rebirth of change

Chapter 5 Genius Establishment

Chapter 5 days to establish (this chapter is free)

"Ma Wei, Ju Yan, you study hard, and if you don't understand, just ask me, and I will help you. In the future, we will not be able to do without cultural knowledge. We must make progress together."

Chen Kangjie said seriously to Ma Wei and Chen Jing that he could only say the same to Ma Wei and the sixth sister Chen Jing now, but he did not dare to say the same to Chen Mei for the time being, although the knowledge of junior high school was a piece of cake for him It's a dish, but you have to give the sisters a process of adaptation, and you can't be too frightened casually. Chen Qiancheng is automatically filtered out. Although his grades are not particularly good, they are still passable.Chen Mei saw her younger brother's serious expression, combined with his words, she felt that her younger brother had grown up and matured a lot all of a sudden, even more mature than her second sister, a bit like a person, yes, a bit like a father.

Chen Jing saw Lao Wen's homework was smoothed out, his eyes were full of little stars, and he decided in his heart that I also want to be as good as Lao Wen, and I can't lose to him.Chen Kangjie didn't expect that one word would cause Sixth Sister to have such a change in her heart.

Seeing Chen Kangjie like this, everyone consciously went back to do their homework. Chen Jing's good sister Yu Lan came to ask her to do rubber band dancing, but she didn't go.

Chen Kangjie didn't have the time to pay attention to those things now, he was lying on the bed with his calf crossed and his head on his head, thinking about something.

This year is 1986. Although the reform and opening up has been going on for several years, how can we make money?After experiencing the world of later generations, Chen Kangjie deeply knows that no matter what, money comes first.Buy monkey tickets?No, it was released in 1980, so it's been a few years.Running a business?With no capital and people with small arms and legs, who can rest assured that they can start a business by themselves?

Chen Kangjie turned over and fell into deep thought.Stock trading?The stocks in Pengcheng and Shanghai haven't been issued yet. Besides, even if they are issued, they can't be bought. Do you use a few cents a month to buy them?That's not ridiculous.Reselling subscription certificates?Well, this is a good idea to make money. No one bought the first stock subscription certificate in Shanghai, but it doubled hundreds of times in less than a few months. The subscription certificate issued by Pengcheng next can make ten times the profit in one day.That's not right, reselling subscription certificates also requires principal, and the principal must not be less, otherwise it will not work.Teacher Ho?Hey, why did you think of Teacher He, because she is beautiful?Oh, by the way, didn't you want to build a good relationship with Mr. He during the music class this afternoon, and ask him to help compose and sell songs? By the way, this is the way.Later generations have sung so many Hong Kong and Taiwan songs, it is not difficult to find some classics, and they should be popular.That's right, just do it.

But selling songs alone is not enough, Chen Kangjie thought further, selling songs can make money, compared to the current economy in mainland China, it can make a lot of money, but after all, it is to make money from the people of the country, and if they give hundreds of thousands, it is the best God, this is too far from the future goal.If you want to earn money, you can earn money from foreigners, whether it is "fishing" in troubled waters during the disintegration of the Soviet Union, or blocking the British pound in 92, fishing for "BRICs" in the Mexican financial crisis in 94, or participating in the Asian financial crisis in 97, etc. Which doesn't require a lot of money?

By the way, I can write novels. With my super memory, I can write down the novels I have read silently, um, a good idea.Later generations have read two sets of best-selling foreign novels "Twilight" and "Harry Potter", but unfortunately I read the Chinese version. Now a columnist of the Writers Association only earns a monthly salary of a little over [-] yuan. Writing a novel in Chinese is not a big deal, so you have to translate it into English. Some words in "Harry Potter" are still written in Latin and French, my God!Is it necessary to learn Latin and French in addition to strengthening English?

Tmd, no matter how much it is, it's hard for me to go to heaven and let myself be reborn again.Chen Kangjie made a decision, and now that his memory is extremely strong, it should be more effective if he learns it. Yes, that's it. Start planning and studying from now on.

In order to go from easy to difficult, although "Harry Potter" was published eight years earlier than "Twilight", Chen Kangjie decided to reverse their order. One is that "Harry Potter" has more words, and the other is "Harry Potter". The English version of The Twilight Saga is written entirely in English, which is relatively easy to learn, and it happens to accumulate experience and allow time for learning Latin and French.

Chen Kangjie made a rough plan, and first spent about half a year sorting out some songs for sale. He also strengthened his English learning and began to learn Latin and French.It took two years to silently write "Twilight" and translate it into English by myself.Of course, these three things were carried out at the same time. After all, Chen Kangjie didn't need to spend much time studying in school and had a lot of free time.Then it took another two years to silently write "Harry Potter" and translate it into English.

With such a plan, Chen Kangjie thinks that he should have a more fulfilling life.Although you want to experience the innocence and happiness of childhood, you shouldn't spend a lot of time on those boring games.These two novels can also sell movie copyrights, which is not a small income, especially in US dollars. When you have money, you can enter the financial field to make more money. If you have money, you can change the appearance of your hometown. , it can't be that the economy will still be at the bottom of the country by the end of the year, and I feel very happy when I think about it.The more I think about it, the more arrogant I become. Now that I am reborn, I will become a king and take on greater responsibilities.

Of course, there is another important task, which is to exercise your body. You have to make yourself stronger. At least "the body is the capital of the revolution". , Although it didn't become a fat pig, it still only had loose meat and no muscles.

It wasn't until Chen Mei came to the window and called for dinner that Chen Kangjie recovered from his beautiful thoughts.

At the dinner table, the third brother Chen Yuchang also came back. Hearing what they talked about, Chen Yuchang went to have a relationship with a girl.Chen Yuchang's nickname is Chen Laosan, because he is the third child in the family, everyone calls him that, so there are some neighbors whose elders are called Chen Kangjie and Chen Laoqi. Most people in the 80s were tacitly allowed to fall in love after graduating from junior high school, except for those who continued to go to high school.

Chen Yuchang is a person who loves fashion and smug beauty. He wears a pair of high-heeled leather shoes and a pair of bell-bottom pants. He has long hair, which seems to have been permed. There is an old-fashioned Phoenix, which Chen Qigang bought for only 50 yuan a few years ago for the convenience of going back to the countryside.At this time, the bicycles were of good quality. They had been well maintained for several years, and they still looked very delicate. Chen Laosan just rode his bicycle all day long to pick up girls.

A bicycle in the 80s is very impressive. I remember that a writer in Wuxi later wrote that the bicycle was "the BMW of the 80s". At this time, young people like to ride a bicycle in a chic way, and their clothes and hair are blown by the wind, which makes them feel very cool. , very attractive to girls.

"I found you a job as a contract worker in the mine. You are in the ventilation team. Don't run around all day long. You should do something serious when you grow up. Get ready and report for duty the day after tomorrow."

Chen Qigang held the bowl and chopsticks and said to the third child lightly, but seeing Chen Yuchang's expression tense at first, then became a little happy in an instant.Chen Kangjie understood the meaning of his expression, the important thing was that his good days of carefree play all day were over, and the happy thing was that he could get his own salary at work, and he didn't have to look at his father black and white every time he asked Chen Qigang for pocket money His face 'coloured'.In fact, the financial burden of the family is so heavy, it is impossible for Chen Qigang to give him much pocket money.

Chen Yuchang nodded quietly, indicating that he understood.

"I heard that you were called to the office by the head teacher today? What's going on, you actually made your head teacher cry?"

Chen Qigang turned his head and said to Chen Kangjie, without any expression on his face.This should be Chen Jing's unconvinced complaint.

Chen Kangjie glared at Juyan, thinking that this sister was troublesome.Chen Jing probably also bowed her head consciously.

Chen Kangjie didn't stop, he picked out the good ones while eating and told the story.Seeing the puzzled expressions of the family members, the fourth sister, Chen Mei, interjected for help:

"This should be true. I just watched him finish all of today's homework in less than 10 minutes. Not only are they all correct, but he also wrote neatly, which is better than mine."

When Chen Mei said this, she was somewhat envious, because her studies were not very good.

"You go and get his homework and I'll take a look"

Chen Qigang usually doesn't check his children's homework very much, he just pays attention to the test results, and he is not very strict in his studies, so Chen Qigang is a bit unqualified in this matter.

After getting Chen Kangjie's homework, Chen Qigang was overjoyed at first, then frowned and asked, "Is this really your homework?"

"Dad, of course I wrote it, Juxiang Juyan even looked at what I wrote."

Chen Kangjie replied old-fashionedly.

Chen Qigang glanced at Chen Jing, and Chen Jing nodded quickly.

"When did you improve so much in your studies? I don't know? When did you practice calligraphy? You didn't write so well before?"

"Dad, don't even think about it. How long has it been since you inspected our studies? I've been practicing for a while. Don't you have a copybook on your desk? One day I saw it looked good and took it to me to take a picture. I wrote it, I used to be playful, so I didn’t like to study, otherwise, according to my genius mind, I would do whatever I don’t want to learn.”

Hearing his son's criticism in disguise, Chen Qigang also blushed.Chen Qigang's calligraphy is very good. One of his great hobbies is calligraphy. Of course, he also drinks. The Chen family seems to like drinking. Chen Kangjie was no exception when he was a child.

"You are a real person. It is a good thing for your son to learn to write well. You ask all kinds of things, and you usually don't care about the children's study."

At this time, Ma Fangqin saw that Chen Qigang seemed to be blaming him, and felt that his son's disguised criticism made him unable to stand up, so he smiled and made a way out with a fake anger.At the same time, he also hit Chen Kangjie with a chestnut, lovingly touched Chen Kangjie's head and said, "My son is a genius, and he is very smart. You are only six years old now. What do you mean when you were young before? Now you are also young, and you are still the youngest in our family." Yes, he still looks like a little grown-up."

"Hey, that's right, I'm always small in front of my mother, hey"

Chen Kangjie blushed and acted like a baby in his mother's arms, his brothers and sisters also laughed, and Chen Qigang couldn't help 'showing' a smile.

"Lao Wen, since you said you are a genius, you must take the first place in the semester exam. The third brother doesn't like reading, so help me make up for it, haha"

Chen Yuchang encouraged Chen Kangjie with a heck of a smile, both joking and genuine encouragement.After all, Chen Qigang was also a junior college student in the 70s. Although it was not a unified recruitment but was sent to study by the unit, it is impossible for all children to have poor academic performance. .

"Third brother, don't worry, from now on the number one in our school will ask me to take care of it"

Hearing such a heroic answer from the younger brother, the older brothers and sisters also burst out laughing.Chen Qigang and Ma Fangqin saw their youngest son so sensible and generous, and their faces were filled with happy smiles.Who doesn't want their children to study well and be promising.

The family enjoyed the meal happily.

"Dad, I still want to practice 'Mao' calligraphy, you teach me"

After eating, Chen Kangjie ran to Chen Qigang's room and said holding hands.Chen Qigang looked at his young son who was sensible and motivated, and he felt guilty about relaxing his children in school, so he readily accepted the task.In fact, he also hopes that his children can learn calligraphy from him, after all, this is his proud strength.It's a pity that from the eldest Chen Yuqiong to the sixth son Chen Jing, they are not interested. Now there is a young son who is interested and willing to learn 'Mao' calligraphy, of course he is very happy.

In this way, Chen Qigang found a few collections of "Mao" calligraphy stickers, and took out a few newspapers under the table, and taught Chen Kangjie the skills and experience of "Mao" calligraphy.The reason why he uses newspapers is that white paper and rice paper in the 80s are relatively expensive, and most people can't afford them, not to mention it's just for practice, and he only takes out a bunch of precious rice paper when he really wants to write.

It is also rare for Chen Kangjie to enjoy such family happiness full of fatherly love, so he studied very seriously.On the way, Ma Fangqin came in to see how the father and son were "working together", and encouraged them a bit.

The next day, at dawn at six o'clock, Chen Kangjie got up and put on his blue shoes and went out for a run alone. He had never gotten up so early when he was a child. It was a rare rebirth, and he finally broke through the habit of sleeping late. The great man said it well, Exercise should start from a baby, isn't Chen Kangjie just a little baby now.

Chen Kangjie's planned route is to run from his home along the highway to the school and run around the playground twice, about three kilometers. Chen Kangjie's home lives halfway up the mountain, and the school is at the foot of the mountain, so when he went downhill, he came back. It turned into climbing, and he didn't know if it would affect the exercise. No matter how much it was, it was always good to exercise.

It was very easy to go, going downhill, Linchen’s breath was very fresh, I took a breath, I felt so cool in my lungs, in the sky, the moon hadn’t completely set, and the sun hadn’t fully climbed up yet, it was hazy.The cool breeze blowing on the face feels very refreshing.

After running to the school's "playground" in one breath, I jogged around the "playground" twice, then went to the horizontal bar beside the "playground" to do ten pull-ups and fifty leapfrogs before Backtrack.

When you start exercising for the first time, you have to do it step by step, and don’t dare to go too hard. You are only six years old, with small arms and legs. If you don’t have 30 years of mentality, you might just run back to school and forget it.There are only a few middle-aged uncles and young people exercising in the school's playground in the morning, and there are no children as young as him.Those few people were all interested in this little guy who trained so well by himself, and some people even asked each other which family's kid it was. Chen Kangjie actually heard it, but he didn't respond.

It is easy to go downhill, but difficult to go uphill. Only halfway through the run, Chen Kangjie felt dry mouth and heavy calves, but he still had to persevere, and the exercise should not be given up halfway.When Chen Kangjie gritted his teeth and ran uphill to the door of the house, he felt that he was going to collapse, his feet were too weak, and his thighs and calves were as heavy as lead.

Ma Fangqin saw her son walking into the house dripping with sweat.

"Old Wen, what did you do? You're sweating profusely"

"Mom, I'm going to exercise"

Chen Kangjie took a sip from the big tea mug and replied panting.

At this time, Chen Kangjie's sisters also got up, and seeing him like this, they all looked at him with strange eyes, why did the younger brother who usually got up and went to school get up by himself today, and went to exercise.Strange things happen every year, but these two days are particularly frequent.

"Old Wen, where did you go to exercise? You are a child, what are you exercising for?"

Chen Mei asked jokingly.

"Old sister, you guys are so beautiful, brother, if I don't exercise well, how can I protect you in the future?"

One sentence made several sisters laugh out loud.This sentence is really not a lie. When I was in school in my previous life, because my older sisters were more beautiful, my classmates often harassed me, but Chen Kangjie couldn't beat her.

Chen Qigang also got up in a Chinese tunic suit, and was also amused when he heard this sentence.

"Well, you look like a little man, and I'll leave the older sisters to you to take care of from now on."

"No problem, don't worry, whoever bullies my sister, I will have trouble with him"

Chen Kangjie put away his smiling face, patted his chest, and replied extremely seriously.

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