Chapter 2574

After a while, Lin Dachang, Zhou Kouru and Lin Zuo came back with unlucky faces.

"What the hell are you doing back here? Is it because of enmity with this family? Do you know that it's because of you and that...that kid who hides quickly." Zhou Kouru looked around, but didn't see Chen Kangjie's shadow , "Because of you, your brother's good relationship has been ruined like this. Do you know that if they can succeed, how many years will your brother have less struggle? I have already said that you don't want you to come, you don't want you to come, you just want to come , is this the result you hope to see?"

Zhou Kouru looked really angry, so she scolded her first.

"Mom, I can't completely blame my sister..." Lin Zuo sat on the other side and said in frustration.

"How can you not be blamed? It's their fault in the first place. It's nothing to be ashamed of yourself, but now you have to implicate your brother. How did your heart grow?" Zhou Kouru became more and more angry.

"Okay, can't we just say a few words less?" Lin Dachang was also very upset, after all, no one wants to see this kind of thing, "I see, if we marry their Hu family, it may not be completely bad for Lin Zuo. Good thing, haven't you seen it? People don't think much of us at all."

"Dad, what you said is really on point. Is our family Lin Zuo bad? Of course not. You have also seen the posture just now. If Lin Zuo really married that Hu Xin, how much do you think you two are?" A daughter-in-law or a young mistress? And, when the time comes, will Lin Zuo hold his head up in their house? Lin Zuo is a man, if he can't hold his head up, how can he be happy? Lin Zuo, don't worry, my sister said If I will introduce you to a good one, I will definitely do it, and their family may not be very good." Lin Ling ignored Zhou Kouru's complaints, but Lin Dachang's words were still objective, so Lin Ling answered.

"It's mainly her parents, Hu Xin is still very good, he doesn't despise me..." Lin Zuo said with his head down.

"Then you have to deal with her parents first. If you can't deal with his parents, the rest is useless." Lin Ling educated her younger brother.

"Don't try to be brave. As long as you do less damage, it will be the greatest help. Lin Zuo, talk to Hu Xin about it later. Next time, we will have a treat at our house. Make an apology and make it up for it." Zhou Kouru suggested.

"Forget it, let the young people go about their own affairs, and let everything go according to fate." Lin Dachang said with a sullen face.

Although Lin Dachang is only a section chief at the stock level, he is also a member of the government.From the bottom of his heart, he also didn't want to look at the faces of the Hu family, and he didn't want to become humble.Their family in Lilong County can't be said to be very good, but it's not necessarily bad.It would be fine if the Hu family were more polite, but they had a haughty attitude, and Lin Dachang was really unwilling to bow his head like this.

Lin Dachang decided that if the young man could succeed, he would not object, and if the young man himself could not succeed, he would not put down his face and ask for help.What's more, he also knows that some people are not willing to put down their faces to achieve positive results.

"What are you talking about? After all, it's not you. If you are the chief of the bureau, or a deputy county chief, why would you be like this?" Zhou Kouru turned around and unreasonably vented her grievances on Lin Dachang on the head.

"Then why didn't you become the director of the Archives Bureau, why didn't you become the deputy county magistrate? Why didn't you retire as a group leader?" Lin Ling felt that Zhou Kouru's words were too much and hurtful, so she also took Zhou Kouru's actions. treated in the same manner.

"Bang" Lin Zuo raised his hands and slapped the table heavily, "Stop arguing, okay? What's the fuss about it? I'll settle my business by myself. You two are annoying."

Lin Zuo was indeed shocked by the atmosphere all of a sudden.In any case, he is the protagonist, and he should be the one who feels the most uncomfortable.Zhou Kouru and Lin Dachang looked at each other, shut their mouths and sat down quietly. As for Lin Ling, she understood her brother's mood at this moment, and did not continue to provoke him.

Chen Kangjie, who heard the loud noise, came out of the bathroom after making the phone call, walked carefully to Lin Ling and sat down, and asked her in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, everyone is a little upset. It's nothing, I understand them, and it will be fine in two days." Lin Ling leaned into Chen Kangjie's ear and replied in a low voice.

"Then talk less, don't irritate them any more, no one will feel comfortable if this happens to them. Then, shall we still eat this meal?"

The heroine was gone, and the dining table was empty except for a pot of tea, which made the atmosphere a bit awkward.

"Eat, what else do you want to eat? Who can eat it? Let's go, Lao Lin, let's go home." Other Zhou Kouru didn't hear it, but when she asked if he wanted to eat, she overheard her, and she immediately stared again I'm angry.

"Mom, don't go, eat, why don't you eat? They are not at home, so we won't eat at home? The dishes have been ordered in advance, and if you don't eat, you won't be refunded. Sit down and eat before going back." Lin cried Zo.

Lin Dachang was also in a slump at first, and he wanted to leave when he stood up, but when he heard that he could not retreat, he sat down naturally.

As for Zhou Kouru, she stood there, seeing that no one responded to her call, coupled with her reluctance to waste the money, she also reluctantly sat back after a few seconds.

Lin Zuo greeted the waiter and asked the waiter to serve the food.

In order to entertain Hu Xin and her parents, it can be seen that Lin Zuo spent a lot of money.Not only did I choose the local high-end restaurant Dingxianglou as the venue, but the dishes I ordered not only filled the table, but were also relatively expensive dishes.

From an intuitive point of view, this table can't be won without two or three thousand.

The food is good food, and the food is good food. However, after experiencing so many things before, everyone felt that the meal was a little bland.Everyone lowered their heads, no one said a word, they all wanted to hurry back after eating and leave this unpleasant place as soon as possible.

However, just when Chen Kangjie and the others had just finished eating and were wondering if they should take back the leftovers in bulk, someone knocked politely on the door of the private room from outside.

Before Lin Zuo had time to say, "Please come in." The door was pushed open from the outside consciously.

Everyone thought it was just the waiters coming in to serve, but when the people outside showed their honor, everyone in the room except Chen Kangjie was stunned, especially Lin Dachang and his wife and Lin Zuo.

They couldn't believe their eyes, didn't they just leave angrily and extremely dissatisfied?Why is it popping up again now.What made them even more incredible was that the Hu Haiquan they saw was no longer as arrogant as he was half an hour ago, but instead had a smile on his face, as humble as he could be.

Hu Haiquan's wife, Zhao Bihua, and his daughter, Hu Xin, followed behind him. Zhao Bihua also had a smile on his face, but Hu Xin's expression was a little unnatural. He was either smiling or crying.

Which song is this sung in the end?

"Oh, it's still there. I thought you guys went back. Fortunately, it's a good thing." As soon as he entered the door, Hu Haiquan said with a smile on his waist.

"Uncle Hu, you are... come and sit, come and sit..." Regardless of why Hu Haiquan went back, since their family came back again, Lin Zuo should feel happy and grateful The attitude expressed.

"Okay, okay, brother Lin, you sit down, how can I let you stand up and let me, I just sit over there..." Lin Dachang also stood up, but Hu Haiquan hurried forward to respect Put him in his place.

Before, Hu Haiquan was also called Lin Dachang, Section Chief Lin, and he also said that they were about the same age, but after half an hour, Lin Dachang became Brother Lin. This attitude change is really a bit big.

"Oh, sister Zhou, our family Haiquan is called Brother Lin, the chief of Lin, then I will call you sister Zhou too, sister Zhou, you don't mind, come on, little sister, I will sit next to you, and we will have a good talk later. ..." Hu Haiquan was polite to Lin Dachang, while Zhao Bihua was even more condescending towards Zhou Kouru, showing that he could only please.

Zhou Kouru was a little confused, her mind was in a mess, and she didn't know how to deal with the extremely abnormal Hu family couple, so she could only be pushed away by Zhao Bihua like a mill.

"Xinxin, what's going on? It wasn't just now... Now Uncle Hu and Aunt Zhao... I have been fooled." Lin Zuo pulled Hu Xin to his side, suspicious asked heavily.

"Are you asking me? You should ask your family. Lin Zuo, I really didn't expect your family to be so powerful. Before we got home, we received bad calls one after another. No, it forced our family to Are you happy to be back again?" Hu Xin said with resentment.

Hu Xin was right. Hu Haiquan and Zhao Bihua were still a little happy that Lin Zuo and Hu Xin couldn't get together, but they hadn't left Dingxiang Tower when Hu Haiquan's cell phone rang, and the cell phone rang. As soon as there was a sound, things happened one after another, and it was still something that Hu Haiquan couldn't bear.

The first call was from Tengfei Motor Company, which meant to tell Hu Haiquan that they would not supply him with vehicles and parts in the future, and they planned to change an agent.To be honest, this kind of contract can't be easily solved by just explaining it, but that's how he was told so rudely.

It’s okay if it’s just the 4S store that has problems. The key is that Hu Haiquan’s packaging factory and hardware accessories factory have encountered big problems. The largest downstream customers call him and say that starting tomorrow, they will end their cooperation. Will not buy from him again.

That’s not to mention, Hu Haiquan has given the bank a loan of 3000 million, and the repayment date has not yet arrived. However, the bank actually called him now to ask him to pay back the money in advance. Difficult, they have to do risk prevention and control, even if the interest is not wanted, let Hu Haiquan quickly pay back the principal.

After these one after another incidents, Hu Haiquan was dumbfounded, and his mind went completely blank.If he really did this, then Hu Haiquan would be on the verge of bankruptcy all of a sudden, and even if he survived the difficulty in the end, his assets would shrink by half.This makes Hu Haiquan, who has worked so hard to accumulate this family business, how can he bear it.

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