rebirth of change

Chapter 390 Represents Not Individuals

Chapter 390 Represents Not Individuals

Before Barcelona hosted the Olympic Games, although it was known as the "Mediterranean Pearl" tourist destination, it was actually not very famous in the world, especially in the East, where many Chinese did not know about this city.Barcelona once bid to host the three Olympic Games in 1924, 1936 and 1940, but they were all unsuccessful, so it was very cherished to choose Barcelona for this Olympic Games.At the 1986st IOC Session in Lausanne in 91, Barcelona beat Brisbane, Paris, Birmingham, Amsterdam and Belgrade.

In fact, even if the Executive Committee of the International Olympic Committee voted for Belgrade, there is no way to host the Olympic Games normally this year. Yugoslavia is currently experiencing civil turmoil, otherwise the Danish team would not be able to replace Yugoslavia and win the European Championship.In May of this year, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 757, imposing sanctions on Yugoslavia and prohibiting athletes from Serbia and Montenegro from participating in international competitions and international cultural exchange activities.In order to change this situation and encourage athletes from this region to participate, IOC 'President' Juan Antonio Samaranch traveled in many ways and shuttled diplomacy until 3 days before the opening, and finally obtained the permission of the UN Security Council.However, Yugoslav athletes, which are composed of Serbia and Montenegro, can only participate in an individual capacity and are not allowed to participate in the opening and closing ceremonies and team events.After the International Olympic Committee learned of this gratifying result, it immediately sent a special plane to pick up the Yugoslav athletes so that they could participate in the various competitions they were allowed to participate in on time.A total of 13082 journalists participated in the coverage of the Games, including 5131 text reporters and 7951 broadcast reporters.A total of 34548 volunteers were recruited.

After Chen Kangjie and the others arrived in Barcelona, ​​they felt that Barcelona is a very clean and elegant city. In order to achieve this goal and promote the urban construction and development of Barcelona, ​​Barcelona spent 362 billion to build a 5-kilometer-long seaside beach and remodel the port. , built two ring roads, two tunnels, rebuilt the airport and urban drainage systems, and built a network providing water, electricity, gas and telephone services.During this period, Barcelona's economy turned from recession to prosperity, becoming the city with the fastest change in Europe at that time, and the employment momentum was significantly improved.At the same time, the preparation of the Olympic Games also significantly accelerated the recovery of the Spanish economy.Some people think that the role of the 1992 Olympic Games in promoting the development of Barcelona and Spain is immeasurable.

At the Hilton Hotel in the center of Barcelona, ​​someone has booked ten suites for Chen Kangjie and the others. Ouyang Zhenhua has set up a Southern European investment company overseas. The company is located in Paris, and the area in charge includes France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, etc., but because Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua's coming this time has nothing to do with work, so they don't need to be accompanied, they only need to book a room, buy relevant tickets, and provide vehicles. The rest is Chen Kangjie's own matter.

Chen Kangjie and his room are on the No.18 floor. Chen Kangjie is already grown up, so he doesn’t need to share a room with He Wanrong, but lives alone. He Wanrong also lives alone. Husband and Xiong Ziqiang share a room with each other.Qian Degui was also able to follow him smoothly this time, and it was a very pleasant thing to be able to go abroad with Jie Shao. Qian Degui was very happy, and his family was naturally also happy, which shows that his family has been valued.

On the eighteenth floor, apart from Chen Kangjie and his group of yellow-skinned Chinese, there were several other people, but they were of black race.Black people may have short or curly hair due to genetic reasons, except for black skin, and the difference in appearance is not as big as that of white or yellow people, so Chen Kangjie didn't pay much attention to them, even though sometimes they were far away. Even if you see it from a distance, you can't remember it.

Chen Kangjie and the others flew to Barcelona in the early morning of July 7th. Everyone rested in the room for a whole morning. After recovering from the jet lag, everyone planned to go shopping in the street in the afternoon.When everyone walked out of the room and met in the corridor, they found that they were dressed in all kinds of clothes, many of which were obviously very inappropriate.

"Aren't you hot?" Xiong Ziqiang and the others were all in black suits, but Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua were in cool beachwear.

"It's not hot!", although Xiong Ziqiang saw that Chen Kangjie and the others were dressed strangely, he really didn't feel hot.

"Brother, it's Linchen when you come back from the airport. Now the hotel has central air-conditioning, but don't think about it. It's summer now. If you go out like this, it's no wonder you don't die of heat," Chen Kangjie explained.

Although Xiong Ziqiang and the others are rich now and can be considered as little rich, their lifestyle is still somewhat different from that of petty bourgeoisie. This is related to their previous life and training, so they are not quite used to wearing different clothes for different occasions. , also need Chen Kangjie's guidance and training.

"Yes, what should we do? We don't have the same shorts as you."

"You go to the street to buy it yourself!" Ouyang Zhenhua suggested.

"Forget it, what street are they going to? It's probably useless for them to go there. They don't know Spanish or English. Go to the hotel store downstairs. They sell it there. We will wait for you at the coffee shop on the second floor." , Chen Kangjie knows that such a hotel has a hotel shopping mall that sells brand-name clothing, but it is a bit more expensive, but Chen Kangjie believes that Xiong Ziqiang and the others can afford it, not to mention that he put a card with millions of dollars at any time in Xiong Ziqiang's body.

"Jie Shao, let me go with them," Samidov suggested, because they could speak English.

"Very good, hurry up and come back," Chen Kangjie nodded and replied.

"Is there any women's clothing there? Why do I feel that my clothes don't match you?" He Wanrong was wearing a long floral dress. If she was attending a banquet or going to a restaurant, there would be no problem, but if she went shopping , still seems too formal.

"Should be, if you want to go, I'll go with you." He Wanrong was going to buy clothes, and Chen Kangjie was quite interested in accompanying him.

"Then I'll go too, anyway, I'll be here for so many days, I'll buy two more clothes to change," Tan Meiyun also asked to go.

"Then let's go together," Ouyang Zhenhua echoed.

"Don't you dare to go?" Tan Meiyun said coquettishly, holding Ouyang Zhenhua's arm.

"I just didn't dare, so I took the initiative to invite Ying." Ouyang Zhenhua was not afraid of his wife, but rather doted on Tan Meiyun.

"You're good," Tan Meiyun generously poked Ouyang Zhenhua on the face.

"Trouble you, this is a public place, you have to make out, go back to your room by yourself," Chen Kangjie teased.

Chen Kangjie and a dozen of them took the elevator to the hotel shopping mall next to the lobby on the first floor, and they were greeted by two well-dressed local girls, "Welcome, we have many European brand clothing here, Chanel, Armani, Versace... .There are also Japanese brands from Tokyo.”

Logically speaking, there was nothing wrong with the waitress' remarks, but the mistake was that they mistook Chen Kangjie and the others for Japanese.

Chen Kangjie told them in standard Mandarin, "Miss, we are not Japanese, please remember, we are citizens of China".

After Chen Kangjie said it, he found that only people like himself could understand it. The other party was confused and didn't know what Chen Kangjie said.

Chen Kangjie had no choice but to repeat what he had just said in Spanish. This time the other party finally heard clearly. As expected of a well-trained clerk in a famous brand store, he immediately apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we misunderstood, China It is a great country that welcomes you to Spain, to Barcelona."

In fact, the two of them don't know much about China, not to mention they have been there, they probably only saw it in middle school textbooks, but faced with such embarrassment, they had to say some beautiful words.

"It's okay, don't judge people by their appearance in the future," Chen Kangjie was very serious.

"Yes, yes", the attitude of the waiter is good, but it is not obvious on the surface whether he thinks so in his heart.

"Xiaojie, why did you solemnly declare our national identity just now?" He Wanrong didn't understand what Chen Kangjie and the other party said in Spanish, and only understood the part he said in Mandarin, so she asked this question .

"It's very simple. No matter where we go, what we represent is not our individual, but a nation. At present, our country is still very poor and weak, and the international image is not very good, so we have the obligation to show our national image as much as possible. Do what I can, not to mention, I don't want to be regarded as Japanese by foreigners, this must be made clear," Chen Kangjie walked to a row of clothes and said while picking.

"No wonder, I remember a primary school textbook saying that when a scientist was studying in Belgium, he hung a sign around his neck saying "I am a Chinese", why don't you hang such a sign too," He Wanrong said This sentence is a typical joke.

"That's not necessary. The display of national image and national image is not only a question of identity, but also through our words and deeds, as well as our contribution to the world." He Wanrong was joking, and Chen Kangjie did not Also just kidding.

The conversation between Chen Kangjie and He Wanrong, Ouyang Zhenhua and the others stood aside carefully and clearly. Tan Meiyun's understanding of Chen Kangjie has deepened. From Chen Kangjie's words, Tan Meiyun knows that Chen Kangjie's success is not accidental. This is the proper place for a big heart.

"Wow, this set of casual clothes looks good." Chen Kangjie and the others walked to a set of casual T-shirts and shorts with the Olympic logo printed on them. He Wanrong fell in love with this set of clothes.

"Miss, this is a commemorative shirt specially launched by Armani to celebrate the hosting of the Olympic Games this year." The waitress who has been by her side didn't understand what He Wanrong said, but they would read it and knew that He Wanrong was praising this suit. So stand up and explain.

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