rebirth of change

Chapter 32 Apprenticeship

Chapter 32 Apprenticeship

When Chen Kangjie arrived at the Public Security Department, he saw He Baoguo was already waiting at the gate of the Public Security Department of the Mining Bureau.When the three policemen saw that their immediate boss's immediate boss was here, they thought they were here to inspect and guide the work, so they hurried up to say hello.Who knew, He Baoguo nodded slightly with them with a sullen face.He asked Chen Kangjie, "Xiaojie, are you okay? Did they make things difficult for you?"

Hearing Director He asking about the child he brought back, the three policemen felt cold. It seems that this time there is no good fruit to eat, and they don't know where they will be sent to idle jobs.I'm also glad that I didn't get rough on the kid just now, otherwise the police uniform would probably have to be taken off.

"Godfather, they didn't make things difficult for me, they were very reasonable, they just invited me here to ask what happened." The three policemen thought that Chen Kangjie would sue, since children are like this.Who knew that the kid would actually speak for them in turn, and the three of them were overjoyed, saying that this kid can be a man, and there must be no ambiguity about what he can help him in the future, not because he is the godson of Director He, but because This friendship is worth it.

In fact, it's not that Chen Kangjie himself is magnanimous. The three policemen really didn't make things difficult for him, and they can't make enemies casually. Who knows when they will be able to use them, sell their favors, and see each other in the future, right? Where are the three policemen? I know that Chen Kangjie thinks completely according to the thinking of adults.

He Baoguo looked a little better when he heard that Chen Kangjie was not embarrassed. He took Chen Kangjie's hand and went down to the office led by the leading policeman.

At this time, Director Gao of the Public Security Department also knew that Director He was here, so he hurried over to report to work. Not happy.

After the three policemen explained in a low voice, Director Gao realized that it was another deputy director, Lin Dayong, who did something good.

At this time, Lin Dayong was also walking around in his office, sweating profusely.Just now the doorman, Xiao Liu, came up and told him that He Baoguo had come to pick up the child that he asked his subordinates to bring back. How should he tell Director He about this? I heard that Director He will go further soon. I still don't know which archives room I want to be the director of.For a while, Lin Dayong didn't think of a good solution. Let it go, he should take the unfilial son to apologize first, otherwise, if he drags on, he will really be offended and offended.

At this time, Director Gao was also reporting on his work, while blaming himself for not managing the team well.In fact, he really wanted to say something about Lin Dayong, but with three of his subordinates around, it was not easy to do such things that would add insult to injury, so he didn't mention Lin Dayong at all.

At this time, Lin Dayong came in with his son Lin Wei, and he saw some beads of sweat on his head, which should be trot. He apologized as soon as he came in, and scolded his son.He Baoguo was rather angry at first, but judging by his attitude, he was okay, and he could be regarded as a deputy director at any rate, so he waved his hand and said a few words that were not salty, and led Chen Kangjie out of the office.

When Director Gao sent them out the door, he pulled Chen Kangjie and said, "Whatever happens in the future, call Uncle Gao, your godfather is so busy with work, don't ask him for everything." On the surface, he was criticizing Chen Kangjie, But everyone knows that this is to please.

Chen Kangjie also politely replied: "Thank you, Uncle Gao, for causing you trouble."

He Baoguo was also very pleased to see that his godson answered well.Besides, it wasn't Chen Kangjie's fault at all, it was just that he acted a little harder.

After He Baoguo shook hands with Director Gao, he took Chen Kangjie away.

"Godfather, did I do something wrong?" When he arrived at He Baoguo, Chen Kangjie asked tentatively.He didn't want to leave a bad impression on He Baoguo.

"Xiaojie, you did nothing wrong. If you were a godfather, you might be the same as you." He Baoguo loved Chen Kangjie very much, and he really didn't think Chen Kangjie did anything wrong in his heart, but was worried that he would get hurt when he fought with others That's all.

Seeing that He Baoguo didn't blame himself, Chen Kangjie felt relieved.He also knew that this godfather treated him really well, so he rushed to the police station with just one phone call, and he was a little touched, and he would definitely help his godfather when he had the opportunity.

Chen Kangjie ran back to the skating rink, only an hour after he was taken away.Wang Wu also followed Chen Kangjie's suggestion and did not call Chen Yuqiong and Chen Yufen. In fact, he made up his mind to call Chen Kangjie's house if he didn't come back in two hours.Unexpectedly, he came back in only an hour, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with him. It was really not easy as he said when he left, just going and coming.

Geng Guiying and the others were also very happy to see that Chen Kangjie had come back intact. They jumped up and looked around him, as if they were looking to see if he had suffered.

"I've already said, it's fine, I'm going to go and come back, I still want to skate, if I don't skate, I'll go home." Chen Kangjie was lucky enough to be transferred by them, so he could only stop them with words.

They couldn't express themselves, so Chen Kangjie took a few beauties home.

After this incident, school started, and Chen Kangjie devoted his energy to writing again, and didn't go out to play much.

After a period of exercise, Chen Kangjie's morning run was no longer satisfied with just running to school and returning. From this semester onwards, he chose to run to Peach Blossom Lake for a circle before running back.The whole journey is about five kilometers, which is almost 60.00% more than the previous distance.

Early in the morning of the first day, when Chen Kangjie ran to Peach Blossom Lake, he found an old man boxing under a willow tree by the lake, and he was very powerful. Chen Kangjie was very envious.And every day under this fixed willow tree, the figure of the old man can be found, so Chen Kangjie would stop and look at it for a few minutes every day when he ran here.

On this day, Chen Kangjie stopped to watch again, and didn't leave until after the old man closed his ceremony.

"Little guy, why do you watch me boxing every day?" The old man actually found out about Chen Kangjie on the first day, but he just pretended not to know.

"Grandpa, what kind of punches did you punch? So imposing, and so good-looking", Chen Kangjie asked curiously. In fact, he wanted to ask a long time ago, but every time the old man was concentrating on punching, it was not easy to disturb him. Today It was the old man who spoke first, and he asked the question himself.

In fact, the old man has been observing him all the time. He thinks that this little guy is young, but he has such perseverance. He runs here at a fixed time every day, regardless of the weather. He is a rare talent, so he asked about it today.

"The dragon and tiger boxing I play is a kind of southern boxing, and some military lore skills are added to it." The old man liked Chen Kangjie a little, so he answered Chen Kangjie's question without reservation.

"Grandpa, according to what you say, have you ever been a soldier?" Chen Kangjie heard that the lore technique on the army was added, so he thought that the old man should have come from the army, but he was not sure.

"Hehe, I have been away from the army for more than ten years. Do you know about Tibet and Vietnam?" Hearing Chen Kangjie ask about the army, the old man seemed to recall the things in the army, and he also took a test of Chen Kangjie.

If Chen Kangjie hadn't been reborn, even though he only had simple knowledge of geography, he might not have known about it, but before Chen Kangjie was reborn, he knew about some wars that took place in southern Tibet and the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam.So Chen Kangjie nodded and said: "I know that our country has fought against India in southern Tibet, and launched a self-defense counterattack against Vietnam ten years ago."

"Hehe, it seems that you know a lot, you brat. Grandpa and I participated in both wars, but many comrades in arms did not come back together, hey." The old man was very happy to know about those two counterattacks for Chen Kangjie , but thinking of the comrades who have been buried there forever, the old man is a little bit embarrassed.

"Grandpa, you don't have to sigh. They are fighting for the country, they are heroes, and they are also our role models." Seeing that the old man seemed to be in a bad mood, Chen Kangjie comforted him.

"Little guy, you are quite good at comforting people." The old man was very satisfied with Chen Kangjie's performance. It is quite rare for a child to have such insights, so he also praised Chen Kangjie happily.

"Grandpa, I want to worship you as my teacher and learn martial arts from you, can I?" Chen Kangjie suddenly made a request.

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