rebirth of change

Chapter 2568 Prelude to meeting mother-in-law

Chapter 2568 The prelude to meeting the mother-in-law

"What did you tell them in advance?"

"I didn't say anything, I just said that I want to bring someone to the house."

At the gate of Xingfu Community in Lilong County, Suzhong, Chen Kangjie parked the car in the parking line on the side of the road, opened the door and pulled Lin Ling down.

Lin Ling's father, Lin Dachang, works in Lilong County and is about to retire from the County Commercial Bureau. Lin Ling's mother, Zhou Koru, works in the Lilong County Archives and has already left home early.Lin Ling herself has an older brother and a younger brother. Her older brother Lin Fan works in the Lilong County Commercial Transportation Company, and her younger brother Lin Zuo has also graduated from college. She has partnered with others to set up a wholesale and retail shop for auto supplies.

Lin Ling had told Chen Kangjie about these situations in detail before they came. Before that, Chen Kangjie only knew how many people Lin Ling and his family had, and he was not sure about the more trusted ones.

Generally speaking, Lin Ling's family is not bad in Lilong County. They belong to that kind of well-off family, but they are not rich.

Lin Ling's parents live in Unit [-], Building [-], Building [-], Xingfu District. It is an ordinary house with three bedrooms and one living room of more than [-] square meters.

Now only Lin Dachang and his brother Lin Zuo live here. After his brother got married, he bought a house elsewhere.

Since he was visiting Lin Ling's house, it was impossible for Chen Kangjie to be followed by a large number of people. It would be too artificial, and it would also appear insincere.

Of course, it was impossible for Chen Kangjie not to buy gifts when he came to the door for the first time.However, even though Chen Kangjie was rich, he didn't choose those luxurious luxury items. What he brought over were some drugs that the elderly would use, and two bottles of wine.

If Chen Kangjie brought something that was too expensive, it would feel like he was being bought or pressured by money.

On the contrary, Chen Kangjie has already given Lin Ling a lot of money. If the old people really need it, Lin Ling should be able to help at any time.

All in all, today's Chen Kangjie is an ordinary person.What he wants to do is also something that ordinary people do.

After taking Lin Ling out of the car, Chen Kangjie turned around and opened the trunk, and swiftly took the gift out of the trunk and twisted it in his hand.

"Then I..."

"Why, are you scared now? You want to back off now. If you regret it now, it's still too late." Lin Ling said intimately.

"How can it be? I just feel like I'm lying to their elders. When I see a son-in-law, I don't even know who the son-in-law really looks like. If I know it later, I won't scold me to death." Chen Kangjie struggled.

This non-disclosure of identity was requested by Lin Ling. He didn't want Chen Kangjie to come to the door pretending to be a big star for the first time.

The reason why Lin Ling did this was not to torture Chen Kangjie, but to test Chen Kangjie to a certain extent.

It is still very difficult for a rich, famous, and popular person to meet his mother-in-law as an ordinary person.

To put it bluntly, Lin Ling hoped that her parents would accept this person, not that "long" identity.She also hoped that Chen Kangjie would use his sincerity to face his family while removing the halo.Otherwise, Chen Kangjie put on his posture, maybe the family members didn't say anything out of other considerations, but they might not accept it sincerely afterwards.

Moreover, Lin Ling didn't want everyone to know about her affairs.If Chen Kangjie used his real identity to put on a stance, the entire community and the entire county might be aroused in 10 minutes. This may not be a good thing for her family, and it should not be a good thing for Chen Kangjie himself.

Therefore, the principle of their trip is low-key and sincere.

"Don't worry, it won't happen. It's like an employee who was originally doing a job with a salary of 1000 yuan, but suddenly his salary was raised to 1. Is he angry or happy? Instead, his salary of [-] yuan was reduced to [-] yuan." Before, he would be furious." Lin Ling said with a metaphor.

In fact, this is a bit similar to going from frugal to extravagant, but it is difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.If Chen Kangjie can be accepted as an ordinary person, then knowing his talents and abilities will only make him more satisfied.

On the contrary, the kind of person that the mother-in-law fears and hates the most is the person who acts rich and generous at the beginning, and only reveals the true face of a poor man when she agrees.

"Where is the analogy like yours? Where does it go? By the way, I think this is an old community. Why don't you give them a better environment?" Chen Kangjie looked up at the community inside the wall. said the house.

"I mentioned it, but they don't want to. They feel that living here is familiar and they are willing, so I will let them." Lin Ling replied.

"Do they still think you are just a wage earner?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"How did you know?"

"I'm guessing, if they know that you are now a boss, even if they don't leave here, they can change the environment. And your brother and your younger brother don't seem to have received much help from you. It's unlikely that they don't want it. " Chen Kangjie accompanied Lin Ling into the community slowly through a rusted gate.

"It's true that I didn't tell them the truth, because if I did, there would be a lot to explain. Besides, I'm just taking care of the family business for you now. Strictly speaking, the money is still yours. But I also It’s not without help. When my brother bought a house, I made up 17 yuan. My brother started a company with someone else and I borrowed 20 yuan. This happiness does not necessarily require a lot of money. Sometimes the process of working hard on your own is also happiness " Lin Ling said.

"Why do you help me take care of the family business? If you take it out to help you, it is yours. Will I ask you to return it to me? What a silly girl. From now on, those are yours, don't mention those Some don’t. You should be more generous to your family, only 20, so you can borrow or not. Even if you give 1000 million, I won’t say no.”

After talking, the two came to the downstairs of Building No. [-].

"Hey, isn't this Xiaoling?" Suddenly, an elderly woman in her 60s and [-]s came from behind and shouted.

"Ah, hello, Aunt Liu." Lin Ling looked back at the person, paused, and then greeted with a smile.

"Oh, long time no see. Did you come back to see Lao Lin and Lao Zhou? Hey...Xiao Ling, you are pregnant. When did you get married? Why didn't you inform Aunt Liu?" Aunt Liu Looking at Lin Ling's bulging stomach, she said doubtfully.

Lin Ling was embarrassed for a moment: "This, I got married in another place, so I didn't notify you."

"Oh, this is not allowed. How can we not inform you about such a big event? You were raised by Aunt Liu, and your parents and I have known each other for decades. Tsk tsk tsk, Lao Lin and Lao Zhou also Really, if you young people don't talk about it, they won't mention it, let's see if I don't criticize them well someday." Aunt Liu said enthusiastically.

And Chen Kangjie stood beside him, holding a gift in his hand, and couldn't get in a word. Of course, Chen Kangjie was also very embarrassed, and didn't know how to get in. What's more, Lin Ling didn't introduce him.

However, Lin Ling's failure to introduce it does not mean that Aunt Liu treats him as transparent.

"Xiao Ling, this is...your subordinate? I heard that you have become a manager in a big company." After a few words, Aunt Liu finally shifted her gaze to Chen Kangjie.

Aunt Liu originally wanted to ask if Chen Kangjie was Lin Ling's husband, but when she saw Chen Kangjie's age, she felt something was wrong, so she changed her mind and asked if she was a subordinate.

In fact, why would the subordinates come to the house? Aunt Liu obviously had doubts in her heart, but she couldn't say it directly. If it really wasn't, wouldn't it be a joke?

"Aunt Liu, he is not my subordinate, but my husband." This is Lin Ling's home game, so of course she has to answer such sensitive topics.

"Chen Wen, let me introduce you. This is Aunt Liu, my mother's old colleague who also lives in this community." Immediately, Lin Ling introduced Chen Kangjie.

"Hello, Aunt Liu." Chen Kangjie immediately greeted her with a decent face.

But Aunt Liu didn't respond right away, she was stunned, she really didn't expect her guess and judgment to be correct.

"He, he is your husband, but how do I see him in his 20s? Xiaoling, you are at least ten years older than him, right?" Aunt Liu asked in surprise when she came back to her senses.

She is really an old man, and others will be embarrassed and embarrassing if she asks this kind of question, but this Aunt Liu just doesn't care, and she really doesn't treat herself as an outsider.

"Almost, Aunt Liu, then we'll go up first, and come and play at home when we have time." Lin Ling replied vaguely, said goodbye and wanted to leave.

Lin Ling would not be so stupid as to invite Aunt Liu to her house as a guest.It's hard to deal with just one outsider, let alone two old people in the family.

And at home, there are no outsiders, so many things are easy to say, but with outsiders, it will become more difficult to dissolve and harmonize the atmosphere.Lin Dachang and Zhou Kouru felt like they were being laughed at.

In our current society, it's normal for men to be older than women to be teenagers, and no one will find it strange.But if a woman is older than a man in his teens, it will be discussed and felt weird.

"Ah, good... good, then you guys go home quickly, go back quickly." Aunt Liu was startled for a moment before she realized that Lin Ling hadn't invited her.

If Lin Ling invited her to go upstairs, Aunt Liu really wanted to go.But Lin Ling didn't invite, she said another day, so Aunt Liu couldn't do it, so she just followed.

What's more, Aunt Liu, who has been there, has also noticed that Lin Ling's love life is probably not approved by her parents. Otherwise, how could it be possible that such a big event as marriage was not notified, and there was no news of holding a banquet in Lilong County.

That being the case, the two young people still have a lot of work to do when they go back, so it's really not good to follow them at this time.

After saying goodbye to Aunt Liu, the atmosphere between Lin Ling and Chen Kangjie became a little frozen.

It's just a relaxing prelude and it's so difficult to deal with. The two people in the family don't know how to deal with it.

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