rebirth of change

Chapter 304 Financing Difficulty

Chapter [-] Financing difficulties

Chen Kangjie didn't know where the egg roll shop was, but that didn't prevent him from being able to find it easily, because Chu Xiang seemed to know him very well, and Chen Kangjie almost came to this small egg roll shop under his leadership.

This egg roll shop is more than 30 meters away from the snack bar that Chen Kangjie and his group have reserved. Good Taste Egg Roll Shop", Chen Kangjie and the others had just approached, and there was a strong aroma of egg rolls blowing towards them.

Inside the facade, there is a middle-aged couple busy, each with a big white apron hanging in front of them, with sleeves on their hands, not very new, but well washed, the man's hair is not very long, Wearing a gray-blue shirt, the woman's hair was tied up casually with rubber tape, some strands of hair near the ears were pulled down to form bangs, and a gray-black women's coat.

Chen Kangjie and Chu Xiang approached the egg roll shop, and the first to speak was the couple who looked up and saw them.

"Xiangzi, school is over, is this your classmate?" The woman wiped her forehead with her sleeve and said with a happy smile.

When Chen Kangjie heard it, what happened?They know each other?Xiangzi, why does the name sound so familiar?Chen Kangjie immediately thought of the text "Camel Xiangzi" written by Mr. Lao She, the people's artist.

"Well, Mom, this is Chen Kangjie from our class." Chu Xiang introduced Chen Kangjie shyly like a little girl.

"Auntie, hello." With Chu Xiang's introduction, Chen Kangjie immediately released Mr. Lao She and greeted Chu Xiang's mother politely.

At this time, Chen Kangjie realized why Chu Xiang wanted to ask him to buy egg rolls. Even if Chen Kangjie refused, he still had to accompany him. It turned out to be the young owner.

"Ah, you are Chen Kangjie! Our Xiangzi is always carrying you, come and sit down." Chu Xiang's mother was very enthusiastic, and was about to let Chen Kangjie and the others enter the room, but when she turned around and saw that the back room was too small, she was a little embarrassed , "Look, here, Xiangzi, go to the house and move a stool out for Chen Kangjie to sit on", and then patted the smiling man, "Old Chu, get some fresh egg rolls for Xiangzi's classmates to try".

Chen Kangjie didn't expect Chu Xiang to mention him often at home. It seemed that the two of them hadn't communicated much, but from the expression of Chu Xiang's mother, there was no sign of fraud.

"Auntie, no need, no need, I'm here to buy egg rolls", Chen Kangjie quickly stopped, he couldn't really sit here and eat egg rolls by himself now.

"Hey, what are you talking about buying? I'll pack two catties for you and take it back to eat. We haven't thanked you for your help to our Xiangzi." Although no one introduced him, Chen Kangjie judged that the man was Chu Xiang dad.

Chu Xiang's father did what he said, and took out a small plastic bag to hold his freshly baked egg rolls.

Since Renrenle Supermarket took the lead in using plastic bags, many local stores have gradually started to use plastic bags, even department stores, which have always been arrogant, are no exception. , although without him there would be plastic bags everywhere sooner or later, but after all, Chen Kangjie advanced the time by more than two years, adding millions of white pollution to the local area.I hope he will invest in the research and development of degradable plastic bags as soon as possible to reduce land pollution.

"Uncle Chu, you can't do this, you can't do this, it's not good, I can't eat it alone." Chen Kangjie hurried forward to stop Chu Xiang's father, he couldn't share one of these two catties.

"This child is really filial. He remembers his parents when he buys things. It's okay. Your Uncle Chu will decorate you more." Chu Xiang's mother praised Chen Kangjie with a smile.

However, Chen Kangjie really didn't dare to take this compliment. This misunderstanding became too big, and he was inferior all of a sudden. Chen Kangjie's face at this time was like the color of a pig's liver.

"Oh, mom, what are you talking about? Chen Kangjie is here to buy food for his classmates." Chu Xiang, who came out with the stool, heard his mother make such a big oolong, and hurriedly corrected him embarrassingly.

"Oh, look at me, I'm sorry, I'm sorry", Chu Xiang's mother slapped her forehead in embarrassment, and said with a embarrassed smile.

"It's okay, auntie." No matter how bored Chen Kangjie felt, he could only smile to resolve it, and it wasn't intentional.

"It's okay, then I'll hug some more, how about some of you classmates?" Chu Xiang's father was very generous, and he lifted out the dustpan under the counter. There were a lot of ready-made egg rolls in the dustpan, probably because he was worried There are a lot of people buying at noon and afternoon, so make them in advance.

"Uncle Chu, how much is a catty? Why don't you weigh it for me, we have a lot of people", Chen Kangjie didn't know what to say to Chu Xiang's parents who were so enthusiastic, but he still couldn't take it for nothing, it was a small business .

"Hey, it's okay, it's okay, you can be friends with my Chu Xiang, it should be, here is enough for seven or eight of your classmates, will you go to Peach Blossom Mountain to play later?" Chu Xiang's father was loading an egg roll , while talking to Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie didn't understand why Chu Xiang's parents valued him and Chu Xiang as friends so much, but in Chu Xiang's father's opinion, they only had seven or eight classmates at most to play, and he filled two bags full of them, which should be enough. In short, Chu Xiang's parents are very happy that Chu Xiang can have classmates and friends to play with.

"Dad, where are our fifty classmates!" Chu Xiang put the stool behind Chen Kangjie, stepped forward to block Chen Kangjie, and complained to his father.

"Ah? Fifty? This.... This...." Chu Xiang's mother was frightened when she heard that there were fifty classmates. No problem, but if it is provided to fifty students for free, it is estimated that these two days will be all for nothing.

"Yes, Auntie, I invited the students in our class to eat. They said your egg rolls are delicious, so I came over to buy some, how much is it per catty? Please weigh more for me." Chen Kangjie knew Chu Xiang's mother What was she thinking, so I spoke out to resolve her embarrassment.

"This, look at this, old Chu, this", Chu Xiang's mother couldn't decide to pay attention, and turned her head to Chu Xiang's father for advice.

"What about this and that, don't the kids just eat some egg rolls? Bring a bigger bag, Xiao Chen, sit down first, and uncle will pack the catties for you, making sure it's enough for you to eat." Chu Xiang's father actually I was also frightened by Chu Xiang's 'fifty people', but I said everything I said, so I can't take it back. Besides, this is my son's classmate, and my son finally has a friend. Two days of free work will be free.

Sure enough, Chu Xiang laughed happily when he heard his father say that.He said just now that he came to buy it because he wanted to give some of his own things to the students.

"No no no, Uncle Chu, it's not easy for you to start a small business. How can I ask you so much? How much is a catty? I have to give you money." Chen Kangjie really felt that Chu Xiang's parents were too polite, but they were small Chen Kangjie couldn't do that in this business.

"Xiao Chen, it's settled like that, don't be silly, if you give money, you will look down on Uncle Chu and our Chu Xiang," Chu Xiang's father feigned anger.

Hey, what else can Chen Kangjie say, Chu Xiang's father has said that, Chen Kangjie can only bear to accept it, when Chu Xiang's mother went into the house to find a big bag, Chen Kangjie chatted with Chu Xiang's father stand up.

"Uncle Chu, your egg rolls are so delicious, why didn't you think of opening a bigger store, and even building a small egg roll factory?" Chen Kangjie took a bite of the fresh egg rolls that Chu Xiang handed over, and it was delicious very sweet.

"How could I not have thought about it, it's just that this store was opened with borrowed money. How can there be more money to build a small factory? Now the business is good, and the neighbors around also like to eat, but it is only enough for our family to live on. Yes, wait until later," Chu Xiang's father took out a cigarette and lit it, then came out from behind the counter and said with a sigh.

"Didn't you go to the bank or credit union to ask?" Chen Kangjie really thinks his egg rolls are delicious, and thinks that if their family grows bigger, they will be very popular. Free egg rolls, then you have to worry about it.

"I asked, but I couldn't get a loan. Don't say we don't have a mortgage. Even if there is a mortgage, they won't lend us a loan. There is a clerk in the credit union who is willing to lend, but their leaders don't approve." Chu Xiang's Dad squatted down, and what he said was a little helpless and dissatisfied.

Chen Kangjie understands that the current banking system will not give loans to self-employed individuals, not to mention self-employed individuals, small businesses are very difficult, his third brother has a mortgage, and after a loan of several million, he has to go to him if he wants to get a loan. Let alone others.

Chen Kangjie planned to do something to change it. He thought of setting up a small loan company, which only lends and does not finance, but even so it is not possible now. Although Liushuipan has a brand of economic reform pilot zone, the current policy It has not been completely liberalized. Many policies will open the door after the old chief's southern tour, and some will open a gap if the door will not be opened. Now Pengcheng, a special economic zone, is also waiting for further affirmation and implementation of the policy.

Although the development of Pengcheng is not bad now, but compared with ten years later, the gap is not so big. They are special economic zones, and they have to wait until the old chief Nan Xun mentions a few words before completely reassuring and making great strides forward. , let alone Liushuipan, which has just obtained the brand of the experimental zone for a short time. The financial industry has always been very sensitive. Chen Kangjie can invest in domestic industries, but investing in the financial industry can only be thought of for the time being, and he cannot do it. It will be soon too. If there is no deviation in history, the old chief will tour the south in only a few months, and it seems that it can be established now.

Chen Kangjie was thinking, but before he could respond to Chu Xiang's father's conversation, Chu Xiang's mother had already taken out a big white bag and told Chu Xiang's father to pack it quickly.

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