rebirth of change

Chapter 2575 Really unexpected wow

Chapter 2575 Really unexpected wow

After some requests, a big client of Hu Haiquan helped him to find some clues. All this was because he had offended a young Mr. Chen, and this Mr. Chen was eating at Dingxianglou in Lilong County.

His big client is not Chen Kangjie's subordinate enterprise, but it is an important supplier of his subordinate enterprise, which is a transfer of pressure.

As for the more detailed information about Mr. Chen, Hu Haiquan didn't know, not to mention he didn't know, and the boss who helped him didn't know either.

But this does not prevent Hu Haiquan from starting his reverse thinking.

Dingxianglou, Lilong County, is where Hu Haiquan left and received bad news one after another, and there, Hu Haiquan only had contact with Lin Dachang's family, and he only offended Lin Dachang's family.Lin Dachang's family is not surnamed Chen, but there is still a young man there, and that Mr. Chen may be that young man.

"Mr. May I ask if your surname is Chen?" After sitting down, Hu Haiquan asked Chen Kangjie with a flattering smile.

This is the most important content. If Chen Kangjie's surname is not Chen, then Hu Haiquan has to find that Mr. Chen quickly, so as not to waste time here and end up with heavy losses.

"My surname is Chen, what advice does Uncle Hu have?" Chen Kangjie nodded calmly.

Of course, Chen Kangjie knew why Hu Haiquan had gone and returned. This was the result of a series of actions he had taken, so Chen Kangjie faintly no longer had the same attitude towards Hu Haiquan now.

"Oh, Mr. Chen, hello, hello, I don't dare to advise, I dare not, I will ask you to take care of me in the future, ah, take care of me..." When he heard that Chen Kangjie's surname was really Chen, Hu Haiquan hurriedly attended to him. He stood up, walked two steps to Chen Kangjie, stretched out his hands to hold Chen Kangjie's right hand, and kept shaking it enthusiastically.

Hu Haiquan's abnormal action made everyone in the Lin family confused. They really didn't understand why Hu Haiquan faced Chen Kangjie with such a low profile, and it seemed that he didn't dare to offend Chen Kangjie at all.

Lin Ling knew a little bit about it. Chen Kangjie went to the bathroom to make a phone call just now, so she knew about it.However, Lin Ling never thought that Chen Kangjie's energy would be so great. In just half an hour, the Hu family went back and forth with their heads bowed. This energy is definitely not something ordinary people can have.

But after thinking about it, Lin Ling seemed to have thought of the key point.Her man is not just a big star, he is also a consultant of Hongyuan Investment Group, and Hongyuan Investment Group's strength in the domestic business circle is very huge.To be honest, Lin Ling is not particularly clear about the extent of Hongyuan Investment Group's hidden influence in China.

Of the many large companies under Chen Kangjie, not all of them are invested by Hongyuan Investment Group, some belong to Sanlian Investment Company, some belong to Mingtong Investment Company, and so on.

"It's easy to say, Uncle Hu, please sit down, please sit down...Uncle Hu, the reason you go and come back is because...I remember you said just now, if you see one more client, that's three The benefit of 50 yuan, is it because you have received many calls from customers after leaving here, and you are a little too busy? Are you afraid that you will suffer a lot when you come back to see us?" In order to further confirm Hu Haiquan, Chen Kangjie said: Deliberately hinted at him again.

But hearing these words in the ears of the Lin family, it seemed a little ignorant.It's a good thing that the other party is willing to come back from goodness. How can you say this kind of running on people and offending people? If you let them go, then Lin Zuo's marriage may really be over, and his future will be great. affected.

"Xiao Chen, how can you be so ignorant and apologize to Mr. Hu quickly." Zhou Kouru said to Chen Kangjie with a sullen face.

Before Chen Kangjie could express anything, Hu Haiquan became anxious.

"No, no, no, no, don't dare, Miss Zhou, what you said is not right. Xiao Chen told me like this, in fact, he is kindly reminding me that children's happiness is much more important than business. I thank you It's too late, how can I get him to apologize to me. Instead, our family should apologize to you, just now... I was really sorry just now, we..." Where is Hu Haiquan's apology It's to everyone, he specifically confronted Chen Kangjie, and apologized to him.

Lin Dachang and Zhou Kouru were even more dumbfounded by Hu Haiquan's performance. Is this still the Hu Haiquan they met just now?Did he take the wrong medicine?

Zhou Kouru's mind was a little simpler, so he didn't think about why Hu Haiquan insisted on going his own way with his family in spite of dissuasion, and then came back, and he came back with this posture.Would he be like this if he hadn't been under some kind of pressure or temptation?That is absolutely impossible.

But Lin Dachang was a little calmer. He looked at Chen Kangjie deeply, and found that Chen Kangjie felt a little different from the young man half an hour ago, and a lot of changes had taken place.And what exactly this change is, Lin Dachang is also a little hard to say.

"Uncle Hu, let the past go. There's no question of who should apologize to whom. It's fate that we can meet and sit together." For the sake of Lin Zuo and Hu Xin, Chen Kangjie also He didn't want to push Hu Haiquan too far.

"Yes, yes, fate, fate, hey, it's really unexpected..." As for what was unexpected, I'm afraid Hu Haiquan is not very clear, he just wants to sigh.

Maybe Hu Haiquan didn't think that Chen Kangjie was ordinary but powerful, maybe Hu Haiquan didn't think that Chen Kangjie would have a close relationship with the Lin family, or Hu Haiquan didn't think that he would have a chance to make amends...

"Lin Zuo, look, we've eaten all these things. How about you order a few more dishes and arrange them for Uncle Hu and Aunt Zhao. They probably haven't eaten yet." Chen Kangjie smiled slightly, and then Arranged for Lin Zuo like a big brother.

Chen Kangjie knew that he was suppressing the Hu family, maybe, he couldn't be superior just because of this.Speaking of which, the protagonists here should be Lin Zuo and Hu Xin, and it is better to give Lin Zuo a chance to perform.

"Okay, brother-in-law, I'll go right away..." Lin Zuo replied instinctively and stood up without thinking.

Lin Zuo was very happy that Hu Xin could come back with her parents and sit with him.He didn't know the reasons for all this, but one thing he could see clearly was that the Lin family liked this newly-acquainted "brother-in-law" very much.Therefore, he naturally raised his respect for Chen Kangjie to a higher level, and he said "brother-in-law" without a mouthful.

But as soon as Lin Zuo yelled, he felt that it was a bit too fast, and quickly glanced at his mother, Zhou Kouru. Seeing that his mother hadn't reacted to criticize him, he hurried out of the private room and went to the waiter to order.

Brother-in-law?Hu Haiquan and Zhao Bihua glanced at each other, and their minds exploded.

Zhou Kouru and Lin Dachang also looked at each other, and their hearts were shocked.

Didn't you just say you were just a colleague?How did you become a brother-in-law?Hu Haiquan and Zhao Bihua looked at Chen Kangjie again, and the content in their eyes seemed to become richer, especially when they put their eyes on Lin Ling's protruding belly again.

Then Chen Kangjie shot a sharp ray of light at Hu Haiquan's gaze, and Hu Haiquan quickly retracted his gaze.

"In fact, there is no need to order any special dishes. There are many more here. We are not picky, so we can just order." In order to resolve the embarrassment, Hu Haiquan changed the subject.

Hu Xin tilted her head and looked at her father suspiciously. When did her father stop being picky? It must have been more than ten years ago.He can actually order the dishes that others have eaten. It has been many years since I heard that he is willing to eat the dishes that others have eaten.What is all this about?

"Should be, should be, the first time we meet, we can't be negligent. Mr. Hu is a big boss that everyone knows in Lilong County, and he can't compare with ordinary people like us." Lin Dachang said.

"Brother Lin, why is the big boss not the big boss, let alone neglect. How can we say that we will soon become a family. Since we are a family, why should we pay so much attention? Don't you think so? "Hu Haiquan is really good at talking. Not only has Section Chief Lin become Big Brother Lin, but the person he looked down on just now has become a family now.

This businessman, his ability to judge the situation is good, and his response is fast.

Unless Hu Haiquan is willing to return to the stage of starting a business many years ago, otherwise, he will have to express himself on key issues.

Although he is now sitting at the same table with Chen Kangjie, it doesn't mean that all the crises he encountered will be resolved.How can I get rid of it?Of course, Mr. Chen must be satisfied.

How to make him more satisfied, of course, is to achieve the purpose of meeting for dinner today.

"Mr. Hu, you agreed to Lin Zuo's marriage?" Zhou Kou asked in surprise.

"Sister Zhou, don't say Mr. Hu or Mr. Hu, you can just call me Brother Hu. As for the relationship between Lin Zuo and Hu Xin, we have never really opposed it, but sometimes we want to test Lin Zuo more. Just a little boy. Speaking of it, we are quite satisfied and appreciate Lin Zuo. He is a spirited, down-to-earth, tall man, and he is also very good to our family Hu Xin. It is hard to find such a young man these days. So Ah, as long as the young people are satisfied with each other, how can we as parents stop it? It’s too late for us to agree, Mr. Chen, do you think it makes sense?” In the end, Hu Haiquan made a strange mistake He turned to Chen Kangjie and asked.

"Uncle Hu, I think it should be so. Don't think that Lin Zuo's career has just started, but ah, I am very optimistic about him. His future is limitless. To say something that may offend you, his future achievements surpass yours. , are very likely. As family members, we will definitely spare no effort to help him." Chen Kangjie was like making a promise.

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