Chapter 330

4x100 meters is the last race that Chen Kangjie participated in this morning. The order of the four members of their group has not changed. The only change is that Liu Mingjian, who has reconciled with Chen Kangjie to a certain extent, intends to fight to the death. If he loses, he has already lost all of them. Yes, but if this project can get the first place, at least he has his own credit, which is a consolation.

Sun Xiaolei and Liu Yalei, the two intermediate members, also want to take the first place, and they also plan to fight to the death, but they are not so worried about the ranking. They saw Chen Kangjie's explosion yesterday and today, and they believe that Chen Kangjie will stand up for this group. Thanks a lot.

Because it was 100 meters, Liu Mingjian gave it all up at the beginning. Although he was very tired and his feet were still heavy, he sat for a long time and poured down a bottle of glucose water, especially after receiving the kindness of Chen Kangjie. Relax, the first shot in the final got the No.2 ranking, which is already very rare for him.

Liu Mingjian had completed his mission, but Sun Xiaolei and Liu Yalei had problems.

The running was not bad, but unfortunately when they handed over the baton, because of their impatience, they made a mistake and dropped the baton.Their mistake put a lot of pressure on Chen Kangjie, and at the same time the audience beside them were sweating, Dasheng urged them to hurry up and hurry up.

In fact, it is not a big deal to make such a mistake in a relay race. Even in the professional arena of the Olympic Games, athletes often make similar mistakes.

The little stick was quickly passed to Chen Kangjie's hands, but at this time they were not fifth, but one place behind in the preliminaries. Chen Kangjie had only one choice, which was to go all out and explode.

Before the baton was passed to Chen Kangjie, Mr. Niu took a stopwatch and prepared to do a test on the sidelines. He really wanted to see how far Chen Kangjie could do in the 100-meter sprint. He knew Chen Kangjie and his group It is very difficult for the first three to get the number one position, so it is up to Chen Kangjie to catch up.

Chen Kangjie beat the air vigorously with his hand holding a small wooden stick. For the first time, everyone saw the movement of clenching his teeth on his face. His feet seemed to spring up as soon as they touched the ground, very fast, so fast that he was in front of him. The players and spectators were stunned.

He actually caught up with the first five within 100 meters of himself, and finally crossed the finish line almost at the same time as a classmate from the second year of junior high school. The only difference was that Chen Kangjie's body was leaning forward, while that classmate was leaning back.

In the end, Chen Kangjie and the others won the first place with a time of 56 seconds. No.2’s time was 56 seconds. The difference between them was only 110 seconds. Liu Xiang always leans forward when he sprints across the line in the [-]-meter hurdles, because it is not based on his footsteps.

There is nothing too surprising about the overall result, at best it is just a bit better, but Mr. Niu looked at the stopwatch in his hand for a long time and did not recover. Ten seconds and one zero, Chen Kangjie ran ten seconds and one zero in the last 100 seconds , the highest level of our country's technical level standards for athletes is 1992 seconds for the [-] meters. It is incredible that Chen Kangjie has stepped into this rank.Mr. Niu was fluctuating in his heart. Genius, this is definitely only a genius athlete can achieve this result. If there is no age limit for participating in the Olympic Games, he would like to write a letter to the National Sports Commission to recommend Chen Kangjie to go to the [-] Barcelona Olympic Games.

Teacher Niu really wanted to talk to Chen Kangjie again. Seeing so many classmates and class teachers surrounding him, even being lifted up and thrown into the air, he gave up. He had already been rejected by Chen Kangjie twice. He couldn't seem too impatient. Can only wait for the opportunity.For Chen Kangjie, he will not give up. Whether he can discover a great talented athlete for the country, whether he can break the tragic fate of the yellow race in the world track and field events, and whether he can make himself famous all depend on Chen Kangjie's efforts. body.

"Old Wen, you are too good, you surpassed the first five." On the way to dinner, Chen Kangjie was once again praised and admired by his sister.

Ma Wei, Yu Lan and the others came to cheer for Chen Kangjie. If Chen Kangjie wanted to treat them to dinner, it was impossible for them to walk two kilometers home to eat. That would be immoral for Chen Kangjie.In order to avoid the embarrassment between them, Chen Kangjie didn't call Deng Min and Fan Xuexi, and Yang Cong and the others didn't come either, they had to guard the position.

For dinner at noon, it is impossible to eat snacks or fried pot. Chen Kangjie invited them to eat hot pot at noon today. He chose the small restaurant that Zhong Kefan and He Huideng often go to. This small restaurant is only 3 minutes away from No. [-] Middle School. More convenient.

"Sister, don't praise me anymore, I'll be really proud if you praise me again." After being praised for almost half an hour, Chen Kangjie felt embarrassed.

"I'm not exaggerating, what's the matter, don't you think so?" Chen Jing was very disapproving. When he asked this, the other partners could only say "Yes, yes".

"Look, everyone doesn't think so," Chen Jing immediately took everyone's commitment as a reason.

"I have convinced you," Chen Kangjie cupped his hands, dumbfounded.

. . . . . .

Chen Kangjie entered this small restaurant and saw two acquaintances eating here. Zhong Kefan and He Huideng happened to be eating here at noon. Unexpectedly, they met Master Jie who was interviewing them.

As soon as the two of them saw Chen Kangjie, they wanted to say hello immediately, but they felt a little inappropriate. There were more than a dozen of them, and in the end it was Chen Kangjie who arranged for the people on his side to sit down and order food, and then took the initiative to come to their table.

"You two, how are you doing?" Chen Kangjie felt like seeing an old friend.

"Master Jie, what is this?" Zhong Kefan was very curious about Chen Kangjie bringing such a large group of people to dinner.

"Hehe, I'll treat them to dinner." Chen Kangjie glanced back at the guys who were scrambling to order, and said with a smile.

"Oh, we plan to go to Mingzhu and Pengcheng to investigate soon," Zhong Kefan answered Chen Kangjie's question just now.

"Yo, that's great. Let's take a look to gain some experience, but I'll give you a suggestion. I guess you won't get any results from those two places. It's okay to go to those two places to experience the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. , but if you want to learn the knowledge you need for the work you plan to do, you can go to Hong Kong to have a look.” Chen Kangjie gave them some pointers, lest they end up unsatisfactory, and that is not what I want to see. Just by the way.

"Hong Kong? But...we've never been abroad before." When He Huideng thought of going abroad, he felt a little nervous. They haven't seen that far yet.

It was Zhong Kefan's opinion to go to Mingzhu and Pengcheng. These two places are considered the most open places in the country, and the financial industry is also the most developed.Zhong Kefan never thought about going abroad for inspection.

"To start a microfinance company, you need to have a good understanding of the country's conditions, and you also need to master professional financial knowledge and a reasonable system. I believe you will have no problem with the understanding of the mainland. You only need to go deeper for a month or two, and you will be able to understand it well. , but for institutional and financial knowledge, so far, you can only go outside to learn, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan and even Western Europe are all available, how to get it, you can figure it out yourself, huh, huh."

Chen Kangjie's long speech made the two of them lose their appetite at all.In addition to being surprised in the minds of the two people, there was also an unreal feeling that reading those books was useless in front of this much younger Master Jie.

They didn't dare to doubt Chen Kangjie's words. People said that President Ouyang was interviewing, and it was really President Ouyang who came to interview, which showed that President Ouyang valued him very much. Besides, after they joined, they went to Master Kong several times, and especially invited Dong Mingshu for a drink. After a few drinks, I learned a little bit about Jie Shao's identity, District Chief Chen's child, and Hongyuan's consultant. Of course, they still have a lot of things they can't figure out. How can District Chief Chen's child become Hongyuan's consultant? There is no need to ask those questions any more, and no one will answer them.

"Jie Shao, what you said like that really enlightened us." Zhong Kefan was the first to understand that he was showing them the way.

"Okay, I wish you all the best," Chen Kangjie greeted them and returned to his desk.

"Do you know each other?" Chen Jing had been observing his younger brother talking with those two people just now, and she asked quickly after Chen Kangjie sat down.

"Well, they are all from Master Kong's company." Chen Kangjie replied casually. He couldn't say too much, and his sister would not understand if he said too much.

"Oh", Chen Kangjie is Master Kong's consultant, Chen Jing didn't find it strange when he answered that way.

Not long after Chen Kangjie sat down, the boss brought up a big mandarin duck pot, which was steaming hot, and the dishes he ordered came out one after another.They are not so polite to each other, they fight over what to eat, even Chen Kangjie eats in a hurry, and he doesn't eat at all.

Zhong Kefan and He Huideng didn't feel like eating at all at this moment, they paid the bill and left after finishing the food in their bowls hastily.Of course, when they paid the bill, they didn't forget to buy Chen Kangjie's table by the way.

When Chen Kangjie paid for the bill later, the boss told him that Zhong Kefan had bought it for him.Chen Kangjie smiled and put the money back by himself with peace of mind. These two people are quite good at life. Besides, Chen Kangjie's advice to them is definitely worth a meal, and Chen Kangjie accepts it calmly.

"Save me a meal, let's go."

"Look at your appearance of being a 'money fan'. You are invited, but you still say that, don't say you are my younger brother in the future." Chen Jing would tease and beat Chen Kangjie whenever he got the chance.

Chen Kangjie is completely used to this, shrugging his shoulders, "What do you mean by being a 'money fan'? Do you feel calm about eating mine? You should learn a bit. Remember, you should be ruthless when eating other people's money, and be sparing when eating your own."

"Yeah, we're pretty ruthless when we eat you, hehe...".

Amidst the laughter of the crowd, there was only a drop of sweat on Chen Kangjie's forehead. He was completely defeated by this old lady who was so picky.

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