rebirth of change

Chapter 370 Chinese investment, is there a problem?

Chapter 370 Chinese investment, is there a problem?

"Mr. Koenigsegg, is it still the same as usual?" The polite waiter in a shirt and vest asked politely after the gentleman who came in sat down.

"Yes, thanks," Koenigsegg replied with a smile.

Chen Kangjie stared at this Mr. Koenigsegg holding his coffee. The name was really familiar. Chen Kangjie recalled a little and thought of a Swedish company. Think of that person.

"Master Jie, do you know him?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked Chen Kangjie when he saw that Chen Kangjie refused to drink his coffee and stared at him so impolitely.

"I don't know", Chen Kangjie said casually without any change in posture,

When Chen Kangjie was thinking about how to get in touch with this person, the other party spoke first, "Sir, what's the matter?" Koenigsegg looked at his clothes and asked, he thought the clothes he was wearing today had something Something is wrong.

Because the other party has been using English, Chen Kangjie can understand, Chen Kangjie smiled apologetically, "It's nothing, we Chinese have a traditional skill, look at the face, I think you have a red face and a high forehead, so I became interested in you , I feel that you will have an extraordinary career in the future."

The magic stick is the magic stick. I couldn't think of a good excuse for a while, but the fortune teller pretended to be a fortune teller. Is our classmate Chen Kangjie's ability to make excuses getting better or lower?I really don't know what he will become in order to make excuses in the future, we will wait and see.

"Do you know how to read physiognomy? I am very interested in Chinese culture, but I have never been to the East, unfortunately." Koenigsegg probably has heard of the ancient skill of "seeing physiognomy", otherwise he would not say anything about China. cultural interest.

"It's not a meeting, it's just a little bit. The key is fate. You are welcome to visit China at any time. We are very hospitable and enthusiastic," Chen Kangjie said modestly.

Ouyang Zhenhua sat on the side in a daze, when did Master Jie learn to read faces?How can I not know?Just now they said they didn't know each other, but now they chatted like this, Ouyang Zhenhua was very suspicious, but he didn't interrupt, but sat aside and listened quietly.

"Thank you, I will go in the future. Recently, I have always heard from my neighbors that the Chinese are very polite, humble and know the rules. I think your country must also be extraordinary. Only a great country can have such a people, such a country It's very attractive to me, not as vulgar as the Japanese," Koenigsegg said with longing.

Koenigsegg's remarks made Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua very ashamed. If the other party knew that all this was caused by Chen Kangjie's temporary mischief, they would change the above remarks in reverse.

"There are good people and bad people everywhere. I also appreciate the trustworthiness, rules, manners, and self-cultivation of the Swedes. This is also a key reason why we came to Sweden. Your country is beautiful." After Chen Kangjie was ashamed, he did not dare to boast anymore. If people go there and find that there are many pickpockets and swindlers, it would be too embarrassing.

However, Chen Kangjie still has a relatively thick skin, saying that the reason for coming to Sweden is because of his appreciation of this nation, rather than making money.

At this time, the waiter brought up the premature delivery that Koenigsegg needed, a piece of black bread, and a cup of coffee. Now that we knew each other, Chen Kangjie and the others had a relatively wide seat, so Koenigsegg directly brought over his own breakfast and shared with Chen Kangjie. They sit together and have breakfast.

"Thank you for your recognition of us. By the way, you just said that I will have a great career in the future? Is this true?" Although Westerners have received more profound scientific education and training, it does not mean that they are all atheists, at least Many people still firmly believe in God. 90.00% of the people over four in Sweden are Christians, so Koenigsegg asked this question.Everyone is concerned about their own future and destiny, whether it is out of superstition or scientific judgment.

"From the looks of it, yes, but you have to tell me what you do first, and Koenigsegg should not be your full name, you still have to tell me your full name, our ancient Chinese art One aspect is to analyze the future from the name." This is often the case with gods. They have to collect as much useful information as possible before making judgments based on their own experience, and Chen gods are no exception. <), I am an automotive engineer, can such a job also lead to a great career in the future? "Koenigsegg would like to hear what the other party can say about his profession. Every major automobile company has tens of thousands of automobile engineers. If such a profession has a great career, then this career is extraordinary. Also so worthless.

If the other party's answer was any other occupation, Chen Kangjie would show embarrassment, and he didn't know how to justify his lie. If the other party's answer was an automobile engineer, then Chen Kangjie had a bottom line in his mind.Adding this name, then this Koenigsegg is already the one he recalled in his memory just now.

"Yes, I can tell you with certainty that you will indeed have a great career, and you will own a car company," Chen Kangjie replied firmly with a smile.

What Chen Kangjie thought of just now was a car brand. This Swedish car brand is called "Koenigsegg". It was established in 1994 as a company that builds super sports cars by hand. Nisek (), was jointly established by automotive engineer Koenigsegg and several other engineers, and finally chose the name of Chris von Koenigsegg as the company name and brand name.They aim to manufacture the fastest car in the world, and the company's top high-performance model CCR has officially been certified by Guinness (King's) World Records as the world's fastest with a top speed of 387.87 kilometers per hour. The title of the production car (ar).

This is why Chen Kangjie was immediately attracted by the waiter calling the foreigner in front of him "Koenigsegg".Chen Kangjie knew about this company from a magazine, and he had never seen the photo of the president, so he dared not be 100% sure that this Koenigsegg was that Koenigsegg. If he had seen the photo, he would insist on it up.

"Really? Will I really own my own car company? In fact, I have always had this dream, but it has been unable to realize it because of investment problems. Not only I have such a dream, but my four The same is true for colleagues in automobile companies," Koenigsegg said excitedly when he learned that his dream would become a reality.

"It's true, what kind of company do you want to be?" Chen Kangjie asked with great interest.

"Large car companies are almost hopeless, so we don't want to be a mass-produced car company. What we want to do is a sports car, a fully handcrafted sports car, the fastest sports car in the world", Koenigse Ke stared at Chen Kangjie and said longingly, as if he really already owned the fastest sports car in the world.

"There are already many brands of sports car companies, such as Lamborghini, Ferrari, Porsche, BMW, including your Swedish Saab, etc. How can you stand out from so many competitors?" Chen Kangjie asked with the meaning of an exam road.

Koenigsegg was a little curious about Chen Kangjie's questioning tone, why did he suddenly feel like a big boss, but he didn't look like one no matter what, he was just a sixteen or seventeen-year-old child, but his personal feeling was just like that.Sitting next to him, Ouyang Zhenhua looks more like a big boss, but on the other hand, he sits there without saying a word, and just listens to their conversation quietly, making Koenigsegg not sure which one is the real boss and which one is the fake one boss.

No matter who it is, Koenigsegg has ignited some hopes. If he can persuade some investors to invest, then his dream will no longer be a dream, not to mention that the other party said just now that his career will be extraordinary in the future.

"The five of us have been doing research in this area for many years, and our division of labor is different, including designers, material engineers, engine engineers, and automotive electronics engineers. You should know that Volvo cars are very advanced in technology all over the world. Yes, we have mastered some cutting-edge technologies that are not used in current models. This is our strength and capital. Besides, we are not going to produce thousands of sports cars a year. Our early stage The goal is to produce no more than one car per year. Even if it is Vision, we will not mass-produce more than a hundred cars. Of course, our cars will be expensive. To use your saying, what is rare is the most expensive, plus the current economy Development has created a large number of rich people, including those in your country, so sales should not be a problem, which can ensure profits.” Koenigsegg explained the reason from his own point of view, of course, in his words He also has reservations, it is impossible for him to say what kind of technology these people have mastered.In order to attract investment, Koenigsegg deliberately stated that it would be profitable.

"If you want to build such a car factory, how much investment will be required, and when will the first car be produced?" Chen Kangjie's role has changed back to his real self unconsciously.

"A minimum of 5000 million US dollars is required. If the investment of [-] million US dollars is higher, most of the funds will be spent on research and development and testing. The more funds are sufficient, the faster the speed will be. If [-] million US dollars, then the first time in three years can be guaranteed. A prototype car can appear in its entirety", Koenigsegg seems to have planned it long ago.

"If it is a foreign investor, would you accept it?" From this question, it can be seen that our student Chen Kangjie intends to invest.

"Foreign investors? Who? You?" Koenigsegg asked excitedly, almost dropping the stainless steel coffee spoon.

"Even if it's us, is there a problem with Chinese investment?" Chen Kangjie replied seriously.

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