rebirth of change

Chapter 2570 1 son-in-law with nothing

Chapter 2570 The son-in-law who has nothing

"Sister, you're back...this is..." Just when the atmosphere was tense, Lin Ling's younger brother Lin Zuo opened the door and came in.

Lin Zuo is about 1.7 meters tall, slightly fat, dressed in casual clothes, and has a mustache.He saw Lin Ling showing joy in reality, but when he saw Chen Kangjie immediately, he was surprised.

"Lin Zuo, this is your brother-in-law, called brother-in-law." Lin Ling really introduced Chen Kangjie seriously and unambiguously.

"Sister... Husband? Sister, why don't I know when you got married?" Lin Zuo felt strange, and suddenly a brother-in-law who looked younger than himself appeared, and he got used to it for a while no.

Lin Zuo asked why he didn't know when they got married. He didn't mean to ridicule Chen Kangjie or Lin Ling, he was indeed shocked by the news.

"Hi, Lin Zuo, I'm Chen Wen." Chen Kangjie stood up and shook hands with Lin Zuo.

From Chen Kangjie's point of view, Lin Zuo's age is a bit similar to him, so he should be relatively easy to deal with.

Lin Zuo couldn't talk about willingness or reluctance, he just shook hands with Chen Kangjie instinctively, and he was still under Zhou Kouru's stern gaze.

"Sister, is he really my brother-in-law? Isn't this news too sudden? Hehe, what are you guys playing? There's a thunder on the ground." Lin Zuo pulled up a chair and sat down, looking at Chen Kangjie with a smile and asked .

"Of course he..." Before Lin Ling finished speaking, Zhou Kouru stopped her.

"Of course he's not. They're not married yet, and we haven't admitted it yet. There's no such thing as a brother-in-law or a brother-in-law. If you don't have anything to do, don't meddle in it." Zhou Kouru said calmly.

"Whether you admit it or not, we have already cooked our lives, and the facts are already in front of us. Whether you admit it or not can't be changed. We came back to visit you together, not to ask for anything, nor I said that I must get your approval, just to tell you a fact. I have been urging me to find a man before, and now I have, and you are like this again. Mom, do you still remember what you said at that time?" In order to maintain Living in the relationship with Chen Kangjie, Lin Ling showed a very strong side.

"I forgot, I don't remember." Zhou Kou turned away unconvinced.

"You forgot, you don't remember, I didn't forget, I remember. At that time you told me, you can find whatever you want, we have no objection, we all support it, as long as you live happily , the key is that you have to find it quickly, so that we don’t break our hearts for you. At that time, you said you had no opinion and you all supported it, but now you seem to have no opinion and support it?” Lin Ling’s nose twitched as she spoke. Sour, I feel like I'm going to cry.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited, it's not good for you and the baby if you get excited, as a family, let's just seek understanding slowly." Chen Kangjie quickly comforted Lin Ling.

Chen Kangjie thought she was really sad and sad, but Lin Ling's hands covering her face showed a gap, and Chen Kangjie smiled and blinked.Only then did Chen Kangjie realize that Lin Ling was acting, not really sad.

Speaking of which, Chen Kangjie could understand what Zhou Kouru or Lin Dachang said.The daughter is getting older and has a good career, but the marriage is not settled, so of course they are worried and impatient.This is almost the commonality of parents and parents in the world.In that case, in order for Lin Ling to find someone to marry, of course they could say anything.

It's just that wishes are one thing, but reality is another. What they couldn't accept at once was that Lin Ling had found someone who was ten years younger than herself, and the child was broken before she was married. It's really not easy for them to accept it all at once.

"The question is... why does he make you happy? Even if you want to find someone with such a big age gap." Zhou Kouru argued strongly after being hit by Lin Ling.

"Haven't you heard that age is not a problem, height is not a distance? As long as I love him and he loves me, then we can be happy together. Does happiness need any additional conditions?" Lin Ling put down her hands, Said with sorrow and tears.

"Of course there are certain conditions. Could it be that you can be happy by drinking the northwest wind? I see you..." Zhou Kouru still wanted to argue, but Lin Dachang looked at his daughter's sad appearance, and he was pregnant again. Pregnancy is a bit unbearable.

"Okay, okay, just skip a few words." Lin Dachang picked up a cigarette after finishing speaking, this time before Chen Kangjie stood up, Lin Dachang reached out to stop him, and politely refused his move to please light up a cigarette .

"Young man, let me ask you, what unit are you in?" Lin Dachang asked Chen Kangjie after taking a puff of cigarette.

"What unit, I... Strictly speaking, I don't work in any unit." Chen Kangjie really couldn't answer this question.

Chen Kangjie himself has many units, but he really doesn't have a unit that he belongs to.Said at Feiyang Entertainment?Yes or no, in Hongyuan Investment Group?That's not accurate either.Said that he has an establishment in the Qianzhou Provincial Government?But he didn't go to work in a serious manner, and the salary was forced on him by others.

"Look, if you don't even have a unit, then you really want to drink the northwest wind." Hearing that Chen Kangjie didn't have a unit, Zhou Kouru got excited again.

But no one paid attention to her, even Lin Dachang didn't say anything to her this time.

"Then what exactly do you do? You must have a fixed occupation, right?" Lin Dachang pondered for a moment and asked again.

"What to do... To be honest, uncle, I really can't say. I don't have a fixed long-term job at present, and I'm still choosing." Chen Kangjie does everything in a mess. It's true that he didn't lie, he really didn't have a fixed job.

Said he was a singer?actor?director?merchant?student?athlete?writer?All of them were, but none of them was his regular occupation.Those labels belong to him, but he does not belong to those inherent labels.

Unless Chen Kangjie is willing to disclose his identity now, it is difficult to answer these questions directly.

"Look, you see, there is no unit, no fixed job, so you can be happy, that is a fantasy. What kind of ecstasy did he give you to make you foolishly give up on him." No unit If Zhou Koru is not satisfied, then she doesn't even have a fixed job now, so it's no wonder she doesn't yell.

"But he can make money. He has never lacked my food and clothing. Besides, I don't need a man to support me. It's not that I can't make money. Now that men and women are equal, why should I care whether he has a unit or not? Occupation." Lin Ling chimed in.

"He can make money? Hehe, young man, let me ask you, do you have a house? Not to mention four bedrooms and two living rooms, just three bedrooms and one living room. Do you have it? If so, where is it? Pearl? "Zhou Kouru said with a mocking run.

This time Chen Kangjie didn't think too much about it, and just answered truthfully.

"I don't have four bedrooms and two living rooms, nor three bedrooms and one living room. I don't have any in any city." Chen Kangjie's answer was straightforward and bachelor.

It's just that Chen Kangjie's answer made Lin Ling want to laugh.

What is this?Will he tell you that he lives in big villas?Do you want him to say that he earns billions of dollars every year?Asking this question is too unreasonable.It's fine to just ask people if they have a house, why should they be limited to some shit with three bedrooms and one living room.

"You don't have a unit, a job, or a house. It's really hard for you to let us trust our daughter to you, young man. It's not that our family is snobby, but life must have a material foundation. Anyway, you still You should find a decent job, even if you earn 3000 and [-] a month, at least your wife and children will have a living, don’t you think so?” Lin Dachang’s tone was not so difficult to accept, as expected of a government official.

"Yes, yes, Uncle, you are right. I will definitely work hard in this direction." No matter what people say is right or not, as a junior and it is his first visit, Chen Kangjie must correct his attitude.

If there is something, change it, if not, encourage it, anyway, Chen Kangjie also knows what his situation is, so why bother with the old man.

"En." Chen Kangjie's attitude was initially approved by Lin Dachang, who nodded slightly.

"Then what's the situation in your family? For example, where do your parents work?" Since Chen Kangjie's situation is already like this, Lin Dachang wants to see his family background.

If the family background is strong enough, the young people can still make up for and make up for their frivolity.

"Uncle, like you, my father is also a civil servant working in the government. As for my mother, she is a housewife. She worked in agriculture many years ago, and now she takes care of my father at home. Besides, I have six older brothers and sisters. , I am the youngest, and the general situation is like this." Chen Kangjie said realistically.

Chen Kangjie did not speak, and the truth was presented.However, a lot of key information was automatically filtered out by him.

For example, the difference between the civil servant Chen Qigang and the civil servant Lin Dachang is not 01:30.A governor at the provincial and ministerial level is in charge of the development of a large province with a population of 4000 to [-] million.And Lin Dachang is at best a stock-level cadre. In this small county, he doesn't know how many people he has to look at in his work.

There are also Chen Kangjie's brothers and sisters. He only mentioned their existence, but did not say that the two sisters and one brother are all billionaires, and they can be regarded as well-known figures in the domestic business circle.

Chen Kangjie's answer made Zhou Kouru and Lin Zuo despise, and Lin Dachang himself felt a little rude.It is strange that one person has to support such a large family with his salary. It is no wonder that he does not even have a house.

"Young people, the key is to rely on yourself. No one else is better than you. A good life will not fall from the sky. It mainly requires your own hard work and hard work. You are still young, so you can't develop a lazy temper. You, I’m not good to you, and I’m sorry for the hard work of my can do it yourself!" What can Lin Dachang say, facing such a superb son-in-law, of course he can only encourage him in this way, hoping to have some results.

Lin Dachang was not really satisfied with Chen Kangjie, but he saw the fact that it was almost impossible for Chen Kangjie and his daughter Lin Ling to separate.

Not to mention whether Chen Kangjie's condition is good or not, and whether he satisfies them, it is difficult to get by just because Lin Ling has a big belly now.

Can Lin Ling still be expected to abort the child now?Impossible.At her age, it was already rare for her to be able to conceive smoothly.It is impossible for a parent to not think about their children at all just for themselves.

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