rebirth of change

Chapter 306 The Choice of Courage

Chapter [-] The choice of courage

"Brother Zhong, there is no need for you to experience Lao Lai." He Huideng picked up a glass of Dong wine, stretched out his hand and said to Zhong Kefan.

"Sichuan, do you think I want to have some experience with him? We are now a pilot zone for economic reform, but the above really lacks the spirit of reform and insists on policy. You have also seen that the good-tasting egg roll shop has a good business. With a loan of only 3000 yuan, someone else can open a store on the street with 3000 yuan. Maybe this store can develop. Would people ask the "government" to cheat if they want to cheat money? But Director Lai will not let go. So far, We have never lent any money to any individual residents." Zhong Kefan touched the wine glass with He Huideng's, raised his head and killed it, and Zhong Kefan, who was not very good at drinking, began to show a blush mark on his face after a glass of wine.

Both Zhong Kefan and He Huideng are ordinary employees of the six credit unions. Zhong Kefan is 26 years old. After graduating from university, he was first assigned to a credit union in the city. One of the sums was not recovered, and the debtor ran away, so he was sent here just under this excuse.

He Huideng is from Xichuan, the fourth eldest in his family, so he is often referred to as Sichuan by his colleagues and friends.In Qianzhou, because it is adjacent to Xichuan, there are many people in Xichuan. He Huideng and Zhong Kefan are alumni of Qianzhou Institute of Finance and Economics. People ended up working in one unit.

In the unit, He Huideng admired Zhong Kefan's knowledge and courage. The two often chatted in the dormitory. Maybe it was because they had just left the university for a few years, and their idealism was quite strong. I hope to use what I have learned and start a career. Who knows, in the public institution, they can't follow their ideas at all, and there are many rules and leadership authority to suppress them.

Zhong Kefan originally planned to grant a loan of 3000 yuan to Chu Xiang's father, Chu Tianshu, to expand the egg roll shop, but Director Lai not only refused to approve it, but even gave him a big meal. Then his good friend He Huideng invited him to a tavern for a drink to vent his anger .The income of the two is not high, but it is better than that of the workers, so they ordered a bottle of 20 yuan mid-range Dongjiu, quarreled with kidney, a spicy chicken, and a braised pig's trotter.

"Brother Zhong, our arms can't twist our thighs. Brother, to be honest, you came down from the city. If you offend Director Lai again, I'm afraid you..." He Huideng said while chewing on a bite of vegetables.

"What can he do? What can he do with Lao Tzu? Lao Tzu is a formal employee, can he fire me?" Zhong Kefan held the wine bottle and finished speaking dissatisfied, before filling their small wine glasses with wine.

"Brother Zhong, it's unlikely that you will be fired, but...what if you are transferred to a town below? Then what do you do?" He Huideng said hesitantly.

After hearing He Huideng's words, Zhong Kefan stopped talking for the time being, and held the bottle of wine he had poured in his hand and did not put it down.

"Brother Zhong, so, go talk to Director Lai tomorrow, at worst, apologize, ah", seeing Zhong Kefan thinking, He Huideng thought that what he said had an effect, so he persuaded him further.

"Apologize? No way, I didn't do anything wrong, what kind of modesty, I'm getting angry, I quit", Zhong Kefan put the wine bottle on the dining table forcefully, and said loudly.

When he did this, he almost broke the wine bottle. The tavern owner thought something was wrong, so he ran out of the kitchen to check, and when he saw that nothing was wrong, he went back to the kitchen to continue his work.

"Brother Zhong, you can't be impulsive. If you quit, what are you going to do?" He Huideng quickly handed the wine glass to Zhong Kefan and said carefully.

After Zhong Kefan drank the wine glass He Huideng handed over in one gulp, he smacked his lips, picked up a handful of kidneys with chopsticks, and put it in his mouth.

"Brother, I'm not acting on a whim. Look at the salesman at Master Kong's company. They work smarter than us, and their income is several times that of ours. That's what they do. Maybe I'll go to their company to interview a salesman. Do it," Zhong Kefan put down his chopsticks and said.

"Who says no, let alone the salesmen of Master Kong Company, I heard that the drivers of Qiantong Logistics earn more than us, and the benefits are better than us. Hey, people are more popular than people." Zhong Kefan came up with a very convincing In fact, He Huideng is dissatisfied with the powerful example. In fact, he is also dissatisfied with the current work style of the unit. Which young man with ideals does not want to make a career with his ability, otherwise he would not become good friends with Zhong Kefan, a thorny head. There was no better choice, so he persuaded Zhong Kefan so much.

"So when I came down from the city some time ago, I was thinking about this problem. It doesn't matter whether it is foreign capital or state-owned, as long as it can do something wrong. Besides, although they are foreign capital, but look, the taxes they pay us can be solved. Employment is better than many big state-owned enterprises.” Zhong Kefan continued to vent his thoughts and dissatisfaction.

"Brother Zhong, your idea is good, but they don't recruit people. I have inquired about it before," He Huideng said dejectedly.

"Have you inquired all about it? You also have an idea?" Zhong Kefan didn't expect that He Huideng, who persuaded him to continue working hard, would act preemptively.

"Well, when you first came from the city, I had a classmate who was assigned to the logistics department of chemical demineralization when he graduated, but he didn't go. In the end, he applied for Master Kong and was selected. I heard from him that he is now There are more than 1000 a month, which is almost four times mine. I asked him to inquire, and there is no plan to recruit people now," He Huideng said with a little envy and frustration.

"Your brother is really courageous, and only this kind of person can succeed. We are considered outdated," Zhong Kefan said, and drank another glass.

"Who says it's not? We can't divide our houses now. Their company's dormitory environment is the same as that of a hotel. When they go to other places, the company also provides housing subsidies. I heard that they are building their own community now. Employees can live for free and give to the company. After the service reaches one year, the house can be converted into personal property rights for free, without spending a penny," He Huideng continued enviously.

This is also helpless, the four of them are squeezed into a two-bedroom, one-living room, and even a girlfriend can't solve the housing problem for marriage. In order for his younger sister to have an independent room, he can only sleep in the living room. How can students who have their own housing be envious.

Free Semiconductor Company only needs to build a residential area in Liuzhou, because there will be a large number of engineers working here in the future, and the location is on the west side of Taohua Lake. In addition to the employees of Free Semiconductor Company, the employees of Master Kong can also enjoy the same treatment. In addition, the real estate projects built after the high-tech new city in the provincial capital, in addition to being provided to the employees of the local subordinate enterprises, can also be purchased by employees of other subordinate enterprises at very low prices, but it is estimated that not many people will buy them at this time. The set they own is fine, because none of them could have predicted that the housing prices in future generations would soar so scary.

At the same time, similar projects are being carried out, as well as Huicheng and Shun'an.Only when the residence is stable, the employees will be able to work stably.

"I've also heard about this. Free Semiconductor mainly needs technical talents. Otherwise, I'll go. Come have a drink and get drunk to relieve all worries." Zhong Kefan raised his glass and was about to clink glasses with He Huideng.

He Huideng picked up his wine glass and touched Zhong Kefan, "Brother Zhong, if you don't know how to drink, drink less, ah, eat more vegetables, brother, I treat you to this meal."

"It's okay, I can't get drunk. I think it's not the case. I'll go to Master Kong to see in person in two days. They don't have a recruitment plan, which doesn't mean they don't need talents. I can see it. We can't wait, we have to be like you That classmate is the same, with a bit of courage, even if it doesn’t work, you can continue to do this job at worst, what do you think?” Zhong Kefan was stimulated by that classmate of He Huideng, and made up his mind that he had to try it himself, no matter what. Know if it is the stimulant effect of alcohol.

"Okay, Brother Zhong, if you say that, I will go with you when the time comes, and if it works, I won't do it anymore." He Huideng replied very straightforwardly.

"Brother, refreshing, I firmly believe that my talents will be useful. If you don't leave me here, I will have my own place. We will definitely be able to do something, do it," Zhong Kefan said proudly.

After the two drank a bottle of white wine, they wandered home.Although they don't know the significance of their drink now, they often frequent this tavern later and help this tavern become a restaurant and finally a hotel.

While Zhong Kefan and He Huideng were drinking, Chen Kangjie was also thinking about a problem at home, that is, the establishment of a small loan company. Nowadays, self-employed and small and medium-sized enterprises, especially private enterprises, are extremely short of financing channels. Without funds, the entity cannot develop into a small business, and a small business cannot develop into a large enterprise.

It is absolutely impossible to hand over all the economy of a place to a few big companies. The current society is no longer a society with 360 lines, but [-] lines, or even [-] lines. It is impossible for Chen Kangjie to have every industry To do it, besides, to make a place rich, there must be a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises. They are also the driving force of social development and technological progress, and they are also the main force for employment. A large amount of surplus labor in rural areas must be transferred out. , To transfer those labor forces, it is not enough to rely on a few large high-tech enterprises.

In addition to being stimulated by Chu Xiang's father, Chen Kangjie also thought of the labor transfer measures he had proposed for the high-tech new city in the provincial capital. For them, if they occupy other people's land there, they can use compensation to help them establish some small and medium-sized enterprises of their own. But for those places where they don't occupy other people's land at all, they only use loans to help some people who want to develop, dare to develop, and can develop first to develop first.In addition to providing funds, it can also provide management guidance and consultation to support a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises.

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