Chapter 2571

"Sister, where did you find such a superb product, sister... well, brother, how did you catch up with such a beautiful woman like my sister? I really can't understand." After listening for a long time, Even Lin Zuo couldn't listen anymore.

Lin Zuo originally wanted to call him "brother-in-law", but when he thought that his brother-in-law had nothing, he simply downgraded Chen Kangjie to "this brother".

"Since you call me sister, he is your brother-in-law. What is this brother? He is neither big nor young, and he has no manners at all. How did your parents educate you?" Seeing that even this younger brother looked down on Chen Kangjie, Lin Ling hurried again Come out to defend the plate.

"I don't think he's wrong. That's how we educate him. There is a difference between politeness and impoliteness." Zhou Kouru stood on Lin Zuo's side and supported his son.

"Lin Ling, it's okay, it's okay, brother seems to be a little more friendly, everyone of the same age, you don't have to be so particular." In order not to provoke a new war between the two sides, Chen Kangjie had to come out to smooth things over.

"Well, this sounds like that, I like you like this. I think if you really have nothing to do, then I might as well take you to make car supplies. Cars are becoming more and more popular these days. The demand for supplies is also increasing, and the profit is still acceptable, let alone a lot, it is not a problem to earn one hundred thousand a year." Chen Kangjie lowered his posture, and Lin Zuo became a little embarrassed.

He also took Chen Kangjie to do business, earning more than [-] yuan a year, not to mention Chen Kangjie, even Lin Ling couldn't stand it anymore.Is Chen Kangjie the kind of person who needs to earn more than [-] yuan a year?He can make hundreds of thousands in an hour.

This is Lin Ling's lack of understanding of Chen Kangjie's background. If he knew, she would be ashamed to find out that he is a man who earns more than a hundred thousand a minute, and sometimes even earns that much in a second.

"Don't talk nonsense, one hundred thousand a year, how much did you earn in the past two years? You can do it yourself, no one here will be interested in asking you to bring it, let alone make any car accessories." Lin Ling couldn't laugh or cry. Said.

"I can't say that. I'm really interested in car accessories. We can discuss it when we have the chance." Chen Kangjie patted Lin Ling's hand and said to Lin Zuo kindly.

Lin Ling thought that Chen Kangjie said this just to lower his profile to please her family.But in fact, he didn't know that Chen Kangjie had been engaged in this industry before he was reborn, and even worked as a sales manager in a large automotive electronics factory.

Of course, it is impossible for Chen Kangjie to really follow Lin Zuo to make car accessories and make a profit of more than [-] yuan a year. He actually wants to tell Lin Zuo some forward-looking trends in automotive accessories. If Lin Zuo grasps it well, plus If you inject some funds into him, let alone hundreds of thousands, it is very possible to earn several million a year.

In addition, Chen Kangjie owned Tengfei Automobile Company. If Lin Zuo still had ambitions to grow bigger, Chen Kangjie would not mind supporting him into a large auto parts company. At that time, it would not be difficult to earn tens of millions a year.

"You have vision, I admire you for that. Hey, you can spend 20 or [-] yuan to invest. I am familiar with the upstream and downstream, and I will take it with you. I promise you will be fine." Lin Zuo patted his chest and said proudly .

If he knew how Chen Kangjie wanted to help him, instead of needing his help in turn, the tea he drank would probably spit out immediately.

"Stop bragging here, don't you usually come back when it's almost dark? Why did you come back so early today? Don't you have any business in your store?" Lin Dachang didn't know what kind of virtue his son was?So he took Lin Zuo's words, don't let him continue to brag about himself.

Lin Zuo's monthly income from running the auto parts store was barely enough for his expenses, and occasionally he couldn't make ends meet, requiring subsidies and relief from the two elderly people.From this point, it shows that he didn't actually make much money.

Their family still looked down on Chen Kangjie a little bit. If Lin Zuo slipped his tongue and let Chen Kangjie look down on him, that would be a real embarrassment.

"Oh, it's broken, it's broken, don't tell me I almost forgot, I came back early to take you to dinner, oops, look at my brain, I was delayed by what you said in a hurry When Lin Dachang asked, Lin Zuo stood up and patted his head repeatedly.

"Take us out to eat? Where to eat? Why do you want to go out to eat?" Lin Dachang asked suspiciously.

"Lin Zuo, do you know that my sister is coming back, and you want to invite our whole family out to celebrate?" Lin Ling asked with a smile.

"What, it's Hu Xin and her family who want to meet our family. We made an appointment to have dinner at Dingxianglou tonight. The two families get to know each other and get to know each other. Let's go, let's pack up and go. I'm going to be late." Lin Ling replied.

"Hu Xin? Who is Hu Xin?" Lin Ling asked.

"It's his girlfriend. We've been talking for more than half a year, and I don't know how it's going. Since the woman's family wants to meet with our family, it's a good thing. It's resolved." Lin Dachang stood up and explained.

"Oh, so it's my sister-in-law. Then I have to go and see her. The sister will check on you."

"Go, sister, of course you have to go, hurry up." Lin Zuo agreed without thinking about anything else.

"I'm meeting my parents, what are you going to do? Don't make a fool of yourself." Lin Zuo agreed, but Zhou Kouru disagreed, "Your brother finally found a girlfriend, so don't make trouble for him."

"What is humiliating, what is disturbing pornography? Would I still harm him? I have nothing to shame, he is my younger brother, what's wrong with me going to check on him? Haven't you heard that he is Want to see Lin Zuo's family, am I not his family? Lin Zuo, tell me, am I not your sister?" This time Lin Ling really got angry.

The more mother Zhou Kouru wanted to stop, the more Lin Ling wanted to participate.

"Yes, yes, of course you are my sister, of course you are a family. Go, all go, all go, don't quarrel, I have to say that people are willing to get acquainted with our family, don't give me a break You moth. Mom, let's talk about our own family affairs at home, let's not fight each other and let others look down on us." Lin Zuo begged Lin Ling and Zhou Kouru non-stop.

"Okay, okay, since time is running out, let's change clothes quickly. Lin Zuo is right. It's one thing to be at home by yourself, but another thing to meet someone else's house." Lin Dachang spoke.

"How about...I'd better not go, so as not to..." Chen Kangjie hesitated and said.

Chen Kangjie himself knew that it would be inappropriate for him to go with Lin Ling on that occasion, especially when the atmosphere at home was not yet harmonious.

Although Chen Kangjie didn't ask him to be someone who would lose someone when he appeared on any occasion, he still had to think about it for Lin Zuo, so as not to embarrass him.

"So what, we haven't eaten yet, Lin Zuo, is it your treat today?" Lin Ling understood Chen Kangjie's concerns, but the more Chen Kangjie worried, the more she couldn't let that kind of nature appear.

"Nonsense, in this situation, can I let Hu Xin's family pay for the treat? Then how can I hold my head up in the future?"

"Okay, since it's your treat, let's go too, as if you're also welcoming us, how about that?" Lin Ling left Zhou Kouru aside and talked directly to Lin Zuo.

"Let's go, can I say no? Hehe, everyone go, mom, you suppress your temper, today is for your son, how about me, change clothes quickly, go, I'll go downstairs and call The car is waiting for you." Lin Zuo said as he pushed Zhou Kouru into the bedroom.

"You don't need to call a car. We came here by car. We can just drive there in a while." Lin Ling said.

"Haha, you guys are still driving here, isn't it good? What kind of car? I'll drive in a while, let me practice my skills. In order to do this job, I got a driver's license, but I haven't driven a car much yet." Lin Zuo was happy when the car drove away.

In [-], cars were still a luxury for most people.At this time, the full competition in the auto market has not yet formed, and the entire market is still dominated by joint venture cars, and only Tengfei Motors can sell domestically produced cars.

In a few years, domestically-produced cars will spring up like mushrooms and grow stronger. After the market is fully competitive, car prices will continue to fall, and more and more people will actually buy cars. Eventually, we will become the world's largest car market.

Just like Lin Zuo, who runs a small business by himself and doesn't own his own car, he can tell the market situation.

"It's a very common Tengfei car." Chen Kangjie replied modestly.

"Aha, that's not bad. Ascendas is our number one domestic brand. Its reputation has been getting better and better in the past two years. When I make more money next year, I'll also consider buying an Ascendas, haha. "Lin Zuo said with a smile.

After saying this, Chen Kangjie felt that the relationship with Lin Ling's younger brother, Lin Zuo, was getting closer.Maybe he will be a little powerful, but he also has an advantage.

At least Chen Kangjie could tell that Lin Zuo still respected Lin Ling as a sister, and the relationship between the two was also very good.As long as this remains the same, then he is worthy of Chen Kangjie's help in the future.

"Lin Zuo, if you are making automotive supplies, I suggest that you focus on navigators and electronic dogs. At present, the profits of these two products are very objective, and if you are brave, you can also assemble and produce them yourself. In fact, its technology The content is not high, and in the production process, the profit can even reach 2%. You can even create a brand, find two or three websites for [-] to [-] yuan to advertise, and then you can change the shotgun..." Chen Kangjie The three of them went downstairs first. Taking advantage of this gap, Chen Kangjie told Lin Zuo what he knew about the trend of automotive supplies in the past two years.

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