rebirth of change

Chapter 385 I am a chef

Chapter 380 I am a cook

In the summer vacation of 1992, Chen Kangjie rarely ran anywhere. Anyway, he had just returned from Europe not long ago, so he might not be able to if he wanted to.In addition, I had to go to Spain before the second year of junior high school, so I behaved very well.

Of course, his obedience is also relative. This holiday he can have a good time with his classmates. He rarely got together with them during the holidays before.

This holiday, one of the games that Chen Kangjie and the others played the most was picnic. A group of students, men and women, bought a lot of food, took pots and bowls, went to the mountains to play, and cooked things by themselves.

"Brother Ma, I asked you to bring meat. Why did you bring so much fat?" Chen Kangjie was speechless when he saw Ma Wei's large piece of fat wrapped in newspaper.

"It's cheap, I can't afford whole lean meat," Ma Wei felt ashamed.

The children have a picnic, and there is a local name called "Pingping Guy", which means that everyone gathers together to go to the mountain to get some food, and feels a sense of excitement.

Chen Kangjie has the ability to do what he did in Sweden. Anyway, he has money, a car, and people, but if that happens, he will lose the fun he should have.

Chen Kangjie is in charge of drinks and sausages, which can be taken from the supermarket of the eldest sister Chen Yuqiong. Ma Wei is in charge of meat, Fan Xuexi and Deng Min are in charge of rice and seasonings, Zhang Jiahua and Mazi are in charge of pots and pans Some of them are in charge of green vegetables. Anyway, the division of labor is clear. More than a dozen people gather at the foot of the mountain with big bags and small bags. After checking the items, they go up the mountain.

"Okay, okay, I didn't think carefully, next time I will hand over such a glorious task to Yang Cong." Yang Cong's family conditions are better, so it is no problem to bear a few catties of meat.

"Wow, alright! I'll go out next time." Yang Cong thought that the meat eaten by a dozen people was not a small amount of pocket money, and he was a little heartbroken, but he dared not disrespect Chen Kangjie's arrangement.

"Is the pot you brought big enough, but don't have enough food?" Chen Kangjie asked the group in charge of tools.

"Don't worry, I brought the biggest cooking pot in my house, it's definitely enough," Zhang Jiahua said, patting his chest.

"Damn it, what's the use of a frying pan? The main thing is cooking." Chen Qiancheng understood what Chen Kangjie meant.

"I've got the rice cooker at home, I don't know if it's enough," Mazi said while taking out a rice cooker from the snakeskin pocket he was carrying.

"What? Rice cooker? You have electricity on the mountain? I'm convinced, go back and get it again." Chen Kangjie was so angry that he kicked his ass.

"You're really out of your mind. Going up the mountain to fight against each other, why don't you take a pressure cooker, that's fast," Yu Lan joked.

Friends from Chen Kangjie's mine and friends from the district had played with each other a few times, and they got a little familiar with each other, so the number of people in this event was quite large, more than a dozen people.

"How do you use your pressure cooker on the mountain? Just use an ordinary rice cooker, a bigger one will do." Chen Kangjie was afraid that Mazi would run back and really resist the pressure cooker at home, so he reminded him from a long distance away.

"The person in charge of the bowl, have you got enough?".

"No problem, the three of us each took five bowls, which is definitely enough," Chen Qiancheng said.

"I convinced you, but you are not much better. Didn't you take a few plates to put the vegetables? Could it be that the vegetables you made were placed on the stone? Go back and make up for it." Chen Kangjie kicked back two.

"We don't need to ask here. There are five catties of rice. As for the seasoning, from oil and salt to monosodium glutamate, pepper, chili powder, sesame oil, Chinese prickly ash, etc., all of them are included." Before Chen Kangjie asked, Fan Xuexi represented them. said the group.

It seems that the girls still need to be more careful. Each seasoning is packaged by letterhead, and what it is is marked on the package. Chen Kangjie appreciates their team's work, "Not bad, next time I will do it again." You are in charge of this."

"Next time? When is next time?" Deng Min was very happy to be able to play with Chen Kangjie.

"Next week, we can do it once a week," Chen Kangjie replied.

"Old sister, how about the green vegetables you are in charge of?", everyone is equal, so everyone has a share, and Chen Kangjie's sixth sister, Chen Jing, is naturally inevitable.

Only when everyone contributes, will you not feel that someone is taking advantage of it when you eat it. Anyway, you will feel that you are eating your own food. Similarly, the enthusiasm will be high in this way. If someone does not work hard, he will be despised.

"We bought spinach, carrots, and Chinese cabbage," Chen Jing said proudly.

"There are also green peppers and tomatoes," Wait Jimei added.

"Wait, did you buy this spinach?" Chen Kangjie asked curiously when he saw the spinach they took out of the plastic bag.

"This, this... I'm up to you, anyway, we have completed the task." Chen Jing immediately showed her savage side.

"It's true that I can leave it alone, but I don't know if my mother finds that the spinach he bought is missing today, can you give me an explanation," Chen Kangjie said with a smile.

It turned out that this bundle of spinach was bought by Ma Fangqin this morning when she went to the street to buy vegetables, and tied it with a straw rope. Because Chen Kangjie helped bring it to the kitchen, she was very impressed. She didn't want to change hands, but was taken out by the little thief at home. It's even.

"When we went to the vegetable market, there was no spinach, so what should we do? Anyway, we took all the spinach, let's talk about it later, if it doesn't work, I'll say you took it." Chen Jing probably thought of a way out long ago.

"Isn't it? Let me take the blame for you?" Chen Kangjie pointed to his nose and asked, he was really bullied to death.

"Who will blame you if you don't get blamed? Anyway, even if you know you took it, you won't be scolded. Do you want me to be scolded? Hmph!" Chen Jing was sure of Chen Kangjie.

"Okay, okay, I took it, I took it, I've never seen a sister who bullies her younger brother like this", Chen Kangjie had no choice but to protest in this way.

"That's right. To be a younger brother, you have to be a little younger brother. Yes, I admire you." Chen Jing stepped forward and put her arms around Chen Kangjie's shoulders, acting like a big sister.

After a while, the person who was kicked back came back. Mazi held a large steamer in one hand and the lid in the other. The rice cooked in this pot may be no problem for fifteen or six adults, and Chen Qiancheng also When he came back, he held five plates in his arms, and what was depressing was that this guy also took a fish plate.

"We don't cook fish. I really don't know what you are doing with the fish plate. I don't care about it now. Let's use it. Let's go." Chen Kangjie gave an order, and the team set off.

The place we are going to go today is a mountain next to where Chen Kangjie and the others stole plums last time. It is called Woji Mountain. There are dense forests and caves on the mountain, so this is an adventure trip.

When we went out, the sun was still shining brightly. I didn’t expect that after climbing the mountain for more than an hour, the weather turned cloudy. The weather in the mountains is like this. It may rain lightly at any time. Chen Kangjie and the others just arrived at the destination. The light rain fell like a curtain, and the road became muddy and slippery.

Now that the weather has changed, outdoor picnics can only be moved indoors. Chu Xiang and Zhang Qiang, who were running ahead to explore the road, reported that there is a big hole halfway up the mountain, and you can go there, but there is no road there. Can climb up along the grove.

"There is no way, we can only rush to that cave as soon as possible, otherwise we will not only not be able to have a picnic today, but we will have to go back in the rain like this. It is really a bad start. Is it really doomed by God?" Chen Kangjie looked up at the sky. The rain splashed on his face.

The reason why Chen Kangjie said such things was because before he was reborn, he and his friends went here for a picnic. When they went out, the sun was shining brightly, but when they got there, it was also raining lightly.

"Why talk so much, let's go, I'm very tired", Chen Jing pushed Chen Kangjie from behind.

"Everyone, carry your belongings on your back and hold each other's hands so as not to fall. Chu Xiang, Zhang Qiang, Zhang Jiahua, you boys will act as helpers along the steep section of the road to help the girls climb up smoothly. Take things over," Chen Kangjie made an arrangement conducive to unity.

No one objected to Chen Kangjie's arrangement, and immediately took action to implement it.

With each other's support and pull, more than a dozen people dragged their feet into the cave with difficulty.

This cave is divided into two floors. The bottom floor is a large hall, and the second floor is a bit small. After entering the cave, everyone is very excited, running here and jumping there, wanting to explore the secrets of this cave.

"You just run and dance like this, don't you want to eat? Hurry up, the boys look for firewood to live on, and the girls wash the vegetables." Chen Kangjie stood at the entrance of the cave with his arms crossed and shouted.

"It's raining outside, how do you wash the vegetables?" Fan Xuexi asked back.

"The firewood is wet and cannot be burned at all," Ma Wei added.

"Then find a way quickly, come here", Chen Kangjie, an "adult", really has no choice but to hold a group of children.

"See, there is rainwater flowing down the rock wall on the top of the cave. You can use a pot to catch the water first, wash the vegetables and put them in plastic bags. The boys have no choice but to go to the woods to collect firewood. Wet, that’s fine, there’s some dry grass at the entrance of the cave, which can be used to start a fire.” At this time, Chen Kangjie could only continue to play a leading role, otherwise he would really have to go back hungry.

"Then what are you doing?" Chen Jing asked back.

"Can you cook?" Chen Kangjie didn't answer, but asked directly.

"No", "No", "I won't", no one answered yes, this was expected by Chen Kangjie.

"That's right, you don't know how to cook, so what do you think I will do? Of course I am a chef!" Chen Kangjie said confidently.

"Tch, I haven't seen you cook yet." Chen Jing was very disdainful of Chen Kangjie's brazen words.

"Then, you do it, and I'll gather firewood to make a fire." Chen Kangjie could only use aggressive methods to his elder sister.

"I'll go wash the vegetables by myself." Chen Jing ignored Chen Kangjie, took a pot and went to fetch water.

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