Chapter Three Hundred and Five

Chu Xiang's father threw the cigarette butts on the ground and stomped on them before going into the facade to pack the egg rolls.

In the end, Chen Kangjie carried a bag of big ones, weighing more than ten catties, and Chu Xiang carried a bag of small ones, weighing five or six catties.Chen Kangjie thanked Chu Xiang's parents, and Chu Xiang's parents greeted Chen Kangjie, "Chen Kangjie, come to our house if you want to eat egg rolls in the future, ah, don't miss out, you are the only friend in our family Chu Xiang."

"Chu Xiang, do you have few friends?" Chen Kangjie asked Chu Xiang on the way back.

"Well, I basically have no friends after school." Chu Xiang took small steps, lowered his head and stabilized his glasses, and said softly, like a little girl.

"Do you often mention me to your parents?" Chen Kangjie continued to ask.

"Yeah, I admire you very much...but I don't know if I can be friends with you." Chu Xiang was very excited before, but when he talked about it later, he was very low-key, he was afraid that Chen Kangjie would refuse.

In fact, how could Chen Kangjie refuse? The friendship of classmates is as precious as that of comrades-in-arms. Everyone needs fate to get along in the same classroom for several years.

"Look at what you said, aren't we already friends?" Chen Kangjie gave him a friendly thump on the back and said with a smile.

"Hey, haha", Chu Xiang smiled silly and sweetly.

Maybe a child who has no friends suddenly has a friend, a friend who he often takes as an example, this is his greatest wealth.

"You said you admire me, what do you admire about me? You are also very good at studying," Chen Kangjie asked with great interest.

"How can my academic performance compare with yours? I have never seen a point deducted in an exam. I admire you a lot. You study well, you are a good person, and you fight fiercely. Even Lin Wei who often searches for my money... I am afraid of you, I have never been searched after that time, others know that I am in the same class as you, and no one in the school dares to bully me", Chu Xiang said for a while, envious, admiring, and helpless, Proud for a while, the voice also changes with the change of tone, and the size varies.

Only then did Chen Kangjie understand why he was treated like this. It turned out to be such a reason. It seemed that he had really done a good thing.

The classmates cheered when they saw the two of them bring so many egg rolls back. Chen Kangjie just took this opportunity to add some friends to Chu Xiang, not just classmates.

"Let me declare that I did not invite you for these egg rolls. It was Chu Xiang who invited you. I didn't pay a dime. Everyone applauds Chu Xiang for his hospitality." Chen Kangjie put the egg rolls on the table. On the table in the middle, everyone spoke enthusiastically after letting everyone take it freely.

Sure enough, after Chen Kangjie finished speaking, warm applause and cheers came from the snack bar.

"Chu Xiang, good job, brother, I didn't realize that you were so enthusiastic before."

"Chu Xiang, good."

"Sister Chu Xiang, you are so beautiful today."

Chu Xiang was embarrassed by the booing of his classmates, blushing, and grinning.

"Wait, why is there a Chu Xiang girl?" Chen Kangjie stopped Sun Xiaolei who was holding Chu Xiang's shoulder.

"Boss, you don't know, Chu Xiang usually doesn't talk much in the classroom, like a girl, we nicknamed him "Sister Paper"", Sun Xiaolei said seriously.

Whether it was the classmate who heard the nickname once or the instigator, they all held their bellies and laughed so hard.

Chu Xiang probably knew his nickname, and was so embarrassed by everyone's laughter that he couldn't lift his head.

When the students at the snack bar next door heard that Chen Kangjie and his side were so lively, they all ran over, and when they learned that Chu Xiang was treating guests to egg rolls and his nickname, they burst into laughter again.

"Manly man, what are you afraid of when you have a nickname? Everyone gives you a nickname to show that you like you. If you don't like the nickname 'Sister Paper', I will give you one." Chen Kangjie walked up to Chu Xiang and patted He said encouragingly.

Chen Kangjie knew that for an introverted person, he should be stimulated in this way, pulled him into the circle, and let him face everyone's praises, jokes, etc., which is conducive to getting close to everyone and also conducive to letting go. open yourself.

"The nickname 'Sister Paper' is so ugly," Chu Xiang said really charmingly.

"It's ugly? Okay, then I'll get you another one. I heard your mother call you 'Xiangzi' just now...then let's call you Luotuo." Chen Kangjie paused for a moment before teasingly said.

Chu Xiang thought that the nickname Chen Kangjie gave him was 'Xiangzi', which was quite nice, but Chen Kangjie paused for three seconds, and the nickname 'Camel' popped out of his mouth.

"Okay, okay, but boss, why is it called Chuxiang Camel?".Yang Cong clapped his hands and applauded loudly, and then asked the question that everyone cared about amidst the laughter.

"This, you will know in the future," Chen Kangjie said sarcastically.

Chen Kangjie didn't say anything, and everyone had no choice. Chu Xiang's nickname of "Camel" was fixed by Chen Kangjie. At first, because it was Chen Kangjie's nickname, Chu Xiang reluctantly accepted it, but when a certain One day, when everyone found out that Chen Kangjie could only use admiration, Chu Xiang was very proud of his nickname. If he told others that this nickname was given by Chen Kangjie, it would attract a lot of envy.

Everything was settled, Chen Kangjie still hadn't eaten a mouthful, so he had to sit down and eat something.

However, the "good guy" Chen Kangjie was a busy man, so he sat down and saw that the students were eating in full swing, but Fan Xuexi's dipping water didn't move, he just picked up a little something to eat.

Eating hot pot, or eating in Qianzhou, without dipping in water, will basically lose half of the taste. Dip in water is a major feature of Qianzhou diet, even eating hot pot, eating boiled vegetables, Sauerkraut, eating hot pot, etc., whether the food is good or not, you have to watch the dipping water.Take this frying pan as an example, if there is no dipping water or chili noodles, then basically there is no need to eat it.

"Boss, get another dipping water, don't need chili, don't fold ear root (Houttuynia cordata)", Chen Kangjie shouted to the busy boss.

"Student, this dipping water doesn't have chili or ear root, so it won't taste good." The female boss didn't follow suit, but reminded her kindly.

"I know that, thank you, just do it."

After Chen Kangjie finished talking with the boss, he reached out and brought Fan Xuexi's dipping water in front of him, "You can eat another dipping water later, I will eat this."

Chen Kangjie's action made everyone dizzy, not only dizzy, Deng Min also looked at him angrily, even though the girl had never eaten the dipping water, she brought it in front of her and ate it herself, the relationship seemed too ambiguous up.

"How do you know I don't eat those two things?" Fan Xuexi asked curiously.

Chen Kangjie didn't care about other people's eyes, and explained to Fan Xuexi, and at the same time, he explained to everyone, "I have met many northerners, and a considerable percentage of them don't eat chili peppers, and some eat very little. This folded ear root, oh, yes, You are called Houttuynia cordata, but I really haven’t seen a few northerners eat it.”

It was only then that Fan Xuexi felt that Chen Kangjie was very considerate, and Qi knew a lot, "Have you been to our Shengjing place?".

Before Chen Kangjie could answer, Deng Min answered for him, "What does Chen Kangjie mean, Shengjing, Hong Kong, Europe, and the United States, and Japan has been to."

Chen Kangjie couldn't help but smile wryly, when have I been to America?This girl.

"Okay, let's eat," Chen Kangjie said with a smile as he took a piece of fish to Deng Min with his chopsticks and put it in her dipping water.

Deng Min's face looked better, he didn't mind Chen Kangjie dipping Fan Xuexi into the water, and he picked up the piece of fish and put it in his mouth with a sweet smile.

At this time, the boss also brought over the special dipping water without chili and zheer root.

"Actually, you should really learn to eat some chili and Zheergen. If you really eat it slowly a few times, you will find that it is actually very enjoyable and delicious." Chen Kangjie passed the dipping water brought by the boss to Fan Xuexi .

"Then... well, boss, please add a little bit to me, just a little bit." Fan Xuexi hesitated for a while holding the dipped water, and called softly to the female boss who turned around and was about to leave.

The female boss was a little unhappy at first, it was not a toss, but when she saw Chen Kangjie, she still took Fan Xuexi's dipping water with a smile, "Okay, okay".

A snack didn't end until almost noon. Everyone in Chen Kangjie walked out of the snack bar, covering their bellies, especially the boys.After eating too much, Fan Xuexi felt that the chili and Zheergen were actually not unpalatable, but had a strange and wonderful taste.

That night, Difficult Ghost told his father-in-law that he was being transferred to work, and intentionally or unintentionally slandered Chen Kangjie, saying that Principal Cao favored Chen Kangjie.The haunted father-in-law thinks it's a bit of a 'chaotic' playing the piano, nothing else, his son-in-law was suddenly transferred to work on the first day of school, obviously he didn't give himself the face of the deputy director, if this spreads, where will his face go put.

The haunted father-in-law called Principal Cao, who only said a word on the phone, and the haunted father-in-law pretended nothing happened.

Principal Cao said, "Old leader, it's not that I transferred Teacher Gui suddenly to save your face, but that if I didn't transfer Teacher Gui, I guess I would have to leave class. The leader surnamed Chen can let me dismiss class?"

Principal Cao didn't explain Chen Kangjie's identity, but he already understood that Chen Qigang was the only one with the real power and leadership of Chen, the deputy director of the Education Bureau.

Gui Nancan didn't get support from his father-in-law, so he called Fan Wentai and told him that he had been transferred to the first class of junior high school as the class teacher, and planned to transfer Fan Xuexi there too. school and class.

He thought that Fan Wentai would be very happy to agree, and then thanked him for his care. Who knew that Fan Wentai said that since he was in the first and third grades of junior high school, he should continue to take that class. It is not good for the child to be transferred.

Although Fan Wentai didn't know why Gui Nancan was transferred from Class [-] and Class [-] in just one day, but now he felt that staying in Class [-] and Class [-] was the best no matter what the reason was.It wasn't that he thought his daughter could have something to do with Chen Kangjie, nor did he think it would help his career much, but that he believed Fan Mark's words. His daughter was in the same class as Chen Kangjie, and he could definitely learn from Chen Kangjie. Many things, even if they can't, then relying on this level of classmate relationship will bring very favorable conditions to the daughter's future career development and life path.

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