rebirth of change

Chapter 396 Recognized

Chapter 390 Six Is Recognized

He Wanrong is still a young girl who has never experienced these things, so she is the most sensitive. Tan Meiyun is married, and her married life with Ouyang Zhenhua is quite comfortable, so although she is shy, her reaction is not as strong as He Wanrong.

Not to mention Chen Kangjie, this guy is a fledgling kid on the surface, but in fact he is full of dirty minds, otherwise he would not agree to such a way of revenge.Before rebirth, what had he not experienced?Both actual combat experience and av learning experience are very rich.Now I can only see him dragging his chin, watching with great enthusiasm, this is actually the first time to see a live performance.When he was in Sapporo, he entertained his subordinates, but they were too embarrassed to peek.

"Little pervert, still watching? Let's go." Seeing that her words did not bring about Chen Kangjie's reaction, He Wanrong knocked Chen Kangjie on the head.

"Ah? Let's go now?" Chen Kangjie obviously didn't join in the fun yet.

"Then what are you thinking? The police will come in a while, so why don't you go to the police station to see?" He Wanrong crossed her hands with dissatisfaction on her face.

It was He Wanrong's reminder that Chen Kangjie realized that it was time to leave. Once he was caught doing something like this during the Olympic Games, it would be really troublesome to explain.

"Okay, let's go, let's go, let's go", Chen Kangjie stood up, but after all, he still didn't forget to look back at the exciting scene.

"Master Jie, where did you get the 'medicine'?" On the way back, Ouyang Zhenhua asked mysteriously beside Chen Kangjie.

"Why, you want to use it too?" Chen Kangjie gave him a bad look, and then said.

"Cut, what do I want him for? I'm just interested to ask." Ouyang Zhenhua bounced away as if his tail was being stepped on.

"What are you talking about?" Ouyang Zhenhua's excited reaction startled Tan Meiyun who was walking with He Wanrong on her arm.

"Sister Meiyun, it's nothing. Brother Ouyang wants some of that 'medicine' and plans to try it." Chen Kangjie joked about selling Ouyang Zhenhua.

"You are going to die, you, see if I go back and not deal with you", Tan Meiyun immediately twitched Ouyang Zhenhua's shoulder.

"Honey, I've been wronged, I just asked casually." Ouyang Zhenhua had a bitter face in his clothes.

"A casual question? Why are you asking that thing for no reason?" Tan Meiyun immediately asked sharply.

"This...this...isn't this just a random question!", Ouyang Zhenhua really didn't know how to make an excuse. In fact, he really just came out of a momentary interest and really had no other ideas.

"How about it? Don't tell yourself?" Chen Kangjie fanned the ghostly wind and said, with a smirk on his face.

"Master Jie, I said you can be merciful, I... what's wrong with me?" Ouyang Zhenhua was really dumbfounded by Chen Kangjie.

"Master Jie? Are you the young master?" Ouyang Zhenhua called Chen Kangjie out of desperation, which aroused interest in He Wanrong who had never participated in their jokes.

"I'm the young master at home, am I not qualified?" Chen Kangjie was going to stand up to excuse Ouyang Zhenhua at this time, or if he stood up by himself, Ouyang Zhenhua couldn't explain it even more at this time.

"Are you a young master?" He Wanrong tilted her head, feeling as if she was thinking about something, "It's true, you are the youngest, you are talented, everyone dotes on you, you really look like a young master."

Ouyang Zhenhua and Tan Meiyun said in their hearts that they are not only talented, but also wealthy!

He Wanrong never knew that the money earned was actually Chen Kangjie's own. He thought it belonged to Ouyang Zhenhua's company. As for whether the company was owned by Ouyang Zhenhua himself or had other shares, He Wanrong didn't care. He usually seldom cares about these business matters.

"I think it's appropriate and normal to be called Jie Shao. Look at us in Hong Kong, if you have a little bit of money or fame, who isn't one or the other?" Tan Meiyun casually interjected.

Chen Kangjie and his group walked into the hotel lobby after chatting. Coincidentally, they met the three black men. They looked at each other without saying a word, but the black man who went to buy orange juice recognized it at a glance. Samidov, who was following Chen Kangjie and the others, of course, also recognized Samidov.

When the black man turned around to enter the elevator room, he whispered something in the ear of the young man in the middle. The young man just nodded, paused, and then continued to walk into the elevator room.

Chen Kangjie and the others took another elevator. In the elevator, Samidov gently pulled Chen Kangjie's clothes. Chen Kangjie immediately understood what it meant, so after getting out of the elevator, the others went back to their rooms. Chen Kangjie turned halfway to the room of Samidov and Alyosha.

"Jie Shao, I've been recognized." As soon as Chen Kangjie entered, Samidov made a key report directly.

"Recognized? By whom? The owner of the coffee shop or someone else?".

"The other person is one of the three black people we met in the lobby just now. When I went to the owner of the coffee shop, he seemed to have something to do with the owner, but he bought a glass of orange juice and left." Samidov briefly described the process at that time.

"That's it, it should be fine. At that time, I saw that the black young man must have understood those insulting remarks. He should be the same as us, and there will be no problem in recognizing it." Chen Kangjie thought for a while, and did Out of judgment.

Wasn't Samidov worried about the impact on him? This is not a serious crime. Besides, it is very easy for him to escape. The reason why he wanted to tell Chen Kangjie was because he was worried about the impact on Chen Kangjie, so he told the truth. He, the boss himself makes the decision.

Samidov and the others had not been with Chen Kangjie for a short time. They basically understood Chen Kangjie's temper, and they had to take practical actions to cherish this good job opportunity.

"Then do we need to move our residence?" Alyosha asked.

"It is reasonable to say that it is not necessary, but we will see the situation tomorrow. Anyway, this is only the first day of the Olympic Games. If something like this happens, the police may not be able to track it down. And I listened to their conversation. Among them There is a man whose father is the deputy police chief of Barcelona." Chen Kangjie sat on the sofa in front of the window, supported his head with his right hand, and tapped his knee with his left hand.

The Southern Europe Investment Company under Ouyang Zhenhua has a branch in Spain, and if there is a branch, there will be an office and a place to stay. As the big boss, Chen Kangjie, if he wants to call them a residence, there is no problem at all. Their salary In any case, it was sent to them by Chen Kangjie.Perhaps for some people, this is still a good thing that they can't wait for.

"Okay then, let's see the situation tomorrow," Samidov sat down beside Chen Kangjie and echoed.

"Are you familiar with Africa?" Chen Kangjie's thinking jumped.

"Africa? I haven't performed many missions there. I have been to North Africa." Samidov didn't know why Chen Kangjie asked, but he told the truth.

What Samidov said reflects a practical problem. The former Soviet Union’s power spread included North Africa and the Middle East, while in Central Africa and Southern Africa, the penetration of the Soviet Union was far less than that of the United States and European countries, especially Western European countries. Those areas were basically their colonies. Even though many countries have become independent one after another, the influence of Western countries in those areas should not be underestimated.

"Oh", Chen Kangjie casually replied, admiring the bright night view of Barcelona through the bright floor-to-ceiling windows.

On the surface, Chen Kangjie was attracted by the night view outside the window, but in fact his mind had already flown to the vast African continent across the Mediterranean Sea.

Before he was reborn, he taught de facto politics in his freshman year of high school, and one of his assignments, Chen Kangjie wrote, was to suggest that the country go all out to advance to the African continent.Because whether it is considered from an economic or strategic point of view, the regions that can be seriously infiltrated are basically occupied by Europe and the United States. Only Africa, which has frequent wars, weak people but rich resources, has not attracted them enough. We The country can just take advantage of this gap to step in.

For example, in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Central and South America, etc., it is basically the competition field between Europe, the United States and the Soviet Union. It is difficult for China to expand its influence. powerful and influential.Only Africa still has loopholes to take advantage of at this time. Once they react, the competition they face will be very fierce.

In the 70s and [-]s, we, who were not wealthy, tightened our belts and had to give them great assistance. Manpower, material resources, and financial resources all paid a considerable price. A typical example is the railway from Tanzania to Zambia, so the relationship between China and Africa is With a profound traditional friendship, China can enter and restore the status of a permanent member of the Security Council. Just like the founding prime minister said, it was these poor African brothers who carried us in. So with this foundation, we can expand our strength naturally. Go in, plan in advance, open up sales markets and seek resource channels for the rapid economic development.

At that time, Chen Kangjie was just a mediocre middle school student, and an article was only praised by the teacher when he was commenting in class, and it had no effect on reality.

Fortunately, the Chinese leaders have a strategic vision. Although the final actual operation is not exactly as Chen Kangjie suggested, or the effect is not as deep as Chen Kangjie expected, but it has to be said that the Chinese side has seized a certain opportunity. Cooperation between China and Africa has always been at the forefront of other countries.China's help and support has never been accompanied by any additional conditions. Many Chinese mining companies, oil companies, and telecommunications equipment companies have planned Africa in the 90s, and eventually made China a major economic, political, and diplomatic powerhouse in Africa. A light and heavy force.

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