rebirth of change

Chapter 391 Origin with Armani

Chapter 390 Origin with Armani

"Why don't everyone get a set?" Chen Kangjie seldom asks the price when he sees something he likes.

"One set for everyone? All of us? Everyone?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked, slightly surprised.

"Hmm, what do you think?" Chen Kangjie shrugged.

"Won't that look a little silly? A dozen people are all wearing clothes. It feels so funny, and it's hard to recognize." Ouyang Zhenhua obviously didn't like it.

"I think this suggestion is good, so that we are equivalent to a small delegation." Ouyang Zhenhua felt that it was inappropriate, but his wife Tan Meiyun had the same opinion as Chen Kangjie.

"Your reminder is very good, why don't we make it ourselves", Chen Kangjie will play tricks when he has a "fashion" on a whim.

"Customize it yourself? How do you order it? What style do you order?" He Wanrong has always been interested in Chen Kangjie's ideas.

"The style remains the same, this is the only set. Of course, we can also add a few other sets. Just print our national flag on it. It is consistent and can well show our identity," said Chen Kangjie with his right hand. He said while holding his chin.

"I support", He Wanrong was the first to express her attitude.

"I also support", Tan Meiyun was second.

"We also support it. We haven't worn clothes with the national flag on our clothes for a long time." It is impossible for Xiong Ziqiang and his retired soldiers to object to Chen Kangjie's suggestion.

Chen Kangjie turned to Ouyang Zhenhua and looked at him.

"You all have voted, so can I still object? Let's do it like this." Ouyang Zhenhua was a little bit resentful.

The vote was passed, but there is a little trouble, that is, Samidov and his four foreigners, they are not Chinese, and they have yellow hair and blue eyes with a contrasting image. If they also wear clothes with the five-star red flag, they will It seems a bit nondescript, even easy to attract attention.In addition, they can also take on the task of protection, so Chen Kangjie finally felt that their clothes could be freely chosen, and it would be convenient for them to blend into the crowd and play a protective role for Chen Kangjie.

The waitress standing aside babbled a lot to these Chinese people and couldn't understand anything. She didn't say buy or say no to buy, she looked very embarrassed.As for Chen Kangjie and the others, they cared about what they said for themselves, and they didn't know whether they would order it for them. However, Chen Kangjie always believed in one truth, that is, there is no door that cannot be opened with money.

"Miss, we want to order a few sets of clothes, for example, the casual clothes in front of us, we want to add the pattern of the five-star red flag on it," Chen Kangjie turned around and said to the waitress in Spanish at this time.

"Sir, this is not allowed, such clothes are already made," the female salesperson immediately refused.

"How much is this set of clothes?" Chen Kangjie changed the subject.

The female salesperson thought that after she rejected the other party, the other party would immediately pay for a ready-made one, with a sincere smile on her face.If it's custom-made as mentioned just now, she doesn't know that it's a matter of the year of the monkey. Moreover, she still thinks it's a fantasy. How could Armani order a few sets of clothes for him? It's impossible.

"$476 a set, sir," the female salesperson replied politely.

"We can make it to order, and we can offer a set for 4760 US dollars. What do you think?" Chen Kangjie offered ten times the price.

"$4760? This... probably won't work." The female salesperson didn't expect that the other party would still order, and the price offered was ten times the original price. She was very surprised, but thinking of Armani's big brand, she still felt that it was impossible. of.

"How about 47600 US dollars?" Chen Kangjie raised the price to [-] times.

"You, wait a moment, I'll find the manager." For someone like Chen Kangjie who didn't play cards according to common sense, it was a bit difficult for the female salesperson to deal with it.

For those who can really pay 47600 US dollars to buy a set of clothes, they feel that they are really rich, and what they buy is not a set, so the female salesperson can neither be the master nor offend the customer. And again, again and again, it will appear very rude.So I'm going to take the issue to the manager.

"Okay, let's wait in the rest area." Chen Kangjie saw a small rest area in the corner, so he walked over there.

"Xiaojie, why did she leave? What did you say?" He Wanrong approached him, and the female salesperson left after talking to Chen Kangjie, so she felt strange.

"I talked to him about custom-made clothes. She can't make the decision, so I plan to find their manager. We just wait here in the rest area." Chen Kangjie explained clearly in a few words.

After Chen Kangjie and the others sat down in the rest area, another waiter naturally delivered delicious coffee, but Chen Kangjie and the others only drank half of a cup of coffee. The female salesperson who went to the manager just now led a bald middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes. Come.

"Ms. Sir, hello. Welcome to Barcelona. I am the manager of this store, Martin. What can I do for you?" the manager, Martin, said politely.

"It's like this. We want to order a few sets of clothes and add our country's national flag. It's as simple as that." The other party still spoke Spanish, so Chen Kangjie could only answer.

Martin can also speak English, but he heard his subordinates report that the other party's Spanish is very fluent, so he directly used his native language.

"It's very difficult, because these clothes are not made by us, we are just responsible for sales", Martin did not say anything.

Judging from the fact that the other party was able to pay 47600 US dollars to buy a set of clothes, Martin knew that it was absolutely impossible not to leave any hope behind.

"I also know that it is very difficult. In fact, it is very presumptuous for us to do so, but we came to Spain from far away to support the Olympic Games in Barcelona, ​​and at the same time, we also want to support our Chinese team. This is the idea. Please help me a lot. The price It's not a problem," Chen Kangjie stood up and said apologetically.

"If this is the case, I will contact the upstream manufacturer to see if it can be treated as a special case. Please wait a moment, and I will make a call," Martin said hesitantly.

Martin's idea is very simple. If it can be done, then it will be done. Even if it can't be done, there is a good excuse to refuse it. After all, the manufacturer will not do it.

"No problem, please." Chen Kangjie wanted to show the politeness of the Chinese nation.

Martin returned to his office five minutes later by himself.

"Sir, it's like this. I've passed on your situation to the sales manager of Armani. They are willing to deal with it as a special project in order to open up the huge eastern market in the future, but the price is higher and they need to pay a lot of intermediate fees." Martin said happily after returning.

No matter what you say, this is a good business. If it can be done, it is equivalent to increasing their turnover. Hundreds of thousands of dollars is definitely not a small business for a store.

"There is no problem with the price," Chen Kangjie nodded.

"The price they proposed is [-] sets, and the goods will be available tomorrow morning. I will measure your height and size in a while. They will work overtime tonight according to your different body shapes, and airlift them from Italy tomorrow morning." Martin continued.

"Thank you, it's cheaper than I expected, so let's choose the style." Chen Kangjie also hurried.

"Master Jie, it's settled? Will they do it? How much?" Chen Kangjie stood up to choose clothes, and Ouyang Zhenhua knew that the matter was settled.

"Okay, fifteen thousand dollars," Chen Kangjie said with gestures.

"What? You spend [-] US dollars to buy a set of clothes? That's [-] RMB! It's too extravagant!" When He Wanrong heard the price, she immediately became excited.

"Isn't making money just to spend it? Anyway, you don't need to pay for it. Brother Ouyang treats guests. What are you excited about? Go and choose your women's style. After the selection, you need to measure your body shape. They do it overnight, and it will be shipped over tomorrow. You Can this price be cheap? Armani is willing to treat it as a special case for this little money, which is already very interesting.” Ouyang Zhenhua was pulled out by Chen Kangjie again, and Chen Kangjie also explained that the price was not expensive.

This little episode actually brought a great marriage to Armani. Two years later, Chen Kangjie became famous all over the world. Many world-class brands have sought him out as their spokesperson, including Versace, Armani, etc. For high-end brands, in the end, because Armani had ordered clothing for Chen Kangjie in 92, he successfully defeated his competitors and persuaded Chen Kangjie to be Armani's global brand spokesperson.

Chen Kangjie and the others each chose three sets of clothes, a set of casual cool blouse, a set of sportswear, and a set of casual suits. Ms. He Wanrong and Tam Meiyun also gave up typical women's clothing such as skirts and chose the same neutral style. type.

After choosing the style of clothes, Martin called the waiter to measure the body shape of Chen Kangjie and his group, and also took pictures.Chen Kangjie asked why the photo was taken, and Martin explained that in addition to knowing the client's body shape, the designer would also make improvements in details according to the client's appearance and temperament.

Armani just kept this photo of Chen Kangjie, and it was possible to know that the world-renowned superstar was already a client two years later. Mr. Armani, the president of Armani, took this photo to find him. Chen Kangjie successfully won the global endorsement qualification.

"I said to go shopping just now, but I was delayed in the hotel for so long." Coming out of the hotel mall, He Wanrong complained.

"Don't complain, we're going to stay here for so many days, aren't you afraid that you won't have the chance to go shopping?" Tan Meiyun said intimately, holding her arm.

"I'm hungry, let's eat, I won't go shopping today, let's go tomorrow morning," Chen Kangjie said cutely, touching his stomach.

Chen Kangjie's appetite is getting bigger and bigger. He was originally developing and growing his body, and practicing martial arts consumes a lot of energy. It is impossible to eat less.

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