Chapter 370

"Okay, I think it's fun to make movies." He Wanrong seems to really like the feeling of making movies.

He Wanrong agreed, and they established another opportunity to cooperate, but when they left the Poly Theater, Chen Kangjie deliberately dragged Xiang Yan behind.

"Mr. Xiang, please do something," Chen Kangjie cut to the chase in a low voice.

"Young Master Jie, if you have anything to say, just say it, as long as it can be done, I will try my best to do it." Xiang Yan naturally wished for Chen Kangjie to entrust him with work.

"Cooperation is possible, but you have to find a way to make Zhou Xingxing not have any thoughts and actions towards my sister Wanrong, otherwise it will be difficult to handle." Chen Kangjie did not shy away from it at all, saying everything first.

"This... he won't know it, right?" Xiang Yan didn't expect Chen Kangjie to entrust him with this.

"If you don't have it, it's fine. If you have it, then quickly give up and work hard. My sister Wanrong is not an ordinary entertainment star, and I can't be an entertainment star forever. Who's thinking wrong."

"No problem, no problem, leave it to me", Xiang Yan agreed repeatedly, Chen Kangjie's meaning could not be more clear, their Le'an Hall already had two hall masters, which is a lesson from the past.

"Haha, if this is the case, I hope there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future." Chen Kangjie expressed his intention to support for the first time.

"Jie Shao doesn't have an investment opportunity now?" Xiang Yan was very impatient. It seemed that Chen Kangjie and the others were making money that they could never make in their lifetime, so of course they were impatient.

"It's not that there is no. If you have spare money, quickly buy Japanese yen. As for how much to buy, you can decide. When to sell, I will call you." Xiang Yan can do things, and Chen Kangjie doesn't care about selling them. In terms of favors, everyone earns money anyway, and it can also increase the burden on Japan, so why not do it.

When Chen Kangjie gave him the opportunity, Xiang Yan immediately fell into deep thought.

"What are you guys talking about? Hurry up," He Wanrong noticed that Chen Kangjie and Xiang Yan were walking behind, and turned around to urge them.

"Hehe, it's nothing, let's talk about how to strengthen cooperation and make money in the future," Chen Kangjie looked at Xiang Yan and said with a smile.

Looking at Chen Kangjie's smile, and thinking of Chen Kangjie buying the Danish team to win the championship, Xiang Yan suddenly realized that he planned to go back and immediately bought all his funds into Japanese yen.

"You men are just making money, making money, you little guy, why did you get into the money trap, hurry up, I'm hungry", and only Chen Kangjie's family would express such dissatisfaction with him.

"Okay, okay, let's go, Brother Ouyang treats you," Chen Kangjie said with a wry smile.

"Okay, I'll treat you. I know there is a private restaurant called Gourmet Zhai." Chen Kangjie ordered Ouyang Zhenhua to treat him. Ouyang Zhenhua couldn't complain.

"I know the restaurant you mentioned, and many friends from the entertainment circle also go there often," Zhou Xingxing added, probably going there a lot.

A group of people drove to the gate of a western-style courtyard near Central. At the gate, guides guided their cars into the parking lot in the yard. The parking lot was either in the basement or on the grass in the yard, amidst the hustle and bustle of the city. It is really rare to open up such a small and quiet place in China for a restaurant. It can be seen that the owner of this restaurant is also a person with unique vision.

The restaurant is located in the only white gothic three-story building in the yard. Everything looks clean and tidy, with marble floors, huge French windows with patterns printed on it, the first floor is the hall, and the second floor is the box.Private rooms are generally not open to the public, only those who have status and have booked in advance.

Maybe it's because there are often celebrities here, so the waiter was not too surprised to see He Wanrong and Zhou Xingxing, and they were not allowed to ask for autographs from the guests during the training they received.

"Ma'am, sir, do you have a reservation?" When Ouyang Zhenhua proposed to go to a private room, the beautiful waitress at the door of the restaurant asked politely.

Ouyang Zhenhua actually came here for the first time to eat, so how could he make a reservation in advance? He himself heard that this place is good, so he came here because of the reputation, and the waiter didn't know the actual richest man in Hong Kong.

"There is no reservation," Ouyang Zhenhua said truthfully.

"Sorry, we don't have a reservation...", the waiter wanted to say that he couldn't use it without a reservation, but was interrupted by Xiang Yan before he finished speaking.

"We don't need to make a reservation, you can arrange it for us, and call your boss by the way, we know each other."

"Sir, what's your address?" The waitress was interrupted, but she was still polite.

"Xiang Yan", Xiang Yan said very powerfully.

"Then please come with me first." The waitress looked at Xiang Yan, who didn't look like she was lying, and the cars they drove just now were all good cars, so she basically believed it. He first led Chen Kangjie and the others to the second floor A luxurious small private room, and then turned to find their boss.

"The decoration here is not bad, Mr. Xiang, do you know their boss?" Chen Kangjie said as he walked a few steps in the private room.

The design and decoration of the entire room are very particular, crystal chandeliers, gray Persian carpets, colorful wallpapers on the walls, white leather sofas, and polished gold edges on the dining table There are two pots of bonsai with flowers in full bloom next to the mahogany. Under the left wall, there is a black and white wall cabinet with a TV set on it and rows of various transparent wine glasses below. The room of more than 20 square meters is elegant but not luxurious, exquisite but not cramped, everything is just right, making people feel like they are at home.

"I know him, he's an old friend," Xiang Yan said with a smile.

Not long after, the waitress just now came in with a curvaceous beauty in a pink dress, with a curvaceous figure and shawl hair. Her facial features were well-defined, and there was a small beauty mole at the corner of her mouth. Her skin was firm. Some lines can be seen faintly from the corners of the eyes, and from this analysis, the age should be in the 30s.

"It turns out that Brother Xiang is here, and Mr. Zhou, Ms. He, and Miss Fan are really shining stars. These friends are a bit unfamiliar. Let me introduce to Brother Xiang." This beauty seems to be very familiar with Xiang Yan , but I don't know Ouyang Zhenhua, Tan Meiyun, and Chen Kangjie.

"Axiu, come, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Jie. This is Mr. Ouyang Zhenhua, the president of Hongyuan Investment Group, and his wife, Ms. Tan Meiyun. Mr. Jie, President Ouyang, this is this restaurant." Wenxiu, the boss," Xiang Yan warmly introduced to both parties.

Xiang Yan didn't say Chen Kangjie's name. From Xiang Yan's tone, Chen Kangjie could feel that his relationship with Wenxiu was unusual.

Opening such a restaurant can't be done without an investment of tens of millions. What's more, the patrons are all famous people and friends in the entertainment industry. If there is no big backer, it will not work. Maybe Xiang Yan is Wenxiu backing.Of course, these are just speculations, it is impossible for Chen Kangjie to inquire about such gossip.

"Oh, welcome, Young Master Jie, you are really young and handsome. We are really flourishing if you can come to our restaurant for dinner. President Ouyang and Miss Tan are rare customers. This meal is my treat, Aping. Serve a table of food according to the highest standard, and take two bottles of wine by the way." Wenxiu looked very good at dancing, and after greeting, she directly made arrangements for the waiter behind.

Wenxiu is a clever woman, and the first person Xiang Yan introduced was Chen Kangjie, and she was called Young Master Jie, which explained the problem.There are very few people who can be called "Shao" by Xiang Yan, which shows that Chen Kangjie's identity is very unusual.That's why she praised Chen Kangjie as young and handsome.

Also because of the word Junyi, it shows that Wenxiu does not belong to that kind of vulgar woman. What is "Junyi"? , a man with a thousand virtues is a handsome man, and a man with a hundred virtues is a good man, which shows that Wenxiu must have received a good education.

"Miss Wen, you are too polite. You can't treat me to this meal. I have already agreed to treat me. I appreciate your kindness." Ouyang Zhenhua doesn't care about the money at all. Treating guests seems to be too cheap.

"Mr. Ouyang, you are too out of touch. You are brother Xiang's friend, and that is my friend. You have come to my shop today. If I want you to treat me, I can't let go of my face." Wenxiu smiled Ruhua said.

"This..." Ouyang Zhenhua was a little embarrassed.

"President Ouyang, just to save face, this is Axiu's, it's the friendship of the landlord, next time you come to patronize a few more times, isn't it enough?" Xiang Yan said helplessly.

"Brother Ouyang, if Ms. Wen is sincere, we will be disrespectful. If we refuse, it will appear hypocritical." Chen Kangjie didn't want to talk about the meal, and acted very freely.

"Young Master Jie is right, so it's settled. You guys sit down for a while, and I'll come as soon as I go." Wenxiu finished with a smile on her eyes, then turned around gracefully and walked out, probably to arrange a banquet for Chen Kangjie and the others. .

After Wenxiu left, Chen Kangjie turned to Xiang Yan, "Mr. Xiang, do you often eat here?".

"Jie Shao, to tell you the truth, apart from being here once when it opened, today is the second time."

What Xiang Yan said was very interesting, but Chen Kangjie didn't plan to ask any more questions, otherwise it might be embarrassing.

After a while, Wen Xiu led a team of waiters to bring up a variety of dishes. There were a dozen of them in total, all of which were Lingnan dishes. In addition to home-cooked dishes such as white-cut chicken and stewed bamboo shoots with meat, there were also There are bird's nest, abalone, shark's fin, etc. At the same time, Wenxiu is holding two bottles of Lafite red wine from ten years ago.Wenxiu really attaches great importance to today's meal, otherwise she wouldn't spend so much money.

"I'm very happy today. I am very grateful to all the distinguished guests here. I would like to offer you a toast. Let's do it first." At this time, he showed a kind of bold quack spirit, which should be related to his experience.

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