rebirth of change

Chapter 346 Comrade-in-arms reunited

Chapter 340 Six Comrades Reunited

Although the old man Bai Shengli kept his ancestral house, he still hasn't figured out what's going on and how the changes come so fast. He knows that if the 'government' really wants to demolish his house, his medals will be destroyed. But it won't have any effect.

You talk to the 'government'**, the 'government' talks to you, you talks to the 'government', the 'government' talks to you, you talks to the 'government', the 'government' talks to you, you talks to the 'government', The 'government' will fight with you. In a word, the 'government' can play cards unreasonably. The rules of the game are determined by the 'government', and ordinary people can only follow such unreasonable rules.

"Young man, who are you?" Since Yao Zhe, the deputy mayor, can nod his head, how could the old man Bai Shengli guess that Chen Kangjie's identity is not simple.

The reason why the old man Bai Shengli was willing to tell Chen Kangjie so much and let Chen Kangjie listen to his story after being helped back to the hut by Chen Kangjie just now was not because he knew that Chen Kangjie could help him solve this matter, it was entirely out of a sense of aggrieved and Helpless venting, after everyone has been wronged, they all hope to confide their grievances to others, and feel that it will be much more comfortable.

"Old man, I'm just a child, just someone who knows their investors." Of course, Chen Kangjie couldn't show off his identity, not to mention that he was still guilty of it just now.

Chen Kangjie didn't want to say it clearly, and the old man couldn't force it. No matter what he said, he did him a great favor. Since the boss of Meijincheng and the deputy mayor Yao Zhe changed their caliber because of Chen Kangjie's words, the idiot will know Chen Kangjie It's not simple.

If Chen Kangjie hadn't just arrived that day, then this incident would not have caused much disturbance, but if Chen Kangjie knew the whole story, he would feel guilty for the rest of his life.

The three ultra-modern skyscrapers and such a small residential house are so incongruously together. At first, everyone who saw this design would sneer at the designer and Hongyuan Group, but after knowing the whole story , the rest of my heart is moved and admired, and the result is very strange. After a few years, it has become a very well-known scenic spot, and many people come here admiringly. In addition to admiring the modern luxury skyscrapers, they come to visit This old man took pictures in front of his hut, and many people whose houses will be forcibly demolished will put up photos of Hongyuan headquarters on the roof of their homes, reminding those demolishers why they don’t learn from others and why the world is so big All groups can respect the choices of citizens, why can't you.

After Chen Kangjie finished speaking, several of the accompanying leaders showed shame, especially Situ Kuo and Yao Zhe who made the decision.Chen Kangjie didn't mean to complain about them. The employer had already raised the purchase price by ten times but still failed. The 'government' should really step in. This is their responsibility, and the old man can't possibly blame them. You will encounter these situations. Grassroots cadres also have their own difficulties.

Strictly speaking, the 'government' is only an accomplice, and capital is the mastermind.In the subsequent demolition process, conflicts were basically caused by the employer's unwillingness to acquire land at a high price. Some "government" officials were willing to play the role of accomplices in order to satisfy their own selfish desires. more hateful.What is the source of the troublemaker? "Government" officials do not abide by the law will appear troublemakers.

What Chen Kangjie encountered was actually a special case, and it did not mean that Situ Kuo and Yao Zhe were bad officials, because Chen Kangjie never gave them a single penny of bribes, and what they did was generally for the public, not for selfishness.

"Take me to see this old man," the old man said softly after listening to Chen Kangjie's introduction.

The old man wanted to take a look, and naturally no one would stop them. They had many of the same experiences and participated in countless battles, which is completely understandable.

When everyone turned around the huge display boards, turned a corner, and walked on the dirt road for more than 30 meters, they came to the old man's home in Baishengli.

The electricity of the small house has been re-connected, and some repairs have been done to the outer wall. Around his house, someone is already preparing to install safety, so as not to damage the old man's house or even the old man himself during construction.

Those workers saw a large group of people staggering towards the old man. They were stunned for a moment and then cheered. They threw away their work and surrounded them. The guards hurriedly fenced them off.It's not that these simple workers are dangerous, but that they are too dirty, and if the handshake is not careful, the old man can't stand the toss of these rough men.

"It's okay, let them come here." The old man was unwilling to distance himself from the public too far.

These simple workers didn't have any complaints when they were stopped just now, even the village head and the others couldn't get close to them casually, let alone a god-like existence like the old man, it was already a blessing for Sansheng to see it with his own eyes.After getting the permission to walk in, one by one quickly wiped their dirty hands on the clothes that were not very clean, and stretched out their hands, wanting to get close to the old man.

"Where are you all from?", the old man held a worker's hand and asked kindly.

"Looking back at the chief, we have both Qianzhou and southern Shonan. I am Xichuan." This seemingly worker foreman was very excited.

"Oh, we are still fellow villagers, no wonder I am familiar with your spoken language," the old man 'showed' a kind smile.

"Yes, yes, we are fellow villagers." Only then did the worker come to his senses that the old man was also from Xichuan, but he hadn't returned to his hometown for many years.

"We Xichuan people are able to endure hardships, and we will go wherever there is work. Yes, work hard, and you haven't gone back to celebrate the New Year?" When meeting fellow villagers, the old man's words seem to be a few words.

"Go back after the new year, or wait for the New Year next year to go back to celebrate the New Year. There are many tasks here, and the income is also sufficient, so I can earn more money, haha." The worker comrade smiled honestly, and the words he said were quite real .

After the old chief had finished exchanging pleasantries with his fellow villagers, he held hands with three or four other workers. While they were talking, the old man in Baishengli, who had heard the lively atmosphere outside, also came out holding the door wall to see if he was out. What was the situation, but when he saw the old man more than ten meters away, he froze.

The people on Chen Kangjie's side had already seen the old man in Baishengli leaning against the edge of the door. The old man walked up with everyone's support, and the old man in Baishengli also walked down with steps.

"Hello, Chief." The old man was about to say hello to Baishengli. Unexpectedly, Baishengli did give a military salute first. Maybe he hadn't repeated this gesture for decades, but at this moment, he was tall and straight, with a standard manner, His eyes are piercing.

"Hello, hello", the old man tremblingly followed and raised his right hand, "I heard that you are an old battle hero, so I came to see you."

"Thank you chief, I fought with you in the Dabie Mountains back then," said the old man in Baishengli with a solemn face after he finished his salute.

"Oh? Then we are still true comrades-in-arms." It can be seen that the old man is very happy. It is rare to meet his subordinates decades ago.

Baishengli didn't let everyone block the door, turned around and invited everyone into his hut to sit down.The main room of the old man in Baishengli is really not big, it can only accommodate about ten people, Huang Zhenhua, Tan Changguo, Situ Kuo, Zhang Shan and other provincial leaders can enter, and the rest of the cadres are only Yao Zhe who has this honor. Outside, Chen Kangjie, Ouyang Zhenhua, Mei Jincheng, Mai Chengdong, and Miqin were able to follow in. The only person accompanying the old man was Lin Minchang.

The old man in Baishengli burned a charcoal fire in the main room. Everyone sat around the fire with small wooden stools and chatted about the daily life. Most of them were the old man and the old man in Baishengli. Chen Kangjie and the others can only serve as listeners.

After sitting for about four or ten minutes, Lin Minchang was worried that the old man could not stand the charcoal fire, which was relatively heavy in gas, so he urged the old man three times before he reluctantly got up and planned to leave.

"Chief, this kid is good. My house can be kept thanks to him." Before leaving, Bai Shengli took the old man's hand and praised Chen Kangjie.

"Grandpa, don't say that, you should, you should, speaking of it, we are the ones who caused you trouble," Chen Kangjie hurriedly said without waiting for the old man to speak.

To put it bluntly, the victim's ancestral house was almost demolished, and Chen Kangjie really didn't think he had anything to be proud of.

"If there is something, change it, if there is nothing, encourage it, it's not too late to fix it, it's not too late now, isn't it good," the old man said from it.

The old man's words were not just for Chen Kangjie. Anyway, Chen Kangjie was still a child, and he had already done his best. The main point of his words was for those provincial leaders.

Undoubtedly, none of these provincial leaders were stupid, and they immediately understood the meaning and nodded repeatedly. Huang Zhenhua will take the lead in stating that he will do a good job in the work of the masses and benefit the people.

Now that winter has not completely passed, the old man's body cannot be tired for a long time, so today's visit and inspection are over. After leaving Baishengli's house, there are already several vans waiting at the door, but they just surrounded the vans. Many people, including workers, technicians and engineers, and many local people who heard the news.

The old man was in high spirits today, but he was already a bit tired. He couldn't get in touch with the people anymore, so he just waved to everyone and pedaled away.

The common people were satisfied with seeing the old man at a glance. They sent the old man back home with the warmest applause and shouts. The road was very muddy, but there were still many people running with one foot deep and one foot shallow. The old man continued to love him through the car window. His people paid their respects. When he turned around, he saw Baishengli was still standing at the door of his house, with a straight military salute. The old man raised his right hand again to him. The old people knew each other that this reunion should be The last side of each other.

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