rebirth of change

Chapter 345 Humanity is Pursuing

Chapter 340 Five Humanization Is Pursuing

"Mr. Ouyang, why is there such a small brick house in the middle of the three buildings? What is that for?" The old man asked strangely, pointing to the small brick house in the middle of the three buildings .

It stands to reason that it is impossible for such an extremely incongruous building to appear between such skyscrapers. No matter what the reason is, there cannot be such an unreasonable existence. It is too awkward to match.

"Boss, this is a residential building," Ouyang Zhenhua replied concisely.

"Residence? There is a residence between your three buildings? What's going on?" The old man still didn't understand what was going on.

"Chief, it's like this. In this area, there are not many places suitable for building high-rise super high-rise buildings. It is suitable for building three super high-rise buildings at the same time. The foundation of this place is suitable. When we bought the land of local residents, other They sold everything, but the old man Bai Shengli who lived in this room refused to sell it, so that's the only way to go." Ouyang Zhenhua glanced at Chen Kangjie and told what he knew.

"Doesn't the local 'government' mobilize?", the old man turned around and asked the leaders around him.

"Grandpa, let me explain. The local 'government', including Mayor Yao, have come forward to mobilize, but this is what I mean. I will report the whole story to you..." Originally, Yao Zhe wanted to report, But Chen Kangjie took the lead.

If the local 'government' wants to relocate a residential building, it's a breeze, and there is no major problem at all. Ten years later, one of the most intense parts of political-group relations is the demolition, and few people can resist it,' the government 'In order to develop the economy, or for the sake of political achievements, basically everything is used in the demolition and relocation. There are very few real nail households. Even if there are some violent behaviors of nail households in newspapers and TVs, they still cannot resist the developers. And the demolition armies and means of 'government'.

Last month, Chen Kangjie came here to check it out, because the site selection has been determined, and the foundation survey proved that only the side at the foot of the mountain can realize the type of headquarters building he mentioned. Now that the foundation is about to be dug, Chen Kangjie will come to investigate Check it out.

As a result, on the day he came, he happened to see a scene that he didn't really want to see.The Genesis Group sent people to coordinate many times beforehand, but this stubborn old man was unwilling to sell the land. Mei Jincheng himself stepped forward once and raised the purchase price by ten times. He doesn't move the money, and he doesn't sell it at all.

Genesis has no choice but to ask the 'government' to come forward. People from the township 'government' and city 'government' have patiently explained, and Yao Zhe himself has come forward, but it still doesn't work. Come in, nothing can be shaken.

The city's government's idea is very simple. No matter what, the investor's project construction cannot be delayed, especially since this is their headquarters, which is of great symbolic significance throughout the country. Finally, the city's government made a decision, and Situ Kuo made the decision. , forcibly demolished, and the 'government' arranged another apartment building for the elderly Bai Shengli to live in.

On the day Chen Kangjie came, Yao Zhe was leading a large group of people from the township 'government', the police station, the municipal housing management office, the land bureau, and even the municipal court and procuratorate. Not to mention the office vehicles, there was a bulldozer in front of him.

The police at the police station planned to forcibly drag the old man out, and then the township 'government' personnel would move the old man's luggage out, and the bulldozer pushed the old man out, and it was over.

However, after the five policemen from the police station took the old man out, everyone found that the old green military uniform was covered with medals, and the old man refused to leave. Seeing this scene, Chen Kangjie hurriedly took Meijin to the city. Go ahead and stop.

Seeing that it was Chen Kangjie and Mei Jincheng who came, Yao Zhe didn't dare to 'disrupt' and ordered the action to be suspended. Yao Zhe didn't know why Chen Kangjie wanted to stop it. In the eyes of the officials, the people should cooperate with the development and construction of the 'government' , as the so-called small family obeys the overall situation, this old man obviously has no concept of the overall situation, let alone the land is still state-owned. The 'government' is to help companies solve the problem. Logically speaking, it is impossible for companies to stop it.

Chen Kangjie didn't care so much, he quickly walked in front of the old man. The old man had loose gray hair, his face was covered with slashed wrinkles, his skin was dark purple, and his eyes were not big, but he was very energetic.

Seeing the shining medals, Chen Kangjie was shocked. There were Independence Medal, Liberation Medal, Bayi Medal, third-class merit, second-class merit, and first-class merit. Chen Kangjie's eyes were so blurred that he couldn't open them. I don't doubt the authenticity of these medals. It is impossible for such an old man to get so many fake medals just to prevent the demolition. The old man has made great contributions to the country and the nation for his own juniors to have a peaceful living environment. But you want to demolish other people's houses, what kind of reason is this?Have we fallen so low?Chen Kangjie felt very guilty.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Chen Kangjie helped the old man into the house. Because Mei Jincheng and Yao Zhe were there, no one stopped him. He just watched like this. Finally, Yao Zhe and Mei Jincheng looked at each other and followed him.

In the dark hut, Chen Kangjie was sitting on a small wooden bench listening to the old man tell a story. Mei Jincheng and Yao Zhe stood behind him without disturbing him.

Through the explanation of the old man, Chen Kangjie knew that he had participated in the War of Resistance Against Japan, the War of Liberation, and even went to Korea to participate in the war. Later, he retired and retired to his hometown. He lived an ordinary life by himself. He was able to move a few years ago, so he did some farm work by himself. I grow à la carte, and my life is fairly adequate. In recent years, I have become a little old and my health is not very good, so my life is a lot tighter.

When the old man rolled up his arms, Chen Kangjie could still see the bullet wounds on his arms. The old man unbuttoned his clothes and turned up the back clothes. There were four or five knife scars crawling on his scrawny back. Stepping back, there is a sunken gun hole the size of a small wine glass on the upper part of the 'hip'.

Seeing this, tears welled up from Chen Kangjie's eyes that had just been wiped dry, and he clenched his lips tightly, allowing the tears to flow down. All of this also made Yao Zhe and Mei Jincheng who were standing there feel sad and entangled.

"Old man, why don't you want to be taken care of by the 'government'? Logically speaking, you should be a special care recipient in a situation like this?" Chen Kangjie took the tissue from Mei Jincheng and wiped his face carelessly, calm After a moment of uneasy mood in my heart, I asked curiously.

"I know, but our country is still very poor, and I can still do it myself, so I don't intend to add a burden to the country," the old man said slowly as he pulled his clothes back.

"What about your family?" Chen Kangjie continued to ask, he wanted to know more.

"My elder brother died at the hands of bandits in the early years. After I joined the army, there were only my parents at home, but... when I came back... my parents had... both passed away, and I couldn't honor them for a day... ", the old man Bai Shengli said that he was choked up and convulsed, and the old man took out a handkerchief that was so old that the original color could not be seen from his pocket, and wiped the muddy tears.

"Is that why you don't want to move out of here?" Mei Jincheng interjected and asked.

"Yes, my grandparents and fathers all lived in this old house, and their ranks are also enshrined in the main room. I can't leave here, and I don't want to leave here. In this room, there are my childhood past, and there are The voice and smile of my parents, apart from here, there is no other place that will be my home, so no matter how much you pay, I will not sell it.” The old man seemed to be lost in memories, and his deep voice contained infinite Sadness and sorrow.

Chen Kangjie looked up and saw that there were a few pieces of ancestor rankings on the shrine in the middle of the main room. Under the shrine, there was also a ancestry tree that was usually only hung up in July and a half, which listed the ancestors of Bai Shengli. Kao, great-grandfather Kao, Kao concubine, etc. The lights are relatively dark, and Chen Kangjie can't see them clearly, because the old man's electricity consumption has been cut off by the township 'government'.

At this time, it is impossible for Chen Kangjie to demolish the old man's ancestral house. This is a normal aspect of human nature. Even if the old man is not a hero, he should not use such a drastic way to treat citizens' legal property.Think about ten years later, the houses of ordinary people were demolished by the "government" at a low price. That kind of weak cry has shocked too many people.The Chinese nation emphasizes filial piety, and following filial piety must never block a person's affection for his parents and ancestors.The purpose of economic development is to increase the happiness of the people, not to destroy it in turn.

"Old man, you will continue to live here. I guarantee that your house will never be demolished. If anyone dares to demolish it, I will be in a hurry. Genesis Group will cancel the original fountain design and keep your house. You should have met the mayor, he is the deputy mayor in charge, I think he can assure you," Chen Kangjie said to the old man Bai Shengli a little excitedly.

Chen Kangjie said that, what choice did Yao Zhe have?

"Old man, since this is the case, we will follow the requirements of the management," Yao Zhe promised in a disguised form.

"Mr. Mei, I will tell President Ouyang later, modify the design and cancel the design of the fountain. We are not evil capitalists. We must protect the legal property of citizens. In the future, our subordinate enterprises will not be able to obtain land through forced demolition. , and the company must arrange people to take good care of the elderly. This is our corporate culture education, which is respect. Having wealth does not mean that we can plunder the people arbitrarily. We must let our employees and executives accept this kind of education Humanization is always our pursuit," Chen Kangjie turned his head and said to Mei Jincheng seriously.

The result is self-evident. Ouyang Zhenhua fully accepted Chen Kangjie's suggestion. The plan of Hongyuan's domestic headquarters was revised. In the original plan, there was a giant fountain in the middle of the square between the three super high-rise buildings. , and finally turned into this residential house, Ouyang Zhenhua also ordered the company to pay for Mei Jincheng to help the old man repair the house.

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