rebirth of change

Chapter 336 Surprising News

Chapter 330 Surprised News

Chen Kangjie's phone call was answered by Lin Minchang, the old chief's secretary. The two chatted for a few words before the call was passed to the old chief.

"Little devil, are you on vacation? How was the exam?" The old chief's magnetic voice came out of the microphone, giving people the impression that a kind old man cared for the younger generation.

"I'll be on vacation right away, the exams are over, the old rules, all full marks, old man, our school has won eight first places in the sports meeting!" Chen Kangjie said in shock.

The old chief liked listening to Chen Kangjie's reports, and Chen Kangjie did not disappoint the old man. Every time he called him, there was good news.

"That's right, that's right, the moral, intellectual and physical development is all-round, and the country needs such people in the future." The old chief was really pleased.

"Old man, you have to take care of your health. It's not sure whether the country needs people like me, but you are absolutely indispensable," Chen Kangjie said seriously.

"As long as you can say it," the old man pretended to be annoyed, but turned around and immediately said something that Chen Kangjie was very interested in, "In a few days, our family plans to go to the south to escape the winter and celebrate the New Year. I will invite you personally. Do you want to get it?".

Chen Kangjie's mind was buzzing, and he had completely stopped cooking. The veteran said it lightly, just to hide from the winter for the New Year, but Chen Kangjie knew that this was not as simple as hiding from the winter in the usual sense.

"I want it, I can eat with your old man, maybe there is some lucky money, why not do it", Chen Kangjie reacted to this, and immediately showed his money-obsessed side.

"New Year's money? Don't even think about it, it's almost the same as a rich man giving me New Year's money," the old chief joked.

Chen Kangjie paused for a moment, exposing his true thoughts. What a shrewd person the old chief is, if Chen Kangjie just regarded his invitation as a simple reunion invitation, he would immediately agree or reject it. Once he paused, the old chief would instead Guessing what Chen Kangjie guessed, in the eyes of the old chief, Chen Kangjie is an exceptionally smart little guy.It's just that I guessed it, I guessed it, and neither side mentioned it.

"Hey, you always ask for money and have no place to spend it. Can you still go to the mall to buy things? Or if you come to Qianzhou for the New Year, I will entertain you," Chen Kangjie joked with a smirk.

"Well, your suggestion is good. I heard from the comrades below that a lot of changes have taken place in your place this year. I can go for a walk too."

Chen Kangjie was just joking, and never thought that the old chief would take it seriously.Is it really impossible to change the route?There is no such crop in history!

"This, this, this, can't it be true?"

"Little ghost, are you not welcome? Afraid of spending money? Let me say yes first, if I really go, you will have to pay for the entertainment."

"How can I, no matter how poor I am, it's okay to entertain you, well, I have to prepare," Chen Kangjie said with a smile.

"What are you in a hurry for? You have to keep it a secret. Let me see it this way. In two days, I will ask Xiao Lin to tell you where to get on the bus."

"I can keep it secret from others, but I guess I can't keep it from my dad. He is a lack of flexibility. If I don't let him know in advance, I'm afraid I won't get any good fruit. You can take care of other things. You probably can't manage the son's affairs." Chen Kangjie was making excuses for himself, and it was nothing more than asking Chen Qigang to make the reception work more detailed.

"It's really out of my control, you can figure it out." The old chief cooperated as if talking about cross talk with Chen Kangjie.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Kangjie hurried home, forgetting about calling other leaders.

Xiong Ziqiang and the others drove Chen Kangjie home, but did not see Chen Qigang, "Mom, where is my dad?".

"Your dad has gone to the office again. He is so busy at the end of the year," Ma Fangqin, who was preparing Chinese New Year sausages, complained casually.

"Then I'll call him back." Chen Kangjie sat on the sofa and was about to make a call.

"Your dad is going to work, why did you call him?", I was still complaining just now, but when Chen Kangjie said that he wanted to call back, Ma Fangqin quit, so it was a delay in work.

"Mom, it's okay, I have something to do with him." Chen Kangjie picked up the phone and dialed.

When he received the call from Chen Kangjie, Chen Qigang was in the office arranging condolences to the old workers, old leaders, and poor households with the leaders of the civil affairs system.

On the phone, Chen Kangjie couldn't speak directly, but told him that he had something important to call and asked him to come back early.

Four or ten minutes later, Chen Qigang rushed home after hastily arranged the matter.What other people say is important may not necessarily be important, but Chen Kangjie will definitely take it seriously when he says it is important.

"Is there something important? You..." Chen Qigang asked Chen Kangjie as soon as he entered the door, but seeing Ma Fangqin's unfriendly expression, he stopped quickly, and the corners of his mouth kept grunting towards the study.

"Hehe", Chen Kangjie smirked at his mother, stood up and walked in.

"What is so important?" Before sitting down, Chen Qigang asked impatiently.

"Sit down first, I'll tell you slowly." Chen Kangjie has now recovered, showing no rush.

Chen Qigang was full of doubts, but he still had to sit down quietly, watching Chen Kangjie slowly take out the teacup, pour boiling water on it and make two cups of tea.

"The old chief may come to inspect our place," Chen Kangjie said in a calm voice as he handed the tea to his father.

Just as Chen Qigang was holding the teacup, he was almost startled by Chen Kangjie's words, so that he couldn't hold the teacup steadily.

"You said the old chief is coming to our place for inspection? How do you know? The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and you haven't received any notice." Chen Qigang put the teacup on the table, shook the water stains on his hands, and asked seriously.

"Of course it is impossible for you to receive the notification. I guess I know so far in the whole province. I just called the old chief. I just made a joke, and he said that he might come here to have a look." Chen Kangjie finished Just drink tea on your own.

"How do you know the phone number of the old chief? How can you call him?" Chen Qigang didn't understand a lot.

"We are friends from Wangnian. You forgot that I was a guest in the capital last time. That's when I met," Chen Kangjie explained with a self-deprecating tone.

"Oh, if this is the case, then you have to prepare well," Chen Qigang pondered.

"You can also mention it to my godfather later, as long as the two of you know it, the others will receive a notice from the general office after a while anyway, I suggest that the content you prepare is not about the peace of fans, but what should be left behind. , the achievements you have made should also be highlighted, especially the achievements you have made after receiving the support of the central government's policies. Anyway, your province's statistics this year are good, and then you need to clean up the roads and sanitation leading to several projects. The old chief is not that kind People who prefer to listen to reports like to check on the spot.” Chen Kangjie mentioned his own father based on his own understanding.

"I've thought of what you said, and the law and order aspect needs to be taken care of in advance, and Hongyuan has to cooperate with many tasks." Chen Qigang took out a cigarette with a serious expression.

"That's no problem. President Ouyang will come to Qianzhou in the next two days, and he will sit in charge in person."

Ouyang Zhenhua originally had no plan to come to Qianzhou during the Chinese New Year, but he had no choice but to wrong him when encountering such an emergency. Fortunately, the two of them went to Europe for Christmas. Have a holiday.This year he has to celebrate the New Year in Qianzhou, so he probably won't have too much opinion.

After Chen Kangjie reported what he knew to his father, he withdrew, leaving him alone to think about his work.Chen Kangjie had to go back and make phone calls to other leaders. After he got home and calmed down just now, Chen Kangjie realized that he had only made one call, and there were still a large group of people who hadn't called yet.

Not knowing if he was dazzled by this big event, Chen Kangjie walked to the door and turned back.

"I forgot to say just now that I accepted the old chief's invitation, and I might spend the New Year with their family and follow him around in several places in the south," Chen Kangjie pushed open the door and said to Chen Qigang who was puffing.

"How long will you be going?" Chen Qigang couldn't disagree with the old chief's invitation, so he asked the key point directly.

"I don't know how long it will be, at least half a month, or even longer." Chen Kangjie rolled his eyes, and said according to the original historical time, as for how long it will be after Chen Kangjie's rebirth , Chen Kangjie is also not sure.

"Okay, I see." What Chen Qigang cares about now is not whether Chen Kangjie will go to other places for the New Year. It is useless to care about it. Anyway, there is no way to refuse. What he cares most now is how to show the achievements of the two years and how to do well reception work.

"The Mining Bureau has a guest house in the suburbs. It needs to be renovated and used for reception. I will pay for it." Chen Kangjie has not forgotten that he promised to pay for the reception.

"You pay? Why do you pay?", this kind of reception is the task of the 'government', and generally not private reception, Chen Qigang still understands this.

"I promised the old man that if he comes, I will pay to receive him. I have to keep my promise. Anyway, I still have more than 100 million yuan at home. Just look at the flowers." After finishing speaking, Chen Kangjie slipped away, leaving behind a bewildered Chen Qigang.

At this time, more than 100 million yuan was enough to decorate a building, and it was still a good decoration. After Chen Kangjie handed over the money, he didn't care about the rest, since he was not at home anyway.

As soon as Chen Kangjie left, Chen Qigang called He Baoguo. After He Baoguo heard the message from Chen Qigang, he held the phone in his hand for a long time and didn't put it down. This is great news. It is developing vigorously, but it has not been approved by the central government. This is very similar to Pengcheng. If you can take advantage of this opportunity and get the approval of the old chief, then the development momentum will be greater and stronger, and you will also get a lot of policies. Open up further.

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