Chapter 370

<The word means "blade", which is very in line with the image of the top sports car they want to build.

All in all, in a cheerful atmosphere, Chen Kangjie has another company. This small restaurant is destined to become the auspicious place of Koenigsegg Automobile Company. Later, the establishment ceremony of Koenigsegg Automobile Company was actually chosen in this small restaurant. Held, it seems very warm.This small restaurant named Gross also became famous as Koenigsegg became famous all over the world. Tourists who come to Gothenburg from all over the world like to choose to eat here. It is good luck, maybe Maybe my dream will become a reality because of a similar adventure.

After resolving the cooperation with Koenigsegg and the others, Chen Kangjie and his team became ordinary spectators again. They would go to the scene to watch the Danish team's game, and watch the TV broadcast if there was no one.When there is no game, I go touring around.

Neither the Danish team nor any other team played in Stockholm, but as the capital of Sweden, the largest city, and the place with the richest historical relics, Chen Kangjie and the others would go to Stockholm in their spare time. Turn, otherwise it will feel like you have never been to Sweden.

Stockholm is located on the east coast of Sweden, near the Baltic Sea, where Lake Mälaren enters the sea. It has beautiful scenery and is a famous tourist destination.The urban area is distributed on 14 islands and a peninsula, and more than 70 bridges connect these islands together, so it enjoys the reputation of "Venice of the North".Sweden's state organ, the National Assembly, is located in Stockholm, where the royal family's official palace is also located.

The summer from June to August is suitable for traveling. The summer in Sweden is better than people expected. It is often warm and sunny weather that lasts for many days. The general temperature is above +25c. There are no completely dark nights in the early summer of July.

Chen Kangjie is not very interested in the new town of Stockholm, but rather in the old town of Gamla Stan, where there are resplendent palaces, magnificent churches and towering spiers, while the narrow streets and alleys show the style of medieval streets .The Swedish Royal Palace, the Royal Opera House, the Royal Repertory Theatre, the Parliament Building and the Stockholm City Hall are all gathered here.

Chen Kangjie has already established a tourism company, so there is no harm in visiting more places, learning from other people's experience, and feeling different techniques and styles.

The Swedish Royal Palace is almost a must for tourists to Stockholm. It is a bit like the Forbidden City for tourists visiting the capital of China. It was built in the 17th century and is a small square castle.In front of the front gate of the palace, two stone lions with teeth and claws stand on both sides. Several guards wearing red-tasseled military caps more than a foot high and medieval military uniforms stand at the gate, looking majestic and compelling.At noon every day, the guards will hold a grand changing of the guard ceremony.Visitors can buy a ticket, enter the palace through the guard post, visit the gold, silver, jewelry and various exquisite utensils left by the Swedish kings, and watch the dazzling murals in the palace.

Near the palace, Chen Kangjie and the others unexpectedly found a Chinese-style garden with a Chinese flavor. There was a plaque named "Beihai Thatched Cottage". It is not common in so many foreign places that Chen Kangjie has been to. Only then did I know that Kang Youwei lived here in exile during the Reform Movement of 1909. When he arrived here in [-], he took a fancy to this small island, bought it, and built it into a Chinese-style garden, named "Beihai Thatched Cottage".Nearly a hundred years have passed, and the place is still well preserved. Even the facilities inside are mostly what Mr. Kang used back then, which has to make Chen Kangjie and the others sigh with emotion.

In western countries, great attention is paid to the protection of historical sites and buildings, and it is the protection of the original taste.In contrast, China, which claims to be an ancient civilization, entered the 90s, and with the development of urbanization, too many old buildings were bulldozed and turned into high-rise buildings that are more western than the West.Therefore, when many foreigners travel to China and want to feel what an ancient civilization is, they find that they themselves are more like an ancient civilization, while China, made of steel and concrete, is in turn more modern. <'s restaurant, at the railway station in Goldsholm, Chen Kangjie once took a free travel poster, which said that this restaurant is very popular with the locals, not only the taste is pure, but the price is also very reasonable.Once you walk in, the Art Nouveau decoration makes you feel at home.

Here, Chen Kangjie and his group spent two hundred Swedish kronor each to order a rather sumptuous lunch, with a lot of seafood, as well as bread and milk.Everyone had a great time eating, although compared with Chinese food, the taste may seem a bit strange, but after eating for a while, they really feel that the taste is very good.

When traveling in Sweden, it is best to have lunch on time at noon. Local restaurants only provide service between 11:14 and 14:[-]. After [-]:[-], you may not be able to find something to eat.

"Sir, are you Chinese?" When paying the bill, the waiter asked friendly.

"Yes, authentic Chinese, just came from China," Chen Kangjie replied.

"I suggest that if you travel in Sweden, you can go to the suburbs besides the urban area. The air is good and the scenery is beautiful, which is very pleasant," the male waiter kindly suggested.

"very good, this is a very good suggestion".

The welfare of the Swedes is very good, and the holidays are very long. Apart from traveling abroad, outings are almost every family's daily vacation.They love nature, love flowers, birds and trees, and even abuse cats and dogs in Sweden, and they may face the risk of prosecution.

"Jie Shao, are you really planning to go on an outing?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked after the waiter left.

"What? Is there any problem? How wonderful it is to walk into nature!" Chen Kangjie grinned.

"No problem, I haven't had an outing for a long time."

"What is the standard of happiness in your understanding?" Chen Kangjie suddenly asked Ouyang Zhenhua.

"The standard of happiness? Isn't happiness just about being rich, how about a good life?" Ouyang Zhenhua said after a little thought.

"There is a very simple criterion. It depends on how much time a person spends with his family and nature. The more the merrier, the more money is not included in the measure." Chen Kangjie took a sip of milk .

Ouyang Zhenhua was attracted by Chen Kangjie's simple words, and after slowly savoring it, it really was the same thing.A person who is busy making a lot of money, but has no time to spend with his family, climb mountains, go fishing, or take a walk in the suburbs, is just a money-making machine.

"So when we are making money outside, we are swallows. We can fly very high, but we must keep our direction. When we return home, we are sparrows. We stay at home and don't move. As the old saying goes, "Swallows can know the ambitions of grand swans", in fact, "Swallows' ambitions" There is nothing wrong with that, if it is necessary to sacrifice a lot of happy life in order to realize the so-called "big ambition", then it is meaningless, most of the politicians are like this, they can only give up their small family for the sake of the country", Chen Kangjie continued to explain.

This may partly explain one of the reasons why Chen Kangjie is unwilling to allow those big figures to enter the political arena in the future. Money must be earned and life must be enjoyed. Family will always be put first by Chen Kangjie. Absolutely unacceptable.

"Jie Shao, when will you go? I'll tell Mags and them to make arrangements in advance."

The Mags Ouyang Zhenhua was talking about was the president of the British company. Mr. Jie was going on an outing. They were not familiar with Sweden. Of course, they needed someone to prepare the carriages, routes, and activities that had already been visited.

"There is no need to be so troublesome. Let's continue to play in the city this afternoon. We will go tomorrow morning. Since it is the opinion of the waiter just now, let him be the tour guide. The locals are more familiar with the situation." Chen Kangjie will definitely make up his mind .

"Worried about whether it will be unreliable, the British company also has Swedish employees", Ouyang Zhenhua suggested.

"It's not necessary. We are just ordinary tourists. No one knows us. The law and order in Sweden is very good. Besides, it's the time of the European Championships, so nothing will happen." .

Master Jie insisted, and Ouyang Zhenhua did the same, but privately asked Samidov and the others to be careful and check the place in advance after learning about the place to visit.

After a while, when the waiter who gave advice came over again, Chen Kangjie unexpectedly invited him to go on an outing with him tomorrow.

"Me? Invite me to go on an outing with you?" The male waiter pointed to his nose and asked. He was just out of the enthusiasm of the Swedish people, but he didn't expect the other party to be more enthusiastic than him, and he was not polite.

"Yeah, we just came here, we are not familiar with this place, and your suggestion is very good, so I immediately thought of you, what do you think?" Chen Kangjie said directly.

"Hmm... that's it... wait a minute, I'll talk to the manager and see if I can ask for leave tomorrow."

The male waiter came back with a smile not long after he left, "No problem, I have already asked for leave tomorrow, I will take you to the lake in the suburbs for boating and fishing, and the fish you catch will be grilled by the way."

The next day, we made an appointment to meet at the door of this restaurant. The waiter drove his own Renault sedan, but a car could not seat so many people. The waiter called the taxi rental company again. Two taxis were called.From the beginning to the end, they didn't mention a word of money to each other.

In a valley more than 30 kilometers away from the urban area, there are green mountains and green lakes. There is a small wooden house by the lake. There are small boats and fishing tackle for rent. There are not many tourists today. Chen Kangjie and the others rented two small boats for 540 SEK With a few sets of fishing tackle, he lived a leisurely pastoral life.

When boating on the lake, the fishing rod was thrown out, and after a while, a lake fish that weighed half a catty and could not be named could be pulled up.Deep in the lakes and mountains, people's mood is relaxed and happy as if they have been sorted out.

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