rebirth of change

Chapter 383 The Fourth Sister's College Entrance Examination

Chapter 380 Third Sister's College Entrance Examination

"Boss, where's ours?" Zhang Qiang became impatient when he saw that only Fan Xuexi got it and he didn't.

"Everyone has a share", Chen Kangjie took out exquisite and small black boxes from his schoolbag.

There are forty schoolbags in Chen Kangjie's schoolbag today, mainly for the students in the class. It is impossible for him to have one for each of the good and the bad.

Zhang Qiang snatched several Parker gold pens from Chen Kangjie's hand, planning to choose a nicer one, and when he opened it, he found that they were all exactly the same.

"Why are they all the same? What if they get mixed up in the future?" Zhang Qiang seemed a little dissatisfied.

Chen Kangjie really didn't think about this issue, but if he wanted to make sixty different pens, it would be impossible unless he ordered them to order, "So what if you mix them up, they're all the same anyway, don't you still plan to make them? Can't you steal someone else's?" Chen Kangjie snatched it back, leaving only one in his hand.

"Chen Kangjie, you are so kind, this looks so precious." Fan Xuexi's tablemate Chu Xiang carefully held the gift from Chen Kangjie and looked at it carefully. His face was full of joy. This was the first time Chen Kangjie gave him a gift , and still so delicate.

"No matter how expensive a gift is, it can't match our friendship." Chen Kangjie smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

Seeing that there are gifts to share, Yang Cong will not be left behind. Driven by them, Pang Yanli, Sun Xiaolei, Ma Xiaohong, Zhou Zhixing, Zhang Zhihui, etc. all gathered around. The classmates who are not very familiar with Chen Kangjie are extremely envious, but they are too embarrassed to follow up to ask for it. They are all old classmates for several years.

After Chen Kangjie's gifts were distributed, the class teacher Wu Hui walked in.

"Chen Kangjie, are you here for class?"

"Yes, Teacher Wu", Chen Kangjie stood up and answered politely

"Review carefully, the final exam will be in two days," Wu Hui kindly reminded.

"Thank you, Mr. Wu, I see."

Beginning on July 1992, 7, Chen Kangjie took the final exam for the first grade just a few days after he came back from Europe.

In order to get good grades in the exam and even to ask for leave in the future, Chen Kangjie took out the textbook before the exam and went through it.

It was also at this time that the Chen family ushered in a major event. Chen Kangjie's fourth sister, Chen Mei, was going to take the college entrance examination this year. Before he took the exam, the whole family held a family meeting to discuss her volunteering.

Before Chen Kangjie was reborn, Chen Mei did not go to college, her academic performance was not good, and she failed the exam.But tonight is different from the past. With the stimulation and help of Chen Kangjie, Chen Mei's academic performance has been steadily improving. The No. [-] Middle School of the Mining Bureau is the best middle school in the district, and the teaching quality is considered good in the city. Every year, a large number of students are admitted by various universities across the country.Chen Mei's senior one class is a key class in No. [-] middle school, and she is in the top ten in every test, so according to Chen Mei's current grades, there is basically no problem in being admitted to university, it just depends on which school she goes to .

"Old sister, apply to Capital University, it is the best university in the country," Chen Mei suggested.

Since the May [-]th Movement, Capital University has always been known as the best university in the country. Everyone is proud of being able to study in Capital University, which is the highest honor. In the eyes of some people, Capital University is even better than Shuimu University.

"I think Capital University is too competitive, and Pearl's Fudan University is more confident. Capital University is not No. 2, so don't even think about getting in." Chen Yufen has passed the college entrance examination and knows about the competition of the college entrance examination.

"Ju Xiang, which school do you want to go to?" Ma Fangqin asked by Chen Mei's nickname.

"I'm a bit contradictory, I don't know." Chen Mei was a little dazed, unable to make up her mind.

"Our dad is barely a college student, but you will be the second college student. You must go to a better school," Chen Yuchang said, lighting a cigarette by himself.

"Do everything according to your ability, and choose a school according to your usual grades." As the head of the family, Chen Qigang doesn't need to care about his usual studies, but he still has to participate when it involves his children's college entrance examinations.

"I think I can ask Lao Wen for his opinion. He has a lot of experience and knowledge, and he will definitely have good suggestions." The eldest sister hugged her daughter Xu Yan and put forward an opinion that was not her own.

"I haven't been to university, so I don't have any good advice. Choosing a school is important, and choosing a major is also important. The most important thing is to see what major you want to study." Chen Kangjie said contradictory words with a guilty conscience.

"That's right, what major do you want to study? If you want to study medicine, then the school we just mentioned is useless," Chen Yufen said, patting the arm of the sofa.

"I want to study law or economics," Chen Mei replied.

"If you want to study law, China University of Political Science and Law and Capital University are both good. If you want to study economics, Capital University and Fudan University are both good. Of course, you can also choose Qianzhou University or Qianzhou Finance and Economics, because Many of the economics teachers at these two universities are investment consultants or corporate executives under Hongyuan, and besides economic theory, they also have practical experience. Of course, some of them will be more inclined to business management,” Chen Kangjie analyzed.

"I don't want to be too close to home, I want to be more independent." Chen Mei's answer clearly ruled out the possibility of going to school in Qianzhou.

"If you want to stay away from home, I think you can choose to study abroad," Chen Mei asked jokingly.

"You think studying abroad is something you can go whenever you want? Really", Chen Yuchang disdainful of the old sister's words.

In fact, he forgot that if it was in the past, he really didn't want to go, but now that any of them are billionaires, studying abroad is really nothing.

"There's nothing wrong with it. Miao Cuihua from my place has been studying at the University of Hong Kong for more than half a year, but the price is a bit more expensive." Chen Yuqiong brought out a real example around her, and the third brother criticized it.

"It's for advanced studies, no degree, okay? Does Juxiang not have a degree? What kind of college student is that, really ignorant." Chen Yuchang himself is almost second-rate in this regard, and he actually said that the other party has no knowledge.

"Actually, there is nothing wrong with studying abroad. Hongyuan can guarantee it, and you can enter a world-class university. It is not difficult. The most important thing is to follow Juxiang's ideas." As long as you have money, nothing is wrong. Impossible, and now Chen Kangjie happens to be very rich.

"I'm worried that I'm not used to life abroad, and I still feel a little guilty when I go to a foreign country alone," Chen Mei said, shaking her head.

"If this is the case, you can apply to Capital University or Fudan University. You can study for undergraduates in China, and then go abroad for graduate studies." Chen Kangjie made the final suggestion.

"I think this suggestion is good. Isn't there a first choice and a second choice? You can choose by yourself." Chen Qigang made the final decision.

After the final exam, Chen Kangjie's life in the first year of junior high school ended in such a simple way. The exam results will not be known until the next semester starts, but it can be guessed without any doubt that No.1 is still none other than him.

Chen Mei's college entrance examination also ended smoothly, and she performed fairly well, but in the end her test scores were two points behind and did not qualify for the first university admission score. Her second choice was Fudan University, but Fudan University only recruited the first A voluntary candidate, so Chen Mei faced an embarrassing situation.

Her third choice is Qianzhou University in the province. This school is definitely possible, and there is no problem at all, but it runs counter to Chen Mei's original intention, which makes her very depressed.

At the critical moment, Chen Kangjie could only do his best.

The Huatang Foundation donates [-] million research funds to Capital University every year, which is not a small amount, accounting for half of the current research funds of Capital University.It has played a very important role in the discipline construction of Capital University.

Because of such a relationship, it is normal for the Huatang Foundation to recommend sending one or two students. However, Capital University will never refuse.

After receiving the call from Chen Kangjie, Ouyang Zhenhua personally called the president of Capital University as the president of Huatang Foundation and explained the specific situation. After consulting Chen Mei's files, Capital University found that her grades were consistent. They are all excellent, and they are only two points away from their admission scores. In the end, Chen Mei thought that she could only go to school in Qianzhou, and suddenly received the admission letter from Capital University.

"I'm obviously not online, so why did I receive the admission letter?" After Chen Mei received the admission letter from the school, she was excited but also had reflections.

Chen Mei knew that this must be the result of someone's operation, and there were only two people with this ability, either his father Chen Qigang or his younger brother Chen Kangjie.

Chen Mei used the method of elimination. Chen Qigang is unlikely to do this. This has something to do with his work character. He has never used his work relationship to seek improper benefits for his family. The only thing left is his dearest brother.

Thinking of this, Chen Mei felt very happy while regretting. She didn't say anything when she got home, and Chen Kangjie didn't mention it, and they treated each other as if she had been admitted normally.

The whole family finally had a college student who was able to enter the Capital University. They were very happy. The eldest sister Chen Yuqiong proposed to hold a few banquets. Anyway, all the admitted candidates will hold the No. Capital University, a Shuimu University, how can we not celebrate it.

Chen Qigang was the first to object. He was worried that some people would give gifts in this way. This is an effective way for many officials to make money. Later, Chen Kangjie made a compromise. He could hold a few tables for banquets, but he would not accept any gifts. , deny access.

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