rebirth of change

Chapter 319 Borrowing the Director of the Planning Commission for Use

Chapter 310 IX Borrowing from the Planning Commission Director

On the third day after Chen Kangjie's fight, Ouyang Zhenhua came to Qianzhou. He didn't come directly to the six, but stayed in the provincial capital for two more days to engage in discussions with the provincial leaders, the functional departments of both parties, and the design units. After a symposium, Ouyang Zhenhua had only one requirement for the design unit, high standards and strict requirements, and the design concept and thinking can be bolder, and it must at least meet the needs of the next 30 or even 40 years.

The provincial leaders couldn't wish for this request from Ouyang Zhenhua. Whether it's in terms of face-saving projects or actual needs, they all hope that the high-tech city can become a business card and a signboard, and become a leader in scientific and technological progress in the province.

If it is just to become the leader of the province's scientific and technological progress, why would Chen Kangjie need to invest so much thought?What he wants to build is to become the vanguard of the country's scientific and technological research and development and the transformation of achievements, at least the leader in the western region.Hardware can be built with money, but the most important thing is the software. Ouyang Zhenhua proposed that the provincial party committee and the provincial government formulate a planning outline and supporting policies to promote the development of high-tech cities. Only cities can truly make breakthrough progress in industrialization development, transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and scientific research, and Hongyuan itself is also considering the possibility of promoting financial support.

When Ouyang Zhenhua mentioned the possibility of promoting financial support, he was specifically referring to Chen Kangjie's venture capital fund. Since it has not really been put on the agenda, he just means that Hongyuan has this aspect in mind.

After Ouyang Zhenhua set the tone for the daily affairs and coordination of the high-tech new city, he entrusted it to Mei Jincheng.Sanlian Investment Company, which is nominally managed by Mei Jincheng, is also a major shareholder.

Ouyang Zhenhua has too many things on his own. Several large projects in Qianzhou started construction almost at the same time. Master Kong Video Company is expanding. Japan still has hundreds of billions of dollars in assets to watch, and Hong Kong has to coordinate land construction. At the global headquarters, he also had to keep an eye on the cooperation between Feiyang Entertainment Company and Xiang's Film Company. If it wasn't for He Wanrong, he wouldn't have to. A large amount of information needs to be processed before it can be streamlined and handed over to the hands-off shopkeeper Chen Kangjie.

This time when Ouyang Zhenhua came to Qianzhou, there was one more thing to deal with, which was to recommend the director of the Provincial High-tech City Management Committee. Although this project had not yet been reported to the State Council, there were already a lot of local affairs to be dealt with in the early stage.Ouyang Zhenhua also suggested that the provincial party committee and the provincial "government" and other design plans should be completed and then submitted to the central government in a document. They are very confident that the project will be approved.

Ouyang Zhenhua followed Chen Kangjie's intention. Even if the report is approved now, there will be great resistance. It is better to delay until the next year, when the possibility of the report being approved is almost certain.In short, even if you haven't been approved yet, let's do the previous work first.

Huang Zhenhua, Tan Changguo, and Sima Kuo discussed the administrative level of the new high-tech city in the provincial capital. The result of the discussion was to follow the deputy department-level standards, and the goal was to become a national-level high-tech development zone.

Before Ouyang Zhenhua's arrival, the provincial capital had already mobilized and tried its best to support the development of the high-tech new city. Moreover, many department-level cadres who were well-informed and able to know the core insider information, including the county and district leaders below, were also I am using all my connections to seek the position of leader of this high-tech new city.

Anyone who is not an idiot knows that once approved, tens of billions of funds will come in every year, no matter whether it is oil or water or political achievements, it is absolutely nothing to say, and if you get a little bit from your fingers, the family will not have to worry about food and clothing, coupled with excellent political achievements , then climbing from the deputy department level to the main hall, the deputy department becomes a matter of course, and it is even not impossible to advance to the main department level.

It's just that whether these people find their old leaders or their classmates and comrades-in-arms, the answer they get after inquiring is that the personnel appointment has not been discussed yet.In this way, these people will be more active, entrusting relationships, giving gifts, seeking affection and so on. Anyway, they can use any method if they have any tricks, and they only want to get the position of Jin Nanny.Huang Zhenhua, Tan Changguo, and Sima Kuo, in order not to affect the work direction of the middle-level cadres and comrades below, wanted to settle this matter as soon as possible, so that those who drilled the business would put their enthusiasm on their own work, which made Ouyang Zhenhua They recommend people to the province for evaluation as soon as possible. If it is suitable, they will arrange a deputy mayor position first, and then become the director of the management committee after approval.

It's not that Chen Kangjie didn't think about giving this position to his old man Chen Qigang, but after thinking about it, it would cause a lot of gossip. He also thought about Luo Zirong, but Luo Zirong's qualifications are too low, and now he is only a deputy, so he thought about it , one person fell into Chen Kangjie's eyes.

This person's name is Yao Zhe, and he is the director of the Planning Committee of Liushuipan City.The reason why Chen Kangjie thought of this person has to start with the report meeting to the provincial party committee and provincial 'government' after the Liushuipan party and government inspection team returned from abroad a few months ago.

At that report meeting, Yao Zhe boldly predicted the coming of a new economic era with personal computers as the breakthrough direction.At the meeting, Chen Kangjie was not there, but when Chen Kangjie went to the city to play during the summer vacation, he saw the meeting minutes in He Baoguo's study.

This kind of report meeting has secretarial staff to record everyone's speeches. In that report meeting, many people performed well, but only Yao Zhe's speech left a deep impression on Chen Kangjie. Before the personal computer came out, he dared to To make such a bold prediction, at least his vision is better than that of Wang An in the United States. It should be appropriate to use such a person in charge of a high-tech new city, and it should also adapt to the trend of history.

When Ouyang Zhenhua arrived in Liuzhi, Mayor He Baoguo happened to be in Liuzhi to inspect the construction of the National Cultural Park and the free semiconductor project. Early implementation.

That night, Chen Kangjie discussed with He Baoguo and Chen Qigang about Yao Zhe's position. Yao Zhe probably wouldn't believe that his future career would be proposed and controlled by Chen Kangjie.

"Godfather, what's the result of today's inspection?" In Chen Qigang's study, Chen Kangjie asked with a smile after serving each of the two bosses a cup of hot tea.

It had been a long time since He Baoguo sat down with the Chen family and his son to drink tea, chat and discuss work, so he himself was very interested.

"Actually, my investigation is just a formality, to prove that the city attaches great importance to it. Otherwise, if your father is here, there is nothing wrong with me!" He Baoguo said with a hearty smile after taking a sip of tea.

"Baoguo, this is one horse for one horse. You are the mayor. These are all your duties. You can't leave them all to me. Besides, your theoretical level and political experience are richer than mine. You If you don’t come and give me advice, how can I do it?” Chen Qigang also joked that relatives belong to relatives, but in the officialdom, they are subordinates and subordinates after all, so they have to pay a little attention to what should be paid attention to.

"Old Chen, I see you, you have really worked in the 'government' for two years, and your ideology has turned to the idea of ​​being an official. What is the relationship between us? I am Xiaojie's godfather, why don't you Do you need to do this with me?" He Baoguo feigned anger and criticized Chen Qigang, but everyone could see that his criticism seemed more intimate.

"Hehe, yes yes yes", Chen Qigang took out a cigarette and handed one to He Baoguo with a smile.

"If you really want to talk about the theoretical level, your little brat is here. I guess you know it and I don't know it. He reads a lot more books than me." He Baoguo took out the zippo lighter Chen Kangjie gave him. , Turned on the fire, finished talking with a smile, and then lit his cigarette.

"Why are you talking about me again? I didn't do anything." Chen Kangjie pretended to be cute.

"You didn't do anything? You translated a securities finance study material for your father, do you think I don't know?" He Baoguo pretended to be jealous.

"Hey, I thought why not, and I have prepared something for you", Chen Kangjie took out a copy of the manuscript and handed it over.

After Chen Kangjie came back from Japan, he spent more than a dozen nights sorting out a 68-page document on securities and finance, and made two copies. Just now, He Baoguo actually saw the small book behind Chen Kangjie’s buttocks, so he did it on purpose. That said.

"That's almost the same, and the handwriting has improved again." He Baoguo held a cigarette in his mouth and flipped it casually.

"Godfather, you said writing, and I thought you saw a meeting minutes on your desk, which is the minutes you reported to the provincial party committee after returning from overseas inspections. There was a director of the planning committee named Yao Zhe on it. How does he usually work?" Chen Kangjie asked with some excuses.

"Why are you asking this?" Chen Qigang was very puzzled. This kind of evaluation of a middle-level cadre seemed to be something that Chen Kangjie should not care about.

"Old Chen, I believe that Xiaojie must have a reason for asking this question. When did he ask a question casually! Don't you understand this?" He Baoguo seemed to know Chen Kangjie very well, perhaps because he had a certain understanding. Only when you have a sense of distance can you understand deeply and see more clearly.

"Hey, I just want to inquire about this person. If possible, I plan to borrow it from you." Chen Kangjie glanced at Chen Qigang and said with a silly smile.

"Borrow the director of the planning committee? Hehe, how do you plan to borrow it, and how do you plan to use it?" He Baoguo was quite open-minded, and was very interested in Chen Kangjie's words.

Chen Qigang, who was sitting on the side, was of course also very interested. He planned to see what formations and plays this clever son was performing.

"You tell me your evaluation of him first, I don't know what kind of person he is, how to answer your question." Although Chen Kangjie appreciates Yao Zhe's thinking from the meeting minutes, but in doing work, specific Ability and conduct are also very important. If you say you are invincible in the world, but you are powerless in doing things, then that is definitely not the person Chen Kangjie needs.

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