rebirth of change

Chapter 377 Invite to cooperate again

Chapter 370 VII Invitation to Collaborate Again

After Chen Kangjie and the others returned to Hong Kong, Qi Junwu and the others did not need to stay. They returned to the mainland first, and Chen Kangjie still needed to stay in Hong Kong for two days.

He Wanrong and their "Death Judge" premiered a few days ago, and Chen Kangjie was not able to attend. Now that he is back, he has to go to the show anyway, but before Chen Kangjie went to the cinema, Xiang Yan took the initiative to deliver the tickets to the door.

"Young Master Jie, I heard that you went to Europe to make a fortune and came back." In He Wanrong's villa, Xiang Yan showed a very familiar look.

"Hehe, it's not about getting rich, it's just a small amount of money. Besides, no matter how much you earn, it's still in the hands of President Ouyang." Chen Kangjie did not deny that the relationship between the two parties has improved a lot since the last meal together.

In the past two or three months, the news of the old man's trip to the south has been well known at home and abroad, coupled with the hype of "The Story of Spring", Xiang Yan and the others are related in Eastern Guangdong Province, so it is natural to find out whether Chen Kangjie is accompanying him By the old man's side, coupled with the guidance of the old man Huo, Xiang Yan certainly knows how to handle such a role.

"Be humble, be humble, Young Master Jie will have a chance to make a fortune in the future, so please help me," Xiang Yan said with a smile.

"No problem, I'm just afraid you won't like it," Chen Kangjie said, shaking his hand.

Fan Wenxuan, who was sitting by the side, couldn't hold back anymore, "How much money did you make? Miramax has almost reached an agreement with others."

Chen Kangjie smiled, didn't speak, just pointed at Ouyang Zhenhua with his finger.With Chen Kangjie's action, He Wanrong, Tan Meiyun and others who were present also turned their attention to Ouyang Zhenhua, wanting to hear how big the harvest is. Anyway, Tan Meiyun knows that the harvest will definitely not be small. Combined with the experience of the Soviet Union, Tan Meiyun can make it. Such a judgment.

"It's not much money, more than 100 billion U.S. dollars, and the money you want will be given to you immediately." Ouyang Zhenhua said it lightly and comfortably.

"A lot, a lot... how much? One... one... more than 100 billion? Is it US dollars?" Fan Wenxuan couldn't speak clearly.

"You guys are going to rob a bank, aren't you?" He Wanrong was also taken aback, but the direction of his surprise was different.

Not to mention the two of them, Xiang Yan's mouth is so big that it hasn't closed yet. More than 100 billion U.S. dollars, that's tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars. They only went out for a trip, and came back with an astronomical figure. They are used to big scenes Xiang Yan himself was shocked, and he seemed to be just a small amount of money.When Chen Kangjie said that he would spend 500 billion or 1000 billion to buy mercenaries, he was somewhat skeptical. Now it seems that their strength is much greater than he imagined.

"Rooting a bank? It's the same as robbing a bank. It's all robbery anyway, but we don't break the law. Besides, more than 100 billion is really put in the bank. Do you think we can recite it with just a few of us?" Chen Kangjie said jokingly .

Even if it is calculated based on one hundred dollars per sheet, 50 dollars would cost one catty, and more than 100 billion would be more than 2 catties, which is equivalent to more than ten tons. They are not capable of moving a ton each.

"Then how can you earn so much?" He Wanrong asked.

"Gambling", Chen Kangjie only answered two words.

They can't let them know about other money earned from gambling, but there is no need to hide the money earned from gambling, and revealing the tip of the iceberg is easier to have a deterrent effect.

"Gambling... Gambling? Are you the one who swept up the three major gaming companies in Europe this time?", as Xiang Yan on the road, in addition to designing the entertainment industry, the industry is also involved in the gambling industry. The power of Le'antang is not In Hong Kong and Southeast Asia alone, they also have certain influence in Western Europe. Of course, the three major gaming companies in Europe have been swept away for more than 100 billion. Of course, they can't hide it from him. Almost everyone in the industry knows it.

"You guessed right," Ouyang Zhenhua praised.

"Then you bought the Danish team to win the championship before the game started?" Xiang Yan seemed to be involved in it, and he knew everything about it.

"Hehe, this is Xiaojie's idea. He said that if he doesn't want to play, he can play big." Ouyang Zhenhua seemed very happy, and the enthusiasm that he hinted against taking risks at the beginning has long been thrown into the Indian Ocean.

"President Ouyang, Young Master Jie, it's too embarrassing for such a good thing not to give you a hand." Xiang Yan complained regretfully. Anyway, now that the competition is over, he knew it was impossible, but through this The tone of voice can bring the relationship closer.

"If it weren't for the consideration that they bought too much and they couldn't afford to pay, we would still raise the bet. Besides, if you were asked to buy Denmark to win the championship at that time, would you buy it?" Chen Kangjie said.

"That's true. I guess I wouldn't dare to make a big bet. If you re-bet, they really might not be able to afford it," Xiang Yan said in shame.

What Xiang Yan said was the truth. If he was asked to invest in buying Denmark to win at that time, he would only mean a million Hong Kong dollars at most. It still depends on the face of Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua, otherwise he would not choose which one is almost A move where you can only lose, not win.

"Only President Ouyang trusts me when we seek wealth and insurance." Chen Kangjie's implication is that it is useless to call you, and you will not make money.

"Be sure to call me next time. If there is such an opportunity again, I will go all out." Xiang Yan understood what Chen Kangjie meant.

"It's better to do less about gambling. Everyone says that small gambling can make you happy, but big gambling can make you rich. In fact, people understand that it is impossible. People who often gamble, except for making money in casinos, gamblers are almost It is impossible to make money, even if you win a little today, you may export it tomorrow.” Chen Kangjie politely refused, he himself did not intend to continue to make money through gambling, this was a last resort.

Chen Kangjie gambled once, and his casino would be for nothing for a few years. If he gambled often, he would not be able to survive. If you cut off other people's money, it would be strange if they didn't work hard for you.Almost all those who run casinos are people on the road.This is called too much.

"You're right, those who like to gamble don't have many good things," He Wanrong said with her delicate mouth pouting.

When He Wanrong said that, not only Chen Kangjie, but even Ouyang Zhenhua blushed a little.

"Ahem, this, I have already said that there will be no next time, so why not go to the game and win some pocket money by the way," Chen Kangjie said embarrassingly.

After Chen Kangjie finished speaking, no one answered, and the scene seemed a little awkward. What He Wanrong said was a common phenomenon, not about Chen Kangjie.

"Jie Shao, here are the tickets for "The Judge" at the Poly Theater tomorrow, and I have reserved a private room." After Xiang Yan was silent for a while, he spoke to resolve the embarrassment.

"Yes yes yes, I must go see it, thank you", Chen Kangjie took the movie ticket and said repeatedly.

"This movie is really humorous. I watched it twice, and I laughed almost from beginning to end. I didn't expect Wan Rong to be able to play such a wife who is both aggressive, gentle and considerate, which is very good," Tan Meiyun praised.

"Then I really want to see it. I haven't been to the cinema for a long time." Chen Kangjie pretended to be anxious.

"You guys must be laughing at me," He Wanrong said.

The next day, Chen Kangjie, Ouyang Zhenhua, He Wanrong, Fan Wenxuan, Xiang Yantan Meiyun and others went to the Poly Theater to watch the movie "The Judge of Death". They were all called to accompany them.

Perhaps because of Xiang Yan's instructions, Zhou Xingxing didn't have any pretensions, and kept his attitude very low. He was the one who guided Chen Kangjie and the others to the box on the second floor of the theater through the back door.

Zhou Xingxing is one of Chen Kangjie's favorite actors. He has basically seen all the movies he starred in. Of course, what he likes is his performance and innovation in the movies. As for the real people, he became famous and turned into a star master Afterwards, I heard that he was very arrogant. On the set, not only the actors, production managers, etc., but even the director listened to him.

When I saw him today, Chen Kangjie was still a little excited, thinking that he would play a big game, but he didn't expect to be similar to a small follower. It seems that no matter who plays a big game, it depends on the person.This is something that can't be helped, even Xiang Yan, the big boss behind him, doesn't dare to play big names for Chen Kangjie, let alone him?If the big boss makes you popular, you will be popular, if the big boss makes you weak, you will be weak, strength determines everything.

All kinds of snacks and drinks had been prepared in the box in advance. After Chen Kangjie and the others sat down formally, the theater manager notified the movie to start.

The complex and picture of the whole movie are similar to the one Chen Kangjie watched before rebirth, the only and biggest highlight is that the heroine is much more beautiful.Many ridiculous scenes in the middle of the movie still make Chen Kangjie laugh out loud aftertaste.Except for He Wanrong and Zhou Xingxing, the two leading actors are also laughing constantly, even Xiang Yan is accompanied by Chen Kangjie every time he laughs.

"Sister Wanrong, you did a great job. Mr. Zhou also showed his style to the fullest. The audience's praise has been well confirmed." After the film was finished, Chen Kangjie praised with clapping his palms.

"In the past few days, the movie theaters are full and the market is very good, so I plan to invite Ms. He to cooperate with Zhou Xingxing again for the next movie. I don't know what Ms. He thinks?" Xiang Yan intends to deepen his relationship with Chen Kangjie through He Wanrong Relationship, which is currently their only point of intersection.

"Xiaojie, what do you think?" He Wanrong didn't answer, but turned to Chen Kangjie with big eyes and asked.

"It's up to you. If you like making movies, just make them. If you don't like it, then keep singing. Anyway, I don't have any opinion on the popularity of three-dimensional stars, film and television songs," Chen Kangjie said indifferently.

"Miss He's acting skills are very good. If she can make a few more movies, she will definitely win the Academy Award." Zhou Xingxing interjected, and Chen Kangjie caught a trace of flicker in his eyes. Xingxing is interested in sister Wanrong?Chen Kangjie thought

In fact, He Wanrong is quick to learn acting, but she still had a lot of training in the early stage. It was also because she was making a movie for the first time, so the shooting time of this "Death Judge" was extended.But if Zhou Xingxing is interested in He Wanrong, on the surface Chen Kangjie will not express anything, but in fact he will not agree, Zhou Xingxing is not a good man at home.

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