Chapter 380 IX Going to the Olympics

After this tie-up, everyone fell in love with this non-sports sport. Although it seemed a bit naughty and mischievous, it was still helpful for exercising children's living ability.

After returning this time, some friends were criticized by their families. The "house thief" Chen Qiancheng who bore the brunt, the bottle of wine was kept by his father as a gift, but unexpectedly it was stolen at home, so he was naturally very angry. Originally, he was going to beat him up and let him taste the taste of "stir-fried pork with bamboo sticks". In the end, Chen Kangjie was moved out again to serve as a shield, so that he was spared the pain of flesh and blood. It was already expected that this result would be the result, so he dared to be so bold.

There was another person who was scolded, Zhang Jiahua. He took out the cauldron at home and didn't tell his family. As a result, his mother had already been stolen. It wasn't until Zhang Jiahua came home with his own cauldron that he realized that it was the same thing. "House thief".

In order to prevent this phenomenon from happening again, Chen Kangjie specially bought a set of tableware and put it at the elder sister's house. If he was going to fight with friends on the mountain or by the river, he would take someone to pick it up and leave, so that his partners would not take the tableware at home again.

There is no need to contribute tableware anymore, so when we go out again, everyone must provide corresponding food, and Chen Kangjie will distribute it.In this process, Chen Kangjie is biased, he will ask to bring corresponding things according to the family conditions of different partners.For example, Zhu Bala’s family’s economic conditions are not very good, so Chen Kangjie only asked him to bring some potatoes or garlic. Every family has a lot of potatoes, and garlic, he can grow them in the small vegetable field behind his house, basically. You don't have to spend the last penny, but Chen Kangjie is of course responsible for the bulk of the money that needs to be spent.

This summer vacation, Chen Kangjie was at home at both ends, and he had to go out in the middle. The 1992 Olympic Games was held in Barcelona, ​​Spain, and Chen Kangjie was going to watch it. Since he participated in the school sports meeting last year, he has developed a strong interest in sports. For this Olympic Games, the sponsor of the Chinese delegation is Master Kong Food Company, and Chen Kangjie will naturally join in.

After several twists and turns, Master Kong Food Company finally won the full sponsorship from the Chinese delegation at the end of June.The competitor they are facing, Jianlibao Group, also wants to maintain their position as a sponsor, but the competitor they are facing is the powerful Hongyuan Group. Standing is the behemoth Hongyuan.

With the further deepening and changes in the investment in the Qianzhou project, domestic political leaders are paying attention to Hongyuan. consider.After Liu Kai flew to the capital twice, Master Kong finally won the sponsorship with 500 million yuan.

During the Olympic Games, Master Kong will provide round-trip air tickets for the delegation, clothing and drinks for the delegation, as well as prizes for the winning athletes and so on.As a condition, Master Kong will be able to indicate the sponsorship on the product packaging, and in this year's advertisement, include the description of the only designated sponsor of the Chinese Olympic delegation.In order to cooperate with the publicity, Master Kong Beverage Company launched the "Prize for Uncovering" campaign. The prize is to come to Qianzhou to meet the Olympic champion, runner-up and third runner-up face to face. This is one of the agreements with the National Sports Commission.After the Olympics are over, the National Sports Commission will organize Olympic award-winning athletes to visit Qianzhou. There will be cultural activities at that time. Master Kong will provide [-] prize-winning places, and the travel expenses, board and lodging of these lucky consumers will be fully reimbursed.Master Kong is not yet able to make the logo of the International Olympic Committee, which is a qualification that can only be obtained by the partners of the Olympic Games.

Chen Kangjie hoped that through sponsoring the Chinese Olympic delegation this time, they could sum up their experience and directly sponsor the Asian Games, Olympic Games, and even the World Cup in the future.In that case, advertisements can be put into the competition venue and spread to all parts of the world with the TV broadcast. It is a shortcut for a company to go from one country to the world, and it is a stage for the realization of international big brands. Of course, it also needs strong strength.In Chen Kangjie's memory, there is only one company called "Lenovo" in China that sponsored the Olympic Games once, and that was because it was held in the capital of the country. It can be seen that it was very difficult and invested a lot.

The time of this Olympic Games is from July 7th to August 25th, a total of 8 days. Chen Kangjie arrived in Barcelona on the 9th. He has already ordered tickets for the opening ceremony for him.

In the past, every time I went abroad, it was always because of work, including watching the European Championship in Sweden last month, and the main purpose was to make money.But this time it was a complete trip for fun, without a little bit of work, and because of the difference in nature, the accompanying team also changed a lot.

In addition to Chen Kangjie's guards and old friend Ouyang Zhenhua, two ladies were added, Tam Meiyun and He Wanrong.

Ouyang Zhenhua has been very busy, this time is an extra vacation reward, couples are allowed, as for He Wanrong, since she went to work in Hong Kong, she has not traveled much except for Southeast Asia and Taiwan due to work, so this time It happened to pick him up, and it would be much better to have them take care of him.

It has not been a full month since he came back from abroad, and he is going out again. The person who has an opinion on him is not his mother Ma Fangqin, but his father Chen Qigang.

Chen Qigang's reason is that he always goes out like this. After a long time and more times, he will play wild, and the influence is not good.On the contrary, Ma Fangqin stood up and supported him to hang out.

"My child likes to watch the Olympics. What's wrong with going to have fun? Don't you just stay at home all day and be a nerd? Besides, it's not at your own expense, it's Ouyang Zhenhua's treat, not to mention that Wanrong also went there together, you are still worrying What? Said he can play wild, which child do you see so good at handling his own study and life? Lao Wen, don’t listen to your father, this time my mother will support you.”

As long as Ma Fangqin nodded, Chen Qigang's opposition would be useless.Knowing that Chen Kangjie is going to Spain to watch the Olympic games, Chen Jing and fifth sister Chen Mei are also clamoring to go, but all the tickets are purchased with real names, especially the tickets for the opening ceremony, and now there are no tickets at all. I can't even watch the game.But the two still quit, the quarrel made Chen Kangjie really helpless.

Later, Ma Fangqin came forward to solve the problem, and only used one sentence, "Ouyang Zhenhua invited Lao Wen, but didn't invite the two of you. Why did you go? Do you have money? If you don't have money, then you still have the cheek to ask others to invite you." You can't do it?"

The problem was solved, but this sentence also stimulated Chen Kangjie's heart.If it was really Ouyang Zhenhua's treat, that's fine, but it was Chen Kangjie's treat, so what Ma Fangqin said, in Chen Kangjie's ears, was like irony, which was very harsh.

In the end, Chen Kangjie promised to take them out next time. In fact, Chen Kangjie fulfilled his promise, but their identities were so completely different. In the 1996 Olympic Games, Chen Kangjie participated as an athlete, not a spectator.

On July 7, after three picnics with his friends, Chen Kangjie set off for Hong Kong and transferred to Barcelona.Chen Kangjie is the protagonist of this line, but the happiest is not him, but He Wanrong and Tam Meiyun.

He Wanrong and Tan Meiyun are very happy to have so many people go out to play. Tan Meiyun has more friends and classmates in Hong Kong than He Wanrong, but she is now a housewife and does not go out to do errands. She stays at home all day, plus Ouyang Zhenhua With the change of status, everyone's life level has been separated, and some friends will feel pressure when interacting with Tan Meiyun. At least Tan Meiyun is accompanied by bodyguards when she goes shopping. Ouyang Zhenhua is rich, how could he not pay attention to his wife's safety, and now It can't be like before, any friends can be brought home to play.

And although He Wanrong said that she has a job and some colleagues, but his job is not as busy as an ordinary office worker from nine to five. As a big star, it is difficult to have real friends.It is also difficult to walk around at will, wandering around, and life is somewhat limited.

How can such two women be unhappy that they can go abroad to watch the Olympic Games as ordinary people, and the two of them have made an appointment. When they arrive in Barcelona, ​​they must go shopping and buy a lot of things. They will only make money and have no chance to spend money. Money, in fact, is also a pain.

"Sister Wanrong, why are you carrying so many things in big and small bags?" After Chen Kangjie got up on July 7, he went to the swimming pool for a few laps, then went back to his room to take a shower and change clothes, and waited for him to pack up and return to stay. , found that He Wanrong hadn't gone downstairs yet, ran upstairs to He Wanrong's room and knocked on the door, and found that she and Situ Yu were packing their luggage, and it was full of three bags.

"Of course it's luggage, there are clothes, cosmetics, hats, sunglasses, shoes...".He Wanrong stretched, and began to count the things she was carrying.

"I said, haven't you heard the saying 'One card in hand, you can travel anywhere in the world', you have taken a lot of things out now, how many things do you plan to bring back? Didn't you make an appointment with sister Meiyun for a shopping spree? What? If you need anything, just buy it when you go out. As for bringing everything with you, if it’s like this, no one will bring your luggage.”

"Don't you have so many people?" He Wanrong stopped what she was doing.

"You guys are playing like this, no matter how many people you have, it's not enough! Besides, they will bring me something, and I will buy gifts for dozens of people," Chen Kangjie said with a wry smile.

"Then what do you mean, it's fine to just wear a suit like this?" He Wanrong used to go out for business, and she always carried a big bag. Anyway, there are assistants and bodyguards, and the company will arrange pick-up and drop-off, but this time, her assistant Neither the bodyguard nor the bodyguard will go with him.

"It's enough to add a change of clothes at most. Look at me, I only need two sets of clothes every time I go out. Anyway, the hotel has dry cleaning service. If it doesn't work, I can buy it on the street. Anyway, I don't like to carry so much luggage." Chen Kangjie finally suggested.

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