rebirth of change

Chapter 333 A life full of disasters

Chapter 330 A Troubled Life

Chen Kangjie and the others still took a lot of time to eat hot pot, but fortunately they controlled it well, otherwise they would be late.

The two competitions in the afternoon are not very big for Chen Kangjie. There is no suspense in the 400 meters. As for throwing the shot put, Chen Kangjie also believes in his own strength. Physical improvement is not done for nothing, and after practicing "Li Ding Wu Jing", he himself can find that his strength has increased a lot. Among his peers, Chen Kangjie is confident that it is difficult for anyone to surpass him.

Since he had just had lunch, Chen Kangjie did a warm-up before the inspection. In the past two days, he was the name that appeared most frequently on the school radio station.There were still more than ten minutes before the game started, and there were already dense crowds standing beside him, everyone was waiting for Chen Kangjie to continue to create miracles.

Except for Zhang Qiang, the unlucky kid who was assigned to the guard position, all the people in Class [-] and [-] were present. Those who knew him stared at him even as he was warming up, which made Chen Kangjie very uncomfortable and moved a few times. , ended the warm-up early.

There is only Chen Kangjie in the first and third classes of the 400-meter final. Liu Mingjian has already withdrawn. He has already exerted all his physical fitness in the 100-meter race in the morning. Even if he participated in the competition, he could not enter the top three. .

Ten people got rid of one, and there were only nine finals. Just as Chen Kangjie walked to his position, there was thunderous applause from the audience. Chen Kangjie can understand the feeling of those athletes cheering on the field in the past two days. It is a kind of enjoyment and pride .

Everyone is so enthusiastic, of course Chen Kangjie can’t be too stingy, he raised his right hand and waved to the audience, once he did this, the applause and shouts became louder, especially some little girls, it’s almost like seeing a star, and they competed with him Some of my classmates feel that they are not so happy, and everyone in my class is encouraging this competitor, what is the matter.

The audience was too noisy. In order for the athletes to hear the whistle, Mr. Ouyang had to instruct several assistant referees to silence everyone's voices. He also stood on the high platform and shouted heartbreakingly, pressing down with all his hands.Unfortunately, it didn't work. After seeing it, Chen Kangjie bowed to everyone, put his index finger to his mouth, and then made a downward movement. The sound of the audience weakened. This made Teacher Ouyang very embarrassed, but There is no way, who made Chen Kangjie's performance too good.

"Didi", the whistle sounded, and the game started. At this time, there is no need to control the voice. Whether it is the teacher or the classmates who are watching, they all become very fanatical. The voice can be as loud as it can be. No one applauds, and the palms all become fists. Waving in the air.

In the first 200 meters, Chen Kangjie only kept the third position. No one would suspect that he only took the third place. Everyone's heart-piercing shouts are for Chen Kangjie to sprint. I guess Chen Kangjie can't stand this wave. Shouting, he started sprinting 150 meters away from the finish line, but he was already the first 100 meters away from the finish line.

He was in the first place, and the audience did not relax and stop, they continued to jump up and shout, "Come on, go, Chen Kangjie, go."

In the last running race, Chen Kangjie was embarrassed to let everyone down, so even though he didn't break out with all his strength, he still put in a lot of effort. As a result, he crossed the finish line in 51 seconds, ten seconds ahead of No.2.

From the moment Chen Kangjie crossed the finish line, the audience began to erupt, especially Chen Kangjie's little friends and the students from Class [-] and Class [-] of junior high school. Everyone smiled brightly and blushed. It can be seen that they made a lot of effort and shouted just now. .

After Chen Kangjie ran 400 meters, it was time for the girls to play in the 1000 meters.

It was strange that almost all of the eight girls standing at the starting point had red faces, and none of them was calm.

"Fan Xuexi, you can do it, don't be too fast at the beginning, keep the rhythm", Chen Kangjie reminded her in a low voice beside him.

"En", Fan Xuexi nodded vigorously happily.

Chen Kangjie promised to accompany Fan Xuexi to complete the race, so he had to keep his word, even if he had just finished the 400 meters.

There were not so many people in the girls' competition, because Chen Kangjie had to run again, and there were not many onlookers. Boys were jealous of Chen Kangjie, girls were envious of Fan Xuexi, and Deng Min was the representative. He was a little annoyed why he didn't choose this event.There are a few others who are all mixed together with envy, jealousy and hatred. These few people are standing with Chen Jing.

As soon as the whistle sounded, all the girls in the competition ran out, and Chen Kangjie naturally followed, he was on the innermost line.

Fan Xuexi completely took Chen Kangjie as a reference, and she ran as fast as Chen Kangjie ran.Chen Kangjie's strategy was the same as his own before, that is, to run in the middle, lead Fan Xuexi, maintain the rhythm, and he still held a bottle of water in his hand.

Fan Xuexi's physical fitness is really not very good, and he was out of breath after only 400 meters. Chen Kangjie hurriedly handed him water to replenish it.

After Fan Xuexi drank water once, she got a little better and was able to keep up. In fact, the effect of water was not as great as that of Chen Kangjie. From Chen Kangjie's face full of concern, Fan Xuexi got strength. She She was very sweet in her heart, she was the only one among all the contestants who had this kind of treatment.

Sweetness is a kind of strength, and almost all sweets can replenish energy. Fan Xuexi followed until the speed of 700 meters slowed down, but the speed of the few running ahead of her also slowed down.

Chen Kangjie handed her water again to replenish her moisture. Fan Xuexi's forehead and cheeks were stained with sweat-wet hair, and her little face was red like a red apple. The hair on the forehead was parted, it was really delicate and charming, Chen Kangjie was almost dumbfounded.

"Water", Fan Xuexi took the water from Chen Kangjie's hand without moving, panting and shouted delicately, and Chen Kangjie came back to his senses.

"Oh, oh, drink it quickly, pour some on your face, and then start sprinting, following my pace", Chen Kangjie quickly handed her the water, reminding her of her next move by the way.

Fan Xuexi nodded her head, followed suit, and then returned someone to Chen Kangjie. Chen Kangjie didn't even bother to cover it, so he threw the Aquarius away.

"Follow me, sprint", Chen Kangjie slightly ran two meters ahead of Fan Xuexi.

Chen Kangjie didn't lead her to charge vigorously at the beginning, but slowly accelerated his pace. Girls are different from boys. Chen Kangjie can only adopt this suitable method according to Fan Xuexi's physical fitness.

"Hold on, come on, you can do it," Chen Kangjie turned his head to see Fan Xuexi was following while running, and shouted loudly to encourage her.

Every time Chen Kangjie yelled, Fan Xuexi had more energy and bit her lips tightly. She only had Chen Kangjie in her eyes at the moment, and she had to keep up.

It was only 50 meters away from the finish line, and there were three people in front of Fan Xuexi, one was far ahead of him, and the other was only one meter ahead of him. Chen Kangjie's shouts became more and more hysterical, and he kept waving his fists. He didn't expect Fan Xuexi to win the first place. One, but the second is quite possible.

No need to be reminded, Fan Xuexi knew very well that the end was coming soon, she could not give up, she could not relax, looking at Chen Kangjie's ferocious face and waving fists, Fan Xuexi, whose physical strength had reached its limit, did not fall behind, struggling to sell, painful Shake your arms.

Chen Kangjie reached the finish line 2 meters ahead of schedule. Fan Xuexi and No.[-] were already on par. It was hard to see who was ahead of the other. At this time, the victory was between the first line and it depended on who had stronger perseverance. In order to give Fan Xuexi the last bit of strength, Chen Kangjie squatted He came down and slapped the ground desperately, "Fan Xuexi, come on, you can do it."

Fan Xuexi felt that every slap of Chen Kangjie on the ground was loosening her feet, and the surrounding shouts kept coming and going, but in his ears he only heard a voice from Chen Kangjie's mouth, "Fan Xuexi, come on, you can do it." , I could only see the fire in Chen Kangjie's eyes.

Fan Xuexi finally finished second with a gap of half a meter. The moment she crossed the finish line, her body completely collapsed, as if her feet had instantly turned into cotton.

Chen Kangjie had sharp eyesight and quick hands, so he hurried up to meet her, caught her in his arms, and prevented her from falling to the ground.

"I...I...I didn't disappoint you", Fan Xuexi said with a smile while looking into Chen Kangjie's eyes out of breath.

There were many people around watching, if it was normal, Fan Xuexi would feel very shy and embarrassed, but at this moment, she had completely forgotten all of this, she only knew that she had tried her best, and her body had no strength at all.

"Good job, you are good job", Chen Kangjie smiled at her.

Fan Xuexi stayed in Chen Kangjie's arms for more than ten seconds before being put down by Chen Kangjie. Chen Kangjie asked her to walk slowly. She couldn't stop like this, because it would be very bad for her health.

After Fan Xuexi was put down, she buried her head in embarrassment under the staring eyes. It was inconvenient for Chen Kangjie to support her, but handed it over to the other two girls in the class.

"If I participate in the competition like that, will you run with me and hug me?", Deng Min asked Chen Kangjie so clearly later.

Chen Kangjie had no choice but to promise, "Yes, of course."

Don't think about it, Chen Kangjie knows that the two girls like him, and he likes them too, but they are too young and too loli, Chen Kangjie can't do anything for the time being, he can only raise them first, so the only attitude he adopts is to treat them equally and never Treat one more favorably than another.

However, his promise brought him a lot of trouble. In the second year of junior high school, Deng Min signed up for this project, and No.1 was born between Deng Min and Fan Xuexi. Busy feet 'chaotic'.

Not having beauties is a tragedy, having too many beauties is a disaster, and Chen Kangjie's life is doomed to be full of disasters.

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