rebirth of change

Chapter 3 Homework

Chapter 3 homework (this chapter is free)

Carrying his small green canvas schoolbag on his back, Chen Kangjie and his three sisters went out to school together. In fact, according to Chen Kangjie's current level of knowledge, there is no need to go to elementary school, but Chen Kangjie is still very happy in his heart, because he is the happiest His childhood was in elementary school and middle school, so although he no longer disdains learning such "low-level" knowledge in terms of knowledge structure, he is still very satisfied with being able to relive his school days and regain the friendship of his childhood friends (going out After work, many childhood friends gradually alienated and lost contact), enjoying this rare innocence and purity.

When he reached the intersection, he heard the sound of running from behind. Before Chen Kangjie could turn around, a hand was placed on his shoulder. Chen Kangjie turned around and saw a smiling round face appeared In front of me, this is Ma Wei, our best buddy in elementary school.

"Old Wen, why didn't you go to school this morning?"

"Nothing, something happened"

Ma Weixin nodded happily


"Ju Yan, go on your own, I can go to school with Ma Wei," Chen Kangjie greeted his sisters.

The sixth sister, Chen Jing, was still a little unhappy, but she turned around and left with the fourth and fifth sisters. Chen Kangjie and Ma Wei walked behind, chatting in whispers

In fact, I didn’t talk about anything, I just used Ma Wei’s words to find out about the situation in the class. After all, it’s not easy to ask directly, so I made a side note. Fart Boy) didn’t suspect him, so he poured out everything he knew like beans in a bamboo basket.

Through understanding, Chen Kangjie knew that his current class was the same as before, his classmates were still those classmates, and the main teachers had not changed at all. Chen Kangjie was still afraid that his "little butterfly" would stir up the situation.

It took about ten minutes to arrive at the school. Ma Wei was waiting at the door of the teacher's office. Chen Kangjie went in and found Mr. Chen, the class teacher, and handed her the leave slip. Mr. Chen browsed it and nodded: "Okay, you go to class." In the previous life, Chen Kangjie didn't have a good impression of this teacher Chen, so he turned and left the office without saying a word.

When I came out and saw Ma Wei hiding in the corner, I asked, "What are you doing? Like a thief"

Ma Wei stepped forward and put his arm around Chen Kangjie's shoulder and said, "Hey, aren't you afraid that Bajie will see it?"

At this time, Chen Kangjie remembered that Mr. Chen’s original name was Chen Hongmei, because he was mean to ordinary students, and he obviously liked students with good grades and good family backgrounds, and almost all of these friends when they were young had poor grades, and in addition, there were many problems in the family. They are basically ordinary workers, so everyone doesn't like Teacher Chen, and Teacher Chen is a bit fat, so everyone calls her "Bajie" behind her back, and basically walks around when seeing Teacher Chen.

Chen Kangjie could only laugh along with it, because in his previous life, he was more afraid of this Teacher Chen. Of course, now because of his rebirth, everything is different again.

The two chatted and laughed and came to the classroom on the second floor, and almost all the students were there. Chen Kangjie and Mawei were at the same table, and they were in the last row, so Chen Kangjie sat next to Mawei generously. Come down, look left, look right, everyone is so familiar and strange.

At this time, a very beautiful girl came over, with long hair, taller than most of the other girls, and a standard oval face.

"Chen Kangjie, where's your homework?"

"Homework? What homework?"

Chen Kangjie felt a little baffled. He knew this girl as Wang Hongjuan, the monitor of Class [-], Grade [-], but he didn't know what homework she was asking about.

"Hmph, the Chinese homework and math homework assigned by the teacher yesterday. I didn't see you in the morning. Did you skip class because you didn't do your homework?" Wang Hongjuan might feel that she was being teased. She was a proud girl, so she got angry Dudu's trouble.

But at this moment, Chen Kangjie has only been reborn for a long time, so how can he know what kind of shit homework is, if he knows what homework is, according to his current knowledge, it can't be done in minutes.Originally, a 30-year-old should not argue with a little girl, but I was still a little displeased to hear Wang Hongjuan's superior tone. You really thought I was Chen Kangjie from the previous life.

"Squad leader, I really don't know what homework I have. I was sick this morning. I have given the leave note to Teacher Chen. If you don't believe me, you can ask, oh, by the way, what homework is there? Tell me, I'll leave it to you in 5 minutes." Chen Kangjie replied calmly, without a trace of panic, and there was a faint smile on his face.

Where did Wang Hongjuan ever suffer from such grievances? She is usually superior, and with the love of her teachers and her good grades, everyone either loves her or shows courtesy to her, so she can't stand Chen Kangjie's teasing tone all of a sudden. With tears rolling in his eyes, he ran back to his seat and cried in a low voice.

A few good friends in the two rows behind secretly gave Chen Kangjie a thumbs up, as if to praise his bravery and fearlessness.

Seeing her like this, Chen Kangjie also felt a little troublesome. He was worried whether the teacher would criticize him, or felt that it was wrong and wrong for an "adult" to bully a little girl. He was thinking about going over to apologize and coax her. Although later generations Chen Kangjie did not get married and had children, but after watching so many TV and movies, he still knows how to coax a child.A discordant voice reached the ears.

"Chen Kangjie, it's fine if you don't like studying, why are you still bullying the monitor, I want to sue the teacher"

The person who spoke was Wang Xueping, the deputy squad leader. I remember that he used to be a kid who liked to flatter. He claimed that his father was a small cadre in the mine, and his studies were passable, so he was always complacent.

Chen Kangjie was softhearted and wanted to apologize to coax Wang Hongjuan, but when he heard Wang Xueping's voice, he felt even more displeased. I really thought I belonged to Chen Kangjie from his previous life. Jump out to accuse and threaten.

"It's none of your business, which eye of yours saw me bullying the class monitor? If you like to sue the teacher, go and sue the teacher. Don't mess around here. Dogs take mice."

Hearing Chen Kangjie's words, many students around were surprised. When did Chen Kangjie become so brave? Isn't he usually honest when he sues the teacher?A few girls still had their mouths wide open, and when they saw Chen Kangjie's sharp eyes glance over, they quickly covered them with their small hands.

Ma Wei, who was at the same table, also gently pulled Chen Kangjie's clothes, and reminded in a low voice: "Lao Wen, stop talking, that kid will really sue the teacher, and if you didn't hand in your homework, Teacher Chen will criticize you."

In the classroom, with so many students present, Ma Wei didn't dare to call Teacher Chen Bajie. After all, if Wang Xueping heard about it and told the head teacher, he would be the first one.

Chen Kangjie's heart warmed up, and he waved his hand without looking at Wang Xueping, as if he could be slapped out with a small hand

Seeing Chen Kangjie's style, many students also pursed their lips and laughed

Wang Xueping couldn't hold back his face anymore, feeling that Chen Kangjie, a poor student, didn't take him seriously as the deputy monitor, stomped his feet fiercely, gave Chen Kangjie a bitter look and ran out of the classroom.

Everyone knew that they must have gone to the head teacher to give a small report. At this time, Wang Hongjuan stopped crying and raised her head to look at Chen Kangjie, her eyes were red.Sure enough, within 2 minutes, the class teacher Chen Hongmei appeared at the door of the classroom.

"Chen Kangjie, Wang Hongjuan, come out, come with me to the office"

Teacher Chen yelled angrily, and the students also knew that Teacher Chen's yelling was mainly aimed at Chen Kangjie, who told him not to study well.A gloating head popped up behind Mr. Chen, it was that kid Wang Xueping.

Chen Kangjie didn't care too much, and Wang Hongjuan and Wang Hongjuan walked into the head teacher's office. Before they sat down, Teacher Chen asked sullenly:

"Chen Kangjie, what's the matter? I didn't come to class in the morning, and I made trouble when I came in the afternoon. Do you want to invite parents?"

Students who did not get good grades when they were young were more afraid of inviting their parents, because after their parents were squeezed out in front of the teacher, their children would definitely eat at the top when they returned home. Every time Ma Wei invited his parents, his father would put his slippers on his back.

Hearing Teacher Chen questioning the students, several teachers also turned their heads to pay attention to what was going on.

"Mr. Chen, as for the reason and process of the incident, let the monitor tell it. I believe the monitor will explain it fairly and clearly."

Chen Kangjie didn't panic at Teacher Chen's question, and replied calmly, neither humble nor overbearing. At the same time, he flattered the class monitor a little, so that she wouldn't talk nonsense like Wang Xueping.

The other teachers were a little surprised, what kind of child is this, how come they have the same bearing as an adult.Teacher Chen's expression of surprise was better than that of those teachers, but it quickly disappeared from his face. After all, he was questioning in front of his own students, so at least he had to be careful with his attitude, but the dark color on his face before was still relaxed Many, looking at Wang Hongjuan as if consulting.

Wang Hongjuan raised her head and saw that the head teacher and several other teachers were looking at her. She glanced at Chen Kangjie again, and found that he kept a calm smile on his face, so she narrated the whole thing.

"Is that so?"

Teacher Chen turned his head and asked Chen Kangjie

"Basically, it's like this. I didn't do my homework last night because I was sick. I found out my mistake when the monitor asked me just now, so I asked the monitor for help. The monitor has good academic performance and is our role model, so I am studying. It should also help us improve, I don't mean to bully the squad leader at all."

Chen Kangjie was still so calm, without showing the slightest haste or uneasiness, every word seemed so sonorous and forceful.

Teacher Chen was full of suspicion, "Is this the Chen Kangjie who I have taught for more than a year? Wasn't the previous Chen Kangjie always submissive in front of the teacher?"Why did it change so much all of a sudden?Looks more mature than my junior high school son'.Doubts belong to doubts, we still have to settle the matter, let's take a look at Chen Kangjie by the way.

"Then you mean, tell you what homework to do, can you really finish it in 5 minutes?"


Chen Kangjie replied firmly

Teacher Chen took out the Chinese text (because Teacher Chen is a Chinese teacher), pointed out a few homework questions from yesterday, and took out a piece of letter paper from the drawer and handed it to Chen Kangjie. I took a pencil on the table and started to write.

In fact, it is just some fill-in-the-blank questions and copying new words. If it is not to avoid shocking the world, Chen Kangjie can solve it within 2 minutes.However, I still deliberately tried to use block letters to complete the homework and hand it over to Teacher Chen. It took about four to five minutes. If I used the cursive script I learned after college, it would take more than a minute. Glasses will fall to the floor.

Teacher Chen picked up the words written by Chen Kangjie and looked at it carefully, and two female teachers also leaned their heads to read it.

Of course, Teacher Chen is not looking into right and wrong, because she saw the answer when Chen Kangjie wrote it, and it was all right.She was admiring this handwriting, it was beautiful and powerful, dignified and elegant, it was totally impossible to write like a second grader's handwriting.How did Mr. Chen know, before he was reborn, Chen Kangjie copied Pang Zhonghua's pen and copybook for several years in junior high school and high school.

"Chen Kangjie, who in your family taught you how to write?"

Chen Kangjie just realized that it was a bit too much. Just now, he wanted to behave better just now, so as not to be looked down upon by Teacher Chen in the future, so even though he used block letters, he still performed at a normal level. Who knew that it aroused the interest of the teacher and asked for cross-examination. up.

"My father taught me to write at home, and he can write very well with 'hair' pens and pens"

In order to reassure Mr. Chen, Chen Kangjie also had to lie and say so.Of course, it was the first half that lied, and the second half was very true. Chen Qigang is indeed good at calligraphy, and many people asked him to write couplets during the Chinese New Year.

Hearing Chen Kangjie's answer, Chen Hongmei didn't suspect him for the time being. She thought, "Maybe he used to be playful and didn't do his homework seriously, but when his father comes to the next parent meeting, he should ask carefully. This kid did all his homework correctly today." , The handwriting is also good, if it is really practiced at home, then cultivate it well, it is also a good seedling'.Chen Hongmei could only think so.

Wang Hongjuan saw that Teacher Chen and several other teachers were paying attention to this boy with poor grades, and felt a little lost. She glanced at Chen Kangjie, gritted her teeth and lowered her head, but this small movement was still caught by Chen Kangjie. It's just that I don't mind, little girl, being robbed of the limelight, naturally she will be a little unhappy.

"You guys go to class, remember to hand in your homework in the future, Wang Hongjuan, you are very responsible as the class monitor, very good"

Teacher Chen said with a smile, and also praised the monitor by the way. After all, there is nothing wrong with the monitor urging homework. Children, a few casual praises can easily resolve conflicts and atmosphere.

Sure enough, the unhappiness on Wang Hongjuan's face immediately spread out, and she glanced at Chen Kangjie, as if teasing, look, Teacher Chen praised me again, hum.

When they came to the door of the classroom, the class had already started. Both of them yelled "Report", and when they heard the teacher's "Come in", they both walked into the classroom.

"How about it, have you been coached yet?"

As soon as he sat down, Ma Wei asked with concern.

"It's okay, it's okay"

Chen Kangjie answered indifferently

"Really? Haven't you been criticized? Did you ask you to invite your parents?"

"Brother, why are you so unreasonable? You said it was very good, hurry up and draw your picture, remember, and draw one for me by the way."

Chen Kangjie could only show a wry smile at Ma Wei's "distrust". If you go to the office together, you must be in the front row?But it’s also true to think about it. In the past, I was criticized almost every time I went to the office of the head teacher, Teacher Chen.

This section is an art class. When I was in elementary school, the afternoons were almost all art, music, physical education, and calligraphy classes. They were all minor subjects and were not included in the grades. It was Ma Wei, who had poor grades, but drawing a turtle was still a thing, so I handed over the task to him.

When Ma Wei heard Chen Kangjie's answer, he was still thinking about what "March [-]" is. Of course, it is [-] years now, and Hong Kong and Taiwan movies have not yet become popular. , Elementary school children can be catchy.

Seeing Chen Kangjie lying on the table, Ma Wei felt that he must have been criticized and was in a bad mood. He didn't believe that he was "all right" as he said lightly, so as a "good brother" loyalty, he helped Chen Kangjie draw with crayons How many small flowers are handed in, anyway, the teacher doesn't care if the painting is good or not.

As soon as the bell rang for the end of the first class, a few bad brothers and friends in the back row who were usually connected with each other rushed over to surround Chen Kangjie.

"How is it, is it miserable?"

"Are parents invited tomorrow?"

"Have you been beaten?"

"Stretch out your hand to see if there is a pointer mark?"


Everyone is chattering, some are concerned, some are purely curious, and some are gloating

"Chen Kangjie, you are really good today. You made the squad leader cry first, and then the deputy squad leader. Good job."

I finally heard a word of praise, but it doesn't matter if you don't want such praise, what is this?The person who praised Chen Kangjie was Zhang Jiahua, who also sat in the last row. Chen Kangjie remembered that he was also a classmate in junior high school in his previous life. Good friends share, just like a big brother.

"Hua brother……"

These two words are called out. Seeing Zhang Jiahua's surprised expression, Chen Kangjie also felt that something was wrong. He used to call him Brother Hua, but that was after the fifth grade. No one called him Brother Hua before, although he He is older than Chen Kangjie, but there is so much quagmire among the little brats' classmates.

Seeing Zhang Jiahua's bewildered expression, Chen Kangjie could only smile submissively and said: "Zhang Jiahua, bravery is not defined in this way. Bravery means that people have the spirit or temperament of being brave and daring to be the first. Dare to be the first is not for everyone. Only those who have the courage and courage to be the first can be called brave people. Bravery is a neutral word. Good people can be brave, and bad people can be brave. Do you think I am brave or brave? The courage of the villain?"

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