rebirth of change

Chapter 4 Music Lessons

Chapter 4 music lessons (this chapter is free)

"Papa papa" applause came.

Chen Kangjie followed the prestige, and saw a beautiful girl approaching him from the front row, she looked like she was in her early years, her shiny black hair was draped down her shoulders, her fat was dewy, she was fair and supple, her eyes were like autumn waves, She has a light body, wearing a checkered one-piece floral dress, with a pair of bulging bunnies on her chest, and a pair of orange sandals on her feet.

"You have a very unique expression of bravery. What's your name?"

"Chen Kangjie"

Chen Kangjie blurted out without thinking. There are so many beauties in the 21st century, all kinds of female stars, AV porn star Chen Kangjie also watched a lot on the computer, it is reasonable to not be so distracted, but this girl is too pure, like a hibiscus coming out of clear water, she can be carved naturally.

Seeing that Chen Kangjie was about to bleed, the beauty smiled sweetly, feeling strange, usually grown men would have such a blank expression when they saw her, why did this little brat look so dazed when he saw him?

Chen Kangjie himself came back to his senses, slandering himself for acting too smug.

The beauty didn't say much, turned around and walked up to the podium. Chen Kangjie asked Ma Wei who this beauty was.

"Why, don't you know that this is our music teacher, Teacher He?"


It was only then that Chen Kangjie suddenly realized that, in fact, Chen Kangjie really didn't know this teacher He. He remembered that the music teacher in primary and secondary schools was an old lady from the north.

In this music class, Teacher He taught everyone a piece of "Fengyang Flower Drum". The students in the music class liked it very much. There was no homework, no exams, no physical exertion, and no mental effort. It was easier than the art class.Teacher He taught everyone with folk singing. In fact, this song was originally a folk song. Teacher He's singing voice was graceful and pleasant, which made people feel refreshed, so everyone also learned it more seriously.

Of course, it was rare for Chen Kangjie to take a class seriously.Perhaps the first reason is that Mr. He is slim, and his hands feel particularly graceful when he swings them.The second is that this folk song has a strong sense of rhythm and sounds more satisfactory.Chen Kangjie remembers that this folk song was recorded by Zhou Huajian in the Xuanquan concert in 96. It was played with a rock soundtrack and achieved good results. Chen Kangjie bought this disc and watched it many times. Although the audience in the red hall can't sing Also very affected by the rhythm and atmosphere of this song.

There were only two classes in the afternoon. At the end, everyone sang "Fengyang Flower Drum" together and then the get out of class was over. When Chen Kangjie saw Teacher He walking out of the classroom with the textbook, he left Ma Wei and chased him out first.

"Teacher Ho"

"This classmate, do you have anything to do with the teacher?"

Chen Kangjie scratched his head and tried to be cute. In fact, Chen Kangjie chased him not because of Teacher He's beauty (no matter how beautiful he is, he is only six years old, so there is a use for it. Chen Kangjie still has this self-knowledge), but because he has a way to make money I will see if Mr. He can help me with my plan. Of course, I can’t say anything without confirmation.

"It's nothing, I just want to talk to you about music, teacher"

In fact, Chen Kangjie knew a lot of music before, and it is a fact that he likes to listen to music. After all, as a person living in the Internet age, there are few people who do not listen to music often.

"Talk about music? Hehe, little classmate, didn't the teacher teach you to sing just now? What kind of music can you talk about?"

When Teacher He saw such a cute little guy mentioning such a topic, he couldn't help laughing, and smiled slightly.

"Hey, I just want to ask, if the song "Fengyang Flower Drum" you taught just now is sung in a rock style, do you think it would be good?"

"Rock? What rock?"

Mr. He was a little surprised. He hadn't heard of any rock singing. Popular, bel canto, and ethnic are all familiar, but he hadn't heard of rock!

Only then did Chen Kangjie recall that rock and roll in my country began in 1986 when the "Northwest Wind" began to enter the budding youth culture. The earliest rock song in my country was probably "Nothing" by Cui Jian, the "father of Chinese rock and roll" who was later admired by everyone. In 1989, Cui Jian released his first solo album "Rock and Roll on the New Long March Road", which is also my country's first real rock music album, followed by Black Panther's "Black Panther" and Tang Dynasty's "Tang Dynasty". , the compilation album "China Fire i" was released one after another, becoming a classic album that will remain in the annals of rock and roll in my country forever.

Chen Kangjie realized his slip of the tongue, in order to cover up his guilty conscience, he adjusted his mentality and continued to speak solemnly:

"Rock music first originated in Europe and the United States. A strong realistic critical spirit, deviation or conflict with dominant values ​​is the most fundamental spiritual characteristic of rock music, and it is also the basis for distinguishing rock music from commercial pop music at the value level. The dominant culture that rock music confronts is Most of the time it is modern capitalist industrial culture. Like many modernist arts, rock music also reflects many problems in the process of social modernization-modernity, and it can even be said that it resists modern industrial civilization, urban culture and market culture. , The critique of the alienated and numb human nature is the original spiritual core of rock music, the types of rock singing: roar singing, hissing singing, gothic, atmosphere”

Teacher He was dumbfounded when Chen Kangjie uttered such a large theory. It was like seeing a monster. He was a music student. Why didn’t he know these things? Yu's previous "brave" explanation made her even more surprised, and she couldn't help asking suspiciously:

"What's your name? How do you know all this?"

"My name is Chen Kangjie. You already asked me for my name this afternoon. I saw this in the newspaper."

Chen Kangjie replied casually without blushing

"Really? Oh, it seems that I really asked, is that newspaper still there? Can you show it to the teacher?"

Teacher He was a little embarrassed, and then remembered to ask people's names twice today, but she quickly changed the subject and asked curiously.

"Teacher, I'm sorry, I used up that newspaper when I went to the toilet. I forgot what newspaper it was."

Chen Kangjie had no choice but to continue lying like this. Where could he find such a newspaper?Fortunately, at this time, many people use newspaper or book paper to go to the toilet.

Hearing Chen Kangjie's answer, Teacher He showed a regretful expression, and was a little ashamed when Chen Kangjie said that he used up the toilet.

"You little devil, the teacher will go to the library to look it up later"

Chen Kangjie thought to himself, you can find a fart, it doesn't exist at all, after two years rock and roll becomes popular, you will know.

"Then do you know the meaning of roaring, hissing, goth, and atmosphere in rock singing? Can you sing?"

Am I mistaken, asking a six-year-old to sing rock?Only you, teacher, can figure it out, Chen Kangjie slandered in his heart.

"Teacher, how do I know this, I just saw it and don't know what it means, so I'm asking you"

In fact, Chen Kangjie knew it, and sang: 1 Luck: Dantian, use the greatest strength to push out the air pressure and hit the vocal cords. 2 Pronunciation: When the dantian qi hits the vocal cords.A hoarse sound came from the throat.Push the sound out of your mouth with your breath. 3 Note: Try to use the bass as much as possible without pressing the throat.The range is generally low to midrange.Singing: 1 Luck: Dantian and chest cavity, when the dantian gas is transported to the chest cavity, press down on the chest cavity [feeling] to push the air pressure to the throat. 2 Vocalization: When the chest cavity is pressed to the throat, the throat is pressed down, and the voice is pressed out of the mouth by the throat. 3 Note: try to use treble, you must press the throat.The range is generally mid-range to super high-pitched.Goth: 1 Luck: pure chest voice, relying on the expansion of the chest cavity, directly rushing the breath to the throat. 2 Vocalization: When the breath rushes to the throat, the vocalization is normal, and the voice is thickened by the agitation of the pubic region. 3 Note: Generally speaking, the sound is in the bass and midrange.Dantian is not lucky.Atmosphere: 1 Luck: Same as Goth. 2 Vocalization: There are many options, you can sing with breath, or you can sing with overtone

These are the introductions I saw online before, but I can't say it, otherwise it would be too shocking.

They chatted and walked towards the outside of the school. Ma Wei followed far behind. The reason why they didn't follow was a common problem. Those with poor grades didn't like to be with the teacher.

After further understanding, Chen Kangjie knew that Mr. He's original name was He Wanrong. He was a college student who had just graduated from the Music Department of Qianzhou Normal University. Thesis, awaiting assignment.When he walked out of the school and was about to break up, Chen Kangjie suddenly asked:

"Sister Rong, do you know notation? If you hear a song you don't know, can you write it down?"

Teacher He was a little surprised. It was the first time that a student did not call his teacher his sister. But seeing the cute and calm appearance of this little guy, he actually liked it quite a bit. He happened to have no younger brother, so it would be nice to have such a younger brother. .Smiling bent down to 'touch' Chen Kangjie's head and replied:

"Yes, why are you asking this? Do you want to sing and let your sister compose music for you? Hehe"

"You guessed it, that's exactly what it meant."

"That's what I mean, hehe, what songs do you know?"

"I know a lot, I will sing it to my sister when I have time"

Chen Kangjie replied with a cute and capable face.

"Okay, my sister is waiting, if you sing well, my sister will help you, hehe"

He Wanrong nodded with a smile.He didn't believe that Chen Kangjie could really sing any songs, so he just treated it as a child's nonsense.In fact, how did He Wanrong know that this simple conversation opened up the glory of the two of them in their lives.

After Teacher He left, Ma Weicai came up to him.

"Chen Kangjie, what are you talking about with Mr. He?"

Chen Kangjie smiled with an inscrutable look.

"Ma Wei, you won't understand if you tell me, but you will understand in the future"

After hearing the unconvinced expression on Ma Wei's face, he pouted and muttered, "Huh, we are still good friends, and you didn't tell me?"

Chen Kangjie didn't mind either, and threw his schoolbag over his shoulder.

"Let's go, I'll tell you later, okay? Seeing how pitiful you are, I'll treat you to a popsicle."

Only then did Ma Wei turn his anger into a smile. When he went out at noon, his mother gave Chen Kangjie a dime.At that time, the wages of ordinary workers were only 80 yuan, and the salary of ordinary cadres was only 1986 yuan. In 61, the basic salary of a lecturer who graduated from Tsinghua University in 113 was only [-] yuan, so everyone did not have much pocket money, only a few dollars a month Gross money, but fortunately at this time, ordinary popsicles cost four cents, and cream ice cream is only eight cents.

Chen Kangjie and Ma Wei walked arm in arm to the canteen in front of the farmer's school to buy popsicles. The farmer's school is actually called Pingzhai School. , so everyone is used to calling it a peasant school.Schools for the children of Dizhong Mine generally only accept the children of mining area workers. The teaching facilities and teachers are relatively high-level, and they can directly enter the technical school of the Mining Bureau after graduating from junior high school. After graduating from technical secondary school, they can enter the Mining Bureau system and become a formal Workers, so only a few peasant children who have a special relationship with the mining area can enter the school for their children.The children's school has a junior high school and an elementary school. The elementary school has three classes for each grade, and the junior high school has two classes for each grade. After all, it is not compulsory education in the full sense at this time, and not all children can enter the junior high school. .

Just as the two of them took the popsicles and were about to put them in their mouths, the voice of the sixth sister Juyan came from behind.

"Lao Wen, how do you have the money to buy popsicles? I want it too"

Turning around and seeing Chen Mei and Chen Jing approaching, the fourth sister Ju Xiang smiled and looked at the sixth sister Ju Yan feigning anger.

"Ju Yan, come here, I'll eat for you"

The four youngest siblings of Chen Kangjie's family all call each other by first name, they are never called elder sister, only when they are called eldest sister, second sister and third brother, they are called respectful titles.For decades, Chen Kangjie has had a good relationship with several older brothers and sisters, especially the sixth sister Chen Jing, who is about the same age as her, has a deeper relationship. Because they are about the same age, the two often quarrel over favor.Of course, after being reborn this time, Chen Kangjie would naturally not quarrel with Sixth Sister over trivial matters, and he would treat her more like a younger sister in his heart.Chen Jing is seven years old this year, but he is only in the first grade. Because he used to go to school with Ma Fangqin in the countryside. This year, after the family divided the house, the sisters followed Ma Fangqin to live and go to school in the mine, so they transferred back to the city from a rural school. He was asked to repeat a year in the school he was in, and only then did he become Chen Kangjie's junior.Chen Kangjie went to school early, maybe because of boys, or maybe because of being the youngest. Chen Kangjie was taken by his father to the first grade at the mine children's school when he was five years old.


Chen Jing took it without hesitation and took a bite. Maybe after biting, she found that her younger brother didn't have any in his hand. Maybe she was too embarrassed to "snatch" his younger brother's snacks, and then pushed the remaining popsicles in front of his younger brother.

"Old Wen, give it back to you, I don't want it anymore"

Chen Kangjie has never understood how Lao Wen got this name. Most people call him "Xiao Wen", "Xiao Song" and "Xiao Qiang". How did he become Lao Wen himself?It's a bit unbelievable, so I can only guess wildly that maybe because I am the youngest, my family hopes to grow up healthily, so I called it the other way around.

"Ju Yan, you can eat it if I give it to you. Ma Wei and I can eat one, and you and Ju Xiang can eat one."

How could Chen Kangjie take it back? In fact, it doesn’t matter to him whether he eats popsicles or not. Before he was reborn, he had never eaten ice cream. Haagen-Dazs has eaten it several times.

Besides, when we were in elementary school in the previous life, we often ate a popsicle with Ma Wei. Whoever ate it first could only take one bite, and the rest would belong to the other party.

He turned around and waved to Ma Wei, asking him to bring the popsicle over.

"Then you bite first, and the rest is mine."

The one who bites first usually does not bite half, and one-third is about the same. If he is determined to bite half, his throat will be frozen, so Ma Wei "treacherously" asked Chen Kangjie to bite first, to account for this. Order a little "cheap".

Naturally, Chen Kangjie didn't mind with his childhood friend, and bit off a quarter of it lightly. Ma Wei smiled happily when he saw the result.

Seeing that her younger brother also had popsicles to eat, Ju Yan felt relieved, gave Chen Mei a small bite of the remaining popsicles, and took Chen Kangjie and Chen Mei's hands and happily went home.

As soon as he reached the door of the house, Chen Qiancheng ran over from the slope with a smile on his face.

"Lao Wen, I heard that you were very good today. You made the monitor of your class cry. Wang Xueping was also pushed by you. I went to Bajie to make a small report on you. You were called to the office by Bajie and you were not reprimanded, right?"

Chen Qiancheng was also a good friend with Chen Kangjie when he was young. He was in the same grade, but he was in the second class, and he was as handsome as Chen Kangjie. Just the same hairstyle as Jimmy Lin.

Hearing Chen Qiancheng's question, Ma Wei's interest also came, and he always wanted to find out what good fruit Chen Kangjie ate when he went to meet the class teacher.

"Yeah, how's it going? Didn't I ask you to invite your parents?"

When Chen Mei heard Ma Wei said to invite parents, she also became concerned.

"Old Wen, what's going on, what happened?"

Chen Jing also pretended to be listening attentively, hey, how could such a trivial matter have caused a lot of trouble in the city, as for it?

"Ask Ma Wei."

Chen Kangjie didn't want to move his mouth to explain, and everyone also looked at Ma Wei intently.

Ma Wei had no choice but to briefly explain what happened in the afternoon.He could only give a brief explanation, how could a kid in second grade describe it so clearly.

After Ma Wei's narration, Chen Kangjie said:

"Actually, it's nothing. Teacher Chen is still very reasonable and didn't criticize me. I finished the Chinese homework she assigned yesterday in front of her in 5 minutes. Of course, it is impossible for me to invite parents."

Chen Kangjie didn't take this seriously at all. For a college student who has experienced 30 years of life experience, this is not worth mentioning at all.

Seeing Chen Kangjie's determined request, they all didn't believe it. They usually ask Chen Kangjie to do homework, but they always procrastinate, and they often don't finish it for an hour or two. How could they finish their Chinese homework in 5 minutes today? Woolen cloth?Especially Ju Yan, who didn't believe it at all.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm not who I was yesterday, I started to study hard today, coupled with my genius mind, I will be the number one in the grade from now on"

What Chen Kangjie said is also true, he is indeed not who he was yesterday, he is reborn.Of course, everyone scoffed when they heard him answering the question in this way.

"Ma Wei, what is the homework assigned by the teacher this morning? I didn't go to class, you tell me, I will finish it quickly, lest the monitor will trouble me again tomorrow"

The four of them felt that the sun came out from the west today. They were usually most afraid of doing their homework. Most of them were plagiarized.

Ma Wei opened his schoolbag and drew out the Chinese homework and math homework assigned by the teacher today

Chen Kangjie opened the door, and started doing homework in front of the fourth sister's desk, and the four of them watched curiously.It doesn't matter to Chen Kangjie, anyway, sooner or later his "genius" side will be known. He finished his Chinese homework in 4 minutes and his math homework in 2 minutes.

The fourth sister picked up his homework book, wanting to check whether the answer was correct.The fourth sister is in the first grade of junior high school, and it is easy to find out whether the homework of the second grade is correct.The results are self-evident, not only are they all correct, but the block letters are also written very well, even better than hers.

"Wow, Lao Wen, you are amazing!"

Ma Wei was the first to call out. He felt that Chen Kangjie was very proud of being right. After all, he was his deskmate and good friend, and he would definitely take care of him in the future.

In fact, Chen Kangjie didn't think much about how to take care of Ma Wei during the exam. After all, he had to find a way to motivate him to study actively. As a good friend, he didn't want to see Ma Wei doing nothing in the future. It is impossible for my friends and relatives to continue the ordinary track of the previous life.

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