rebirth of change

Chapter 384 Gifts and Chapter Ceremonies

Chapter 380: Giving Gifts and Returning Gifts

Saying that, it is even more difficult to actually implement it, and the first person to refuse is He Baoguo.

The Chen family reserved three tables at the district guest house, and they only planned to invite some close relatives and friends to have a casual gathering, as long as they were happy, but things often did not develop as expected, especially with the current status of the Chen family.There is no shortage of smart people in China. Ordinary people do not invite people to serve wine, and they are worried about giving gifts. On the contrary, many people come without invitation when they learn that the fourth child of the Chen family has passed the entrance examination for Capital University and is going to serve wine at the Guest House.

He Baoguo is one of the people who must be invited. With such a relationship between the two families, He Baoguo will definitely come. He didn't notify the municipal party committee secretary Liang Minkuan before, but it turned out that the two of them came together.

"Old Chen, you are too mean. I came here uninvited, just to ask for a glass of water and wine. You are welcome." In the lobby lounge area of ​​the hotel, Chen Qigang and the protagonist Chen Mei received two guests, Liang Minkuan The first to speak let yourself take the initiative.

"Secretary Liang, it's too outlandish to say that, of course you are welcome. I didn't think about how many people to invite before, mainly some relatives and friends, and you are also busy with work, and the city is far away from here, so it is not good to delay you ", Chen Qigang explained.

"You, no matter how busy I am, I still have time to rest. I will rest today. Besides, isn't Mayor He busy? He is busier than me!" Liang Minkuan said with a smile.

Liang Minkuan is in charge of party affairs, and He Baoguo is in charge of the economy. At present, various economic constructions in Liushuipan are making great strides. There are many ongoing projects, and there are more projects that need to be prepared in advance. The mayor He Baoguo is indeed better than Secretary Liang. Busy, it's just that the Chen family invited He Baoguo, not because he is the mayor, but because he is related to the Chen family.

"Secretary Min Kuan, you can't use me as a shield," He Baoguo complained with a smile.

"I'm just seeking truth from facts, Old Chen. If there's anything going on in the future, just say, ah." Liang Minkuan said the last few words very kindly, feeling like a very close friend.

The reason why Liang Minkuan wanted to do everything possible to draw in the relationship with the Chen family was that Chen Kangjie was the most important thing. From the trip that Chen Kangjie accompanied the old man to the south at the beginning of the year, it can be seen that Chen Kangjie was highly valued by the high-level officials. Because of this, he knew very well that Chen Kangjie The future of home will be very long.Some people can't get a relationship even if they trust others. If there are good resources in front of them and they don't go to get closer, then they are really looking for distance, and they have no eyes.

"Hey, okay, thank you, Secretary Liang," Chen Qigang agreed emotionally.

"Xiao Xiang, come here, this is a gift from Uncle He, I wish you success in your studies", He Baoguo finally brought the topic to the Lord.

Chen Mei looked at Chen Qigang, wondering if she should take the little brocade box from He Baoguo.

"Baoguo, what are you doing here? Didn't you tell me in advance that you won't accept any gifts, why are you still playing this trick?" Chen Qigang pushed He Baoguo's hand back.

"I didn't give it to you. Am I still bribing you? You don't have to accept other people's gifts, but I have to accept mine. Xiaoxiang, keep it. Don't worry about your father's." He Baoguo stood up and ignored Chen Qigang. The small brocade box was stuffed into Chen Mei's hand.

"You are... Hey, Uncle He sent you off, just keep it", Chen Qigang was very helpless.

Chen Mei opened the brocade box and saw that there was a piece of jade pendant inside, which was very thin. The word "文" was engraved on the front, and the word "Xiu" was engraved on the back, indicating excellent literary talent.Gifting it to the juniors in high school naturally has a taste of books. Of course, only those who have a heart can be so uncheesy. This kind of atmosphere develops later, and everyone just gives money directly.

"Old He, isn't this too expensive?" Seeing such a gift, Chen Qigang felt a little too heavy.

"Don't worry about that. Compared to the gift Xiaojie gave us, it's nothing worth mentioning. The tea leaves are all [-] catties. What's more, it's bought with my salary. , clean," He Baoguo said indifferently.

"Of course I know it's clean, but I just said that I don't accept the gift, so you just give it to me." Chen Qigang shook his head and said.

He Wanrong earns tens of millions a year in Hong Kong, and the two families know it well, so it is impossible for He Baoguo to accept those dirty money.Now that everything has been collected, what else can I do, I can’t even return it.

After He Baoguo's gift was received, it was Liang Minkuan's turn now, and he also took out a small brocade box from his body, "Xiaoxiang, come, this is given to you by Uncle He, I wish you all the best in Capital University and make progress every day ".

"Secretary Liang, no, no, you are very welcome to have a glass of water and wine. If you also give a gift, it will be too much." Chen Qigang quickly stopped Liang Minkuan.

"Old Chen, I'm the same as Baoguo. I didn't give it to you. Besides, Baoguo took it, but not mine. Where should I put my face?" Liang Minkuan followed He Baoguo's example and pushed Chen Qigang away. blocking hands.

"You guys are like this, it's hard for me to do it!" Chen Qigang was really embarrassed.

"What's so difficult about it? Xiaoxiang's admission to the Capital University will bring honor to the whole city. It stands to reason that she should be rewarded. Besides, she called me "Uncle Liang" just now. Shouldn't the elders encourage her a little bit?" And show it?" Liang Minkuan first talked about the truth, and then talked about personal feelings.

Without Chen Qigang's nod, Chen Mei didn't dare to accept Secretary Liang's gift. In addition, Liang Minkuan boasted that she was admitted to the Capital University, but he knew it must be the result of his younger brother's help, so the scene was a bit embarrassing.

"Wow, are there any presents for you? Dad, there are many guests over there." Chen Kangjie finally came out from the sidelines.

Just now Chen Kangjie was receiving a few friends he knew, Ouyang Zhenhua, Luo Zirong, Liu Kai, Lu Xiang, etc. Later, some officials came, such as Director Gao Junping of the District Public Security Bureau, Luo Zirong, Qiu Yi, etc., so Chen Kangjie came to tell Chen Qigang said.

"Xiaojie, come here, give it away, should you accept this gift from Uncle Liang?" Liang Minkuan called Chen Kangjie over.

"Well, let me look at the gift first." Chen Kangjie took the brocade box with a smile.

When I opened it, there was a bookmark inside, but it was different from ordinary bookmarks in that it was gold in color and the workmanship was very fine. One end was square and the other was oval, and the middle could pop open to hold the pages of the book. , with Chunlan and "Qinyuanchun" printed on it.Poems of Snow.

"Uncle Liang, you are not going to tell me that it is made of gold, are you? If so, then it must not be accepted." Chen Kangjie asked Liang Minkuan with a smile while marking my very good bookmark.

"Is it made of gold? I don't have that much money, the solid is tin foil, and the surface is coated with a layer of gold powder to prevent 'discoloration'."

"In that case, it's just an ordinary bookmark. I think it's fine." Chen Kangjie didn't want to refute Liang Minkuan's face, so he said lightly.

"Old Chen, look, you don't understand your son yet." Liang Minkuan laughed and joked with Chen Qigang and his son.

"Then you accept it." After his son said that, what else could Chen Qigang say, but Chen Mei could only accept another gift.

"Thank you, Uncle Liang." After Chen Mei received the gift, she politely thanked her. When Chen Kangjie was playing with this bookmark just now, Chen Mei liked it very much. She actually liked it very much.

"By the way, Uncle Liang, I went out this time and brought back some Wuyi Mountain tea. I'll make some for you later and taste it when I go back." Chen Kangjie was reciprocating courtesy, and the value and price of the gift he gave were higher.

Liang Minkuan didn't expect Chen Kangjie to play such a game when he changed hands, "You boy, if you are good, then I will be considered lucky. I heard from your godfather that the tea you gave is [-] pounds."

"Tea is tea, for drinking. As for how much a catty is, it doesn't matter. For those who love tea, it is worth a thousand gold. For those who don't understand tea, it is just a few leaves." It was originally a very elegant gift, so Chen Kangjie's words should downplay the mundane price.

"It makes sense. It seems that I came here in the right place this time and took advantage of it." Liang Minkuan shook his head and said with a wry smile.

After Chen Qigang chatted with He Baoguo and Liang Minkuan for a few words, he had to get up and greet the other guests. Since he came, he was a guest and he couldn't lose his courtesy.

As a result, the most troublesome problem that Chen Qigang faced was that everyone came with gifts, and no one came empty-handed, even Ouyang Zhenhua and the others. One thing that was barely acceptable was that no one gave money. They are all some exquisite little gifts related to learning, such as pens, hardcover books, etc., and someone even gave them a paperweight. Chen Mei doesn’t learn calligraphy at all, so I really don’t know why I gave them. I guess it’s because Chen Qigang is good at calligraphy. , The children of their family will also like calligraphy, especially the outstanding students who can be admitted to Capital University.

Everyone has a lot of reasons for giving gifts. Some Chen Qigang can refuse, but some are very difficult to refuse. For example, the most expensive gift from Ouyang Zhenhua, a hardcover women's watch from Vacheron Constantin, costs more than 40. Unacceptable, but Chen Kangjie's refusal didn't work.

Chen Kangjie is the boss, and he can order Ouyang Zhenhua to do all the work, but if he wants to give gifts, the boss is useless, so the original rule of never accepting gifts is in fact useless, even Qiu Yi, Luo Zirong and others All the presents have been received.

Of course, those who can be accepted as presents are those who have a good relationship and have already become hardcore in the future or now, such as Luo Zirong, Qiu Yi, Gao Junping, etc., who have already gotten close to He Baoguo and Chen Qigang.As for many people who came here because of their fame, drinks can be provided, but gifts are waived. At first, they ordered three tables, but in the end they got ten tables. Most of them are cadres at all levels in the district, and they have working relationships with Chen Qigang. , it is really only welcome.

Like Liang Minkuan, whoever received a gift would give a certain amount in return, often at a higher price. Anyway, Chen Kangjie’s family had quite a lot of gifts. As for the kind like Ouyang Zhenhua, it was unnecessary. Chen Kangjie had already returned the gift.

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