rebirth of change

Chapter 33 Learning Martial Arts

Chapter 33 Learning Martial Arts

"What's your name? Can you tell me why you want to learn martial arts?" The old man squatted down and asked Chen Kangjie with great interest.

"My name is Chen Kangjie. Because learning martial arts well can not only strengthen your body, but also protect your family. Of course, you may be able to contribute to the country when the time is right." Chen Kangjie did not hide anything, and replied truthfully according to what he thought.

"Well, I can see that you didn't lie, okay, but I can't be your titular master." The old man kept staring at Chen Kangjie's expression, seeing that he spoke very calmly, without the slightest guilty conscience, so he agreed. , but due to the restrictions of some masters, they cannot accept apprentices explicitly.

"Thank you, master, but what do you mean you can't be my nominal master?" Chen Kangjie was very happy when he heard that the old man agreed to teach martial arts, so he knelt down to kowtow to the old man, and the old man didn't stop him. Even without martial arts, he could afford this gift, but Chen Kangjie still didn't understand why he couldn't be his master in name.

"Since you kowtow to me, then I will tell you some things." After Chen Kangjie kowtowed three times, the old man helped Chen Kangjie up, and then slowly explained the whole story to Chen Kangjie:

The old man was actually not very old, he was only in his early fifties, and his name was Tuo Zhihan. Caiyunsheng was a newcomer who had just retired early from the army.Maybe because of the stress before, my hair has turned gray a lot, making me look old.He has only one son, works in Liuzhi, and his wife passed away, so he came here to live with his son, so as to have a companion.Tuo Zhihan used to be a reconnaissance unit in the army and became the commander of the regiment. Later, as he got older, he became an instructor and a staff officer. He participated in the two wars mentioned above. The difference is that in the conflict in southern Tibet, he went deep into the enemy's territory as a sharp knife. In the Sino-Vietnamese self-defense counterattack, although he was also on the front line, he was more of a commanding role. He has worked in the reconnaissance force for decades, so he is naturally very skilled.

The kung fu that Tuo Zhihan wants to teach Chen Kangjie is called Dragon Tiger Fist. It is a boxing method handed down by the Tuo family. The ancestors requested that this kung fu can only be passed on to children of the same surname, and people of other surnames cannot be accepted as apprentices. It is said that in the Qing Dynasty, an apprentice with a foreign surname did it The lackeys of foreigners, in turn bullying the people of the country, so this door regulation has been made since the late Qing Dynasty.However, in recent years, there are fewer and fewer people in the family who learn martial arts, and those with excellent qualifications are even rarer. Tuo Zhihan doesn't want this kung fu to be followed by no one, and after observing for many days, he found that Chen Kangjie has a good physique and amazing perseverance. During the conversation just now, He also felt that this kid was of good character, so he agreed to teach him this skill.

However, the reason why he was able to pass it on to Chen Kangjie was because Tuo Zhihan had served as a soldier.His current Dragon Tiger Fist has added some lore skills from the army, so it cannot be regarded as Dragon Tiger Fist in the full sense, otherwise he would not violate the school rules and pass this martial art to Chen Kangjie.But after all, he still taught Chen Kangjie most of the content of Dragon and Tiger Fist. In order to avoid breaking the family rules, he did not recognize Chen Kangjie as his nominal apprentice.

In other words, only the two of them know about this matter, and they cannot pass it on to a third person. They can only be called "Grandpa" in front of outsiders, and they can only be called Master when they are alone.

The reputation of Dragon Tiger Boxing is rarely heard by the outside world. This has a lot to do with the fact that the Tuo family is mainly located in the southwest border. In addition, it is only passed on to the children of the family, so the number of people who learn it will appear to be very few and not for outsiders.It is also because of these two reasons that Tuo's Dragon Tiger Fist focuses more on actual combat and offense.

After telling Chen Kangjie everything he wanted to say, he ordered Chen Kangjie to come here to learn boxing on time the next day, then turned around and walked away.

After Tuo Zhihan had traveled a long way, Chen Kangjie ran home. He was both grateful and respectful to Tuo Zhihan in his heart, grateful for his friendship for willing to break the rules and teach him Dragon Tiger Boxing, and respected his feelings for his country.

Today, because he spent a lot of time listening to Tuo Zhihan talk about his experience, Chen Kangjie was late for school on a rare occasion.

Of course, Chen Kangjie was not criticized by anyone for being late. Who told him that not only did he study well, but he was also very popular with others.

In order to learn boxing every day in the future, after class, Chen Kangjie went to find Chen Hongmei, explained many reasons, and brought up several theories, and finally proved that he had finished all the courses in the third grade by himself, and finally won the right not to go to morning self-study. Chen Kangjie became the only student in class three who could not go to morning self-study.

The next day, Chen Kangjie ran ten minutes earlier than usual to the willow tree by the lake, where Tuo Zhihan was already waiting.

Today I mainly explain Dragon Tiger Boxing to Chen Kangjie.The first form, swallowing clouds and breathing, is mainly to learn a method of breathing, which is said to be derived from the "Marrow Washing Sutra", through breathing adjustment to enhance the body's endurance and resistance.The second form is to sink the waist and sit on the horse. Dragon Tiger Boxing requires relatively high waist strength, so this form is mainly for waist strength training.The third form, Tiger Fist, is mainly to practice the basic routine and strength of both hands.The fourth form, Shenlong wagging its tail. Although Dragon and Tiger Fist is Nanquan, it is impossible not to practice the lower body. If the lower body is unstable, everything is useless, so this type mainly exercises legwork.The fifth form is to move forward bravely. This form is to learn how to attack. It is to integrate the moves learned earlier and use them for attack. It is also a key part of Dragon Tiger Boxing.The sixth form is to prevent problems before they happen. This form is to completely learn defense. Although Dragon Tiger Fist is very powerful and good at attacking, defense still needs to be talked about. There are some special defensive moves.The seventh form is both offensive and defensive. This form is mainly for sparring, combining offense and defense.The eighth form, one move lore, this is mainly added by Tuo Zhihan, which requires high eyesight and speed, so this section is mainly to train eyesight and speed, and requires one move to hit.The ninth move, moving with the body, this move is mainly about a feeling, a kind of battlefield grasp, which can only be practiced in actual combat, especially in the environment of life and death, and it also depends on the aptitude.

Most people can only practice the seventh form, and only Tuo Zhihan can practice the eighth form. As for the ninth form, Tuo Zhihan can do it. After all, he has survived many times of life and death, so it is very related to the ninth form. But since the ninth form cannot be taught, Tuo Zhihan just told Chen Kangjie the formula, and the rest depends on good luck. Fortunately, Chen Kangjie has an excellent memory, and he can memorize it after one pass. Tuo Zhihan is also secretly amazed at Chen Kangjie's memory.

The moves and formulas of Dragon Tiger Fist are not complicated, which is a bit different from other martial arts schools. This has a lot to do with Dragon Tiger Fist's emphasis on actual combat.It's just that people who need to learn can endure hardships, especially when practicing basic skills, the requirements must be in place, so it will appear boring, so Tuo Zhihan observed Chen Kangjie's perseverance for several days.

After the explanation, it was almost time, and Chen Kangjie ran back to school by himself.

For the next two months, Chen Kangjie was practicing swallowing and breathing. Tuo Zhihan not only asked Chen Kangjie to practice while learning, but also to use and practice from time to time when he was running and walking.Because this is the foundation of the foundation.

At the beginning, Chen Kangjie chose to run around the Peach Blossom Lake, and he still felt very short of breath and a little tired, but after practicing for more than a month, he ran to the door of the house without feeling short of breath, and felt very comfortable. There is no trace of fatigue.

In two months, Chen Kangjie learned very quickly. This has something to do with the fact that he uses the method of breathing and breathing to run and walk every day. He has learned all the first forms in such a short period of time.

Then Tuo Zhihan began to ask Chen Kangjie to train his waist strength according to his requirements, so that Chen Kangjie had to twist his waist vigorously thousands of times every day, and had to do somersaults.However, what many people thought was boring, Chen Kangjie found it very interesting, not boring at all. Tuo Zhihan looked at Chen Kangjie a few more times, and felt that the apprentice he had accepted was really good.

Of course, Tuo Zhihan also loves Chen Kangjie very much. Every time he finishes his waist strength training, Tuo Zhihan will use professional techniques to massage him for 3 minutes, which makes Chen Kangjie feel more comfortable and moved.

He has also practiced sitting on a horse with his waist down for two months. Now Chen Kangjie's waist strength and strength are stronger than those of many sixteen or seventeen-year-olds, and his flexibility is also very good.

Tuo Zhihan felt that the heat was almost ready, so he began to teach him the boxing techniques in his hands.

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