rebirth of change

Chapter 2565 Another choice of road

Chapter 2565 Another Road Choice

[-] was a particularly meaningful year for Chen Kangjie. In this year, he completely graduated from university, and his graduation was hardly known to the outside world.

From entering the school in [-] to graduating in [-], Chen Kangjie completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Technology and Business, and also received two master's degrees and two doctorate degrees.

Chen Kangjie's doctorate was not obtained through connections, even though he could have done that according to his contribution and influence, but he didn't.He is really important to the completion of the thesis, and his thesis ideas are groundbreaking.

For example, his doctoral dissertation in political science is "Another Choice of Political Road".

In his thesis, he first described in detail the Western political system and their current promotion and promotion around the world. At the same time, Chen Kangjie also responded to a fallacy in Francis Fukuyama's "The End of History".

Francis Fukuyama believes that the capitalist system is the end point of social development in the world. In other words, there is only one political choice in the world, which is to embrace Western liberal democracy and capitalism.

And Chen Kangjie completely opened up a new point of view in his thesis, that is, there should be at least one choice, or even multiple choices in the world.

And Chen Kangjie also introduced a philosophical point of view in the paper.It is a question of whether there are options and how to choose.

There is no option and the only option is not in line with the dialectical thinking of philosophy, and the West just wants to create an atmosphere where there is only one option in the world.The most favorable evidence that many people come up with for this point is that the collapse of the Soviet Union and the richest and most civilized countries in the world are based on their system of values ​​and ideology.

However, Chen Kangjie felt that such an argument was weak, or even wrong.We cannot deny future changes and possibilities just because of today's reality.We can't think that Bill Gates will always be the richest man just because he is the richest man in the world, and we can't think that because this richest man was born in the software industry, we can't think that the one who will replace him in the future can only be produced in the software industry.Such logic does not work.

Moreover, Chen Kangjie countered that when the United States was founded, China was still the strongest country in the world, so why didn't the United States choose the feudal system at that time.Even if the United States inherited Britain, why didn't he follow the constitutional monarchy?Why did he moderately create a new system?

Chen Kangjie has another argument, that is, the vast majority of countries in the world have adopted Western-style democracies and followed the road of capitalism. However, South America, Southeast Asia, and even Central Asia after their disintegration have not achieved the same level as Europe and the United States. How prosperous is it?

Then it must be analyzed from the perspectives of culture, religion, history, and geopolitics.

Chen Kangjie himself also cited other strong evidence to support his argument, that is, from Europe to Japan, including the United States, the economic growth is getting weaker and weaker, but the economic growth of China and other emerging countries is getting faster and faster.

There are many reasons that affect economic growth, but Chen Kangjie explained the political reasons for the weak economies in Europe and the United States from another angle.It is the so-called democratic system that they vigorously promote.In electoral competition, no matter who is on stage, the opposition parties in the audience will oppose for the sake of opposition.The biggest appeal of the opposition party is opposition, and only through opposition can it demonstrate its own value and meaning of existence.

This kind of anti-competition that gradually loses its rationality reduces efficiency to a certain extent, and to a certain extent, it will confuse the rational judgment of the people just like centralized countries. Although the methods are different, the results are similar and the same goal.

The policy put forward by the political party in power may be correct and have strategic significance, but the opposition party will still oppose it and always find reasons to oppose it, which will bring trouble to society.

Moreover, this kind of democratic system will gradually produce a great disadvantage, that is, the society will be torn into different groups, because each political party will have its own group of supporters, and the country or society that is not united, In fact, it will cause harm to development, even if the harm is not obvious, but it affects all aspects of society in a subtle way.

Moreover, Chen Kangjie also made an assertion that the election is based on emotion rather than reason. For the election, the topics created by the candidates are all emotional topics that can arouse voters' passion.Even through this method, some weird people will be elected. The view that a democratic system can have a self-correcting function is also very flawed and has room for discussion.

For example, Hitler was also elected by a democratic system, and the election slogans and election policies created by Hitler were actually irrational and not in line with the fundamental interests of the Germans, but he was able to mobilize the people's passion through populism, Let everyone follow him on a road of no return.

One thing Chen Kangjie didn't say is that he once went to Australia to help Lawrence's election platform, and he once went to California to help Schwarzenegger's election platform.Are those voters rational to be influenced by Chen Kangjie?Not at all.

Chen Kangjie is not an Australian or a Californian, and he did not objectively explain and analyze the electoral views of the two candidates.But those voters were influenced by him, because they liked Chen Kangjie, and this liking made them feel that Chen Kangjie's suggestion should be right.

To a certain extent, this is rather absurd.

Even Chen Kangjie made an assumption, that is, if the media is bought, through continuous release of some fake news and operations, a very good leader may be destroyed by the election.And this language, a few years later, was actually verified in the United States.

Chen Kangjie also analyzed a core value of democracy advocated by the West - voting.In order to give this method a noble value, they also invented a word called "people's self-determination", which led to the concept of referendum.

Chen Kangjie analyzed that there is a contradiction between the two.

Democracy itself hopes to select elites who are more capable than themselves through voting to manage the country, serve the society, promote economic development, and propose policies and regulations that are beneficial to society.A premise here is that the vast majority of ordinary people cannot be masters of management and strategy. It is impossible for every ordinary person to be a political elite, so they choose someone more suitable than themselves by voting.

But the referendum is precisely against this democratic logic.

A politician will bring up some issues for a referendum, such as whether to increase taxes, whether to separate a region and establish an independent country, and even whether to oppose immigration will also become a referendum issue.

Here comes the question, if the selected elites can't make up their minds and don't know which option is better, how will ordinary people know?Ordinary people can only make choices based on their own perceptual knowledge, and that choice is very likely to be wrong.

It's ridiculous, the common people elected you, but you throw the problem back to the common people, then I really don't know the significance of electing you.

And there will be more and more such examples in the future.

Combining these factors, Chen Kangjie just wants to make one point, that is, the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics is correct, and it is one of the options that can be brought to all mankind.Only when there are alternative answers, can people feel which one is better from the comparison, and even after the comparison, they feel that there are still defects in both, so it is not necessarily possible to create another social system.

Chen Kangjie does not endorse or brag about our social system just because he is a party member. He actually thinks so. This is the result of his reflection after traveling to many countries around the world and learning a lot of theoretical knowledge.

Chen Kangjie made a summary of the development of the country in the past 20 years, and he felt that we are creating another standard, but we do not intend to promote such a standard, because the characteristics of each country are different.How to choose is up to others to decide.

Of course, Chen Kangjie also answered why many democratic countries in South America or Africa are not rich and strong, that is, they were misled in the process of imposing social systems.

Westerners often recommend democracy and the rule of law to the whole world, that is, to develop democracy first, and then to build the rule of law.

However, Chen Kangjie believes that a society without the rule of law cannot develop true democracy.

Europe, the United States, and Japan in particular are following the path of rule of law first and then democracy.For example, during the Meiji Restoration in Japan, how much democracy was there in Japan at that time?No, but, through the establishment of the rule of law, they became a powerful country in Asia, and even a powerful country in the world.

Therefore, in Chen Kangjie's view, the rule of law is more important than democracy, so he suggested that what we want to build is a country with the rule of law and democracy, not a country with the rule of law.

Don't forget that apart from obtaining a doctorate in political science, Chen Kangjie is also a doctor of law. It is not surprising that he combines these two majors to do research.

Only by gradually finding one's own path of democracy within the framework of the rule of law may be the one that suits one's own and the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

As long as we move forward along this path, we can find a different choice and path, and thus contribute our special wisdom to the world.

Chen Kangjie's thesis did not have much influence on the common people, but it did have a great influence on the country's high-level officials.Many bigwigs have carefully studied and analyzed his ideas and opinions.

Because this paper can not only find a reasonable explanation from another angle for our current situation, but more importantly, it also makes a groundbreaking design for our future development path to a certain extent.And for a long period of time later, this thesis really did affect the direction of our reform.

Chen Kangjie's paper was not published under his real name, and he only published it in the university journal.Many years later, many people knew that Chen Kangjie had already made a reasonable analysis of the country's development. Moreover, after the revival of China in its own special way, it has indeed provided some countries with another political path to learn and choose.

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