rebirth of change

Chapter 312 Brother, You Are Developed

Chapter 310 Brother, You Are Developed

"Your conditions are good, but you are not suitable," Chen Kangjie suddenly poured cold water on the two of them.

Zhong Kefan, He Huideng, and the introducer Dong Mingshu seemed to have climbed to the middle of the mountain but fell off the cliff. Just now they clearly said "good" and "very good", but they refused in a blink of an eye.

In fact, it is also my fault that the two of them and Dong Mingshu have not been interviewed in a big company. If it is a real interview with a salesman, there is no need for the general manager to come forward. It seems that Liu Kai, the general manager, is still a foil. President Ouyang respects the courteous Young Master Jie, so how could he bother to interview the salesman? If the two of them really could only be salesmen, Chen Kangjie would have been handed over to Liu Kai or the sales department.

"Jie Shao, then this..." Dong Mingshu felt that the person was brought by himself, so he planned to help to say something, at least ask clearly.

However, Zhong Kefan was more impatient than him, "Jie Shao, if you are not suitable to be a salesman, see if there is any suitable job, ordinary typing and running errands are also good."

Zhong Kefan is not belittling himself, but a kind of self-confidence. He is confident that as long as he can come in, he will definitely have the opportunity to develop with his own efforts and talents. He knows that these foreign-funded enterprises do not rely on qualifications or relationships, but on ability.

In fact, foreign-funded enterprises do not completely rely on connections or qualifications, but they are much better than state-owned enterprises and private enterprises.

"Okay, if this is the case, I will give you a difficult task, but President Ouyang has to tell you about this job. You go back and spend some time to deal with the work. President Ouyang will find you after a while." Chen Kangjie thought they were really cute, he admired such people, and said with a happy smile.

Just now, Chen Kangjie was just playing tricks. He never thought of excluding these two people. After all, they are alumni, not to mention these two people, Chen Kangjie is quite recognized.

It's just that after Chen Kangjie said that, everyone was even more dizzy, including Liu Kai. He didn't know what play Master Jie was singing, "Master Jie, don't they work for Master Kong?".

If the two were arranged in Master Kong Food Company, then there is no need for Ouyang Zhenhua to come forward, just leave it to Liu Kai. Since Ouyang Zhenhua is required to make a decision, then Liu Kai can judge that the two will be arranged. Other companies may be reused.

"Well, specifically, after I finish chatting with Brother Ouyang, he can decide for himself." Chen Kangjie helped Ouyang Zhenhua stop the job, and he didn't verbally leave the decision to others.

Zhong Kefan and He Huideng vaguely knew that the upstream boss of Master Kong Food Company in Hong Kong was surnamed Ouyang, but they couldn't even imagine that it was Ouyang Zhenhua who handled their work.

Regardless of the fact that the two graduated from college and work in credit unions, they are still the lowest-level ordinary people. The 'government' officials have never seen anyone above the bureau chief. For a foreign-funded enterprise like Master Kong, they even had Liu Kai, the general manager, before. I haven’t seen it before, so I dare not think about the good thing of being able to meet the boss of the head office. It’s like ten years later, a college student went to a domestic Microsoft branch to interview programmers, only to learn that Bill Gates was going to talk to them about this matter. Same, incredible.

No matter how unbelievable it was, this brief informal interview was completed, and Dong Mingshu could only take the two of them out.

"Brother, you work in the head office, please help me to see, what's going on?" Walking out of Master Kong's office building, Zhong Kefan asked Dong Mingshu tentatively.

"Brother, I don't know what's going on, but I can see that this is a good thing," Dong Mingshu said with a smile.

"Good thing? Is this credible? Will our interview really go to that CEO Ouyang?" Zhong Kefan was still a little worried.

Zhong Kefan's uneasiness stems from two points. The first is that the interviewer is Chen Kangjie, who looks young. Even though they answered Chen Kangjie's questions in a proper manner, it doesn't mean that they don't doubt Chen Kangjie. The second is that they still They felt that they came to interview a salesman, but in the end they didn't say anything about the position, but the president of the head office had to come forward to handle it, which made them feel suspended.

"Of course it's credible, why not? Master Jie's words are not credible, so who else can be trusted?" Dong Mingshu immediately put away his smile. In Dong Mingshu's eyes, no one can doubt Chen Kangjie.

"Brother, hehe, you know we're in a cloud today, and we don't mean to doubt it. I just think that the two of us haven't reached the point where we need to be the president of the labor company. It's thanks to you for bringing us in," Zhong Kefan apologized to the laugher Said, He Huideng next to him also followed the same expression.

Before Dong Mingshu responded to Zhong Kefan's words, Pang Hui, who saw Dong Mingshu and the others coming back from the window, opened the door and asked with a smile, "Mingshu, how is it? It's been so long."

"Jie Shao is interviewing, and he doesn't know what job he is doing yet. After Jie Shao talks with President Ouyang, President Ouyang will decide," Dong Mingshu explained to Pang Hui.

After hearing this, Pang Hui immediately punched Zhong Kefan and He Huideng in the chest happily, "Oh, brothers, you are about to develop, hehe, don't forget our Dong Mingshu in the future."

Zhong Kefan and He Huideng clutched their aching chests, feeling even more confused. Although Pang Hui just punched them lightly in joy, the special forces came out, even if it was very light, it was enough for the two of them. Weak scholars suffer.

Zhong Kefan and He Huideng looked at each other again, why did they say this was a good thing, and then looked at Pang Hui, it didn't look like a fake.

"You two are really lucky. Master Jie interviewed and recommended it to President Ouyang, which means that your position is also a manager, which is the minimum." Pang Hui saw that the two of them had no joyful expressions on their faces. So he put his arms around the shoulders of the two of them and said.

"I told them that it's a good thing. Master Jie asked them to go back to deal with work. Master Jie decided to go to President Ouyang. Pang Hui, do you think it will not pass?" Dong Mingshu said in spite of his tone It is a question, but the meaning is affirmative.

"That's right, hehe, you two should hurry back and deal with the work of your credit union, and remember to treat us to dinner then." Pang Hui's personality was relatively cheerful, so he said to Zhong Kefan and the others with a smile.

After listening to the conversation between Dong Mingshu and Pang Hui, Zhong Kefan and He Huideng basically believed that something good happened to them. It seemed that they could really meet the big boss of the head office, and the expressions on their faces changed from doubt to joy .

"I must, how can I forget your help, Brother Dong and I are fellow villagers in the same county," Zhong Kefan said cheerfully.

In fact, Dong Mingshu is not older than Zhong Kefan, but Dong Mingshu has been in the army for several years and often performs field missions, so his skin is a bit dark and rough, which makes him look older than Zhong Kefan, but Zhong Kefan doesn't know Dong Mingshu's age, plus he He also helped a lot, so he has always respected Dong Mingshu as the eldest brother.

After Zhong Kefan and the others left, Chen Kangjie went back to his office to call Ouyang Zhenhua and told him that he planned to set up a small loan company, and planned to establish a venture capital company based on it in the future, with capital funded by Li Wendong. Out of the 3000 million US dollars given.

Chen Kangjie received another 3000 million US dollars in remuneration. Just now Li Wendong also called Ouyang Zhenhua to tell him that Ouyang Zhenhua took care of the funding matters.

"Jie Shao, is the current environment suitable? We are foreign investors!" In the past few years, Ouyang Zhenhua is no stranger to the mainland's policies.

"Hehe, if the current environment is not suitable, we can start to build it first. The environment will change a lot in the next year. Besides, if foreign capital is not allowed to do it, then it will be a joint venture, or if it doesn't work, it will be a domestic capital." Chen Kangjie said Is full of confidence.

Chen Kangjie knew that the economic environment would change greatly in 92. Even if foreign capital was not allowed to do it, it would be a big deal for Chen Kangjie to do it himself. Anyway, the core leaders of the central government did not know that he was rich, and what he got from Li Wendong was a clean remuneration. The big deal If you don't come out yourself, just find any domestic agent, and treat it as if you lent him the funds.

"Okay, if you want to do it, then let's do it. I'll find someone to take charge of that project in a few days." Ouyang Zhenhua is still the same, as long as Jie Shao decides, he only needs to choose to implement it.

"No need, I've already found the people for you, you can just talk to them when the time comes," Chen Kangjie said jokingly.

"When did you find someone? Why didn't I know?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked strangely. The two of them only discussed the preparations here, but they found someone, and he didn't know about it.

"Just now, 2 minutes ago, two people came to interview the salesman. I chatted with them. They are suitable for this job, so I stopped you first," Chen Kangjie told Ouyang Zhen with a smile magnificent.

"Well, you'll be fine if you've had the interview. I'll finish some things here and go to Qianzhou in a few days. I'll talk to them then. It just so happens that Master Kong is going to set up a factory in another place. I'll go Deal with it, Liu Kai told you, right?"

"Say it, I talked to him just now, and I told him some of my thoughts. When you meet up, you can deal with it in detail, and I don't care about it." Chen Kangjie's hands-off shopkeeper has always been relatively righteous.

Ouyang Zhenhua talked to Chen Kangjie about He Wanrong's work situation, and then hung up the phone.

After He Wanrong returned to Hong Kong, Xiang's Film Company arranged for someone to deliver the script to her, and also arranged for the director to meet with her, give her a lecture, and then went to try on the costumes. The filming will officially start in a few days .All the treatment is the same as promised by Xiang Yan, and it is completely in accordance with the previous treatment of Feiyang Entertainment. Her treatment is better than that of Zhou Xingxing.

Zhou Xingxing was dissatisfied at first, because he was the core and protagonist of the play, but after Xiang Yan talked to him once, he completely accepted this unreasonable fact.

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