rebirth of change

Chapter 318 Retaliation Chapter Go

Chapter 310 Eighth Revenge

The next day, Fan Xuexi asked Zhang Qiang and the others for leave. Sure enough, Wu Hui, the class teacher, approved it without much resistance, and Wu Hui said that she would visit them.

Last night, the parents of Chu Xiang went to the hospital. Yang Cong did not be beaten. Instead, his dad was more distressed by him. Zhang Qiang's mother was not at home, but his father went to the hospital alone. Criticism, only Chu Xiang's mother saw Chu Xiang secretly shed a few tears on his plastered arm.

Yesterday Xiong Ziqiang was the first to go to Chu Xiang's house. At that time, their egg roll shop was doing well. When they learned that their son was hospitalized, they quickly closed the door and took the 300 yuan they had at home to go to the hospital. They felt sorry for their son's suffering, and worried about the high medical expenses.Xiong Ziqiang told them that the medical expenses had been paid in full and there was still a surplus, so there was no need to worry, and he also handed them 1 yuan for nutrition, which surprised Chu Yuntian and his wife.

Their own son was beaten by hooligans, and they sent him to the hospital with their help, and paid all the medical expenses. This is already very good in their opinion. How can they return so much nutrition expenses? Dare to bear.Xiong Ziqiang had no choice but to say that Chen Kang was outstanding, because Chen Kangjie was there when they were beaten, and Chu Xiang was injured to help Chen Kangjie, so he forced 1 yuan into Chu Yuntian's arms and comforted them. He can be discharged from the hospital after staying in the hospital for ten days, and it will not affect his studies.

Yang Cong's parents are much simpler. They know that Chen Kangjie is rich, and they also know that Chen Kangjie is the son of the district chief. In addition, his son's injury is not serious, and there is no need to worry about medical expenses, so not only did they not think it was a bad thing, but It's a good thing to feel vaguely. With this incident happening, at least Yang Cong will not have to worry about his future path. Chen Kangjie will drag him no matter what, and maybe even his work unit can be transferred.

Zhang Qiang’s brother-in-law is getting married in the countryside, and the woman’s family asked for four major items (black and white TV, refrigerator, washing machine, tape recorder). They just fancy that Zhang Qiang’s father is an urban employee, but Zhang Qiang’s father is just an ordinary employee with limited income. , but as the eldest brother, he had to contribute to his younger brother's marriage. When he was in a state of desperation, Xiong Ziqiang came.Zhang Qiang only had three stitches in his family, and he was fine after a few days of recuperation. His good friend Chen Kangjie took out another 1 yuan. Of course Zhang Qiang's father was very happy, and his urgent need was solved immediately.Not only does it solve the current difficulties, but with this money, it will become a ten thousand yuan household. At least in the next few years, there will be no need to worry about it. After my brother gets married, he can go to the city to do a small business without farming.

In fact, in two years, 1 yuan will not be a big deal. Prices and life will undergo great changes, but Chen Kangjie didn't even think that the little money could really help in the future, or he wouldn't say yes Regarding nutrition expenses, Yang Cong's parents were right, because of this matter, Chen Kangjie would never let his brother who was in trouble with him ignore it.

Things on Xiong Ziqiang's side were doing well, but things on Wang Wu's side were not so smooth. He found out the identity of Guo Qiuwei, but he couldn't find them. He went to the mining area hospital to find them. There is no doctor in the mining area hospital.

Chen Kangjie came to visit his "comrades in arms" after school at noon, and Wang Wu made a report with a bit of self-blame.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you know who it is, if you can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple. In the past few days, you can look for it slowly and inquire secretly. By the way, Brother Qiang, give Wang Wu 5000 yuan. I have some money on me, so it's easier to do things." ", Chen Kangjie, Xiong Ziqiang, and Wang Wu were chatting in the small flower bed next to the inpatient department.

"Young Master Jie, you don't need that much. Give me a few days, and I will definitely find those sons of bitches." Wang Wu felt that he didn't contribute much. The 5000 yuan was his salary for almost two years, and he was paid for nothing. a feeling of.

"Take it, you can find someone to replace your job at the skating rink. Later, I will introduce you to another job. I will greet my cousin at the skating rink," Chen Kangjie said gently.

Wang Wu was able to resolutely stand up to help when the opponent had an obvious advantage. Chen Kangjie had no choice but to accept this situation, so he planned to support Wang Wu.

"Mr. Jie, really? Thank you, but I have no culture." Wang Wu was naturally very excited. He believed that the job introduced by Chen Kangjie would definitely be better. Besides, he could also give up the job at the skating rink to his buddies. Kill two birds with one stone, but he is really worried about his cultural level.

"Education level doesn't matter much. Free Semiconductor will recruit a lot of security guards. Let me introduce you to be the head of security. The salary is more than double your current salary. Exercise first." Chen Kangjie said his arrangement.

"Wow, don't I have to manage dozens of people?" Wang Wu said excitedly.

Free Semiconductor has a relatively large scale, so there are hundreds of security guards to be recruited, and most of them are veterans. Of course, Chen Kangjie will not let Wang Wu be a security manager. He can't do that position either. A lot, but as a small minister, you can still exercise.

In the past two years, the work of supporting the six dogs has done quite well. Just talking about the employment arrangement of retired soldiers, it is ahead of many counties and cities. Several companies under Hongyuan have solved nearly a thousand people. Especially in Qiantong logistics company, almost all of them are retired soldiers from drivers to warehouse management and cargo loading and unloading.The main thing is that these retired soldiers are satisfied with their income and treatment. On the contrary, some of them chose to enter the township 'government' and began to regret it. The job sounds good, but the actual income is not as high as that of a security guard of Master Kong's company.

"Work hard, and learn more if you don't know it. When you have spare time, you can ask Brother Qiang to teach you." Chen Kangjie patted Wang Wu on the shoulder and encouraged him.

"Well, I will definitely not let you down," Wang Wu nodded vigorously in promise.

. . . . . .

After two days of hard work by Wang Wu, perhaps because he had money to do things, he finally found Guo Qiuwei and the others who were recovering from their injuries at the Pingnan Mine Hospital, and put on makeup to find out which ward they were in.

After Chen Kangjie got the news, he was about to plan revenge. Killing people in the country, Chen Kangjie would not do it as a last resort, but it is necessary to let the other party suffer and remember their mistakes.

"Jie Shao, we can go, and you can tell us how to do it." Xiong Ziqiang kept holding back a fire.

Xiong Ziqiang and the others felt that the reason why Chen Kangjie was injured and suffered was because of their lack of protection. Although it was not their fault that Chen Kangjie didn't let them follow, they still felt ashamed of the generous salary.

"How could I not go? Since I dare to find me, then I can't just take advantage of them." Chen Kangjie's eyes spit fire, and his resentment was abnormal.

"Jie Shao, what are you going to do?" Pang Hui asked in the driver's cab. Today he is the driver.

"Crippled, I don't want their lives, so as not to cause trouble for my father here, but those people have to drag their bodies for the rest of their lives."

"Then you don't have to go. It's even more troublesome if you go. They all recognize you. If you're disabled, you shouldn't make a fuss. If you make a fuss, don't make trouble for Uncle Chen," Xiong Ziqiang said cautiously.

When Chen Kangjie thought about it, that was really the case, it seemed that he was out of breath.

"If you don't go, we have a way to solve it in their ward without anyone noticing. Even if they suspect, there is no evidence. Otherwise, as soon as you show up, they will see your appearance, even if you put on makeup and hear your voice." The voice, I know it was you who did it, you go home and sleep, and you just come to not be there." Xiong Ziqiang still didn't want Chen Kangjie to go, he was worried about his danger, and he didn't want him to be involved, and Chen Qigang's official voice make an impact.

"Okay, then I won't go." After listening to Xiong Ziqiang's opinion, Chen Kangjie felt that it made sense, and unwillingly gave up his idea of ​​going there in person.

In the middle of the night, when the moon was dark and the stars were thin, three people were quietly 'touched' in the second-floor ward of Pingnan Mine Hospital.

Pingnan Mine is only a medium-sized coal mine, and there are only a dozen doctors and nurses in the hospital. There have been no accidents in the mine recently, so except for Guo Qiuwei and his few patients, the other wards are empty. None of the 'medicine' will be hospitalized.There was only one nurse on duty at night, and the doctors had already left work. Even the nurse on duty fell asleep in the office.

These three people pushed open the door of Guo Qiuwei's ward, and stepped in lightly. After less than a minute, there were a few muffled groans from inside the ward. When the three people flashed out and disappeared into the night, usually It was only in the inpatient ward of Nankuang that there were screams like killing pigs one after another.

The nurse was awakened in a dream, and ran into the ward facing the dim corridor lights, and was immediately frightened. The six people in the multi-person ward all hugged their legs and screamed in unison, with terrifying expressions on their faces.

The nurse hurriedly turned back to the office to make a phone call, and waited for the dean to come to the hospital with two doctors yawning in the middle of the night. After a little examination of these people, she could only sigh and shake her head, "The legs are all broken, so I have to amputate them." .

"Dean, let me say first, it's none of my business. I'm on duty in the duty room, and I don't know what's going on. They just became like this." The nurse hurriedly distanced herself from the relationship.

"Whoever said that it has something to do with you, first get them some painkiller 'medicine', and then contact the person who sent them here as soon as possible, they have to be transferred to another hospital, we can't do amputation." Naturally, the dean also has to put aside the relationship between the hospital .

When Brother Kun learned the information about the Pingnan Coal Mine Hospital the next morning, he immediately withdrew. He just passed the news to the family members of those people and never cared about it again.He is already crippled, so he doesn't expect to be able to help him in the future, let alone get back the money for medical expenses. How can he sink into it? It's better not to wade through this muddy water.

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