likely, the people of the whole country. Chen Kangjie's appeal is too great.

It's just that Song Xuebing didn't express it, and it doesn't mean that other people chose to shut up like her. These days, white-eyed people are everywhere.

"Long, it's too much for you to do this. The things we Bingbing do, the entire entertainment industry is like this, and she's not alone. Why can't she do things that other people can do? This is simply a bit The feeling of being bullied." It was Song Xuebing's manager Tao Fei who jumped out to fight the injustice.

This guy doesn't know how his brain grows, but he dares to talk to Chen Kangjie like this, he really thinks highly of himself.

"Forget it, Tao Fei. It's a big deal for us to give up. There's no need to fight with Director Chen." Seeing that the manager's words were more serious and aggressive, Song Xuebing quickly persuaded him.

"It's not about making trouble. We don't have to act in the play, but we have to be fair. He is indeed an international star, but can he be defiant because of his fame? There is no such reason." Tao Fei is thin and thin, but he still looks relatively Have backbone.

Director Zhang sitting beside him was also dumbfounded by this scene.If a smart person just pats his butt and leaves, he believes that Chen Kangjie doesn't bother to make a fuss about such a trivial matter.

Director Zhang has already made up his mind in his heart that no matter what movie he shoots in the future, he must never find Song Xuebing, let alone cooperate with her idiot manager.This kind of person is so stupid that it is dangerous to walk with him, let alone cooperate.

"Fairness, you dare to be fair to me. Who asked you to come here? How was the contract written? Take out the contract and see what it says in it. After being bored for so many days, today I finally have a joke to laugh at." Have fun." I didn't plan to pursue it further, but the other party still refused to let me go, so Chen Kangjie really wanted to make a fuss.

Originally, because the forecast report did not receive positive and positive support from the government, Chen Kangjie was holding back a fire, but now that this guy is so ignorant, he wants to ignite another fire in Chen Kangjie, and Chen Kangjie is really a little angry.

One thing Chen Kangjie knew very well, no matter who signed the contract on his behalf, there was no clause for using a substitute, because Chen Kangjie himself did not use a substitute, let alone anyone else.As for memorizing lines, that is the basic condition, and there is no room for maneuver.

"It's not written that way in the contract...but your casting director, Chu Tiansheng, said that we will get preferential treatment when Bingbing comes. Could it be that such a small privilege is called preferential treatment? "Tao Fei said, poking his neck.

The casting of the film this time was not performed by Americans.This is a movie with Chinese actors as the main actors, and it is also a movie about the interior of China. Therefore, the person who casts the cast is Chu Tiansheng who is familiar with the mainland entertainment industry.

Chu Tiansheng is the director of Feiyang Entertainment Company. He has been traveling between Hong Kong, Macau and the Mainland these years, so he is familiar with actors in the entertainment industry.

Chen Kangjie has seen two of Chu Tiansheng's movies, and they are pretty good. Before the casting, Chen Kangjie also talked to him. In his overall impression, Chen Kangjie is affirmative of Chu Tiansheng.Chen Kangjie even planned to ask Fan Wenxuan to give Chu Tiansheng a little more chance after this movie.

Who would have known that such a heart-warming matter had something to do with this Chu Tiansheng.

"I don't know what preferential treatment he told you about, but here, I don't have any preferential treatment. You have to follow what other people do. I don't even use a substitute myself. How dare you ask for one in front of me? Substitute, I really have to admire you. Since you want to be fair, then I will definitely tell you, but not here, but in court, you can keep the contract. If it is my side that is wrong, Then I will apologize if I should apologize, and compensate if I should. However, because of your problems, my movie has been delayed or other costs have increased, and I have to take care of everything." Chen Kangjie's words were not blustery, but other than that Anger can't be concealed.

"Director Chen, there's no need to go to court. I'm sorry. I was wrong. I shouldn't be so capricious. Just let it go. Thank you." Song Xuebing became anxious when she heard that she would go to court to demand compensation. .

You know, Chen Kangjie invested more than 12 billion in this movie, and its predictable box office revenue is also a huge number.If the compensation is only 2000% of the production cost, they will pay at least 2000 million.If it is based on the box office, it may also be [-] million, but the unit price will become US dollars.

Song Xuebing has no idea about winning the lawsuit.At least in terms of the contract, they don't have any reason.There is another social phenomenon that has to be considered, that is, no matter where the lawsuit is fought, the judges of the court are unlikely to favor them.If the judge can maintain complete neutrality, he is already Amitabha.

Courts are social units, and judges are also human beings. It is impossible for them not to consider the influence and pressure of various aspects.Even from the perspective of personal feelings, it is more likely that they should be on Chen Kangjie's side.

In other words, Song Xuebing is doomed to lose money once this lawsuit is filed, and it is very likely that it will be a large sum of money.

"It's your people who want justice, so of course I have to give justice, otherwise, wouldn't I really become a shameless villain who bullies others?"

Tao Fei was unconvinced and wanted to say something, but Chen Kangjie waved his hand and stared at him, not giving him a chance to talk nonsense.

"Get out, get out as fast as you can, don't get in the way of my eyes and affect my mood."

"You... you're too much... just bullying people like this is nothing..." Tao Fei was out of breath, pointing at Chen Kangjie with his chest heaving.

"Throw him out for me." Chen Kangjie turned around without looking at Tao Fei, but just moved his finger at his bodyguard.

Immediately afterwards, Tao Fei let out a scream like killing a pig.Pang Hui jumped out, grabbed Tao Fei's shoulder, tripped his right leg, and he fell to the ground. He stretched out his hand to grab one of his legs, and dragged Tao Fei out brutally like this.

Seeing this scene, whether it was Song Xuebing or her assistant, they shrank their necks, did not dare to say a word, and hurriedly followed them outside.

"Director Chen, are you really going to sue them for compensation? There doesn't seem to be such a case in China." Director Zhang immediately asked with concern as soon as Song Xuebing and the others left.

"This kind of people really don't know what to say. If they don't talk nonsense, I don't want to do that. There is no similar case in China, so we will create an example. This trend in the entertainment industry cannot last, otherwise, it will not only hurt It is our acting career, but also our cultural career and soft power. With this kind of people, can we still hope to carry forward Chinese culture? Wouldn’t that become a joke. Many people will really think that being a star is so much It’s amazing, you don’t have to endure hardships, you don’t have to suffer, you can earn a lot of money, and you can enjoy endless honor and halo. This is wrong, since they are going to be negative teaching materials, I don’t mind supporting them.” Originally He just wanted to clean up people, but Chen Kangjie said it so grandly.

However, is Chen Kangjie really full of big talk?It's not entirely true, Chen Kangjie really thinks that an artist should have artistic ethics, and abiding by professionalism is the minimum prerequisite.If everyone is so flamboyant, can we expect good works of art to emerge?

Since the matter is related to Chu Tiansheng, and Chu Tiansheng has deviated from the scope given by Chen Kangjie in terms of business operation privately, he must of course bear corresponding responsibilities.

Many entertainment companies like to hide a person in the snow, but Chen Kangjie does not choose this cruel method.Instead, he told Fan Wenxuan that this Chu Tiansheng could go as far as he wanted.How well he can do well in other places is his ability, and Feiyang Entertainment cannot use such a person.

But not long after, Chu Tiansheng called Chen Kangjie.

Surprisingly, Chu Tiansheng didn't call Chen Kangjie to complain, let alone scold Chen Kangjie because he was dissatisfied.On the contrary, his original intention of calling Chen Kangjie turned out to be for Chen Kangjie's good.

"Long, I already know what happened on the set. I have an inescapable responsibility for this matter. I have nothing to say about the company's punishment of me. But I just called you to explain and tell Some other news for you."

"Okay, tell me, I'll listen." With Chu Tiansheng's words, Chen Kangjie couldn't get angry at him at all, and could only respond lightly.

"First of all, I want to apologize. That Song Xuebing entered the film crew, and I acted against the rules. In fact, she was not the one who was selected for the role in advance. However, someone found me in the middle, and I have to sell face to her no matter what. As a last resort, I arranged for Song Xuebing."

"Who is that person?" Chen Kangjie asked directly.

"That person's name is Zhou Kang. I don't know if you know him. At that time, I thought that our movie was filmed in Xichuan. I was worried that Zhou Kang would cause trouble, so I gave him a face and arranged for Song Xuebing to come in."

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