rebirth of change

Chapter 335 Spring Comes

Chapter 330 Five Spring Comes

It took more than a week for Chen Kangjie to win the first place in eight sports competitions. Whether at home or in class, everyone praised and admired him endlessly. Fortunately, Chen Kangjie was not a real kid. Otherwise, it's absolutely blissful.

The year of 91 quickly passed in peace. Just a few days after New Year's Day in 1992, the economic statistics of various parts of the province came out. The GDP of Liushuipan this year increased by 40.00% compared with the previous year. 30.00%, this is a great leap forward, but many of those projects started in the middle and late ten days, otherwise the growth rate would be even higher. At present, the traffic has not been fundamentally improved, and the people’s income has not yet increased significantly. , investment is the biggest factor of economic growth, especially for inland areas.

As far as the province is concerned, the growth rates of Shun'an, Huicheng and the provincial capital are all above 20.00%, which is almost three times that of other regions. This is all due to the investment effect of several major projects of Hongyuan. 91 was just the beginning year, and a lot of time was spent on engineering research and preparations. All the procedures and approvals were completed, and almost half a year passed. The whole year of 92 is the most critical for the four regions. Yes, this year, because the funds are guaranteed, the economic growth rate is estimated to double on the basis of 91.

At the year-end summary meeting, the leaders of these four regions were all beaming. They had achieved results that had never been achieved in the western region. Driven by the four regions, the results of the whole province were also joyful, with an increase of 20.00%. When He Baoguo, Liang Minkuan and the others went to the province for a meeting, at the provincial cadre meeting, they were named and praised by Secretary Huang and Governor Tan, and they were encouraged to make persistent efforts to double their growth in 1992. The other three regions were also set to grow Rate 50.00% of the tasks.

In fact, everyone understands that the specific increase depends on the progress of Hongyuan and Genesis.

Of the nine prefectures and cities in the province, the remaining five basically only increased by [-]%. The leaders of those cities were envious of Liang Minkuan and the others. At the same time, they felt a kind of contempt for their achievements and their own It doesn't matter if you work hard, the key is that Hongyuan delivers it to your door.

In fact, this is a typical dirty heart that does not develop itself and is not happy to see others develop. If the leaders of other places do not do their work, will Hongyuan really take the initiative to go? Even if they go, will the investment be so large?Even if the investment is made, if the cooperation and service are not done well, can the project be carried out normally?

A good job is a good job, and a bad job is a bad job. Everything is spoken by hard numbers.In the past 91 years, Liushuipan and people's livelihood have improved the most.

In Liushuipan, the biggest performance is that the overall teachers' income has been stabilized, and the income of rural teachers has been increased. Because of the increase in finances, He Baoguo learned from Chen Qigang and made ensuring teachers' salaries and benefits the top priority. If teachers can't keep it, why? Talk about the prosperity of Guizhou through science and education.In addition to this matter, the city's five-guarantee households and widowed elderly have also received subsidies. Each person is based on the standard of 35 yuan per month. For education, for children who cannot pay the tuition fees, the tuition and miscellaneous fees of the students can be exempted, which will be borne by the municipal finance. For these two livelihood projects, the municipal finance needs to subsidize 1400 million yuan per year.

35 yuan is enough to maintain their basic life for the five-guarantee households and the elderly in rural areas. In short, Liushuipan focuses on the two ends, dolls and the elderly. The Chinese nation would not say 'respect the old and love the young'", these are the exact words Chen Kangjie said when chatting with them.

In addition to the elderly, children and teachers with special occupations, the people's livelihood in Liushuipan is also reflected in an important aspect, employment.With the start of construction of Shuipu Expressway and Shuipan Expressway, several infrastructure projects of Mengting Tourism Group have also been launched. The construction of Free Semiconductor Company has greatly reduced the number of unemployed people in the city. These projects have provided at least [-] jobs, and they are still Good paying jobs.If one job is calculated for one family, it is equivalent to solving the normal source of income for [-] families, and the society has been greatly stabilized.

If you count the leading role of the upstream and downstream industrial chain, the number will be even more.Since the middle of 91, the state-owned iron and steel companies, cement factories, and collective brick factories in various counties and districts in the city have been operating at full capacity, especially the steel factories are cement factories. , Huicheng, and Shun’an are also in great demand, so 91 was also the year when these large state-owned enterprises were most profitable, and employees could get their wages and bonuses on time.

Naturally, with the great development of the economy, the people's livelihood in the other three cities has also changed, but it's not as obvious as Liushuipan for the time being.

As far as the province is concerned, the changes in technology and education are the most surprising.Half of the 5000 teachers entrusted to be trained by normal universities and education colleges have been completed. From the beginning of the new semester, these 20 teachers who have been trained will take up their posts. A substantial increase.The changes in several universities in the provincial capital have made the first-class universities in other places jealous, including the University of Science and Technology of China, Shuimu University, and Jinling University, which have received hundreds of millions of research donations.Just take Normal University as an example. Because they have 3000 billion yuan in their hands, the provincial government has approved more than 4000 acres of land in the high-tech city for their new campus construction. Qianzhou University and the Institute of Finance also received 3100 acres and 92 acres Mu, in [-], construction will start in an all-round way.

Because of the money, the normal university originally only had 1000 million teaching equipment, but it soared to 5000 million in one year, which is four times the accumulation in the past 40 years.In terms of software, the three universities have sent a total of 100 teachers to study abroad at first-class universities abroad, and have also introduced dozens to more than 91 high-level talents with high salaries, and many of them are directly returnees with doctorate degrees. In addition to the temptation of high salaries, people also fancy that research funding can be guaranteed.These enterprises under Hongyuan have also formed a part-time talent strategic mechanism with several universities. Every year, [-] senior researchers with doctorates and nearly [-] senior researchers with master's degrees will give part-time lectures at universities in the province. Titles ranging from lecturer to professor are awarded. For this reason, at the end of [-], Qianzhou applied to the country for a national agricultural research center, a national atmospheric physics research center, a national electronic research center and six provincial research centers. .

In the college entrance examination in 91, these universities began to attract the attention of candidates across the country. The admission scores increased from previous years to 40 points. First-timers who apply for this school can be exempted from all tuition fees. This policy has attracted many poor and top-notch students to regard it as their first choice.Fortunately, it is currently only recruiting students in the southern region, otherwise, the admission score will increase.The school is already considering applying to expand the scope of enrollment to the northern region and change the school's student source structure.

In short, every time news reached Chen Kangjie's ears, he was very happy. Finally, all his hard work was not in vain. After two years of Japanese funds being transferred, he would consider carrying out projects in the central and western regions. Funding for education and research.

Other Chen Kangjie can take care of it or not, but Chen Kangjie has to invest heavily in education and scientific research no matter what. The gap between this country and the West is too large. The biggest gap lies in the level of education and scientific research. This is fundamental. For the future of the country and the nation, the reborn Chen Kangjie is duty-bound.

To his great relief, after he told a story to the old chief and the No. 1991 chief, since 1990, the central government has increased investment in education, which is still not a lot in terms of absolute numbers, but it was already in 20.00 The increase of [-]% on the basis of the previous year. For this reason, the central government requires the whole country to reduce the office expenditure by [-]%. In three years, except for dilapidated buildings and office buildings that are really simple, no new office buildings are allowed to be built. Even if they are to be built, the city The county level needs to be approved by the provincial 'government', the township needs to be approved by the city level 'government', and the construction above the provincial level is directly suspended.The central government will assess the indicators of each province at the end of the year, and the use of buses has also been controlled to a certain extent.

The central government has taken such practical actions. Chen Kangjie was relieved and wanted to make a phone call to the old chief and the No. 1992 chief. It was flattering, and it was also an early New Year greeting. At the same time, he asked whether the "spring" of [-] would be Come on time.

As far as the whole country is concerned, apart from their family members, Chen Kangjie is probably the only minor who can call them directly. Anyway, during the Chinese New Year and holidays, Chen Kangjie will call those big leaders to congratulate and bless them.Chen Qigang and He Baoguo didn't know about his move. They only knew that Chen Kangjie would call Huang Zhenhua and Zhao Zhibang, and also call Director Cao and Chief of Staff Wei. They didn't know anything about the old chief and No. [-] chief.The old chief and the No. [-] chief are also aware of this situation, and they are very satisfied with it. This does not involve the work and politics of the adults, but the interaction between the elders and the younger generations.

These high-ranking elders chatting with Chen Kangjie feels completely different from chatting with other juniors. This is a sensible and cute kid. No matter how big or small the conversation is, he can almost understand it, and he can open up and make jokes. .

Chen Kangjie picked up the phone in his own office of Master Kong's company. He was the first to call the old chief, but after making this call, he originally wanted to find out if "spring" would come on time, but unexpectedly he received an unexpected surprise. invitation to witness the coming of spring for the whole country and nation.

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