rebirth of change

Chapter 2566 Chen Kangjie is going to be a father

Chapter 2566 Chen Kangjie is going to be a father

For Chen Kangjie in [-], there is another important event that is particularly meaningful, that is, he had his own child this year.

Lin Ling told him the first news. At that time, Chen Kangjie was shooting a film on the mountain in Xichuan.

"Honey, did you miss me when you called me? Hahaha." Chen Kangjie went to a secluded place and happily picked up the phone.

Among all his women, Chen Kangjie only faced Lin Ling without any pressure at all.

Lin Ling is a reasonable woman, plus she is much older than Chen Kangjie, so she seldom shows the side of a little woman in front of Chen Kangjie.

Just because she seldom put pressure on Chen Kangjie, and seldom made some weird requests to Chen Kangjie, Chen Kangjie naturally faced her most comfortably and at ease.

"Yeah, I miss you, I miss you so much." Lin Ling's voice was lazy and deep.

"Oh, I'm in the mountains right now, and the living conditions here are not so smooth. Otherwise, you can come and play for two days, and we can just as well...hahaha." Chen Kangjie said ambiguously and frivolously.

"Hmph, that's all you can think about, you won't...forget it, how long is it until your movie is finished?" Lin Ling's words were a little strange compared to usual.He hesitated to speak but also felt depressed.

"There are still two or three months... What's the matter, did something happen?" Chen Kangjie was not a wooden man either, so it was impossible for him to have no awareness at all.

"No...just want you to come and see me." Although she said no verbally, Lin Ling's tone and the last sentence he added seemed to overturn his meaning.

"No problem, as long as you want, I will come when I have time, or I will come to your place for a few days after the filming here is over, are you in the United States or Mingzhu now?" Treating her own woman, Chen Kangjie seldom says no. Even if it is difficult to do it sometimes, Chen Kangjie will be tactful and roundabout.

"I'm building a city. The company has set up a technology center here in the high-tech city. I'll come here to take a look." Lin Ling replied.

Under Chen Kangjie's suggestion, Lin Ling set up a "Kuwo" video sharing website by herself.With the strong financial support from the trainee experience in the United States, has developed rapidly. Although it is not yet profitable, it has accumulated a huge user base.

Before doing this, Chen Kangjie also let Lin Ling take a stake in a newly established social network service provider in the United States - facebook.Not only became the original shareholder of this enterprise, but also the largest shareholder. In April last year, when the company was established, it invested 50 US dollars. This year, when the company expanded, it invested another 1000 to 50 million US dollars.

For some companies that will become giants, Chen Kangjie will not let them go.

"You don't have to work too hard. Some things should be handed over to the people below. Only by mobilizing their enthusiasm can I feel relaxed, and they also have room to play." Chen Kangjie cared.

What Chen Kangjie said was based on his own experience. If he manages so many companies, foundations, and investment companies under him, he would be exhausted.

In Chen Kangjie's view, as long as he finds the right person, he will be given full authority, so that he can relax and others will have a sense of accomplishment.Just grab the strategic direction.

"Do you think everyone has your abilities?" Lin Ling asked angrily.

"Hehe, it can't be too far from me. Didn't the ancients say that those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black? Our relationship is so deep, it is impossible for you not to be affected and infected." Chen Kangjie said proudly.

"You must be poor."

"Okay, okay, it's ready over there, there are still a few shots to be completed today, or we will talk later..." Chen Kangjie saw his assistant director gesturing to him, So I'm going to end this phone conversation.

"Wait..." Lin Ling hurriedly said, afraid that Chen Kangjie would hang up the phone just like that.

"Huh? Do you have anything else to do?"

"I..." Lin Ling hesitated, as if there was something hard to say.

"What's the matter? Why do you feel so obedient today? Is there something wrong?" Chen Kangjie asked intently.

"I...I don't know how to tell you..."

"What's the relationship between us? What can't be said? Let's talk, just say what you have. Could it be that you still have something important to hide from me?" Chen Kangjie really had a premonition in his heart. If it wasn't something big, Lin Ling His usual temper would not be so twitchy and stammering.

"Okay, then I'll say it, but you have to be mentally prepared."

"Don't worry, I'm very strong inside. Say, say, I can handle even the biggest problems. If you have any troubles, please tell me, and I will help you solve them." Chen Kangjie said proudly, patting his chest.

"I'm pregnant." Lin Ling blurted out four words weakly.

However, when these four words stopped in Chen Kangjie's ears, it was like a thunderclap.

"What? I... Did I hear it right?" Chen Kangjie was really surprised, his voice raised two heights at once.

Chen Kangjie's voice suddenly became louder, almost like screaming, which of course attracted the attention of the people around him.

The first to appear were Chen Kangjie's bodyguards. They thought Chen Kangjie was in danger, and then the assistant director also walked over quickly.

However, how could Chen Kangjie let other people know about this kind of thing casually? He quickly covered the phone and drove the others away, preventing anyone from eavesdropping on his phone conversation.

"What did you just say? Are you pregnant? Is this true?" Chen Kangjie calmed down after the others walked away, and asked again solemnly.

"Of course it is true. Can I joke about this kind of thing? You are going to be a father, and I am going to be a mother too. My wish will come true soon." Lin Ling looked very excited, and finally said, She felt choked up.

In order to be able to conceive a child, Chen Kangjie's child, Lin Ling had been looking forward to it for a long time. For this, every time she was with Chen Kangjie, she also wanted to get it. She would satisfy Chen Kangjie's needs unconditionally.

But we all know that the older a woman is, the lower the possibility of pregnancy and the lower the possibility of a smooth delivery.Coupled with work and other pressures, Lin Ling couldn't get it after working hard for a long time.

However, Huang Tian paid off, and now she has finally fulfilled her wish.Moreover, she is not just pregnant now, but has been pregnant for many months, which is also an important factor why he did not take the initiative to come to Chen Kangjie for several months.

According to Lin Ling's thinking, she wanted to keep this news to herself, and it would be best not to tell Chen Kangjie until after she gave birth.

However, as her belly got bigger and the time for giving birth got closer, Lin Ling felt more and more oppressed.

When other women are pregnant, their husbands will take good care of them by their side, accompany them in the birth checkup, discuss the name of the child and go to school, and even look forward to the child's long-term marriage and grandchildren, etc.However, Lin Ling didn't have any of this, and she had to deal with everything by herself.

That kind of loneliness, the desolation caused by loneliness, made Lin Ling a little out of breath, a little out of breath.

In the end, she is just a woman, and all the expectations of pregnant women exist in her body, and she also possesses the pursuit and expectations of other women.

Before, he thought that he would be strong enough to deal with it, but in the end, she retreated, unable to bear the mental torture. After thinking for two days, Lin Ling decided to tell Chen Kangjie about the situation.

Lin Ling told Chen Kangjie not only because Chen Kangjie had the right to know, but more importantly, she hoped to get a response from Chen Kangjie.

Of course, Lin Ling didn't expect Chen Kangjie to marry him immediately, nor did she expect Chen Kangjie to take good care of her like a conscientious husband. Lin Ling understood that all of this was unrealistic.

But Lin Ling still hopes to get Chen Kangjie's safety and intermittent sympathy. Sometimes Chen Kangjie's greeting is more important than any kind of relief.

"Hehe, hehe, I am going to be a father, I am actually going to be a father, okay, okay, why are you crying, it is a good thing to have a child, you must maintain a peaceful mind, otherwise it will be bad for you and the child Good. Wait for me, I'll come to see you right away." Chen Kangjie looked very excited.

Hearing Lin Ling twitching on the other end of the phone, Chen Kangjie hurriedly comforted her, but it didn't matter if he didn't comfort her. The more he comforted her, the more freely Lin Ling cried on the other end of the phone.

Yes, Lin Ling cried, and indeed she cried happily.

For a long time, Lin Ling wanted to have a baby, but she also had a lot of worries and worries. She was also afraid that after having a baby, her relationship and emotion with Chen Kangjie would be impacted. Because of this, she didn't tell Chen Kangjie immediately.

However, Chen Kangjie's "Okay, very good." and "I'll come to see you right away." broke Lin Ling's fragile line of defense.These two simple sentences were enough to make Lin Ling feel relieved and let go of her long-standing burden.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, it's a good thing, why are you crying, don't affect your body, it's not good, I flew to Zhucheng to see you today, I really didn't expect it, I will be a father soon It's like a dream."

Another factor of Chen Kangjie's excitement is not known to outsiders, that is, he is worried that his rebirth will make him sterile.

Otherwise, there are several women who have had sex with him, but no one has made such a little progress.This made Chen Kangjie a little scared, he was worried that his body would be greatly affected during the rebirth process.

Because he knows that his body has indeed been affected. For example, his memory is completely different from his previous life, and his physical constitution is even more different.Could Chen Kangjie run so fast before rebirth?Can you jump that far?It's just a fantasy.Even if it is not a sick person, it is just an ordinary person's physique.

But the miraculous rebirth in the dark made everything different for him.

No matter how great achievements a man has made, being a father and extending his life is still the most sacred and expected thing in life.

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