rebirth of change

Chapter 371 Finally Reached a Consensus

Chapter 370 Finally reached an agreement

"Even if it's us, is there a problem with Chinese investment?" Chen Kangjie stared at Koenigsegg and replied seriously.

"Of course, of course there's no problem. If it's Japanese, I have to think about it carefully. I don't like dealing with vulgar people," Koenigsegg nodded repeatedly.

Chen Kangjie did not expect that Swedes like Koenigsegg would have such a bad impression of the Japanese because of media reports, but anyway, this is always a good thing for him.

"However, there is a small request. Let me tell you in advance. We also own a car company. We want to share technology. I wonder if this is possible?" Chen Kangjie made a key 'sexual' request.

If it’s just for making money, it’s impossible for Chen Kangjie to make this kind of investment. No matter how high the profit is, according to the long-term goal, there will be no more than 100 cars a year. Even if a car earns [-] million US dollars, it will only make [-] million a year US dollars, this amount of money is really nothing to Chen Kangjie. What he values ​​is the technology and brand of sports cars. If Tengfei Motors wants to improve its brand, it must produce high-end cars, and it does not even rule out mid-to-high-end sports cars.This is the key 'sexual' thing.

Koenigsegg was in a dilemma when the other party raised technical requirements, and saw that most of his excitement disappeared quickly.A sports car company produces high-end cars because of the scarcity of the brand. The core is still proprietary technology. Without its own unique technology, it is impossible to become a world-class high-end sports car.Once the technology is shared, their advantages will appear thinner, not to say that they will disappear.

Seeing Koenigsegg frowning, Chen Kangjie knew that they valued technology very much, "Actually, you don't have to worry about sharing technology that will affect the advantages and brands of sports car companies. The technology we share must also follow the The principle of differentiation is not only differentiated in technology, but also differentiated in the market. It is impossible for us to cause vicious competition between the two companies we invest in, and that will not benefit us at all. No, for example, if you produce the most high-end top sports cars, then the company we originally invested in produces mid-range and low-end sports cars. If you focus on developing the European and American markets, then the existing company will focus on East Asia and South America The market, in short, the pursuit of maximizing profits is still the criterion that we businessmen must respect," Chen Kangjie had to explain in order to persuade Koenigsegg.

"If this is the case, then it can be considered", Koenigsegg did not let go, just said that it could be considered.

Regarding this issue, Koenigsegg cannot be the master alone. He cannot manage such a top sports car company by himself. He must cooperate with his partners. Discuss with them in order to reach a consensus.

Chen Kangjie understands Koenigsegg's scruples, "In this way, if technology sharing is allowed, we can invest 2000 million US dollars, of which 2000 million US dollars is regarded as a reward for you, and you can take 30.00 of the remaining 5000 million US dollars. % of the shares, in other words, [-] million US dollars belong to you."

"Really?", money, money, anyone will be excited when they see money, and Koenigsegg, who has a dream, is the same.

With 5000 million US dollars, the five key members of them are equivalent to turning into multi-millionaires. Even if their income in Volvo is not low, they will not be able to save that much money in their lifetime.

"Indeed, you can go back and discuss it with your partners," Chen Kangjie replied with a nod.

"Jie Shao...".

"By the way, Mr. Koenigsegg, I'm sorry, we haven't made an introduction yet. Let me introduce you. This is Mr. Ouyang Zhenhua, the president of Hong Kong Hongyuan Investment Group. The car company we just mentioned is What he invests, if we can cooperate, he will also invest.” Chen Kangjie only introduces others, but does not introduce himself.

It stands to reason that this is very impolite, how can you not introduce yourself.Chen Kangjie was not negligent, but intentional. Anyway, the investment was made by Ouyang Zhenhua, and I was just negotiating for him just now. If the cooperation is successful, then Chen Kangjie will tell him who he is. There is no need at all, Chen Kangjie doesn't want his identity to be known to everyone.

After Chen Kangjie made such an introduction, Koenigsegg immediately shook hands with Ouyang Zhenhua formally.

"Mr. Ouyang, are you really interested in investing in Sweden?".

No matter what you said just now, it was said by this half-grown child who doesn't know his name and identity. Koenigsegg is still a little worried, and needs to check with the right owner.

"Mr. Koenigsegg, what this gentleman said just now is what I mean, you can definitely rest assured." Ouyang Zhenhua still followed the old rules, and he was absolutely unambiguous when it was time for him to endorse.

After Ouyang Zhenhua said this, Koenigsegg completely believed it, but a trace of curiosity and doubts surged in his heart, so who is this guy who talked to him for a long time?He didn't introduce himself without introducing himself. Judging by the attitude of this President Ouyang, he was very respectful to him. Could it be the young master?The heir of a certain Asian Chinese consortium?

Koenigsegg was thinking about it, but he couldn't think that Chen Kangjie was not only not the heir, but also the founder.

This period of breakfast is unusual for Koenigsegg and his partners. Through a very ordinary breakfast, what Koenigsegg brings back to everyone is the good news of an investment of more than 1 million US dollars, and it is also a A great opportunity that can make everyone a multi-millionaire overnight.

When the breakup was over at the end of breakfast, Ouyang Zhenhua left Koenigsegg a phone number. After they have the result, they can call this number to discuss specific investment matters and legal documents.

In the afternoon of the same day, Koenigsegg gathered his other five partners, told everyone about his breakfast adventure, and discussed what countermeasures should be taken, accept or reject?This is a question, and the famous saying in "Hamlet": "is the question" can be used here again.

The five people have no problem with Chinese investment, and they have the same opinion, but they have disagreements about technology sharing. Koenigsegg asked a question before agreeing.

"What do we gain by rejecting them and insisting that we retain technology exclusivity? What do we really lose by agreeing to technology sharing?".

Yes, I refused, the technology was saved, but the dream of the sports car company was shattered, and the wasted money was naturally wasted. have dreams.If you accept it, although the technological achievements will be shared, you can gain both fame and fortune, your dreams will come true, and you will gain money.

Everyone has figured it out, and everyone adopts the oldest and most democratic way to make a decision. A show of hands voted, and the final five votes were in favor, and the request to accept investment from Hong Kong Hongyuan Group was unanimously approved.

As long as the key problems are solved, the rest becomes easy.Koenigsegg called Ouyang Zhenhua the next day and informed them of their decision. In order to commemorate the meaningful encounter in that restaurant yesterday, Ouyang Zhenhua respected Chen Kangjie and asked the five of them to meet there. Let's get acquainted, and then the rest of the matter will be handed over to the investment experts and legal consultants who came from Hong Kong. Qi Junwu and Mao Maochang will also accompany them. For technical things, these two generals of Ascendas Motor Company Responsible.

After meeting again, Koenigsegg finally knew the identity and name of Chen Kangjie, a consultant of Hongyuan Investment Company and a middle school student in China.For this result, Koenigsegg and his colleagues couldn’t believe it. A middle school student is actually a consultant for a large investment company, and he has finalized an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars in just one breakfast. Anyone would find it unbelievable Yes, but the impossible happened and happened to me.

"You can deal with your work now, and someone will come to discuss the specific legal provisions with you the day after tomorrow. After you settle these matters, the investment funds at the end of the month will be transferred to the account. We only designate Mr. Koenigsegg As the president of the company to be established, we will be fully responsible for production and management, and we will not get too involved in specific business activities." Ouyang Zhenhua made arrangements according to Chen Kangjie's wishes.

"What about the determination of the brand?" This is also a key question in building a company. Of course, Koenigsegg must ask the investor's opinion, that is, the boss.

"In order to show respect to you, the company name and brand can be determined by you, or you can directly use the name of one of you as the brand and company name. This is just my personal opinion." At this time, it is When Ouyang Zhenhua performed, Chen Kangjie decided not to 'intervene', but these were all his ideas, and Ouyang Zhenhua was just standing in the foreground.

Absolutely based on the experience of various countries and history in the world, most automobile companies choose the name of the founder as the brand and company name, such as Ford, Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, Honda Rolls-Royce, etc., and the investors can respect them so much The key personnel, Koenigsegg and the others are very pleased and satisfied, and feel that choosing such an investor is really a wise choice.

After a brief discussion between the five people, they still followed the historical track, and "Koenigsegg" was still selected as the company name and brand name.Chen Kangjie never thought of naming it after himself, otherwise, the domestic Tengfei Automobile Company might be called Kangjie Automobile Company.Chen Kangjie felt that since he took other people's technology, it was completely natural to make some concessions.

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