rebirth of change

Chapter 313 The Revenge Has Come

Chapter 310 The Three Revenge Comes

After Chen Kangjie went to middle school, the biggest change was that he would no longer be caught and questioned by the sixth sister after school. Chen Jing was still in the sixth grade, and he could walk with his female classmates after school. go home.

Of course, when Chen Kangjie walked with his female classmates after school, it was inconvenient for Xiong Ziqiang and the others to follow, and Chen Kangjie didn't like them to follow. In the eyes of the grown men, there was some embarrassment and discomfort.

So today, September 9, the autumnal equinox, Chen Kangjie left school with Zhang Qiang, Yang Cong, Chu Xiang, and Deng Min and Fan Xuexi, two little beauties. Xiong Ziqiang and Pang Hui went back and went shopping with their classmates, especially the female classmates, so there was no need for their protection.

Just after the Mid-Autumn Festival yesterday, Chen Kangjie’s eldest sister, Chen Yufen, brought home a lot of mooncakes from the supermarket, most of which were ham mooncakes, because Chen Kangjie loves ham mooncakes the most. As for fruit mooncakes, snow skin mooncakes, etc., there are currently six not yet.Chen Kangjie didn't expect that after school today, Deng Min and Fan Xuexi would each bring him a sesame brown sugar mooncake, which made him feel very sweet, not only the 'sweet' in his mouth, but also sweet in his heart.

"Is it that bad?" Fan Xuexi asked dissatisfied seeing Chen Kangjie eating like chewing wax.

"That's right, we brought you something to eat. Look at how painful it is for you to eat." Deng Min actually found out, but Chen Kangjie hasn't eaten his one yet, so it's not good to be the first to speak.

It’s true that Chen Kangjie’s heart is sweet, but his mouth is sweet, it’s just taste. Chen Kangjie actually doesn’t like sweet mooncakes very much. He is somewhat repulsed by many sweets. It’s just a gift from a beautiful woman, and he has to try it now. To save face, but chewing it, Chen Kangjie didn't feel delicious at all.

"Boss, haven't we wanted to eat yet? How come you don't know how to be blessed?" Yang Cong, that guy, always joins in the fun.

"Go, go, what's your business here? Do you want to eat? You are not afraid of getting fat to death." Deng Min took Yang Cong's help as trouble.

We have been together for a long time, we are very familiar with each other, and we are children, so we often joke. Because of Chen Kangjie, most people will tolerate Deng Min or Fan Xuexi, which makes Deng Min start to look like a big sister.

Zhang Qiang and Chu Xiang were just secretly laughing at Yang Cong's deflation. They knew that it would be thankless to confront Chen Kangjie in front of these two girls. Chen Kangjie didn't need to speak at all, and there would naturally be maintenance personnel.

"I said, it's not bad, the food is good, but I can't bear it if I eat too much. I ate a lot yesterday," Chen Kangjie lied.

"Then you didn't say it earlier," Fan Xuexi pouted.

Fan Xuexi's mother, Han Yumeng, came back from a business trip. She brought this mooncake back from Mingzhu City. Fan Xuexi took a photo of He Wanrong's autograph to her mother. Han Yumeng was really happy and asked him to bring a mooncake to thank Chen Kangjie. It was almost taken as a bitter 'medicine' by Chen Kangjie.

"Hey, isn't it difficult to refute your face and kindness?" Chen Kangjie smirked awkwardly, anyway, he was lying, no matter how thick-skinned Chen Kangjie was, he still had to find an excuse.

"Then take mine back and save it for tomorrow," Deng Min made a wise suggestion.

Chen Kangjie just wanted what he wanted, so he hurriedly nodded and agreed, he must keep it well and taste it well.

Because there are only two classes in the afternoon, school ends after four o'clock, and the time is still relatively early, so I plan to go to the small square for a walk.

The urban changes in Liuzhi have begun to appear. Not only are there more modern factories, but also many foreigners, and the streets have also changed.Just to the southwest of Peach Blossom Mountain, the district government has built a small city square for citizens to relax. Because many fitness facilities have been installed and lawns have been laid around it, it has become a leisure place that many young people like to go to. .

According to the memory of the previous life, there is also a small square here, but the area is much smaller, and there are no fitness facilities, let alone laying lawns and planting flowers and trees.This was all proposed by Chen Kangjie. In full accordance with the standard more than ten years later, Chen Kangjie originally suggested installing a fountain, but Chen Qigang refused in order to save some money and increase the salary of rural teachers.

Chen Qigang, the head of the district, holds the financial power. In the past two years, the district's finances have been greatly improved. This part mainly comes from the tax revenue provided by the food industrial park and the agricultural product trading center. This year, investment in several projects has also increased. He has climbed a lot, so he has some spare money to improve the city appearance. However, Chen Qigang is a diligent cadre and often visits towns and towns. The salary of rural primary and secondary school teachers has not been increased, so he plans to give each rural teacher a monthly increase of 30 The wages ranging from 50 yuan to [-] yuan are mainly based on the length of service in rural areas.

Although the increase is only a few dozen yuan, for rural teachers, it has increased by 40 to 60%. Every year, the district finance has to spend about 200 million more to subsidize. At present, there are only six who are willing to spend so much to increase the income of those teachers, and they are paid in full.With this alone, Chen Qigang won the support of many teachers and their students' parents.

The income of the teachers has increased significantly, and their work is also at ease. The most important thing is that their salaries are not often delayed for several months like before Chen Kangjie was reborn.Since Chen Qigang came to power, the teachers in the district have been able to receive their salaries on time on the 15th of each month, and all the wages in arrears in the past have been settled at the beginning of this year.The salary of the teachers is stable, and the number of educated people who leave the countryside to give up the rural teaching profession is greatly reduced, which saves a lot of things for the parents of the children.

Chen Kangjie fully agrees with his father's approach. Education is the foundation of a country, and education is a good 'medicine' for enriching the people. A region or even a country that cannot improve education has no hope.

"Chen Kangjie, this place is very beautiful. We only have one square like this in Shengjing." Fan Xuexi ran to the grass and said happily.

Chen Kangjie thought to himself, that is now, and in ten years' time, there will be many provincial capitals.

"Hehe, do you like this place now? Do you still want to go back?" Chen Kangjie sat down on the grass with several other people, and asked Fan Xuexi who was happy.

"It's okay", Fan Xuexi's answer was very simple, but everyone could tell that he had already accepted this place.

It’s past four o’clock now, and there aren’t many people in the square, just a few couples chatting on the chairs beside the grass. In the morning and evening, there will be some old people exercising or dancing here, but the old people haven’t come out yet.

The autumn sun is warm and comfortable on the body. Unlike autumn tigers in other places in the south, the autumn here is very cool. The autumn here is very cool.

Chen Kangjie and the others sat cross-legged on the grass and chatted. Chu Xiong was not so introverted now. After being together for more than ten days, he was brought out by Chen Kangjie. He was already able to brag with everyone, and occasionally joked.

"Camel, you have to hurry up and learn. Whether I can sit in front of Chen Kangjie or not depends on you." Yang Cong gave Chu Xiang a glorious task.

"Little Fatty, I heard that you have already found Pang Yanli, why are you pulling the camel now?" Zhang Qiang asked Yang Cong with contempt for 'sex'.

After taking the nickname of Chuxiang Camel from Chen Kangjie, it was slowly called out. Those who were close to him didn’t call him by his name, but just called him Camel. After getting used to it, Chu Xiang felt that it was nothing. ,Accepted.

In order to be able to continue sitting in front of Chen Kangjie after the monthly exam, Yang Cong first approached Pang Yanli, who was at the same table, to make a connection, and asked Pang Yanli to choose him to be at the same table after the exam, and to sit in front of Chen Kangjie.

"Hey, isn't this double insurance? Both of them study better than me. They have more people and more ways to go." Yang Cong 'touched' his head and explained embarrassingly to his "shameless" behavior.

"If that's the case, you might as well choose Fan Xuexi. His studies are better than ours, so wouldn't that be safer?" Chu Xiang didn't want to be "used" by himself, so he came up with an idea for Yang Cong.

"Don't look at me, I won't sit with you, you are too fat and will take up a lot of space," Fan Xuexi said angrily to Yang Cong who was staring at her expectantly.

"Here, you're hurting people too much." Yang Cong pretended to be sad and angry.

"Don't pretend, it's useless to pretend. If it were me, I wouldn't choose you. I put my hands on the table, and more than half of it is occupied by you. Especially if you sit outside, it is inconvenient to get in and out, and it is blocked to death." dead", Yang Cong did not receive comfort, but Deng Min added fire to him.

"Then can't I lose weight?" Yang Cong said while touching his belly.

"Okay, when you lose weight, we should all be graduating. It's better to ask for help than to ask for yourself. You can study hard by yourself. Then you can do whatever you want." Chen Kangjie smiled and patted Yang Cong's belly Frightened, he quickly contracted his stomach.

"Chen Kangjie, I will definitely study hard, I am not...".

"Okay, double insurance, right? If you do it again, it will become triple insurance." Chen Kangjie hurriedly stopped this seemingly rough, but actually shrewd guy.

"Hahaha", Chen Kangjie's words caused everyone to laugh at Yang Cong.

"I'm the safest, hehe," Zhang Qiang said triumphantly.

"Don't say you are the safest. If you do worse than Yang Cong in the exam, you are not safe. Don't embarrass me." Chen Kangjie also poured cold water on Zhang Qiang, not to let this guy relax too much.

"Wow, then I have to study hard too?" Zhang Qiang asked, pointing to his nose.

"What do you think?" Chen Kangjie rolled his eyes at him.

"Chen Kangjie, look over there, many people are coming towards us." Suddenly, Fan Xuexi pointed at Chen Kangjie's back and said in panic.

Chen Kangjie turned his head to look, from the four people walking in front, Chen Kangjie understood that revenge was coming.

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