rebirth of change

Chapter 357 Retesting in the Experimental Area

Chapter 350 Retesting in the Experimental Area

Starting more than ten years ago, the idea of ​​first developing (pollution) and then treating it is almost a recognized method in China. If the "government" itself shouts such slogans, the private sector will directly intensify, not only private enterprises will not Considering the issue of environmental protection, even some foreign companies are using this banner to relocate production capacity and technologies that have been eliminated by western developed countries to our country. On the surface, our economy has increased and some employment has been solved, but it is also Leaving us with significant environmental baggage.

Chen Kangjie basically does not agree with that approach. At most, it is developing while governing. Even so, it cannot be shouted out as a slogan, let alone an excuse to pollute the environment wantonly. If you can’t pollute, don’t pollute, otherwise the cost of governance will be high. Will be much more expensive than what we get.

"We currently do not have the strength to develop high technology. If companies invest too much money in environmental governance, they will be overwhelmed and unable to develop," said the old man in a matter-of-fact manner.

This is an objective situation, and it is also the basis for everyone to shout the slogan "pollution first, treatment later".

"Grandpa, I don't think we should do this. This is a kind of naked encouragement. When there are advantages to take advantage of, who will invest huge sums of money to clean up the environment, who will develop high technology and improve our The product quality and scientific and technological content of the developed countries are because of the emphasis on the environment, so they 'force' companies to increase their technological content and environmental protection investment, so they have always been at the top of the industrial chain, I think we can only properly support them Basically, it is enough to lower certain environmental protection standards, rather than not mentioning it at all. Let’s take a look at the current situation. Chemical companies, paper companies, coal washing companies, power generation companies, etc. almost discharge sewage and waste gas directly without treatment. If things go on like this , Our mountains are no longer green, water is no longer clear, sky is no longer blue, those pollutants will cause millions of people to die, this is contrary to our original intention of economic development, I am not alarmist, Western countries are not stupid, If the price is not so huge that they cannot bear it, they will not transfer the industry and introduce legal restrictions.” Chen Kangjie felt that he had to speak a few words, regardless of whether it was useful or not, he had to express his thoughts.

Chen Kangjie does not hope that in the next year, he will not be able to find a clear river in this country. To find a transparent stream, he must climb thousands of mountains to find it in the virgin forest. The children no longer understand what fish are playing in the river. , children can’t see woodpeckers or fireflies, all of this can only be known from books and special effects made by computers. This is a sad thing that can’t be sadder. Retaining a little impression of these, children after the 80s are almost blank.

The old man didn't speak, and neither did the other leaders. They were all thinking about Chen Kangjie's suggestion, but the company didn't care, since they had already handled these issues well anyway.

Lin Ling flashed her eyelashes and peeked at Chen Kangjie from the first day she met Chen Kangjie. Chen Kangjie left an unforgettable impression on her. Chen Kangjie's songs accompanied her through many lonely nights. Today Chen Kangjie made him admire even more , Not only have unique ideas, but also have the courage to present them directly in front of so many leaders, which requires great wisdom and courage.

Chen Kangjie seemed very carefree, and after he finished speaking, he took a pencil and turned it around on his thumb, looking very absent-minded, but in fact Chen Kangjie was thinking about how the leaders would react.

"You have this strength, but what about other companies? They may not have this strength. Maybe the one million or ten million invested is all the assets. If a large part of it is used for environmental protection facilities, it will be overwhelmed. ", the old man still considers it from the most practical place.

"This is indeed a fact, so we can appropriately lower some standards, and do not pollute heavily if we can lightly pollute. In this way, we can reduce some inputs and costs. Secondly, we can subsidize enterprises' investment in this area from the policy level. For example, if we reduce or exempt certain taxes, in the short term, our fiscal revenue will suffer a little loss, but in the long run, it will also reduce our financial investment in environmental governance. This is in direct proportion. Third, in order to reduce costs, enterprises, To improve efficiency, we will pay attention to the application of science and technology in production, and improve our industrial level. We dare not say that we must balance with the West, at least not much lower than them. We can have a middle-upper position that connects the past with the next, which will help us in the future. Going to the high end is very useful for savings. Fourth, ordinary people do not feel happy if they don’t have enough to eat, but if they squat in the toilet and eat meat, that is not happiness. We have to take a long-term view.” Chen Kangjie from Four aspects to continue to explain their own basis.

"It makes sense, we need mountains of gold and silver, but also green mountains and clear waters," the old man meditated for a minute, and then he said to himself.

"That's what it means. We can't have mountains of gold and silver, but we lose green water and green mountains, and we are still sick." Chen Kangjie smiled and gave a thumbs up.

"You can experiment in Liushuipan, and you can even experiment in Qianzhou. If you can succeed here, then the whole country can succeed. In other words, you can play a pilot role." The old man is still more cautious It has become a feature of our country to like to find pilots for everything.

In a word, there is no precedent for anything, crossing the river by "feeling" the stones, practice is the only criterion for testing the truth, only after the test is feasible, can it be rolled out across the country without causing shocks, even if it fails, Influence is also within the controllable range.

"Okay, we in Qianzhou play such a role. Our ecology is very fragile and it is a mountainous area, which is very typical." Huang Zhenhua, as the leader of the province, bravely assumed his role. color'.

It can be seen from this that Huang Zhenhua is very courageous, because once the environmental standards are raised, part of the investment and development speed will inevitably be lost.

However, from another perspective, Huang Zhenhua did not suffer. Qianzhou is already remote and backward. Even if the standard is lowered, there will not be much investment. Otherwise, why have there been no foreign businessmen in the past ten years? It is more convenient for everyone to concentrate on transportation. In the more densely populated coastal areas, the products produced are also easy to export, so once Huang Zhenhua succeeds in the experiment, it will be indispensable. Even if he fails, he will not lose anything.Except for the investment of rich giants like Hongyuan, they have not attracted much decent foreign or private capital at all.

In a word, this is a business that will not lose money, and it is a huge profit.After Chen Kangjie figured this out, he had to admire Secretary Huang's wisdom.

In any case, if he can come up with a place to test it out, especially if the scope is still a province, Chen Kangjie will be satisfied. The only thing he will do next is to strongly support Huang Zhenhua to do this experiment well, and try to come up with a A fairly satisfactory result in order to promote it on a larger scale.

"Then let's do it for three to five years first. Comrade Qigang, Comrade Minkuan, and Comrade Baoguo, your Liushuipan City and Liuzhi Special Zone should play a pioneering role." Tan Changguo immediately followed up, and Six water pans were designated as experimental pioneers.

Liushuipan took the lead in experimenting and setting an example, that's what it should be, the old man has already made it clear just now, Liang Minkuan, He Baoguo, and Chen Qigang cannot avoid it, so they can only bear it bravely.Ni Kuang was the most embarrassing. He, the secretary, was clearly present and seemed to have been forgotten. Tan Changguo didn't mention him. It wasn't Tan Changguo's intention. As for the name, if it weren't for Chen Qigang being really special, Tan Changguo would not be able to pronounce his name in all likelihood.

After leaving Xuemeng Company, they also visited a batik factory next door. This is a joint venture between the collective and the state. Making batik will cause serious water pollution, but due to environmental protection in the six districts According to the requirements, they still added a set of sewage treatment facilities, but the standard was not as high as that of Xuemeng Company.

Chen Kangjie always influences Chen Qigang and He Baoguo intentionally or unintentionally. At present, there are no specific laws and regulations, and the local government can only start to use administrative orders to guide enterprises in this regard.The reason why the batik factory is willing to pay this cost is that the tourism development of the Liuzhi Ethnic Village and the low-cost land used by the light industrial park are used to provide certain disguised subsidies.

After leaving the light industrial park, the group drove to the high-tech park three kilometers away, where Fan Ma Ke and Fan Wentai were already waiting.

In fact, free semiconductor company has nothing to visit, all of them are construction sites, and everything is still in the construction stage. They also only have two rows of simple office rooms, and the working environment and living environment are relatively simple.

According to the plan, the high-tech park will cover an area of ​​square kilometers. Of course, there is not such a large site yet. Only Free Semiconductor has settled in. Only when they are almost built, will supporting enterprises follow them to provide services.

Fan Mark and Fan Wentai received this special delegation with great excitement. They will take this opportunity to lobby the "government" to pay attention to the semiconductor industry. In the development of the new economy, the semiconductor industry will play a key "revolutionary" role . Free Company not only wants to develop processors, they will also lead a group of enterprises to develop the storage industry. With the development of computers and other electronic products, they judge that there will be a huge demand for memory chips and storage components, and there will be great business opportunities. .

So no matter whether they were wandering around the construction site or discussing and reporting in the simple conference room, Fan Mark and the others were always trying to explain the wireless potential of this industry, hoping to be valued by the high-level.

As for the Ethnic Park and the large amusement park similar to "Happy Valley", it can only be delayed for another day.

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