rebirth of change

Chapter 34 The Magical Little Teacher

Chapter 34 Magical little teacher

After Chen Kangjie started practicing boxing, he made rapid progress, which has a lot to do with his boxing at home with sandbags every day.Tiger Fist Master Chen Kangjie has only been learning for ten days, and the winter vacation is over, and Chen Kangjie doesn't have to go to school anymore.

Considering that the next few years will be very busy, Chen Kangjie speeds up his writing speed and foreign language learning, so this winter vacation, Chen Kangjie rarely runs on the street except for running to Taohua Lake in the morning to learn martial arts. Anyway, Chen Yuqiong and Chen Yufen's business is also on the rise If it is formal, even if you go once in a while, it is to play the autumn wind.

Today, Chen Kangjie came back from practicing martial arts in Taohua Lake. After writing calligraphy for an hour, Chen Kangjie started writing (basically dictation). In the afternoon, he went to the back mountain behind his home to learn foreign languages, and continued writing in the evening.Anyway, it's a holiday, and I don't have to care about what homework those guys do.Who knows, Ma Wei came to visit him on the afternoon of the first day of vacation, but when Ma Fangqin heard that Chen Yuqiong had gone to study in the back mountain behind her home, she rushed to look for him.

Although it was a holiday, Chen Qigang and Ma Fangqin were very happy to see that their youngest was still studying so hard. It seems that geniuses also need to work hard, otherwise how could they know so many things, so they generally ignored Chen Kangjie.

When Ma Wei ran to the back mountain, he saw Chen Kangjie holding a thick book and speaking some languages ​​that he couldn't understand. At first, he thought he was possessed, but later he realized that he was learning a foreign language.At this time, Chen Kangjie not only learned English, but also French and Latin, which were needed to write "Harry Potter", so since he learned it, he should learn it well. Therefore, after Chen Kangjie learned about English, he also added Great study of French and Latin.

Hearing that Chen Kangjie was learning a foreign language, Ma Wei was first surprised, and secondly expressed that he wanted to learn it too.Chen Kangjie usually writes in Chinese in class, and hides in his room to learn foreign languages ​​at night when he is at home, so Ma Wei has never known that Chen Kangjie is learning foreign languages ​​systematically, although Chen Mei occasionally asks Chen Kangjie when he is doing homework. Words, but they didn't care about them at that time, because after more than a month after being reborn, Chen Kangjie often read Chen Mei's books in boredom, and they knew it.Now Ma Wei is hiding behind and listening to Chen Kangjie babbling and reading a long passage that he doesn't understand, how can he not be convinced, of course he wants to learn.

There was no way, Ma Wei made a request, how could Chen Kangjie not agree, even if it was perfunctory, he still had to take care of himself as a good friend.However, Chen Kangjie didn't dare to teach him French and Latin, teaching them would be almost useless. He will be tested in English in the future, and it was just at this time to cultivate his interest in English. I remember that after junior high school, this kid was most afraid of English.

Chen Kangjie arranged for Ma Wei to bring the junior high school English textbook used by his brother Ma Fei tomorrow, and he will start teaching him English tomorrow. Naturally, Ma Wei ran home happily and rummaged through boxes and cabinets to find old books.

Ma Wei is also a big mouther. After returning home, he can just look for books by himself, and he told his mother and Chen Qiancheng about it.Now Chen Kangjie's plan to learn a foreign language with peace of mind fell through, because more than a dozen came the next day.Not only Ma Wei and Chen Qiancheng came, but also Chen Jing, Geng Guiying, Yu Lan, Hou Jimei, Zhang Jiahua and other classmates who heard the news also came.

Well, it's almost time to catch up with a foreign language class, and it's free.Chen Kangjie has a big head. Seeing so many friends and classmates who love learning so much, can Chen Kangjie still refuse?We can only give them English classes in the first grade of junior high school. These guys are really enthusiastic about learning. They not only brought textbooks, but also notebooks.So Chen Kangjie not only taught them to read, but also taught them to write.

The afternoon is relatively long, and it is not possible to teach English for several hours. Good people do their best to send Buddha to the west, and Chen Kangjie will give them a small stove.Tell them to go back and find the textbooks they will use next semester, and start to talk about Chinese and mathematics.The new semester hasn't started yet, and new textbooks haven't been distributed yet, so I can only find old textbooks used by others.

The textbooks for the next semester are even more difficult to find than the English books for the first grade of junior high school. Some of my brothers and sisters have used them, and many of them have been sold as scraps. Now, these brats can only go to the next-door neighbors and classmates to find them for next semester. old textbooks.After questioning, more parents and classmates knew that Chen Kangjie was "opening a small stove" in the back mountain, and about 20 people came rushing over, making the big stone slabs in the back mountain almost not enough to sit on.

If you come, you will be safe. Chen Kangjie set the time for "classes" in the afternoon from 01:30 to 05:30, and divided them into two groups according to their grades. The first hour and a half of English lectures were the same. The second grade assigns copying homework, and starts to explain Chinese and mathematics to the third graders. After the lecture, they assign the same English copying homework and Chinese math homework to them. Do it on the spot.Then I went back and taught Chinese and mathematics to the second-grade students. After the lectures, there were also homework assignments, and they were asked to do it on the spot as much as possible.

Why only teach Chinese and mathematics? That’s nonsense. One is that Chen Kangjie doesn’t have that much time, and the other is that Chen Kangjie is not interested in teaching such things as nature, ideology and morality.

Living as a teacher for four hours every afternoon made Chen Kangjie very tired.But fortunately, he persisted in exercising and was in good health. Other teachers might not be able to bear it.

However, while Chen Kangjie was tired, Chen Qigang and Ma Fangqin were also "excruciatingly annoyed" by the words of praise.

"Section Chief Chen, thank you for your youngest. My child doesn't like to study, but he likes to listen to your youngest's lectures."

"Sister Ma, my kid used to go crazy everywhere during the holidays, but now he has learned from your youngest for a few days, and he is much better."

"Section Chief Chen, you have raised a good son, I'm so envious, he's so smart and helpful"

"Sister Ma, don't worry about my kid running to your sister in the future, hehe, that kid likes to play with your youngest."

"Chief Chen, how come your youngest can even speak English? Did you teach it? It's amazing."

Every day when Chen Qigang and Ma Fangqin go to work or go shopping, they can always hear one or two words of praise like this. Although they speak modest words, they feel as proud as if they had eaten honey in their hearts.Parents are happier when people praise their children than they praise themselves. They try their best to cook delicious food for Chen Kangjie every day. Well, I'm not so upset anymore.

I don't know if it's because the lecturers are peers or because Chen Kangjie speaks vividly. Chen Kangjie speaks fast, and they learn fast.The homework assigned by Chen Kangjie has a [-]% success rate, because Chen Kangjie said, "If you don't finish it on site, you can go back and finish it, but if you don't finish it the next day, you don't have to come back."

Chen Kangjie didn't want to waste time on people who pretended to be fake, this trick really worked, and it was better than the homework assigned by the teacher in charge.I made it hard to do my homework one by one when I got home, and I often came up with common English phrases such as "thankyou, byebye, iamfine" when talking with my family.Every parent who sees a big change in their child is puzzled, what method did Chen Kangjie use?Talking is actually more effective than teachers and their parents.

In this way, Chen Kangjie exchanged the wisdom and labor of a hard vacation for a "magic little teacher" comment.

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