rebirth of change

Chapter 321 Receiving Missions

Chapter 320 Receiving the Mission

Yao Zhe was not the only one who was excited about Ouyang Zhenhua's arrival. Zhong Kefan and He Huideng were even more excited than Yao Zhe.

After the two of them left Master Kong’s company that day, they went back to the unit to apply for a leave of absence without pay. They were going to sea.

Some people in the unit laughed at their move, thinking that they could not stand being squeezed out by Director Lai, so they chose to leave by themselves.Some people are also happy that these two educated young people leave the unit, and if they climb up, they will reduce their competitors.There are also one or two people who admire them, Yao Yicen is that.

Yao Yicen is an accountant of the credit union, two years younger than He Huideng. She knows that He Huideng likes her, and also understands the situation of He Huideng's family, but He Huideng has never confessed to her, so she is reserved as a girl. Said, did not express too much.

Under the influence of his uncle, Yao Yicen was more open-minded, so she supported and encouraged He Huideng to go out and venture out. He Huideng confessed his love to Yao Yicen for the first time when he was about to leave.

Today, He Huideng invited Yao Yicen to the Peach Blossom Lake. This was what He Huideng made up his mind after thinking about it all night.

Yao Yicen wore a tight-fitting blue and white striped shirt with a knot in front of the shirt. His lower body was brown trousers. This type of trousers was very popular in the 90s, and female stars in Hong Kong and Taiwan often wore them. , a pair of high-heeled leather shoes, and a headband 'inserted' on her head. With fair skin, she was clasping her hands behind her waist, kicking her toes lightly on the ground, shyly waiting for He Huideng to speak.

"Yicen, after I leave, take good care of yourself." He Huideng hesitated for a long time before saying a word in a low voice.

"Well, I will," Yao Yicen replied softly.

In fact, Yao Yicen was thinking, idiot, who wants to hear you say this?Can't you just get to the point?

"I...I will do it well", He Huideng held back for a long time, and then uttered a few more words.

"Well, have you decided what to do?" Yao Yicen raised his head and asked with concern in a very gentle voice.

"I don't know yet. There is no arrangement yet. I will talk about it tomorrow. I will know after the talk." When it comes to work, He Huideng is not so shy, but looks full of yearning.

"Why did you suddenly think of leaving?" This was the first time Yao Yicen asked He Huideng the reason for leaving the credit union. Perhaps Yao Yicen already had an answer in his heart, or an expected answer, but he hoped to leave the credit union from now on. He Hui just said it out of his mouth.

"I don't want to be so mediocre, I don't want to wear down my fighting spirit and edges, I want to be like Zhong Kefan, do something that I think is meaningful and can use my talents." He Huideng took off a wicker and looked at the calm On the surface of the lake, every word he uttered is full of power, as if the surface of the lake will cause waves because of his own words.

He Huideng didn't notice that after Yao Yicen heard the reason he gave, there was only a glimmer of light in his eyes, which quickly dimmed.

"I believe you can, both you and Zhong Kefan will do great things," Yao Yicen echoed in a low mood.

"I asked you out today, mainly to tell you..." He Huideng turned his head and seemed to want to tell Yao Yicen something, but he couldn't say anything.

"What do you want to tell me?" Yao Yicen's voice raised a few degrees, probably because he felt that he was too impatient, and he lowered his head in embarrassment after asking.

People at this time tend to be relatively simple in thinking, sincere in their pursuit of love, and their confession will be quite reserved.Unlike later, I love you, I love tiger oil, honey, sweetheart, etc. can often be talked about, courtship is also very direct, brother likes you, wants to do something with you, do you think it is okay?Let's go to the room if we can.

"My family's conditions are not very good, and the housing is still so tight. I also know that your family's conditions are much better, so..." He Huideng really didn't know how to express his thoughts. If he was rejected, he would not be able to keep friends with Yao Yicen if he said it out.

"Why are you talking about this? Really, we... what does this have to do with family!" Yao Yicen said coquettishly, somewhat dissatisfied with He Huideng.

Yao Yicen's meaning was very clear, that is, she valued people rather than family conditions, but He Huideng, who was entangled in his heart, didn't hear it.

He Huideng is very contemptuous of his performance today. He is a man who dare not say what he wants to say. Maybe the more you like it, the more you are afraid of losing it. But if you don't show it, who knows that you like it? If the other party can't understand You know, that's easier to lose.

He Huideng broke the willow branch in his hand again and again, just like the willow stick had a deep hatred with him, the more he did this, the more anxious Yao Yicen became, when the willow stick in He Huideng's hand was really smashed to pieces, he gritted his teeth, Go out and make up your mind.

"Yicen, I...I like you, I hope you wait for me, I will make a career, I...I want to marry you", He Huideng was so anxious that he was sweating and finally said today The important point of the date, unfortunately, this guy, despite his size, was very timid when he confessed his love to a girl for the first time. After he finished speaking, he turned around and ran away.

He Huideng felt very relaxed while running. He was entangled in whether Yao Yicen would accept him, and he dared not face it, but he finally revealed his heart, like letting go of the stone in his heart, and the autumn wind flowed from his heart. It was very warm and comfortable as it brushed past his ears, and the willow branches slid over the top of his head one by one, very soft, like a caress.

Yao Yicen originally planned to say something, but he didn't expect this guy to run away, so he couldn't say what he wanted to say, so he stomped his feet angrily, but seeing He Huideng running with his hands outstretched like a child, it was great Cute, Yao Yicen smiled.

He Huideng ran for more than 30 meters before stopping. He turned around and took a look. He saw Yao Yicen's smile, and saw the slim Yao Yicen waving his arms at him, like an affectionate girl who wants to send her lover off.

All the entanglements in He Huideng's mind were swept away, he waved to Yao Yicen, let go of his hands and feet happily and ran home, he was going to tell his parents that he had a girlfriend.

Later, every time He Huideng and Yao Yicen recalled their beginning this time, He Huideng would feel shy, especially when he told his friends what happened, everyone would despise his timidity, and Yao Yicen would always help him to excuse.

. . . . . .

After returning home, He Huideng told his parents the good news that he had a girlfriend. His father, He Yumin, and his mother, Yang Yusu, were really very happy, and wanted to ask He Huideng to bring his future daughter-in-law back immediately. His younger sister, He Yuqing, was even more twittering It's endless, I want to see if my future sister-in-law is beautiful, but He Huideng doesn't have the time now, and it's impossible to invite Yao Yicen to his home now, he has to prepare for a talk at Master Kong's company tomorrow.

Both Zhong Kefan and He Huideng received a notice from the administration department of Master Kong today, asking them to come to Master Kong at nine o'clock tomorrow morning to discuss their work. Thinking of the president Ouyang that Chen Kangjie said that day, he guessed that most likely he would be negotiating with the big boss from Hong Kong. Of course, he had to be fully prepared.

The next day, the two wore a good double-breasted suit, learned how to tie a tie, and polished their leather shoes. They arrived at Master Kong’s company at 08:30 early in the morning. This time, they were not stopped in the guard room. The notification has been received, so the two were able to enter smoothly.

They didn't come out as they expected. After waiting in the lounge for more than 20 minutes, someone took them to the president's office on the top floor, where Ouyang Zhenhua was already there.

Ouyang Zhenhua chatted with them for four or ten minutes, and basically agreed with them. It wasn't that he didn't believe in Chen Kangjie's ability, but that as his direct subordinate, he had to have an understanding, otherwise how would he manage in the future.

"In this way, you have basically passed the test. If you are interested in joining us, then I will give you a task, which is your last test." Ouyang Zhenhua was behind his boss's desk, holding a holding a pen.

"President Ouyang, we very much hope to join this dynamic group. We will try our best to complete any tasks assigned to us," Zhong Kefan said forcefully.

"Okay, you guys should do a survey and make a plan report by the way. We plan to set up a small loan company. If your plan satisfies us, then this small loan company will be established and managed by you."

"Small loan company?" Although Zhong Kefan and He Huideng both studied finance, it was the first time they heard of this thing, so they were a little surprised.

"Yes, it is a small loan company. It plans to invest 2 million in the first phase. In other words, the strength of this small loan company will not be much smaller than that of Master Kong. I will give you half a year. During this period, you For the time being, it is considered as an ordinary employee of Master Kong Company, and the salary is based on 12. You can receive [-] yuan from the finance department every month, that is, you have a total of [-] yuan to use. Don’t let me down, and don’t let me recommend it. Your young master is disappointed."

Zhong Kefan and He Huideng immediately took a break from cooking. It was such a difficult task, but it was also a huge opportunity. Seven hundred million, the funds were much more than their previous credit union. At this time, they did not expect a salary of two thousand. With 12 yuan in funds, once this can be done, their real power will be almost the same as that of the president and vice president of a commercial bank, and they will not focus on small numbers.

"President Ouyang, do you have any target requirements?" Zhong Kefan was the first to react from the rest and raised the key points.

"Yes, but it is very simple. The goal is, first, it is feasible; second, it can promote the economic development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and it is best to increase the economic transformation in rural areas; third, it is risk control; fourth, it is 'operational' Convenience, at least it must be understood and accepted by most people", Ouyang Zhenhua put forward four basic requirements.

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