Chapter 380 It's better to have some wine

As soon as Chen Jing left, her little sisters followed naturally, but it was Fan Xuexi and Deng Min who didn't know whether to follow.

The other girls who participated in the play together were all from the mine, except Deng Min and Fan Xuexi, so it felt that they were not in a small circle, and because of Chen Kangjie, it was impossible for them to fully integrate together. It's a little estranged.Unlike boys, there is no conflict of interest at all, so it is easy to get acquainted, and they have become good friends with each other, and they blend well.

"You two don't wash the vegetables, so wash the pots and dishes. I took them on the road just now, and they must have been dirty." Chen Kangjie always wanted to find something for Fan Xuexi and Deng Min to do, otherwise they would feel uncomfortable if they just stayed like this. comfortable.

"Oh, yes", after the two replied, they went to work hand in hand.

"Don't stay here, buddies, hurry up and get firewood, don't look at you are sweating now, you will be cold in a while, make two fires, one for roasting and one for cooking", Chen Kangjie He gave instructions to the boys who were still standing around him.

I have been climbing the mountain just now, and everyone has not stopped after arriving in the cave, so although it is raining lightly, everyone's head and face are wet, not entirely rain, but more sweat.Don't look at the white smoke on their heads now. After a while, the sweat will solidify, and they will feel very cold, especially when the mountain wind blows. If they don't quickly make a fire to roast, some people will catch a cold when they go back. This They may not understand the truth, but Chen Kangjie knows it well.

After receiving Chen Kangjie's order, everyone took action, leaving Chen Kangjie alone, but he was not idle, he had to find some stones to build a simple fire pit, otherwise he would not be able to cook.You don't need a fire pit for grilling, you definitely do for cooking.

After a while, the girls had finished washing, and the boys came back with a bundle of wet firewood.

In order to ignite these two piles of fire, the boys spent a lot of effort. If the firewood was dry, it would be very simple, but after being moistened by rain, it was all wet.Chen Kangjie didn't get much hay at the entrance of the cave, so he had to light a fire first, who knew that after blowing for a long time, there were not many sparks, and the thick smoke made the cave really smoky, and everyone coughed more than.

In the end, it was really impossible, Deng Min contributed all the handkerchiefs he carried with him, and then completely ignited the fire. For this, Chen Kangjie promised to give him a new patch later.

The people who were sweating profusely just now started to feel cold after being idle for about ten minutes.

"Move the burning fire inside first, and you will warm up there, and then use the burning sparks to cook outside." Eating is important, but the health of the partners is more important, so Chen Kangjie made adjusted.

The inside of the cave was not very bright at first, but with the help of a pile of blazing bonfires, the inside of the cave suddenly became much brighter. Once the fire started, the smoke would not be so big, and the wet wood added would cost less than a dozen It will be completely dry and ignited in seconds.

Chen Kangjie slowly ignited the fire outside.

Before Chen Kangjie was reborn, there was a period of time when he often cooked. His cooking skills were not good, but at least he was barely edible.Today's situation is not suitable for cooking, so Chen Kangjie plans to cook hot pot directly to save trouble.

Chen Kangjie twisted out a large piece of pork belly brought by Ma Wei, only to feel that there was no cutting board, and there was no way to cut vegetables. In the end, he had no choice but to find a flat stone to use as a cutting board after washing it.The kitchen knife was cut on the stone, and it was very harsh to the ears. It can only be used to cut and cut, but not to chop, otherwise it is not known whether the stone is rotten or not, and the kitchen knife will definitely have a gap anyway.

There is no way to cut it into small pieces, so I can only cut it casually, and throw it in the pot after it is cut. Originally, the rice should be washed twice, but the water is not easy to connect, so it can only be washed once. Connect the water, cover the pot and increase the fire. It was the first time for those who watched Chen Kangjie make it to cook. They thought it would be delicious, but it was actually impossible, and there were dust everywhere.Chen Kangjie is also cutting corners. After the rice is cooked, it doesn’t matter whether it is cooked or not. He puts the fat meat in the iron pan, and after refining a little oil, he throws all the ingredients in. Add water, and a simple hot pot is done. It's done.

A group of children, all in a hurry, were about to start working with the bowls in hand. At this time, they found that there was something missing, and there were no chopsticks.

"I said you idiots, don't you know how to serve bowls with chopsticks? Your brains are trapped by the door." Chen Kangjie was really dumbfounded by these sluts.

"Then what should I do?" Fan Xuexi asked Chen Kangjie helplessly while holding a bowl.

"What else can I do, hurry up and pick the branches, and make whatever kind of chopsticks you like." Chen Kangjie has no choice but to do so.

Compared to when I was in Sweden, I had a cook, a car, and followers, how carefree I was, everything was ready and ready to eat. Today, I not only do it myself, but it is still so simple.

Strange to say, the rice is raw rice, the hot pot is made of fatty meat, and the chopsticks are strangely shaped branches. It stands to reason that everyone would eat bad food, but this kind of "junk food" is regarded as a delicacy by the partners. He used chopsticks to pick some rice into the bowl, then squatted down and surrounded the iron pot on the fire, regardless of whether it was raw or cooked, he scooped it up and ate it, and those green vegetables were twisted at will and thrown in. It's too late to cut at all.It feels like feeding pigs, but in fact it is. After eating it, it is simply a grab.

"Can't you guys order it politely? Is it so delicious?" Chen Kangjie also grabbed a bowl of rice, scooped up a ladle of soup with a spoon, and started to eat without hesitation.

"It's really delicious. It's the first time I have a picnic on the mountain." Deng Min looked very excited.

To put it bluntly, it was raining outside the cave, and the two fires in the cave made the temperature rise and it felt very warm. A group of children ate hot pot around the fire in the hall at the entrance of the cave, and it was still cooked with firewood. Naturally, it had a special flavor. For the first time participants For those who read it, it is quite novel.In addition, all the meals have their own credit, and the harvest from the hard work will naturally feel more fragrant and sweet.

"This meat is obviously raw, and it's not as finely fried at home. How can it be so delicious?" Fan Xuexi sighed while eating.

"It goes without saying, it doesn't matter who is the chef," Chen Kangjie cheekily claimed credit.

The founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty once ate "Pearl Lotus Seed Soup" before he made his fortune. It was actually other people's leftovers, but because he was too hungry, he thought it was delicious. After he ascended to the throne, he wanted to relive that Feeling, but he is used to eating delicacies from mountains and seas, how could he get back that feeling.

In other words, no matter who is hungry, any junk food will taste good. Today, everyone didn’t have lunch and climbed the mountain for a long time. They all feel delicious.

"Yes, yes, Chef Chen, as far as your skills are concerned, who knows how to say so?" It's not that there are people who understand. Chen Jing, who likes to argue with Chen Kangjie, doesn't like Chen Kangjie's tricks.

"It doesn't matter if it will or not, as long as everyone likes to eat it", Chen Kangjie is determined to give himself money.

"It would be better if there is a little wine," Chen Qiancheng expressed an idea that cannot be realized at present.

Chen Qiancheng's family has two bottles of fruit wine called "Zhuyeqing", which is sweet and sweet. Chen Kangjie and the others secretly tasted it at his house, which is why Chen Qiancheng made such a sound.

"Who told you not to steal the bottle of wine left in your house?" Ma Wei scorned him.

"If he dares to steal, his dad still doesn't break his leg. There are already two bottles, and we have already secretly made up one bottle," Zhang Jiahua said while filling himself with soup.

"How the hell do you know I didn't bring it? Wait for me." After Chen Qiancheng finished speaking, he put the rice bowl in his hand on the ground and ran into the cave.

In ten seconds, he came back with his schoolbag, opened the schoolbag, and took out a bottle of wine in a tall green glass bottle. "Look, what is this? Say I dare not take it? Just say I dare not take it, don't drink it."

"You can't drink, if you are drunk, how can we go back?" A girl immediately objected.

"Just such a small bottle of wine, can we make so many boys drunk? Don't be ridiculous, come and get me some." Yang Cong, who is familiar with him, is a little blunt.

"You know how to drink? What kind of wine do children drink?" Fan Xuexi criticized Yang Cong.

"Squad leader, it's a holiday, not at school," Yang Cong joked.

"That's right, boys can only be manly after drinking some wine," Yu Lan chimed in.

Yang Cong was joking, but Fan Xuexi thought he was washing her away. Yu Lan's inappropriate addition confirmed her thinking.Chen Jing and her group of girls are most hostile to Fan Xuexi, the class monitor. They used to be the most hostile to Deng Min, but now they are transferred to Fan Xuexi, because she is beautiful, has good academic performance, is still the class monitor, and has a close relationship with Chen Kangjie. Yes, it's no wonder she doesn't suffer from envy.

"I know it's not at school, and I'm not putting on airs as a monitor. Whether you like to drink or not, I'd better drink you to death." Fan Xuexi was very upset.

"Well, I, I... I'm just saying that, I'm joking, why take it seriously", Yang Cong saw that Fan Xuexi was angry, so he quickly explained the situation.

"Okay, okay, let me say a word, drink what you like, and eat by yourself if you don't like it." Chen Kangjie hurriedly acted as a good old man to prevent the situation from expanding.

As a result, almost all the boys took two sips. Since there were no cups, they blew into the mouth of the bottle in order. With his strong prestige, Chen Kangjie got the first one.

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