rebirth of change

Chapter 2582 The unexpected effect of the movie

Chapter 2582 The unexpected effect of the movie

After watching the movie "Rescue", it really shocked many people's hearts. Although the rescue of the People's Liberation Army and the speed and courage of the government's actions in the movie moved many people, it was like a purgatory on earth. Still made a lot of people cry.

Before the movie started, the red carpet, the photo with Chen Kangjie, the plot introduction, etc., all seemed cheerful and bright, and many people were excited.However, after watching the movie, everyone's emotions are more or less affected to varying degrees.

Even Governor Wang Maolin is no exception. It stands to reason that a cadre at his level has been trained until the mountain collapses in money without changing his face. However, this is not the case. After watching the movie, he specifically found Chen Kangjie to express his mood.

"Director Chen, this movie of yours is so good and real, our country needs such a movie, but watching your movie is too heavy, don't you think that many places in it look bloody? ? Will some viewers not be able to accept it?"

"Governor Wang, in fact, the reality is like this, and even the terrible scene caused by the real earthquake is better than the movie. I can't beautify it just because some people can't accept it, that's not in line with us The spirit and principle of seeking truth from facts. I just hope that after watching this movie, people can understand how terrible the earthquake is, and they should learn more about earthquake self-protection knowledge. Of course, the most important thing is the government. The government must Make a difference, we can't let the tragic scene in the movie happen in front of us." Chen Kangjie can say whatever he thinks in his heart.

"Hehe, you, you, you don't forget to put pressure on us even when talking about movies." Wang Maolin pointed to Chen Kangjie and laughed dryly.

"Governor Wang, it's not that I want to put pressure on you, I think you should put pressure on yourself. As parents, as people who control resources, shouldn't we do something? Could it be that all that happened, we Are we worthy of our party membership and our own conscience? Maybe you should have heard that a lot of construction is being done here in Duku City to prevent it from happening. We can’t wait until the tragedy happens before we grieve, regret, and feel sad .That is useless, compared with the lives of tens of thousands of compatriots, any self-blame and introspection at that time are insignificant."

Wang Maolin nodded: "Yes, I know, and I also know that you should be the source of all this. You should make this movie as one of the measures you took, right?"

"I don't deny it, it is indeed as you said. As a person with a conscience, I just feel that I should do something. I can't just stare and watch." Chen Kangjie spread his hands and replied frankly.

"Are you so sure that the earthquake will happen? Your answer to the reporter's question just now seems a little bit insincere."

"According to scientific reports, an earthquake will indeed happen, but when it will happen and how strong it is is hard to predict now. Because you are the governor of Xichuan Province, I know everything about you, but I can't admit it to reporters. We Although we are doing our best to prevent it, we must not cause panic among the common people. Anyway, I hope that Governor Wang will give strong support and encouragement to this work.” The last sentence is what Chen Kangjie is willing to face Wang Maolin in this way. Purpose.

Although Wang Maolin's rights are not very strong, he is at least the leader of the local government, the governor of the province.If he is willing to support vigorously, the efficiency and effect will be much better.This catastrophe requires the unity of all forces that can be united in order to face it well.

Wang Maolin nodded deeply again: "I didn't understand a lot of things before, but after watching your movie today, I understand. Don't worry, I have always supported the work of Duku City, and I will still give it to you in the future. As much assistance and support as possible.”

Wang Maolin came here today to improve the relationship, and he had planned in advance to make such a statement.It's just that his inner spontaneity is different before and after the movie.

Perhaps before watching this movie, Wang Maolin was a little supportive, but after watching this movie, he wanted to support it from the bottom of his heart.

It is true that Wang Maolin is a bureaucrat, but it does not mean that bureaucrats have no spirit and no feelings.

With so many reporters coming to Duku City, Duku City must make good use of it.

The next day, Yao Zhe and Luo Zirong invited many reporters to visit the local area, especially those areas where construction is concentrated.When Wang Maolin arrived in Duku City, he also had to take some inspection work actions.

On the second day of the premiere, Yao Zhe and Luo Zirong accompanied Wang Maolin to the new county town of Jinchuan County to inspect the situation. In addition to the media in the province, they also invited many outside media to check the situation.

Of course, a large proportion of those who are interested in coming to Duku City are entertainment reporters. However, there are still many current affairs reporters. They have all come to the local area anyway, and the local government has given them a good reception, so they are not tired of doing some research on the local area Other content reports.

Since the local area has done a lot of fruitful work, they certainly hope that these achievements can be known by more people.Political achievements also need to be publicized to a certain extent. The era when the smell of wine was not afraid of deep alleys has gradually passed.

After "Salvation" is released in Duku City, it will be rolled out across the country, and then it will also appear in movie theaters in other countries.

Since this film has a special meaning and purpose, Chen Kangjie made certain special distinctions in the arrangement of its release.For example, in terms of movie ticket prices, Chen Kangjie has several different arrangements.

The movie "Rescue" will be priced normally as a commercial film in foreign countries. He has invested so much cost, it is impossible not to recycle, and the place to recoup costs, and even make profits, is of course in the international market.

In domestic provinces and cities other than Xichuan Province, the movie ticket price will be much lower than the international market. If it is ten dollars in a foreign country, then it is ten yuan in other provinces and cities.

In Xichuan, Chen Kangjie adopted the principle of the lowest ticket price. Not only can you watch it for five yuan in a big city like Tianfu, but also in those resettlement sites and construction sites that need to be relocated, and in towns and towns in Jinchuan County and other places, Chen Kangjie also arranges Thousands of charity performances.

In a word, as long as the local people are willing to watch, Chen Kangjie doesn't mind not charging a penny. He is willing to send the film screening to schools, enterprises, town squares, and courtyards in the village.

Because Chen Kangjie knows that if he charges normally, there will be many local people who are reluctant to spend money to see it, especially those middle-aged and elderly people.In their eyes, going to the movies for a few dollars may not be as real as buying a few packs of salt.

But according to our tradition, if no money is charged, I believe the local people, men, women and children will be dispatched together.

Let's not talk about the outside market. Chen Kangjie's appeal lies there. If we really follow the normal market rules, I believe the box office of his movie will not be too bad.

What Chen Kangjie cared more about was the local reaction in Duku City.The ten film projection teams he funded and formed went to communities, schools, and villages every day, and kept showing the film to the local people.

When the local people heard that it was free to watch movies, they were indeed full of enthusiasm and the crowd was surging. Every movie attracted a large group of people, men, women and children, and some even watched it over and over again.

To be honest, it is the first time for the vast majority of local people to see such a realistically presented large-scale disaster movie, and the place in the movie is local, and everyone will feel friendly before watching it, which is the biggest attraction in itself .

After watching the movie, almost everyone will be shocked to the point of trembling, and will have a feeling of fear.

This movie has become the biggest topic of discussion among the locals. Even many elderly people in their 80s and [-]s are squatting together to bask in the sun. What you talk about is basically this movie. Chen Kangjie created a movie for them. The biggest topic resonates.

People think that it is just a movie, and the actual situation will not happen. After all, there has never been such a large geological disaster in the local area.

But there are still many people who are really afraid, and they would rather believe in the possibility of that existence.

And in this kind of mutual chat and discussion, it has brought great convenience to the government's work virtually.Especially for the elderly in the mountains, it is the most difficult job for them to relocate. The concept of returning to their roots is still relatively deep-rooted in these elderly people.

But after watching this movie, the thinking of young people has changed a lot, and even many old people have changed their stubborn ideas.That kind of stubborn resistance is getting less and less.

There is another point that no one thought of beforehand, including Chen Kangjie. He never thought that the local charity screening of this movie would improve the construction quality of those construction projects.

Although the construction of those projects has adopted very strict and strict control measures, but the spread of the spread is too large, and it is difficult to cover everything.Moreover, in the face of interests, there will always be people who will forget their righteousness and take risks.For example, in the construction process, shoddy, cutting corners and so on.

But when those construction workers watched the movie, especially the local construction workers, they understood that the strict high standards were to protect their safety, the safety of their families and property. There is no way to turn a blind eye and close one eye.

Within a month after the film was shown, Duku City received nine reports from construction workers. After the city sent people to investigate, seven were confirmed to be true.

Although the contractors did not turn it into a tofu project, they lowered the grade of steel bars, lowered the grade of cement, reduced the excavation of the foundation, etc., which may reduce the earthquake resistance level of the building.

Regarding these behaviors, Yao Zhe was not relentless at all. He not only publicly exposed them, but also demanded that they be overturned and rectified. Moreover, the entire cost should be borne by the construction unit itself.Such measures, to a large extent, have created a deterrent effect, ensuring the safety and quality of those construction projects.

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