Chapter 2569

"Looking at the way you frown, do you think it's embarrassing? Are you afraid?" Seeing that Chen Kangjie was at a loss, Lin Ling asked concerned.

"Ha, no, how come, I haven't seen any big scene, don't worry, I can handle it, and I must handle it, don't worry about me, it's fine, I can." Chen Kangjie raised his head, stretched his brows, and said with a smile.

I owe Lin Ling myself, so why should I not do it for her to overcome some difficulties?

And Lin Ling was also very satisfied and gratified with Chen Kangjie's attitude. What a proud and outstanding person he is, he is willing to have such an attitude for her. What else can he ask for?Lin Ling was satisfied.

Lin Ling took Chen Kangjie's arm, raised her chest, and walked upstairs to the house with a smile on her face.

After knocking on the door three times, hurried footsteps were heard inside the room.

"Crackling" the door was pulled open, and a woman who was dressed in a foreign style appeared at the door with a beaming face.

"Mom..." Seeing Zhou Kouru, Lin Ling immediately called out.

"Xiao Ling is back, come in quickly, come in quickly, Lao Lin, Xiao Ling is back." Zhou Kou held Lin Ling intimately, and shouted excitedly into the room, probably to inform Lin Ling's father, Lin Dachang.

"My dad is at home?" Lin Ling asked.

"Yes, he heard that you were coming back today, so he asked for half a day off. It's cold outside, so go inside, huh..." Maybe it's because I haven't seen my daughter for a long time, I'm so excited, after some enthusiasm, Zhou Kouru just noticed Lin Ling's difference.

"Mom, I'm pregnant." Lin Ling confessed without waiting for Zhou Kou to ask.

At this time, Zhou Kouru's face full of joy sank, and at the same time, she also noticed Chen Kangjie who was following Lin Ling.

"You're pregnant...then this young man..." Zhou Kouru pointed at Chen Kangjie, not knowing how to complete the sentence.

Before Lin Ling could explain, she was interrupted by Lin Dachang who came out of the bedroom.

"Why, I heard that Xiaoling is back?"

"Yeah, I'm back. It's true that I'm not alone. I really brought someone else back for you." Zhou Kouru's attitude suddenly made a 180-degree turn, and the unhappy tone and expression could be seen at a glance.

Zhou Kou let go of Lin Ling's hand and walked into the living room by herself.

"Dad, are you okay? We're here to see you." Lin Ling stepped back half a step, and walked into the living room with Chen Kangjie on her arm.

At this time, Lin Ling had to show her determination to stand with Chen Kangjie.

"Hello Uncle, Hello Auntie..." Chen Kangjie is not really that kind of ignorant young man, no matter what the other party thinks of him, he must grasp his identity as a junior.

"Hmm..." Lin Dachang responded perfunctorily, his eyes fixed on Chen Kangjie and Lin Ling.

From Zhou Kouru's attitude, Lin Ling's body, and the posture of the two of them, Lin Dachang already roughly understood what was going on.

As for Chen Kangjie's greeting, Zhou Kou Ruquan pretended he didn't hear it, and sat back on the sofa by himself, turning his head to one side, without looking at Chen Kangjie.

To be honest, Chen Kangjie has never encountered such an embarrassing atmosphere, and has never been so at a loss whether in his previous life or this life.Facing the hail of bullets, Chen Kangjie didn't even frown, but now, he really felt uncomfortable all over his body.

In this uncomfortable atmosphere, Chen Kangjie gently placed the gift he was carrying in the corner, and walked to the other side of the sofa with Lin Ling and sat down in an orderly manner.

Both Lin Dachang and Zhou Kouru just glanced at the gift Chen Kangjie brought.

From the ordinary gift, the two of them seemed to have obtained a judgment, that is, this young man is actually not very good.Since it's not good, they don't understand why a daughter with a successful career would choose such a person.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back. Why don't you two feel very happy..." Lin Ling asked the question knowingly, but she couldn't be so frozen, she still needed to find some topics to break the deadlock. .

"Happy? Can we be happy? Look at you now... I'm too embarrassed to say, you are a girl, how can you... How can I say hello!" Zhou Kouru Sitting up straight all of a sudden, he said in an excited tone.

"Mom, what's the matter? Aren't you guys urging me all the time? When you call me often, you say that I should find someone. Otherwise, I won't even be able to have children. I'm following your instructions." Go in the direction you want, you should be happy for me, why don't you look happy." Lin Ling said calmly, even with a slight smile on her face.

Lin Ling had sorted out all these situations in her mind countless times before she came here.All the reactions of Lin Dachang and Zhou Kouru were within Lin Ling's expectation.Now that she had predicted it in advance, Lin Ling would naturally be able to know what was going on in her mind.

"That didn't make you get pregnant out of wedlock, and it didn't let you find such a... young man." Zhou Kouru didn't even know how to describe Chen Kangjie.

There is indeed a large age gap between the two, but if it is normal, the gap is not obvious intuitively.Chen Kangjie himself looks mature, and his gestures are generous.And Lin Ling herself also pays great attention to maintenance and body shaping, so she looks ten years younger than her actual age.

It's just that Lin Ling can't make up during her pregnancy, and she can't do fitness exercises. She can only modify and do some small activities appropriately. In addition, she also dresses casually at this time, so the age gap between her and Chen Kangjie will look a little obvious.

"I don't want to find a young man. Do you want me to find an old man? This young man is very nice. He is tall, considerate and considerate. He treats me well. Why don't I find such a good man? I don't know how much People didn't grab it even if they wanted to." Chen Kangjie was sitting upright, but when he said this, Lin Ling leaned closer to him.

She just wants to let her parents know her satisfaction and happiness completely.

Although what Lin Ling said was true, Chen Kangjie still felt embarrassed.Now, the smart way for him is not to talk nonsense, let Lin Ling deal with it first, and then express his opinion without hesitation when he needs to express his opinion.

After all, Lin Ling understood the personalities of Lin Dachang and Zhou Kouru far better than Chen Kangjie. If he talks nonsense now, it might backfire.

"I don't know how many people want to snatch it?" Zhou Koru pursed his lips, and glanced at Chen Kangjie twice with disdain, "I really can't see it, hahaha, what's so good about so many people snatching it up, I think it's just a little taller Well."

"Auntie, I still think I'm pretty good." Being so disdainful, Chen Kangjie said this out of nowhere.

Chen Kangjie's honest look, coupled with this sentence, made Lin Ling laugh all of a sudden.In her opinion, Chen Kangjie at this time is too cute in his funny ways.How can anyone say that about themselves?

"Hmph, that's because you are self-righteous, and you are really thick-skinned. Zhou Koru rolled his eyes and said."

"Mom, don't you know that you have to be thick-skinned to eat well these days?" Lin Ling just decided to make jokes.

And Chen Kangjie didn't blush at first, but he blushed a little bit embarrassedly.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about those meaningless things." Lin Dachang took out a cigarette from the cigarette box on the coffee table and put it in his mouth. Chen Kangjie hurried forward to light the old man's fire.

Lin Dachang glanced at Chen Kangjie, did not refuse, bowed his head, and lit the cigarette with Chen Kangjie's lighter.

This is the first time for Chen Kangjie to flatter and flatter. Fortunately, he has experience before rebirth. Otherwise, based on his many years of experience, it would be really difficult for him to do this naturally.

"Young man, is the child in my daughter's belly really yours?" After puffing out his cigarette, Lin Dachang leaned back on the sofa and asked with his legs crossed.

"Yes." Chen Kangjie replied concisely and affirmatively.

"Then you are married?" Lin Dachang then asked.

"This...not yet." Chen Kangjie softened his confidence.

"Look, look, this kind of person just doesn't have much rest and is not married yet, you just... what is this? Our family in Lilong County is a bit dignified anyway, so let's spread it. Where are we going to put our faces?" Zhou Kouru interrupted dissatisfied and complained.

Lin Dachang glared at his wife, meaning to tell her not to interrupt when he was talking.

"Why are you staring at me? Don't tell me that the matter will be solved smoothly if you stare at me, and you will gain face?" Zhou Kouru is a person with a strong nature, and he didn't stop because of Lin Dachang's eyes.

"Mom, don't talk about losing face. I live my life. Fortunately, I know whether I am happy or not. I don't live for others. Why should I care so much. The road is chosen by myself, and I will face it myself." Yes." Lin Ling jumped out and retorted.

"You've been here, you've been here, how did you live? I really can't see how happy you are. You didn't even get married, and you ruined the child for him first. I don't know how you read so many books. Yes, anyway, you are also a graduate of a famous university, why are you thinking so simple. Oh, if you don’t want face, we don’t? You don’t have to face your relatives and friends, so we don’t have to face them either?” Zhou Kouru retorted forcefully.

"Auntie, some things are hard to see with real eyes." Chen Kangjie said politely to Lin Ling.

"What do you child interrupt when adults talk?" Zhou Kouru shouted at Chen Kangjie.

One sentence made Chen Kangjie feel ashamed. When had he been treated like this? He was still a child, and he planned big things when he was in elementary school.

"What kind of child? How is he so young? He is a great man, a hero who stands up to heaven and earth, why can't he say that? Since he is my man, of course he can say that he is defending me, and that's what I want him to do. "It is said that Chen Kangjie defended him, but in fact, it was Lin Ling who spared no effort to protect Chen Kangjie.

Lin Ling was really afraid that Chen Kangjie would not be able to bear this kind of blow, which would eventually affect his mood and their relationship. What she didn't like caused a huge rift between Chen Kangjie and her parents. Otherwise, if she tried to make up for it later, she would become more difficult.

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