rebirth of change

Chapter 307 Teacher, Guess

Chapter [-] Teacher, Guess

Chen Kangjie actually thought of building a venture capital fund. Although the central government had established the first domestic venture capital company in the mid-80s, it was state-owned and did not achieve much effect. Pengcheng's first "government "Venture investment companies were not established until 1999. In ten years, 224 companies have been supported and several of them have been successfully listed. The most important thing is that the market environment has not been loosened. It took several years for foreign venture capital companies to enter the country in large quantities. Chen Kangjie I really want to advance the time and wait for the chief to apply after the southern tour. I really can’t afford to wait. The 30 years of reform and opening up are golden 30 years. Now 13 years have passed, and he has to firmly grasp the next 20 years.

After Chen Kangjie had made up his mind, he would discuss with Ouyang Zhenhua when Ouyang Zhenhua was free and leave it to him to handle it.

Early the next morning, Chen Kangjie happily went to school with his schoolbag on his back. Of course, there were no textbooks in the schoolbag, but only foreign language books and reference books. Interested in learning foreign languages.

But today's first class is not a foreign language class, but a political class, and it is their new head teacher Wu Hui, a young female teacher who just graduated from a teacher's college. She has short hair and looks a bit like a news anchor on a TV station. The face is relatively thin, and one or two freckles can be seen if you look closely. On the bridge of the nose is a pair of small ladies' glasses, neither ugly nor beautiful, a very typical image of an ordinary teacher.

Chen Kangjie was still sitting at the back of him, and the girl sitting next to Fan Xuexi was still the same girl, but the original owner of Fan Xuexi's seat became Chu Xiang's deskmate.

"Hello, students, my name is Wu Hui, and I'm your new head teacher. Teacher Gui is the head teacher of Class One and One of Junior One because of her work relationship." Teacher Wu introduced it generously as soon as she started.

After Wu Hui finished speaking, the students below started chattering. They were still the class teacher yesterday. Why did they change after only one day?It was so sudden that many students turned their heads to stare at Chen Kangjie.

However, what they saw from Chen Kangjie's face was also bewildered, because Chen Kangjie didn't know what was going on at all, how could he know that the ghost was difficult to deal with and was transferred away for a day, but Chen Kangjie was smart no matter what, and he was an "adult" no matter what, He quickly thought of Principal Cao, guessing that it should be Principal Cao's masterpiece, which made Chen Kangjie feel more fond of this sensible Principal Cao, and knew how to behave.

"Our class hasn't appointed a squad leader yet, right? Then I'll appoint a squad leader." Wu Hui didn't know whether she really didn't know or pretended not to know, so she made the arrangements without waiting for an answer.

"Chen Kangjie is the only double-hundred candidate in our class. I appointed him to be the class monitor of our class. Fan Xuexi will serve as the deputy monitor. This is temporary. After the monthly exam, we will elect the class cadres and class representatives." Wu Hui Regardless of the voice below, talk to yourself.

Chen Kangjie was not impressed with Chen Kangjie's appointment as class monitor, but his old classmates thought it was well deserved, so they kept applauding and almost stood up and walked over to congratulate him.

"Mr. Wu, I can't be the class leader. I'm lazy. I think Fan Xuexi is more suitable as the class leader. She used to be a class leader and has a lot of experience."

The reason in Chen Kangjie's heart was the same as before. He could ask for leave someday to go out to do important things. He might go out for ten days and a half a month, or even a month or two.The ancients said that a country cannot be without a king for a day, and a small class cannot be compared with a country, but the class leader can't stay out of the class all the time, that is irresponsible.

After hearing Wu Hui's appointment, there was only one person in the class who was most saddened, and that was the deputy monitor, Liu Mingjian.So when he heard Chen Kangjie's rejection, Liu Mingjian's lost heart was brought up again. As long as Chen Kangjie didn't want to be a class cadre, then he, Liu Mingjian, would still be the deputy class leader.

"That's it, if this is the case, then you should be the deputy squad leader and help Fan Xuexi manage our class well." Wu Hui didn't think Chen Kangjie refused his appointment, she didn't think it was disobedient, and took the next best thing to appoint him as the deputy.

Chen Kangjie originally wanted to reject even the deputy position, but seeing Fan Xuexi turning his head to look at him with big eyes twinkling, Chen Kangjie reluctantly accepted, "Well then, I will accept the deputy monitor".

Liu Mingjian's heart that he had just mentioned was now completely smashed to the bottom, and the deputy monitor was still hopeless. He somewhat hated the class teacher Wu Hui and the "snatcher" Chen Kangjie.

The position of a class cadre is not worth mentioning to adults, but to children, it is honor, pride and pride.

"That's it, we don't need to change our seats. After one month, we can freely choose our tablemates and seats according to the ranking of the test scores." Wu Hui made arrangements for the table seats.

Wu Hui's arrangement took two aspects into consideration, one is grades as the benchmark, and the other is free choice.In this way, both aspects are taken care of, it is not mandatory, you can also choose to sit at the same table with someone with a poor academic performance if you have a good academic performance, so as to promote friendship and at the same time promote the role of students who are good at learning to help students with poor academic performance .

The students had no objection to Wu Hui's arrangement. Instead, they began to think about their future deskmates and seats. They had to have a good relationship and good academic performance to have the opportunity to get the right to choose.There is no doubt that Chen Kangjie was the first to be targeted. As long as he takes the first place in the exam, he will be the first to choose a seat and a tablemate. It's just that Zhang Qiang has already taken the lead. If Deng Min is in the first and third classes of junior high school, Zhang Qiang might not necessarily compete with Deng Min. Since Deng Min is not in the first and third classes of junior high school, no one can compete with him. Chen Kangjie will definitely choose to sit at the same table with him.

After explaining the previous things, Teacher Wu Hui took out the textbook and started to give lectures. What is the first lesson of politics in the first year of junior high school is what is a citizen?According to the original explanation of the textbook, a person with a nationality is a citizen, which is very simple and easy to remember.But the political teacher didn't explain much about nationality, and the students didn't pay much attention to it in class. Everyone seemed to memorize this sentence.

Chen Kangjie guessed that the teacher didn't understand it very well. Anyway, he reiterated that the previous teacher didn't understand it very well, so he didn't explain it. Chen Kangjie once asked his junior high school teacher what is nationality, and the teacher hesitated for a long time and didn't explain it clearly. The distinction between citizens and people is also rather vague.

The first class in middle school is to learn this.But it was the simplest question. In the class on the second day, teacher Wu Hui, the class teacher, was made to cry.

It is estimated that a stereotype has been formed. Many students like to ask Chen Kangjie if they don’t understand. After class, a few elementary school students came to chat with him, saying that politics is too difficult. They didn’t understand what the teacher said. Chen Kangjie had no choice but to Became an extracurricular tutor.

Let me tell you that nationality refers to the legal qualification of a person to be a national or citizen of a certain country, which indicates a fixed legal connection between a person and a specific country, and is the legal basis for the country to exercise personal jurisdiction and diplomatic protection.The basis for obtaining nationality is based on the place of birth and blood. In other words, if their parents are Chinese, they will have the nationality of the Chinese country. If their parents are foreigners, they may also obtain the nationality of the Chinese country because they were born in China. , it depends on the specific application.

It's just that what Chen Kangjie said made everyone a little confused, and it was more profound than what the political teacher said.

"Let's put it this way, it's very simple. Doesn't your family have a household registration booklet? That is the proof of your nationality. If your name is on the household registration booklet, you are a citizen of our country. If you don't have one, then sorry, you are either a foreigner. , or the population of the black market, they don’t belong anywhere,” Chen Kangjie finally joked.

Chen Kangjie's joke caught everyone's attention. It turned out that it was not difficult to understand. Everyone said that their names were on their household registration books, and they were Chinese.Chen Kangjie added two more sentences about the difference between citizens and the people. To put it simply, the people must be citizens, but citizens may not be the people. are citizens, but they are defined outside the sphere of the people.

The class on the first day made everyone very excited. Except for the political class, history class and physics class were all new to them, and they felt quite fresh and profound. Of course, when they encountered something they didn’t understand, the first choice to ask was not the teacher. , but Chen Kangjie, because Chen Kangjie was able to explain the problem very simply.

On the second day, the first class was still a politics class, and the teachers liked to ask questions in the first few minutes of class to consolidate what they had learned the day before.

"Next, let me ask questions to see if the students have remembered the content of yesterday's lecture. Sun Xiaolei, tell us, what is a citizen?" Teacher Wu Hui came here in a strict and orderly manner, almost like all teachers .

"Ah", Sun Xiaolei didn't expect to be so unlucky. He was a high school student when he asked the question in the first class.

Sun Xiaolei's answer made the students in the classroom laugh out loud, and even Wu Hui smiled bitterly. Although she said that she didn't answer correctly according to the textbook, she also reminded her that it seems to be the case in our country, "You understand Meaning, but your answer is wrong, sit down."

Sun Xiaolei stuck out his tongue and sat down quickly, with a funny expression on his face.

"Liu Mingjian, please answer, what is the standard answer about citizens?" Wu Hui continued to roll the roll.

"Me? Well, let me think about it, I don't know, teacher, how about you guess, what do you guess is a citizen?" Liu Mingjian stood up, pretending first, and then popped out such a surprising sentence.

Wu Hui was embarrassed on the spot, I guess?Do I need to guess and ask you?Wu Hui felt that this was intentionally teasing her.

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