"Long, what did you say?" Curtis, who was the closest, asked. She was standing in front of Chen Kangjie, so she was the only one who heard Chen Kangjie's muttering. 【 】

"It's nothing, just stand aside and watch, I'll show you one more time, remember, I'll only show you one time," Chen Kangjie said, throwing his coat on the bed.

"Look, I'm a woman now. Let me say it first. Anyone who laughs will be fired immediately." While explaining to Curtis, Chen Kangjie did not forget to intimidate and threaten other people. It seems that he is also afraid of being laughed at.

Those who were planning to make fun of Chen Kangjie or tease him after he finished the dance all shut up after hearing Chen Kangjie's serious warning, fearing that they would not be able to control their laughter.

"Look, spread your legs apart, your hands push your chest like mine, and then come down along your body, it's a feeling of pushing down and caressing, until your lower body comes out, make a cross with your hands, and then Then the buttocks began to tilt slightly, shaking, and finally bent down, the head should be lowered so that you can see the back from your crotch. Even so, you should maintain a shaking posture to increase the temptation, and then Turn around, continue to bend over, move your hips up and down, it's a bit like... a bit like you and your husband doing... when you're in love, you're on top of it", it seems that Chen Kangjie is not very Let go.

"Okay, you continue," Curtis replied.

"Then rub your hands up your legs, stand up, and turn around gently with your steps. At this time, you will use this bed pole as a steel pipe, and replace it with the form of a pole dance. Raise your right hand to hold the bedpost, and do several movements of pumping your body upwards in a row. It feels like you have reached the **, and your left hand touches your head and swings towards the bedpost. In other words, at this time, the pole is Like your boyfriend or your husband, hold it and turn it around, and finally swing your body over, lie on the bed with your head down, like me, at this time, the bug should fall from your cleavage ", Chen Kangjie was lying on the bed charmingly at this time.

Just now, Chen Kangjie patted the surface of the bed and praised the bed. Curtis suggested that he take a nap, but he refused, but now he is still lying on it.

"At this time, you have to find a way to put the bug back, so sit up, pretend to rub your hair, then turn around and pull the bed rail to slide down, looking for an opportunity to pick up the bug naturally, and then follow the two Stretching up in the middle of the day, the only place for you to store the bug at this time is your small cherry mouth, then you will naturally put the bug in your mouth, in order to conceal your behavior, you can put your index finger in your mouth Convulsions... It's a bit like... Blowjob, this should not be difficult for you, here you must pay attention to the coordination of the eyes, the eyes must be seductive and seductive, and then hold the bedpost and stick out your tongue , here is not to kiss, but to lick, understand? Just like that, you will do as I do in a while." Chen Kangjie finally came to the stage to perform this very charming and seductive part.

"OK, I'll try my best," Curtis nodded seriously.

"Fuck, this job is really not done by humans," Chen Kangjie lifted his coat from the bed and walked to the director's seat in the corner, cursing helplessly.

When Chen Kangjie sat down in the director's seat, Jedika leaned over his head, "Long, where did you learn it?".

"Do you want to fire the squid? If you want, then you can go back now." Chen Kangjie directly humiliated him with a big roll of his eyes and a threatening word, causing Jedica to quickly stick out his tongue and retract his crow.

It's not that Chen Kangjie has seen Yanwu, but he remembers that Curtis danced like this in the original history. Chen Kangjie just wants to copy her things to teach her, but in the eyes of others, Chen Kangjie must have learned it , at least I have seen it. <", Chen Kangjie issued an order to shoot again.

Curtis stood where she was supposed to be, and she had already thrown the skirt to the ground. Following the action Chen Kangjie demonstrated just now, she began to twist. This time, she looked much smoother, more eye-catching, seductive and sexy. They are all greatly strengthened, and the idlers are watching attentively one by one.

However, Curtis was still very nervous. After all, this was his first time playing such a role, and the first time he appeared in such a scene, his palms were a little sweaty.

When she was pulling the bed pole to swing, the wooden pole covered with sweat was very slippery. She pulled the pole and wanted to make a second passionate swing, but the same mistake happened, and Curtis slippery hand fell to the ground. on the ground.

The staff at the scene and even Schwarzenegger wanted to stand up and help her.

"Go on, go on, go on", Chen Kangjie interrupted them, he rushed to add this little episode, but it seemed real.

Schwarzenegger, who was about to stand up, retreated, and the other staff could only continue to do their jobs.

Curtis got up quickly and continued her performance.

It wasn't until the end of the performance that Schwarzenegger pressed the tape recorder he picked up from the ground, "Please lie down on the bed and close your eyes."

Helen sat down by the bed somewhat at a loss and helplessness: "I thought I just liked to watch it."

At this time, the camera took a close-up of the tape recorder in Harry's hand. After Harry rewinded the tape, he repeated the last sentence, "Please lie down on the bed and close your eyes."

Helen had no choice but to close her eyes and lie down on the bed, while Harry walked over with the rose at hand. In the camera, Curtis could be seen like a mermaid, with a curvy figure, very attractive.

In order to express his nervousness and worry about what happened next, Curtis clenched his hands into small fists, and his breathing seemed a little short.

Harry sat down beside her, straddled her body with his left hand, picked up the rose with his right hand, and gently placed the rose petals in Curtis's nostrils, perhaps feeling the refreshing floral fragrance, Curtis felt deeply took a breath.

Harry began to slide the petals slowly towards Helen's red lips, then gently stroked her cheeks, along her cheeks to her forehead, and then pulled it down over Helen's closed eyes, as if Harry was admiring a perfect artwork.

Under the warm light, the pendant on Helen's chest was small and delicate, and Harry's rose came to the towering chest along the pendant. Carpenter was taking close-up shots with the camera in his arms.

Harry's fiery eyes could already see that he was confused, and he seemed to be unable to help lowering his head. Just when he was about to kiss Helen, he made a small pause. Chen Kangjie felt that this small pause was just right, after all, the person in front of him was not a A real prostitute, but his wife.

The lips of the two finally kissed together. During the passionate kiss, Helen's right hand slowly stretched out towards the phone.

"Cut", Chen Kangjie came over, "keep this posture still, Helen, your left hand should hold Harry's head like a lover."

"But in the character, he is not my lover at this time. How can I hug him? I should resist." Curtis didn't understand why Chen Kangjie made such an arrangement.

"Hehe, I know, I just want an inducement here, or a little suspense, like Harry riding a horse and falling off a building, which will give the audience the illusion, besides, you will hit Harry on the head with a phone later, if You grab his hair, it will be easier for you to move next, so everything will become logical," Chen Kangjie explained.

"Okay, I see," Curtis replied.

"Carpenter, please pay attention later, Helen's left and right hands must be close-up, otherwise the audience will not be able to see clearly or even see it," Chen Kangjie explained to the photographer Carpenter.

After Chen Kangjie's explanation, Helen followed suit, and the effect was much better.

Just when Harry was enjoying the sweet passionate kiss, Helen touched the phone, and Helen pushed Harry away. Harry pretended not to understand what was going on, but Helen's phone hit him on the head .

Harry sat on his side in a daze, and Helen raised the phone with both hands and hit Harry on the back of the neck, knocking him to the ground.

Helen climbed out of bed in horror, picked up her black dress and put it on. After putting it on casually, she ran to the outside room. She was going to get her satchel and coat, but when she heard Harry's painful wailing, Helen went to the room again. run back.

"You pig," Helen kicked Harry in the stomach.

"Bastard", scolded through gritted teeth, then kicked.

The blows that Schwarzenegger suffered were all real, without any falsehood, but when Helen was kicking Harry, Chen Kangjie warned her not to use the toe of the shoe. Ge is a big man who practices bodybuilding, so he probably won't be able to bear it.

After Harry was kicked over, Helen ran to pick up her coat and bag and fled. After walking a few steps, she found that the bug was still in her mouth. She hurried back, took out the bug and put it under the lamp.

The original drama is placed under the small table here. It may be that Curtis is too anxious and doesn't have too many choices, but this does not affect the plot, so Chen Kangjie didn't stop it.

"Helen, wait", just as Helen ran past Harry again, Schwarzenegger finally had the first line of the scene.

Surprised, Helen stopped in her tracks, and Carpenter also moved the camera forward to lock on the moment Helen turned around.

"Harry?" Helen looked puzzled.

At this time Harry had already knelt down, "Yes, it looks strange, but I can explain it."

The moment Harry wanted to stand up, a few middle-eastern men who acted as extras burst into the door holding a pistol, "Don't move, everyone don't move."

This sudden move made Helen, who was already involved in the plot, scream instinctively.

"Don't move, don't move, don't move." At this moment, other gangsters rushed in from another door, Harry had already raised his hand, and Helen's screaming continued.

"Honey, listen to them," said Harry, who raised his hand. In the original play, Harry called Helen by name, but Chen Kangjie changed the name to "Dear" in order to match the later plot, otherwise Harry would call out Helen's name later. In order to save Helen, insisting that he doesn't know her is contradictory.

"He has nothing to do with this. I'm the one you're looking for." An extra grabs Curtis's hair and hurts her, so Helen's hoarse shouting feels more realistic.

"Shut up," yelled the only extra with a line here.

"Honey, don't talk, do what they say," Harry said under pressure.

"Let this whore go, she is not important at all, you don't need her," Harry argued after the gangster signaled to retreat, but unfortunately the gangster didn't listen to him.

"Harry, let me take care of this," Helen yelled such words when she was strangled and dragged out the door, which seemed very funny.

"Okay, not bad, it's rare to do it in one go, these extras are of high quality." Chen Kangjie turned on the headlights in the room.

"Long, these are old extras," Luo Fuman dropped the manuscript in his hand.

"Everyone has worked hard, go back and prepare, and fly to Miami tomorrow."

More exciting content is worth looking forward to...

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