rebirth of change

Chapter 2581 Reconciliation and Harmony

Chapter 2581 Reconciliation and Harmony

Wang Maolin was not the governor who was promoted on the spot, he was also airborne from the central government.

People who are in politics, as long as they can govern the local area, there is no one who does not want to do something according to his own ideas. Wang Maolin is the same. He was the deputy minister of the Ministry of Construction for four and a half years before. As the governor of Xichuan Province, he just wanted to show off.

So when he first arrived in Xichuan, Wang Maolin still wanted to wrestle with He Baoguo.

There are only so many rights in a province. If Wang Maolin wants to show something, of course he must compete for rights with He Baoguo.Although he is the governor of the province, He Baoguo is the rightful leader and wants to control the overall situation. This involves whether He Baoguo is willing to give up his power.

In fact, He Baoguo is not that kind of domineering person. Moreover, he has served as governor of the province twice, so he is very clear and understands the difficulty of being the second in command.Moreover, out of the need to unite comrades, He Baoguo handed over most of the governor's rights to Wang Maolin. It is impossible for him to wipe out the governor's rights, which would be criticized by people.

However, Wang Maolin has always been in the central department, has no experience in local work, and does not understand that there is a big difference between local operations and central authorities.

As soon as he got the rights from He Baoguo, Wang Maolin actually inflated himself and wanted to interfere in the personnel affairs. Moreover, his target was Luo Zirong.

I don't know which tendon is wrong, Wang Maolin actually thinks that the top leaders in Duku City should not be transferred from Qianzhou. His thoughts hit Luo Zirong, hoping to replace Luo Zirong with someone he liked.

Wang Maolin's aggressiveness and expansion not only touched He Baoguo's rights, but also touched Chen Kangjie's bottom line.

Both Yao Zhe and Luo Zirong were transferred from Qianzhou to Xichuan because of their missions. If Luo Zirong was replaced according to Wang Maolin's plan, even if he was given a position of real power, it would be detrimental to the overall situation if he was not treated badly.

Although He Baoguo was also a cadre who came down from the central government, he was one year ahead of Wang Maolin after all, and this year was just the key.Moreover, he was promoted to the secretary of the provincial party committee after serving as the governor for about half a year. The party and government shouldered the responsibility for several months, which was enough for He Baoguo to sort out the power in the province.

Moreover, He Baoguo has worked in the local area for a long time, and he is familiar with the power struggle in the local area. He was also a minister when he was in the central government, unlike Wang Maolin, who was the second in command.

Therefore, Wang Maolin's proposal was not only rejected, but in order to teach him a lesson and deter him, the three personnel changes proposed by Wang Maolin at the Provincial Standing Committee three times in a row were opposed by others before He Baoguo even spoke.

It was only at this time that Wang Maolin realized that the use of power at the local level was completely different from that at the central level.The power of the top leader of his government can be very large, and at the same time it can be very small.Many things, He Baoguo can bypass him as the governor and hand them over to other Standing Committee Vice Governors and ordinary Vice Governors. If Wang Maolin insists, they can also form a resolution through the Standing Committee, making him unable to stand up. .

For a while, Wang Maolin felt that he had become a sandwich biscuit and a puppet. The power in his hands seemed to be large, but he just couldn't carry it out. He couldn't even control the governor's office meeting.

For this reason, Wang Maolin even filed a complaint against He Baoguo with the old leader who recommended him, but not only did his complaint fail, but he was also given a scolding by the old leader.

"You are the governor of the province, not the head of the township, a local official, and you are still playing such childish tricks. If you knew it would be like this, I would not recommend you to go there. Before you go down, I warned you , when you arrive in Tianfu, you must be calm and know how to use various methods flexibly. You have a long way to learn and settle down. But you are lucky. You want to challenge Comrade He Baoguo not long after you have been there. What do you think? Do you have that strength? Not to mention that he is the head of the secretary, not to mention that he came to Xichuan a year earlier than you. As far as his local experience is concerned, you are far inferior. It is simply stupid for you to challenge him at this time. Do you know what a smart approach is? Do you think there is a conflict between the first and second leaders below? Should the central government help the first leader or the second leader? What's more, he is making reasonable use of our democratic centralism. You say he is talking about it, but Someone will reverse your policy without saying a word, which only shows that he controls the overall situation, and all you can do is obey the overall situation..."

After eating several times, Wang Maolin finally learned to be good.If he wanted to gain a firm foothold in Xichuan Province, and even make achievements, he had to cooperate with He Baoguo, and he had to adjust his position.

The rift between the two has already been formed, and to repair it, one must find a suitable opportunity.As the governor, it is impossible for Wang Maolin to go to He Baoguo to admit his mistake like a primary school student. This is impossible, and if he can't let go of his face, it may further damage his prestige and reputation among his colleagues.

And Chen Kangjie's movie "Salvation" was released in Duku City, which became an excellent opportunity for Wang Maolin to ease the relationship with He Baoguo.

Regarding the relationship between He Baoguo and Chen Kangjie, it is impossible for Wang Maolin not to know. He came to cheer, which in itself conveyed a goodwill to He Baoguo.In addition, Duku City is the home of Yao Zhe and Luo Zirong. When Wang Maolin arrives in Duku City, he will definitely have contact with these two people and get close to them. This is tantamount to sending some kind of signal to He Baoguo. After all, everyone knew that Yao Zhe and Luo Zirong belonged to He Baoguo, and the rift between him and He Baoguo was also because he wanted to intervene in Duku City.

In fact, Wang Maolin was not the only one who wanted to intervene in Duku City.After all, this is currently the place with the largest amount of projects in the province. From the city to the county to the township, dozens of projects are started at the same time, which involves not only huge funds, but also great rights, because Many departments in the province are serving these projects.

It's just that other people can see clearly that He Baoguo arranged for his own people to take charge of the administration and implement it, and he found the funds, so how could he allow others to intervene at will?Even if others want a piece of the pie, they can only pick up the small ones. It's not like Wang Maolin, who will take the mayor's position as soon as he makes a move.

After seeing Wang Maolin deflated, those who had the intention to intervene in Duku City also felt fortunate. Fortunately, they were not greedy, fortunately they were not confused, otherwise, it would not be Wang Maolin who was hit.

When Wang Maolin offered to come to Duku City for inspection and attend the premiere of "Salvation", Chen Kangjie immediately knew his purpose and intention, so he took the initiative to make a ball for him.

This gift is reciprocal, he has already extended a hand of friendship, Chen Kangjie of course has to give a kind response.

From a small point of view, Chen Kangjie wanted to help He Baoguo create an image of a united comrade, and he could not be allowed to give people an image of domineering and arbitrary. From a large point of view, he was the governor of the province anyway, and the construction of Duku City could not be separated from his support. , if he intends to obstruct it, it will affect the construction process of many projects.

The most important thing is a harmonious atmosphere, which is good for everyone.Besides, as long as Wang Maolin gives full cooperation, so what if he gets a little political achievement?The performance secretary gets [-]%, and the governor should get [-]-[-]%.

Under the spotlight, Wang Maolin stood up humbly and said a lot, and all of them were very positive.For example, under the leadership of Secretary He of the Provincial Party Committee, the whole province attaches great importance to the work of earthquake disasters. The government has not only formulated relevant documents for science popularization, but also allocated corresponding funds and so on.

At the end of the day, Wang Maolin did not forget to thank Chen Kangjie, and at the same time fully affirmed the work of the Duku Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, believing that their work is fruitful and responsible to the people.

In a word, Wang Maolin wanted to highlight that his trip was not to tear down the stage, but to express his support sincerely.Moreover, every aspect has been taken into account.

Wang Maolin believes that through the live broadcast of the provincial TV station, his words will be seen throughout the province.

The time for the interview was not very long. The protagonist of this event, after all, was the movie "Salvation". Therefore, after Chen Kangjie answered five or six questions, all the guests and some local cadres and the masses watched it together. This disaster film originally created by Chen Kangjie can be regarded as the first large-scale disaster film in China.

Although through the promotional video, many people knew in advance that this movie would be shocking and real, but when a complete content was really presented in front of everyone, everyone was still overwhelmed by the magnificent scenes and delicate special effects in the movie. I was stunned, especially when I saw the strong earthquake from the sky, and the destructive power caused by the urban and rural mountains and rivers, the ruins, and the corpses littered the fields. Everyone had a new understanding of the horror of the earthquake in their hearts.

Although the starring role of this movie is Chen Kangjie himself, but as a director, he did not overemphasize his role.Instead, he spent a lot of space describing the support, contributions, and even sacrifices of soldiers, volunteers, and ordinary people across the country to the disaster area.

Chen Kangjie didn't want to highlight any main theme, but he had to highlight our national spirit, the perseverance of the Chinese nation and the feeling of support from all parties in times of difficulty.

From another perspective, he himself has become a bit of a gimmick to attract the audience to the movie.People watch this movie because of him, but what they get is more of another spiritual direction.

Of course, the role played by Chen Kangjie actually represents the spiritual values ​​of young people in contemporary China.Bravery, kindness, tenacity and not giving up, these are universal concepts that are respected and advocated all over the world, and it is also a place where everyone can easily resonate.

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