rebirth of change

Chapter 2586 Economic and Political Interests

Chapter 2586 Economic and Political Interests

Before Jahril came, Chen Kangjie had already planned a secret plan in his heart to cooperate with Matthew, or A Guo.In other words, even if the president is not Matthew, he can cooperate to achieve a mutually beneficial plan.

Chen Kangjie has a businessman background, so he naturally has a businessman personality, and businessmen are best at using economic means to solve problems.

It's just that Chen Kangjie is not a pure businessman, so his plan is more strategic. It can even be said that he is thinking about this matter from the perspective of the country. However, if his method is to be successful, it still needs the government to take the lead Make a big plan.

Economics and politics complement each other, and without political means, emergency measures will lack guarantee.

"Young man, do you mean that you plan to make a large-scale investment in Algeria? Do you think it is the right time to go in? Although the big battle is over, small-scale conflicts still occur from time to time. The local public security There is still a big problem." Zhao Zhibang sat chatting with Chen Kangjie in his small reception room.

Chen Kangjie took the initiative to ask Zhao Zhibang to see Zhao Zhibang after Jaleel and the others went back.Since becoming the supreme leader, it is very difficult for the general provincial and ministerial level to see Zhao Zhibang. Even if they can, the time will be compressed to a very short time.After all, Zhao Zhibang is very different from before. He has to deal with all kinds of affairs all day long, and he has to deal with official affairs in the party, government and military. China is such a big country, and it is very difficult to govern.

But Chen Kangjie is not bound by the system, he is a very special person.As long as Chen Kangjie wanted to see him, unless Zhao Zhibang really had something special and couldn't find the time, otherwise, as long as Secretary Qin reported it, he would make arrangements.

After listening to the meeting between Chen Kangjie and Jahril, Zhao Zhibang did not expect that Chen Kangjie would decide to invest in the extremely poor and backward country of Algeria at this time.

"Of course there are difficulties and dangers, but the benefits are not without. Even, if it is done well, I think the benefits will be much higher than the expenses." Chen Kangjie said calmly.

When I came to see Zhao Zhibang today, Chen Kangjie hoped to tell Zhao Zhibang about his plan, and then the government would take the lead in promoting it.Of course, Zhao Zhibang estimated that the relevant departments would evaluate its feasibility.However, Chen Kangjie is still very confident in his own ideas, and he also believes that Zhao Zhibang will be interested in the end. It is true that this step has been taken well, which is of great benefit to the country's development strategy.

"Although I'm not a businessman, I also know that the current place is really not conducive to investment. I really don't understand what you are talking about." As the supreme leader, it is impossible for Zhao Zhibang to not understand the situation in Ah Guo, let alone his family's The foreign minister had just left the capital, and the foreign ministry was going to send him a briefing.

"This cannot be simply calculated as economic interests. At present, the reason why many large companies in Western countries do not enter is because they focus on calculating economic interests. And the interests I calculate also include political interests and strategic interests."

"Oh? Political interests and strategic interests? Tell me, I really want to know where political interests and strategic interests come from?" As a national leader, Zhao Zhibang is really sensitive to the words political interests and strategic interests. keen interest.

"It's a long time for me to say this. Do you always have this time? Director Qin told you just now that there is only half an hour, but now, 10 minutes have passed." Chen Kangjie raised his watch and looked. Said in a mysterious way.

Secretary Qin is currently the deputy director of the general office to meet with the director of Zhao Zhibang's office. Almost everyone who wants to see Zhao Zhibang has to go through Director Qin's hand first. Director Qin arranged the meeting, but he also reminded and told Chen Kangjie about the time in advance , Half an hour later, Zhao Zhibang still has a work meeting about employment to attend.

"Don't withdraw these, tell me quickly, you don't need to think about the time issue." At the same time, Zhao Zhibang called in the staff around him, which meant to tell them that the executive vice premier should attend the employment meeting, so he would not go.

Zhao Zhibang's actions really flattered Chen Kangjie a little. In order to talk to him, Zhao Zhibang changed his work schedule.Facing such a leader, if Chen Kangjie didn't come up with something, it would really be difficult to explain.

"Then I'll say whatever I want."

"Let's talk, I'm all ears." Zhao Zhibang, who had been busy for almost a day, unbuttoned his suit and got close to the sofa so that his tired body could rest properly.

"Okay, then I will start with the economic interests. I know that Algeria has a lot of copper reserves, and with the further development of our country's economic construction, especially the large-scale construction of various infrastructures, it is important for The demand for copper will become larger and larger, and we will even become the largest copper consumer in the world. If we can win the copper mine resources of Albania, we will reduce our dependence on some countries in the future. Moreover, my prediction, The price of copper products will increase astonishingly in the future, so as long as the copper ore can be mined from Algeria and shipped back to China, the business will be profitable.”

"Furthermore, the country still has natural gas and oil reserves on a certain scale. These two are also energy sources that we urgently need internationally. As long as they can be transported back to the country, they will also be profitable."

"But you should know better than me that whether it is copper mining or oil and gas mining, the investment involved will not be hundreds of millions or billions, but at least tens of billions of dollars. Secondly, as you said, those Things must be shipped back. If they can’t be shipped back, it’s useless to say more. I think big western companies are hesitant to move forward with this country, because they can’t solve this problem. The damage caused by more than [-] years of war, I believe the local The transportation infrastructure is very dilapidated." Zhao Zhibang said as he tapped the armrest of the sofa with his right hand.

"This is for sure. If Algeria was a coastal country, those people would have flocked here long ago, and they would not wait for me. Transportation is indeed the most difficult part of all links, and it is also the most difficult part to solve in a short period of time. Those people People are blocked by the cost of transportation. When investing in Algeria, the transportation cost is at least three times that of other countries. As long as it is an enterprise with limited economic interests, it will be discouraged. However, why not turn this unfavorable condition into an advantage? factor?"

"Hehe, this can turn disadvantages into advantages? I really want to hear how you open your mind and how to reverse it."

"Because the transportation is unfavorable, I can get a lot of benefits from Matthew when I invest, such as the investment period, such as the tax paid, such as resource transfer fees, etc., and maybe a 30-year cooperation period. It’s been negotiated for 50 years. Anyway, no one else wants to go, but I am the only one who doesn’t have much room for bargaining. To put it bluntly, as long as I’m willing to spend 500 billion dollars there, I’m afraid he will give me whatever I want. Everyone knows that it is a country with a GDP of only US$60 billion." Chen Kangjie is not the kind of person who suffers.

"If you put it that way, it's really inconvenient and beneficial."

"I especially emphasize that our geographical relationship with Afghanistan is something that other so-called advanced countries do not have. We are neighboring countries. Many things that others cannot do, we will be relatively easy to do."

"Although we are neighboring countries, we basically don't have good direct traffic connections on our roads, and we don't even have a decent-looking road on both sides."

"There is no road, it can be repaired." Chen Kangjie was straightforward.

"Repair? You put it lightly. We are separated by the Hindukus Mountains. Is that road so easy to repair?"

"We have built roads on the plateau on the roof of the world, so what happened to the Hindukus Mountains? Is it really a natural danger that cannot be overcome?" Chen Kangjie didn't think this was a problem.

"It seems that you really don't know how difficult it is to build those roads. Do you know how long it took to build the road from Tianfu to Nigu, how much it cost, and how many people died?" Before entering Beijing, Zhao Zhibang worked in Nigu, governing The province with the least population and the highest altitude, of course he knows how difficult it is to build a modern road at an altitude of 4000 meters or 5000 meters.

"Difficult, it is absolutely difficult, I don't deny that, but after all, we have experience in building infrastructure in high-altitude areas, and the level of technology today is always much better than decades ago, at least large machinery can It has been widely used. Of course, when I say road construction, I don’t mean to build it immediately. Such a road cannot be repaired within three to five years. So in the early stage, there must be an appropriate alternative plan.”

"What alternative? I really don't see any alternative. The best thing is to go south to the sea from Pakistan Railway and borrow the port of Pakistan Railway. However, it is also very difficult to go from the interior of Afghanistan to the sea port of Pakistan Railway on the Indian Ocean. Yes, there is one more thing you may not know, Pakistan Railway lacks such a large cargo port, so what should we do?" Zhao Zhibang sat there, as if pouring cold water on Chen Kangjie, or as if he was testing Chen Kangjie, but faintly, and It kind of makes people think that he wants to know Chen Kangjie's alternative answer.

"Let me put this aside for a while. Let's talk about political interests later. The geographical location of Algeria is very important. I believe you understand better than I do. The Americans sent tens of thousands of people to fight such a war. They don't want to go in." Leaving, what is the most important thing? Isn’t it because of its strategic position? The only superpower in the United States, they can use force to smash in. We can’t use that trick, and it doesn’t conform to our basic foreign policy, but we can use it. Economic means have infiltrated it. The Americans kidnapped that country militarily, so we can also use economic kidnapping, the method is different, but the effect may not be the same.”

"The United States spent hundreds of billions of dollars in this war, and we only need to use one-tenth of the cost to exert important influence in the local area. Seriously, this is thanks to the United States for breaking the hard wall of the theologian." The tortoise shell, if it weren't for their drastic opening, it would be impossible for us to get in."

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